Chapter 8

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Mark just so happened to need something from Jinyoung and Yugyeom's room. If it weren't for that he wouldn't have known that Jackson came back earlier than expected.

Or in tears for that matter.

He'd barely seen the younger as he went to the bathroom right as he walked in, but Jackson being anything but himself was easily noticeable. Jackson; hunched in and eyes full of tears was visible from the moon.

"When did Jackson get back?" Mark looked to Jinyoung, who seemed just as upset as the rapper.

"A couple hours ago. He pounded at my door crying."

"Any particular reason why?"

Jinyoung shook his head, "No. And even after he calmed down, he wouldn't say anything."

"Okay. I'll try talking to him."

At that, Jinyoung tugged at the edges of his navy sleeves. " know you don't have to."

"What do you mean?" Mark looked at the singer quizzically.

"I mean whenever there's a 'Jackson crisis' going on. You know you don't have to help him on your own. The rest of us are here if he needs it."

"Oh. Sorry if I-"

"No no no, it's not that what you're doing is wrong; I know you two are close. It's just," Jinyoung took in a shaky breath, "He passed out from over exerting himself. Then he gets kidnapped, won't really talk about what happened, and then all of a sudden he's sobbing like someone killed his family. I'm just worried."

Mark walked further into the vestibule; away from the door, and steadily grabbed one of Jinyoung's hands, "I get why you'd be concerned. If anything, Jaebum would burst a blood vessel if he knew,"

"You're lucky he doesn't know yet."

"But he is venting and telling someone about whatever he's dealing with."

"I know that hyung. I'm worried about you as well. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or anything." Jinyoung squeezed Mark's hand.

"I'm good Jinyoungie. But if I'm in need of help, with anything, you'll be the first to know."

"I better be." Jinyoung waved a finger in Mark's face. "What good am I if I don't know all your secrets to blackmail you with."

Mark grinned knowing full well that Jinyoung's words held no heat to them.

"I'll go see what the kids are doing. It's too quiet, and lord knows what they could be up to."

"Spilling all of JYP's secrets by accident."

"You mean spilling all of JYP's secrets by being morons." Jinyoung scoffed and swiped his phone off the bed. "But seriously. I hope he'll be okay. Same for you."

"We'll be alright." Jinyoung still looked wary, but still smiled before slipping out the door.

Mark waited until he heard the door of another room open and shut before shuffling into the bathroom. Jackson sat curled up next to the bathtub; eyes dry but red from crying. The younger was staring hard at the wall cream tiled wall in front of him. Mark shut the door behind him and slid down next to Jackson.

"I don't think I can do it." Jackson said a few minutes later.

"Do what?"

"Handling this...whatever magic I have."

"Sounds a lot different than how you were feeling this morning." Mark remembered the full on gleam Jackson had when he had turned invisible and scared Youngjae half to death by throwing random objects in the air.

"What happened?"

"I forgot that nothing will ever change." Jackson clenched his jaw, "I forgot that just because I might not make things explode or that I can move a few things with my mind, it doesn't mean that what I've done or what I'm supposed to do changes."

"And why is that?"

"Cause as long as I can fucking burn people alive or tear them to shreds I'll always hurt someone." Jackson's voice broke into a whimper at the end.

Mark moved closer to Jackson and rested his head on the younger's shoulder. "That happened years ago, gaga. It... as far as I know, you haven't gone crazy and harm people."

"But I still can. And if I keep pushing myself to try and control something that I can't I-I can't do it. I won't go down this road. Maybe my visions were trying lead me into doing good but I'm not gonna do it at the cost of killing someone again."

Mark nodded but at the same time was upset that Jackson was giving up. It was the first time the LA native had seen Jackson so happy when it came to his powers. It gave him stress wrinkles when he disappeared through doors or when he had to find an explanation as to where the younger went that wasn't the Avengers Compound. But it was exciting to see Jackson come back and go on about his mischief adventures with Spiderman ("Oh my GOD Mark. The kid is 16, he's adorable and I wanna wrap him in bubble wrap!").

"So you're throwing in the towel on this one?"

"Yeah." Jackson said.

"Well you should probably tell Tony. And that wizard guy. And SHIELD too."

"I did have a training session with Daisy. Scratch that, I do right about now."

"Well," Mark pushed himself up from his spot on the floor, "You should probably go tell her that you're not coming around anymore. Last thing you want is forty missed calls from 'Flower Girl'. Which is not only a weak cover for you're contacts but also ridiculous."

"Daisy. Flower. Plus it's easier to remember than 'girl who doesn't like me'."

"She doesn't?"

"She won't give me the time of day, and I'm pretty sure she'd rather be tortured than be in my presence." Jackson wasn't dumb, he's noticed the lack of 'excitement' whenever he's around the agent.


"Yeah." Jackson got up and stretched before heading towards the door.

"You sure you wanna end all this?"

No. Jackson thought. If he did, then there would be not point to see the SHIELD team again. Even if Daisy didn't like him. He wouldn't have an excuse to see Yan or Doctor Strange. His connection with Tony would even be strained. But Jackson knew that his dragon side would always be the reason he kills. And no one wants to be a friends with a murderer.

"I'm sure." Jackson turned and gave Mark some form of a grin. "I'll text you if I'm there longer than 30 minutes."

Mark watched as Jackson left, and was starting to consider Jinyoung's offer.

All the way out at SHIELD's main HQ, Daisy stood inside the training room; arms crossed and brows furrowed. She could've been tracking down another Watchdog cell with Fitzsimmons, but instead she's having to do another training session with Jackson.

Who was an hour late.

The Inhuman agent bristled when she eyed the time on the wall. God forbid anything happened while she stood there doing nothing. Daisy was about to throw a few hits at one of the punching bags when Jackson finally walked in.

"You're late." Daisy said curtly.

"I know." Jackson mumbled.

Daisy bit the inside of her cheek, "Whatever let's know what? No."


"Yes, no. Do you know how many cities are targets for the Watchdogs? How many bases set up?"

"2,000 cities are susceptible to an attack; 347 of them with a population over 200,000. There are at least 400 Watchdog cells that is known by SHIELD; many of them are within a 2 mile radius of a mass populous. I read Fitz's report."

"Exactly. Which means at any given moment they can strike. Any moment wasted is an opportunity for them to wipe out a good 30 people in about ten minutes." Daisy's blood boiled at the surveillance footage from yesterday when it happened. "So tell me why you think coming late is okay?"

"It wasn't my intention to waste you're time nor call you. I'm aware of how dangerous they can be."

"Well clearly not aware enough that you'd skip out. What happen? You had to squeeze in a fan meet up?"

Jackson's face quickly morphed from exhaustion and guilt, to anger, "What I do for a living doesn't affect what I'm trying to do here."

"And what exactly are you doing here?" The agent pressed, "Because the way I see it, you're either here to play superhero or to be spy to Stark just to point out 'flaws' in SHIELD; or both."

"If Tony wanted someone to peer into SHIELD he'd get Natasha to do it. And trust me, I'd rather be anything but a superhero right about now."

"Right, you'd rather just prance around on stage all day,"

"Don't try to make it seem like my job is below yours." Jackson snapped.

"Like it's not?"

"At least I didn't abandon mine or my friends just because things got difficult."

Daisy's powers reacted before she did; the anger and pain from his remark slowly building up. Jackson, luckily enough, didn't go through a wall via seismic waves but was close to it. Daisy was ready to tear into the idol; who looked like he wanted to do the same, but was saved by one Melinda May walking into the training room.

"Got a Watchdog cell in Jakarta that's planning to take in more weapons. Need to intercept it now if we're gonna keep on their trail. Wheels up in 20."

Daisy breathed in heavily, "Any intel on their size?"

Melinda eyed Daisy and then Jackson before responding, "More so than their average attack group. And a lot more weapons than I'd like to bring a pseudo trainee on."

"I'm fine with staying back agent May." Jackson winced while getting up off the floor.

"I'd prefer you'd stick around a bit. Seems like some practice would do you good."

"Let's hope." Daisy muttered before storming out of the training room.

While Jackson didn't want to be anywhere near SHIELD at the moment, May's advice to work on his skills ended up helping the rapper work out his anger (he's almost sure she knew something was off) and distract him from practically everything that was weighing down on him.

I shouldn't have come here. Ran through Jackson's mind as he took a few swings at the punching bag.

I shouldn't have tried to talk to him. Punch.

Shouldn't have done anything about the vision with Daisy. Punch.

Shouldn't have used her memories against her. 2 punches.

Should've left Stark alone. Jackson stopped.

Because that's where it started. Where things started changing for him. He could've continued living his life with minimal issues if he had left the Avenger alone.

And yet Jackson didn't know what he'd do without Tony. He's only known him for a short time, but being around him, Peter, even Natasha (who he rarely sees on ocasion but marvels at the sight of her) made him feel less like a danger to humanity. Tony, who listened to him ramble on about the whole 'hyung' system for 2 hours, who ordered takeout for him halfway across the world just because the rapper mentioned that he didn't eat, and constantly had his doors open whenever he needed help, was the reason he was coping with what he was. A small part of him even considered being okay with whatever evil force he's supposed to take down. But the reminder of what he had to give up to be where he is now, and how woefully unprepared he was for any of this was enough reason for Jackson to stop while he was ahead.

"Pretty sure you're gonna poke a hole in that." Jackson whipped around and saw Fitz pointing his pen at him.


"Just an observation. Trying to keep track for inventory. Although if you do break that, I'm pretty sure that'll have to go into our budget and god forbid someone in finance chews us out for it." Fitz tapped a few things out on the tablet he was holding.

"Wouldn't want that." Jackson took a step back from the bag, and grabbed his phone that sat on the stack of mats. He'd texted Mark as promised if he'd stayed out longer than usual.

"You still working out even though May and Daisy are out?"

"Yeah. Agent May thought it'd be a good idea."

"Taking this training seriously."

Jackson shrugged, "It'd be ridiculous not to. I know I'm a nuisance to you guys. Not listening would make it worse."

"You've actually been quite helpful if nothing else. And whoever said you are a nuisance is...well probably Daisy actually. But I know she has her reasons."

"If she does, I'd be happy to hear them."

"We've been through a lot together; her and the rest of us. It's hard to just trust people at first hand. Especially when they don't have a clear motive." Fitz explained.

"I'll try to make my intentions clear then." Jackson tried to joke but it came off a bit bitter. And Fitz wasn't entirely wrong; Jackson didn't tell anyone exactly what he could do. But half the time he himself was trying to understand the extent of his powers.

"Well-" I shrieking beep from Fitz's tablet pierced through the training room. Fitz peered at the screen; his face full of concern.

"What's wrong?"

"We just lost contact with the team. Mostly likely an EMP that they've set up." Fitz cursed knowing full well the last time the Watchdog pulled a stunt like this.

"But they're not in total danger right?"

"They're right in the middle of Watchdog territory with weaponry that we don't know about, but that's an average Tuesday. We can send in backup but what worries me is that the last thing that was mentioned before the blackout was that Daisy was separated from the group, and was surrounded by Watchdogs."

She's laying on the ground. There's a gun aimed at her.

There's a Watchdog mask behind her.

Jackson's stomach dropped, "Shit."

Of all missions, of all times. This was the one that could possibly kill her.

"Shit. Shit ." Jackson gripped at the root of his hair and tried to control his breathing.

Daisy was in danger; the whole team possibly in danger. They could send in backup, but the odds of them making it to her in time were low. If this was his vision coming true, then there was only a matter of time before the scene question took place. He needed to do something. He needed to-

"Where exactly in Jakarta are they?"

"Uh, Tipar, North Jakarta. It's mainly by the docks and close to civilian and-hey where are you going?" Fitz asked as he saw Jackson rushing out the training room.

"To Tipar!" Jackson yelled as he sprinted down the hallway.

"You're not allowed on field missions without permission and the hangars that way!" Fitz called out.

Jackson wasn't looking to catch a flight. It'd take 4 hours at best. He was looking for the closest locker room that held a SHIELD jacket and a communicator. Daisy didn't like him; the feeling was starting to become mutual, and Jackson hadn't the slightest idea of what he was going to do. But despite him hating every part of this, he'd hate himself even more if she died.

Mark's gonna murder me if I get injured. Jackson thought absentmindedly before tightening the jacket and went through the first door he could get his hands on.

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