XL - Wish For Death

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"If I'd have known that talking to Brooklyn would change your mind then I would have suggested you do that as soon as you started to disagree with me."

Indianna scowled at Greyson who smirked at her as she approached him. "Shut up."

Greyson reached out and took Indianna's hand, pulling her towards him. "Thank you," he murmured.

"I'm still annoyed," Indianna grumbled and looked down at her feet, glaring.

"Hey." Greyson took Indianna's chin and tilted her head up. "Please don't be. You're keeping yourself and our children safe. That's the most important thing. Don't scowl at me, sugar."

"You're important."

Greyson smiled and kissed Indianna's forehead affectionately. "God, I love you, woman."

Karl suddenly yelled from across the room. "They're here! Fucking hell, you took your time, lads! It's not like we're waiting for a psychopath to come and kill us or anything!"

"You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Harry groaned, but made his way over to where Kal was now standing, over the hole in the ground that led to the tunnel. Familiar brown hair popped up from the floor and Ace emerged, helping up Tai whose face was blank, blood stained her clothes.

"Wait here," Ace murmured to her and reached down into the hole, helping Gareth - one of Rogue's men they had managed to free - to lift up two unconscious men.

"I better go get everything ready to free them from Rogue's control," Greyson sighed. He looked at Indianna, his face serious. "Go and pack a bag, sugar."

Indianna gritted her teeth, so desperately wanting to say no. "Okay," she whispered.

"Thank you for your help, Gus," Ace was saying. "You better catch up with Oscar, Kirstie and Mac."

"Hopefully I'll be seeing you shortly with more men," Gareth said and disappeared back into the tunnel.

"You're going to have to show yourself sooner or later," Ace said into the tunnel. "Come on, we have work to do."

Raiden emerged from the tunnel next, followed by Brandon. Brooklyn, who was across the room, sat up straight, watching Brandon cautiously. Harry immediately tensed, eyes narrowed. His nose flared and anger clouded his mind.

"Harry!" Indianna called, her voice loud across the now silent room. Surprisingly, Harry turned his head ever so slightly, listening to her. "Go and help Greyson."


"Now, Harry!" Indianna ordered, raising her eyebrows challengingly at him.

Harry glowered at her but obeyed and swiftly left the room. Brandon sent Indianna a grateful look. "Brandon, you aren't to leave the side of those two men. If they start to gain consciousness then you tell Ace or Kal immediately. Tai, come with me." Tai was staring at the ground. Ace took her hand and she jumped, looking at him with wide eyes.

"What?" She muttered but Indianna noticed how she tightened her grip on Ace's hand.

"Indie is talking to you."

Tai blinked and looked across at Indianna.

"I assume you'd like to get cleaned up?" Indianna said softly. "Come with me."

"Go," Ace insisted, prying his fingers from Tai's grip. He gently nudged her in Indianna's direction.

Indianna could hear Tai following her as she left the basement. "We can't say too much. Rogue's men are surrounding us. They can hear everything when we're upstairs."

Tai didn't say a word and followed Indianna silently as they made their way upstairs. Indianna led Tai to her bedroom. It no longer felt like her room, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept in here. "The bathroom is just through that door. Clean towels are in the cupboards. Help yourself to any clothes in the wardrobe. I think we're a similar size. Take your time. I'll be in Greyson's room down the hall."

When Tai didn't say anything Indianna took a step back, leaving her alone.

"Wait." Tai's voice was quiet and she turned to Indianna, but her eyes were on her blood-stained hands. "I wish I could take it back. I can't control myself. I'm a monster-"

"Please don't call yourself that," Indianna said.

"It's true. I can't be trusted-"

"Would a monster feel remorse?" Indianna asked, cutting Tai off. "Do you think Rogue feels remorse over his actions?"

"That is different-"

"You are not a monster, Tai," Indianna insisted. "You didn't do what you did on purpose. As you said, you lost control. What happened has happened, it can't be taken back. The only thing we can do now is focus on the present. Tai, will you help us now?"

It was a few moments before Tai acknowledged that Indianna had spoken. She pursed her lips and gave one sharp nod. "I need to wash this blood off of me," she said and turned on her heel and disappeared into Indianna's room.

Indianna made her way to Greyson's room next. The scent of him surrounded her when she entered and she closed her eyes, caressing her bump. She didn't want to go without him. Indianna swallowed the lump in her throat and changed out of the clothes she had been wearing for dinner. Once she was in sweatpants that covered her bump and one of Greyson's t-shirts, she hunted through his wardrobe to find a bag and placed it on his bed, looking around the room as a feeling of anxiety filled her.

She didn't know what to take. How many days would she be gone? Would she be coming back?

Indianna covered her mouth, the thought of not returning made her nauseous.

She sighed and shook her head, forcing herself to not think about that. Instead, she walked over to Greyson's wardrobe and pulled out a fistful of his t-shirts, stuffing them into the bag. She added underwear, leggings and a pair of trainers. She then wandered into the bathroom to collect some basic toiletries. Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror made her sigh, she looked drained. There were dark bags under her eyes, a paleness to her ivory skin and her hair was in a constant state of frizziness.

Once she was packed she grabbed Greyson's jumper that was thrown on his bed and pulled it on, taking a deep breath as his scent captivated her senses. She hoped it wouldn't fade too quickly once she had left. She couldn't remember how long his scent had taken to disappear before. Indianna shook her head, forcing herself to push away the negative thoughts. She had to have faith in Greyson. She had to believe that he could defeat Rogue.

She made her way back to her bedroom, bag thrown over her shoulder. Tai was showered and dressed, tying her shoelaces when Indianna knocked and opened the door. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Tai tied her damp her up and shrugged her shoulders. "I've just got to get used to being responsible for the death of yet another person."

Indianna sighed but didn't try to say anything to comfort Tai. She was learning that Tai wasn't the sort of girl that needed comforting or coddling, not when she was being stubborn with her thoughts. Indianna had to let Tai deal with this in her own way. "Shall we go back down?"

The thought of Ace made Tai instinctively reach up to touch her mark, it was sensitive under her fingertips.

Indianna gasped, spotting the distinctive mark on Tai's collarbone. "Ace... Did he mark you? I assumed he'd want to wait-"

"It was the only way to calm me down," Tai sighed. "I don't get why it's so important to you guys. It's actually rather barbaric. The person you're meant to be soulmates with has to bite you? God, werewolves are fucked. This whole situation is fucked."

Indianna couldn't help but smile in amusement. She didn't argue with Tai. "You can say that again. Come on, let's go back."

"What's the bag for?" Tai asked as the two girls made their way downstairs.

Indianna raised her finger to her lips and shook her head. "Not here," she mouthed. They reached the basement door in silence but as soon as Indianna opened it they were met with loud screams.

"Inside!" Indianna ordered and hurried Tai into the basement and slammed the door behind them. Harry and Kal were holding down one of Rogue's men while Greyson was holding an iron rod to his skin, burning the brand of the pack into his skin.

Indianna couldn't help but cringe at the sound of Rogue's men yelling in pain. She knew what it felt like to have the hot iron scald your skin multiple times. She didn't know how Greyson stood there with a blank face since he had gone through the same torturous procedure more times than anyone in the pack put together.

"Ace, take him to the side and deal with him," Greyson ordered, grabbing the man who was now silent, eyes scanning the room in confusion. He pushed him towards Ace and moved on to the next man who was still unconscious on the floor, still being watched by Brandon. "Brandon, be useful for once in your life and move him over here."

Brandon narrowed his eyes at Greyson, but listened and pulled the man across the floor to Greyson.

"Hold him down."

Harry gripped the man's shoulders and Kal held down his legs. Once his hip was exposed Greyson wasted no time planting the branding iron firmly against his skin. Immediately, the man awoke, yelling profanities and fighting against Harry and Kal. It wasn't long before Greyson removed the rod and the man relaxed, a dazed expression taking over his features as he was freed from Rogue's compulsion.

Greyson sighed and looked over his shoulder at Indianna and Tai. "There's medical supplies in the corner," he said to Tai. "Go and help Ace. Try not to kill anyone in the process."

"Greyson," Indianna said warningly. He shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"That may be hard when it comes to you," Tai snapped, but she walked over to Ace who was now talking to both of the men, explaining the current circumstances.

Indianna spotted Brooklyn and Kimberly sitting beside each other. Neither were talking. Brooklyn was staring blankly off into the distance and Kimberly was watching the two men who had just been freed from Rogue's control, she made a face at the sight of their new brands. Indianna made her way over to the two girls, sitting down in between them. She dropped her bag at her feet.

"You okay?" Kimberly asked. "I see you packed a bag."

"Don't remind me," Indianna sighed.

"You know it's the right choice."

"But it feels so wrong to leave him."

"Your children are more important than Greyson."

"They're equally important to me."

Kimberly rolled her eyes. "When do we go?"

"I have no idea," Indianna said. "We need to figure out a safe route out of town and Brooke will need to get in touch with Harry's parents to get their location and to make sure they're okay with us staying with them."

"They will be." Brooklyn turned to Indianna and Kimberly. Her eyes looked empty, her face blank. Indianna missed her bubbly personality immensely. This wasn't Brooklyn. Rogue had broken her down to a shell of herself. "They'd do anything for Harry and by default for me. I'll call them later today."

Indianna reached for Brooklyn's hand but she flinched and pulled away. "I- I'm..." Brooklyn's eyes filled with tears and her eyes went wide. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- I just-"

"No, no, Brooke, I'm sorry," Indianna whispered. "I shouldn't have done that."

"No, I know you're safe," Brooklyn whimpered. "I know you. I trust you. I... I shouldn't be bothered by you. I... Damn it, I hate this. I freaking hate myself. I hate him! I despise him! I hate what he's done to me. I just-" Brooklyn stopped talking suddenly, looking across the room at Harry who was now approaching them. They both had a slightly distant look in their eyes that Indianna had seen many times when they spoke through mind link.

Harry ignored Indianna and Kimberly when he reached them and he reached for Brooklyn, taking her hands gently and pulling her up from the floor. He pulled her close and Indianna saw Brooklyn visibly relax in his hold. "I've got you, babe" he murmured and kissed her forehead.

Indianna felt tears of her own forming as she watched Brooklyn. She covered her face with her hands and sighed, leaning to the side and resting her head on Kimberly's shoulder. "We have to stop him," Indianna murmured. "We can't let him get away with what he has done."

Kimberly, who was also watching Brooklyn, nodded. "Everyone here has a reason to kill Rogue, but Brooke definitely trumps most of us."

"Harry will make him suffer," Indianna said quietly and caught Harry's eye when she spoke. Indianna knew that whatever happened, whether they defeated Rogue or not, Harry would make him pay. 



Indianna was screaming. She was crippled with fear, exhaustion and desperation. She didn't know what day it was or how long it had been. She had lost track of time and was starting to become delirious. Pain consumed her body, darkness was clouding her vision and she couldn't even hear Greyson's voice in her head over her screams.

This was worse than death. She would give her life ten times over if it would mean this nightmare could be over. She thought she had imagined the worst case scenario. She had never imagined this. She had never felt terror like this.

Tai's body was on the floor right beside Indianna, blood forming in a puddle beside her head. Kal, who had managed to climb out from beneath the rubble was scrambling to his feet, hurrying to follow Rogue who had fled the room. It had taken Rogue less than ten seconds to ruin Indianna and Greyson's life forever, a fate worse than death.

Greyson was on his knees beside Indianna, unable to follow Kal and kill Rogue for what he had done. Indianna was crying, her head flying frantically from side to side. She was looking at Greyson and then to where Rogue had disappeared. She wanted to get up. She wanted to help Greyson, she wanted to help Kal catch Rogue, but she yelled, her voice cracking, and reached out beside her, gripping a fistful of bedsheets as she felt the urge to push.

She had never wanted to die before, but she didn't know how they were going to fix this. She had never felt so helpless and broken. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, pushing as she felt a contraction form, and she prayed and wished...for death. 

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