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(15 years ago)

"You're doing great honey. Just keep pushing she's almost out."

Alexandria Angeli's screams could be heard in the hallway of the maternity ward. 14 year old Alessio Angeli was left in the waiting room with his younger brothers. He didn't know about the condition of his mother. All he could hear were her screams of pain.

Inside the room everyone was frantic. Alexandria was having her 7th child and Domenico Angeli was on the verge of passing out.

Suddenly a baby's cry could be heard throughout the room.

A nurse came over to Alexandria with a beautiful baby girl in her hands and placed her on her chest. Narcisa, Alexandria's sister, was aweing at the baby and Domenico left the room to get the boys so they could meet their new baby sister.

All 6 of the brothers were happy to meet their little sister.

"What's her name?" 9 year old Vincenzo asked.

"Marlowe. Marlowe Bianca Angeli." Alexandria answered weakly, making her husband concerned.

Before he could say anything, Alexandria went limp, Marlowe still in her hands.

The heart monitor that held a steady beat starting beeping faster.

Nurses and doctors starting pushing their way through the Angeli brothers to get to Alexandria. A younger nurse picked up Marlowe from off of Alexandria's chest and gave her to Narcisa, who backed up towards the other end of the room to give the doctors more space.

One of the doctors looked at an older nurse. "Get them out of here." He ordered.

She nodded and turned back around to the crying family. She gestured for them to leave. Alessio herded his brothers out the door, not wanting his younger brothers to see anymore. Domenico started yelling at anyone who would listen.

"No! I'm not leaving! Someone tell me what's wrong with her." He looked at the nurse who was trying to make him leave the room. "Please. Is she going to die?"

The nurse looked back at the doctor who had looked up at the commotion. He met the nurse's eyes and slightly shook his head.

"Sir, I just need you to know that this is very serious. Go into the hallway and be with your sons and daughter."

Domenico had his eyes locked on his wife who was laying still on the bed with doctors shouting orders. He allowed himself to be pushed out of the room and the nurse went back to tending to his wife. He looked at his sons who all had tears in their eyes.

"Dad, look!" Lorenzo pointed to a nurse that rushed into Alexandria's room with a cart that had a large machine on it and slammed the door.

Domenico looked through the small rectangular window on the door and saw that the erratic heart beat on the heart monitor was gone. On the screen was a flat line and the unsteady beeping was replaced with a high pitched steady tone.

After trying to get her back, the doctors and nurses gave up.

"Time of death. 2:46 a.m."

Little did Domenico know, Alessio had joined him looking through the window. The door was opened and the doctors and nurses filed out, giving the newly grieving family a pitiful look.

Domenico turned around to the rest of his children. Antonio and Dino didn't know what just happened. Lorenzo was confused and terrified by all of the craziness. Vincenzo was sobbing with Orlando. Alessio was standing beside Domenico with an emotionless stare on his face. Marlowe was-


Through all the panic and chaos, Narcisa disappeared. With Marlowe in her arms.

Domenico saw red. He ran to the nurses' station and demanded that they put the hospital on lockdown. The nurse immediately put a code pink over the PA system and called security.

Domenico ordered Alessio to look after his brothers while he searched the hospital.

But it was no use.

Just as soon as Marlowe entered the Angeli's lives, she was taken out of it.

Domenico never stopped looking. He became allies with the French Mafia and used both the Italian and French resources to try and find his missing daughter.

He searched and searched and searched. And every time they would get a lead, it would be taken away. It was as if Marlowe Angeli and Narcisa Ricci had fallen off the edge of the planet.

After 10 long years of searching, he gave up. He demanded that Alessio take custody of his younger brothers, take charge of the Italian mafia and abandon the idea of ever finding his sister. He left America, moved to Italy and cut off all communication with his sons and the rest of his family.

His sons grew to despise the man that raised them. In spite of his father's orders, Alessio continued the search for his youngest sibling. Eventually, he too, lost hope.

It became certain that the youngest Angeli would never return home.

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