Chapter 58: Let's Do It

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May ALLAH (SWT) justify your efforts, purify your faith, beautify your character, satisfy your needs and make things easy for you and your family. Ameen
Juma'at Mubarak.


“Any signs of forced entry?” he shook his head no at Zayn who’d arrived mere thirty minutes after he called him. “And you were in the house throughout?”

“Yes,” he stopped for a minute before shaking his head again, “I stepped out to go to the mosque, but it wouldn’t have been enough for them to enter and leave,”

“Why do you say that?” Zayn asked taking the seat opposite him, he looked up at the police officers walking in and out the house with kits and test tools. An ambulance arrived just before Zayn and took the man who was hanging to life by a thread, he’d called alhaji Tafida and told him Naseer was in the hospital, it had taken a while to identify him, he was almost lifeless.

“They had to be careful, there are security cameras everywhere outside and it was clean, and the security, they couldn’t have broken in within that short time without the security going off,” he massaged his temples.

“They must’ve bypassed the security then, but they still need about thirty minutes to do that and they had to do it carefully, one misstep and it would’ve gone off all the same,” Zayn called one of the men who was holding a laptop, “They need to have had the latest system software to be able to do that, and didn’t JD have it encoded?”

“He did,”

“Cyril, run the database from this morning. have you gone through the security cameras?”

The man who looked to be in his late twenties adjusted his spectacles before shaking his head, “Like he said it is encoded sir and I can’t access the backdoor, he has to call the security company and have them decode it before I can get in.”

“Are you sure you can get the unedited image if they do?” Fahad asked already dialing Jawad.

“Did you just go to the mosque and come back? Are you sure you didn’t stop by somewhere?” Fahad started to shake his head but stopped, realization dawning on him.

“Tell them to pack up,” he said to Zayn who looked confused.


“Now!” he snapped pocketing his phone.

“Pack out right now! Everybody….” the sound of a gunshot stopped him, “Take cover!” Someone yelled.

“What the hell?!” Zayn managed when they were in the bulletproof car.

“Get your team out of here man, I’m calling Xavier.” He nodded no argument, he didn’t get to dialing his father’s head of security when his phone rang.

“I really like you, you know but you forced my hands,” the voce came calmly.

“What game do you think you’re playing?”

“Don’t bother with backup, they’ve left, it was just a warning,” his voice was light, “Don’t stand me up again,” the playful glint was gone and he sounded serious now, “I really hope the kid makes it” the line went dead after that.

Fahad held the phone in a tight grasp it wouldn’t be a surprise if it breaks. Like the man said, they heard the sound of an engine and the shooting ceased.

“Is it him?” he nodded wordlessly. “This is getting out hand, you should really go somewhere safe, I’ll see if we can figure out how they breached the security.”

“I’ll call Jawad and see what he can do,” he nodded and shook the man’s hands.

“Call me if there’s anything, I need to be home by tonight.”

“Safe journey.” Fahad said the same time two SUVs drove into the compound. He alighted the car he was in when the car doors opened and a worried Alhaji Tafida Aliero and Mahmud walked out.

“Are you alright son?” he asked after they exchanged basic pleasantries with Zayn who left immediately after that.

Fahad explained what happened as much as he could summarize it.

“Yes, they didn’t want to hurt anyone?” he tried to assure when alhaji Tafida asked what if he was okay and what they wanted.

“Are you sure? Shooting in broad daylight, they must have some nerve.” He fought the urge to reply with, ‘They certainly do.’

“Are you coming with?” Fahad nodded towards his car that had bullet holes in most parts of it, Mahmud nodded understandably.

“Don’t tell ammie about that,” he told Mahmud who laughed but nodded nevertheless.

He called Salis to send someone over to watch the house while they got ready to renovate it. “Shaheed is back.” He nodded but didn’t say anything after that.

They drove to the Aliero manor in silence, all three men lost in their individual thoughts, mamie was standing in the middle of the driveway when the cars parked, Fahad threw his head back with a groan.

“Ready to get coddled up?”

“I’m certainly not looking forward to it.” Mahmud laughed before opening the car, his mother came rushing to the car and pulled Fahad in a hug immediately he alighted the car. He heard Mahmud chuckling as he walked to the house.

“Mamie I’m fine,” he tried to pull her hands off him, he literally swallowed her whole frame.

“No I need to be sure,” she said but she did move back and instead stretched and touched his face, “I was so worried, subhanallah, they said they had guns,” he shook his head at who ever decided to go into details, his mother might just fly back and drag him with her.

“It was just a threat mamie, they won’t come back, I hope.” He added the last part in his head.

“Okay, come in and eat, or do you want to take a shower first?”

“I’ll rest first thank you,” he pecked her cheeks and left to Shaheed’s apartment before she suggested he take the bath in her room or something of the sort.

“Hey man.” Shaheed greeted from his couch, he was on a conference call with Jawad and Waleedah who was on her honeymoon in bora bora, they talked for a bit before she hung up noticing they wanted to talk in private.

“Heard you almost died?” Fahad glared at Jawad who was laughing.

“Be serious man,”

“Like did they have AKs or automatics?” it was Shaheed that asked, trying to hold in his laughter.

“How was I to know? They were freaking shooting at my head.” They literally burst into laughter at that.

“Zayn was with you right? You wanted to make his wife a widow just like that, the guy has literally only been married a week.”

“And I heard you didn’t attend the wedding.” Fahad directed it to Shaheed who shrugged.

“We all honestly know we’ll miss each others’ wedding,” they muttered their agreements.

“The thing is, no one’s gonna marry you.” Jawad screamed burn which made Shaheed roll his eyes.

“On a serious note man, crosscheck those security databases and have them sent to Zayn,” Jawad replied with his team are already on it.

“I’m glad you’re safe man, I’ll call you later if we have anything,”

“Alright thank you.”

“Don’t mention.” He hung up after that.

“They seriously opened fire in the middle of the day, first off what were you even doing there?”

“Living?” Fahad asked confused.

“I know that but why? You know what actually don’t answer that.” He nodded with a shrug, “Do you know who it is?” Shaheed asked after a few seconds of silence.

“HSM,” he nodded knowingly.

“This is messed up,”

“Oh I know.” They let that word hang between them.

It was after zuhr that Fahad remembered he needed to call Khadijah. He groaned and reached for his phone that surprisingly was alright, he didn’t know how but he was grateful, he didn’t want to go through the trouble. Things were just messed up, he thought as he ran his hands through his hair, he pulled at the edges noting he had to go to the barbing salon soon.

Shaheed walked in with a plate of sandwiches reminding him he hasn’t eaten since the night before.

“Here, I made you a plate.” He nodded his thanks and took the plate his cousin handed.

“How is everything going?” Shaheed asked biting into his sandwich, feeling proud that it was edible.

“Zayn is handling everything and I haven’t talked to him,” he threw his head back with a grunt, “Huda calls me every second to make sure I’m fine and ammie, so help me God,” he muttered with another grunt which earned him a loud laugh from Shaheed, “She is on her way.”

“It must be nice to be loved you know,” he glared at him but didn’t say anything after that and picked a sandwich, he prayed before taking a bite, Shaheed and cooking shouldn’t be in the same sentence.

“This is nice, what’s in it?” he asked after swallowing.

“I don’t really know, some stuff I saw in the kitchen and lettuce Deena sent over.” Fahad nodded hoping there wasn’t detergent or something of the sort inside, if he knew Shaheed well then he was sure he didn’t bother reading the labels, if the color looked right then it must be it, that was his motto.

“Ummm,” Fahad made a sound before dusting his hands and reaching for his phone that was on the coffee table. He dialed Sadiya because he didn’t know what exactly to tell Khadijah and he was sure Abdulrahman has gone to work.

“Assalamu alaikum,” her soft voice came, he had to admit her voice was a bit like her sister’s but there was something about the latter’s own that just made her, her, if that made sense.

He replied her taslim then greeted her all the while Shaheed sent him questioning looks which he successfully ignored.

“Is she okay now?” Shaheed’s ears perked at that. Sadiya said something and he nodded, after talking for a bit and promise to visit later he hung up, all the while ignoring his cousin.

“Who is she?” he asked unable to stop himself.

“Why are you so disturbed?” Fahad shot instead.

“Well firstly because the last time you were seeing a girl secretly,” he ignored the look Fahad sent him and continued, “Yes secretly, she ended up dead and you a murder suspect, I don’t think ammie would want to go through that again, so who is it?” instead of replying he picked his phone and called his PI.

“What have you found out?” he asked immediately the person on the other line picked.

“Sir I think this would be better in person,” Fahad agreed and told him to meet him later in the evening, after he goes to see Khadijah, he thought.

“Fahad,” he turned to Shaheed who wasn’t even trying to hide how exasperated he was and said person raised a brow in question. “Let’s not do this,”

“We won’t then,” he stood up and headed to the kitchen, “I’ll see you later, I have a lot of things to do,” Shaheed looked like he wanted to say something but only nodded watching Fahad as he left the apartment.

**** **** ****

Sadiya stared at her sister wondering what was actually wrong with their mother. She finally got Khadijah to talk and she told her everything, well except the part she asked Fahad to marry her, does it even count as asking, well all the same, she couldn’t wait for him to come so she would take it back and ask him to pretend nothing happened.

What was she even thinking when she asked that? She thought, oh right she wasn’t thinking. She’d watched Sadiya answer his call and just sat there through it, playing with Adeel who was on her lap seeking attention.

“Khadijah, are you sure you’ll be fine?” Sadiya asked touching her hand, she nodded because did she have another option, she just had to be fine, that was the only solution.

“Does baba know she told you that?”

“I don’t know,” Khadijah whispered shaking her head.

“I won’t let her do it,” Sadiya assured, someone had to make their mother see what vile man really was and she was more than happy to do the favors.

“Fahad is here,” Karima announced softly, she was just returning from the market and she saw him parking. Sadiya nodded and thanked her before they both went inside to wear something presentable.

Karima already let him in and he sat with Farhana in his arms, he loved how bubbly and smiley she was, she literally beamed when he reached for her. Her brother was too busy chewing on a toy, it made him smile.

He first heard Sadiya’s voice greeting him then her sister’s, the latter spoke in a little more than a whisper.

“Oh ya Allah,” Sadiya exclaimed watching how Farhana was reaching for his phone, he handed it to her, “No don’t give her, she’ll just throw it somewhere.” He only smiled but didn’t make a move to take it from the child that was finding it difficult to hold the phone in her hands.

“Let me go and see what Karima is doing in the kitchen,” Sadiya said and left the two sitting, Khadijah whose hands were on her lap and Fahad who was trying to balance Farhana who was grasping anything her tiny hands could reach and Adeel who was trying to chew on anything his hands could reach.

“Let me help,” Khadijah found herself saying, he nodded gratefully and watched as she took Adeel who started a tantrum when she collected the remote in his hands.

Sadiya had to take him because he started wailing after that, Farhana though was very satisfied with her position on Fahad’s lap.

“How are you?” he asked studying her calm movements and she tried to return everything the kids pulled.

“Fine Alhamdulillah,” she didn’t look at him as she answered.

They stayed quiet after that, her trying to think of how to start the conversation that will lead to what she said last night so she could take it back, she has thought of pretending it hadn’t happen but thought better of it.

Like he read her thoughts Fahad spoke, “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked softly.

“Erm yes actually,” she cleared her throat, he nodded meaning for her to go ahead. “What I said,” she started then stopped again, she saw him look at her with amusement in his eyes but he didn’t interrupt. “Just forget it, it was a mistake.”

“What part?” she couldn’t help the glare she sent him, “Let’s talk about this later yeah, when you gather your thoughts.”

“Khadijah! You will never guess what ha-hey hamma you’re here?” Khadijah rolled her eyes at Layla, she couldn’t grow up to save her life but she loved her like that so it didn’t really matter.

“Yes, glad to know you’re crazy everywhere you go,”

“Oh hush, ya Sadiya loves me for me,” she marched up to him and took Farhana, she was jumping and laughing, “My baby, did you miss me?” she cooed walking to the direction of the kitchen.

“You know, you’re actually right?” Khadijah raised her eyebrows in question not understanding what he was saying. “Let’s go ahead with it, what could go wrong?” she looked at him blankly, “Or do you like someone?” he teased making her glare at him.

“I was just saying things you know, just let it go you don’t have to,”

“I want to.” And somehow it was settled with that.

Khadijah started at him before turning, she was getting married again, her heart thudded and she felt cold, everywhere.

**** **** ****

“Fahad Abubakar Barkindo, where are you?!” Fahad groaned running his hands though his hair wondering just why he had to go through this.

“Ammie,” he deliberately kept quiet waiting for her tongue lashing.

“Don’t ammie me, get back here right now before I come get you myself.” He heard a beep indicating she ended the call. So help me God, that was what his life entailed, he decided.

He walked back into Sadiya’s living room and bid her adieu, Layla and Khadijah were nowhere to be seen so he left knowing they would talk later.

He drove to the Aliero manor not really thrilled at having to talk to his mother, it was going to be a long day, no it was a long day and he was done with it.

He saw the three women sitting talking and laughing, and he thought they would be grieving his almost unfortunate fate.

“You finally grace us with your presence,” his mother muttered sarcastically, he smiled broadly at her.

“I missed you,” he tried to peck her cheeks but she hit him instead.

He sat at the one seater closest to his mother, she was on the phone talking to her husband most probably, they acted like teenagers or newlyweds sometimes. He had to admit it was nice having affectionate parents but sometimes it got too much for him.

“I’m sure Huda is very happy about the change of events,” she said laughing. She listened for a bit before a wide smile overtook her features, “Alright, safe trip……yes he said they took him to the hospital but he is fine Alhamdulillah.” Her voice lowered as she said something in fulde that he didn’t catch before hanging up.

“Where did you go to?” she sent him a glare then added, “Alone.”

“Somewhere,” she sent him another glare and he groaned, he brought himself anyways, he thought annoyed.

Shaheed entering saved him from her next words, he greeted his aunt before taking a seat beside ummi, they were in her side though it looked exactly like mamie’s, only a few difference here and there.

“Shaheed mamie reported you but you know you’re my favorite so I want to hear from you first.” Fahad sent her a look when she said favorite but didn’t comment, he didn’t want her attention to return to him.

“What did I do now mamie?” he said in, well his usual Shaheed bored tone, his mother didn’t spare him a glance.

“I’ll tell you,” Barr. Salima’s attention was fully on him when she spoke, “That you want to be an aged bachelor like him,” she pointed to her son with mock distaste, maybe she was serious he didn’t know and frankly didn’t want to know, “But I believe you’re just keeping them in the dark, now tell me.”

Shaheed scratched the back of his neck not missing the smug look on Fahad’s face. He should know what it felt like to be reminded about your marital status in every conversation. Oh he certainly didn’t fall for her charming words, they are all on the same team and mamie may not mention it in every conversation but she made him her personal chauffeur and he couldn’t miss the multiple times she sends him to one of her friends’ houses to either take this or collect that and he’ll somehow magically end up being with one daughter or the other, the most basic excuse, ‘Can you please drop her off in this place the driver is out and I don’t trust her with my car, you know ladies’ followed by an overly fake laughter.

Like he would want to marry someone whose own mother didn’t trust with a car, what did they want her to do as his wife and having to take care of a whole household? Yeah, no way.

He mustered up a small smile before nodding and shaking his head simultaneously hoping she would remember something she forgot and leave him alone.

She only shook her head, they sat talking about whose daughter was unmarried and whose daughter had the most qualities to join the families, Fahad glanced at Shaheed who was already looking at him and mouthed.

“Being shot at is better than this,” the latter laughed then quickly covered it up with a laugh when all three women turned to him in question.

“Mamie, we have a meeting with erm-” he turned to Shaheed for help, he got the message and quickly got to his feet.

“Yes, the umm, security department? About the shooting, yes that,” they didn’t wait for a reply before rushing out.

“See you later man,” Shaheed said already bringing out his car keys, he wouldn’t stay in the house altogether.

Fahad walked to Shaheed’s apartment with a shake of his head, he was just waiting for his father to arrive, they needed to talk.

**** **** ****

“Dee please,” Khadijah shook her head at Layla, she has been bugging her to go to the hair salon with her.

“Layla, I’ve braided my hair, you know I hate going to

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