Chapter 45: Drive

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I'm spoiling you people fa

Layla picked the sketchbook Khadijah handed her, she was laughing at something Kamla said. She loved how carefree she looked because she couldn’t remember when last she heard her laugh like that, the real Khadijah laugh.

With laughter still in her eyes, she turned to Layla who had suddenly gone silent, “Is everything alright?” Layla nodded, “So, do you like it?” she nodded again, Khadijah wanted to say something but she left it.

“Let me get more jellybeans from the kitchen, do you want anything?” Kamla sensing the shift in the air asked already at the door.

“Coke.” Layla said while Khadijah only shook her head, Kamla nodded and left closing the door behind her.

“Okay now, what is wrong?” Khadijah took the sketchbook Layla left on her lap and kept it on the table, her undivided attention on her friend.

“Nothing much, I’m just thinking.”

“Thinking doesn’t make people frown Layla, tell me.” She urged.

“Nothing really, I’m just happy you’re okay.” Khadijah kept quiet for a moment, she looked at Layla again and nodded.

“You know we have to talk though, after the wedding maybe.” Layla nodded understanding what she meant. They kept talking about the upcoming wedding, Layla’s dress and Waleedah’s own.

At some point Kamla returned with a plate of samosa and Layla’s coke, she helped by pitching ideas for Layla’s gown, said person wanted a gown ‘that’ll make the world talk’, her exact words, because according to her, she is Waleedah’s favorite sister and the most awesome Aliero, also her words.

Her phone rang making her keep the samosa in her hand, she wiped her hands with a serviette before picking.

She listened to what the person on the other side before saying alright and hanging up.

“It’s hamma Fahad, he said he’ll be late because he has an emergency meeting but he’ll still come if he finishes early.”  Khadijah nodded saying it was no problem.

It has been a week and some days since Layla returned from Abuja, she’d begged Fahad and succeeded into taking her directly to Khadijah’s house in unguwan rimi, he didn’t need much persuasion seeing how worried she was. It wasn’t that hard to convince his sister’s to go with their father’s head of security, they adored their brother enough to do as he said without batting an eyelash but if he chose to bribe them, then they couldn’t tell him no now could they?

Layla had run inside the house forgetting about his existence, he had to call and remind her he was still outside. He waited for twenty minutes or more, he couldn’t be sure, before he saw her walking with Khadijah towards the car, he’d gotten down and enquired about her health, she waved it off with a small shrug, saying Layla was just being overdramatic and she was fine.

From then, they would go out every day after he was done with work, she couldn’t tell who brought forth the idea or how it started but it just happened and she liked it, it was a form of therapy for all of them, she didn’t know how but she’d seen a sense of calm she hadn’t seen in her cousin for a long time and she was happy that at least even if she couldn’t solve his problems, she was helping him be himself again.

What made her the most happy had to be how Khadijah was laughing more and basically being her old self.

“Earth to Layla,” Khadijah snapped her fingers before Layla’s eyes, she smiled at her turning on the plush chair.

“I’m here, what’s up?”

“Well, he said something about the meeting being cancelled that he’s on his way.” Layla looked confused and with a frustrated sigh, Khadijah explained, “Fahad.” She deadpanned, with a nod Layla got up and looked for her abaya that was strewn on the bed, she adjusted her veil removing it from the rough turban leaving it free with one edge over her shoulder.

“Aren’t you coming with?” Layla asked Kamla who looked very comfortable in her pajamas busy stuffing her mouth with samosas.

“I’ll pass, Maryam said she’ll call me and I don’t want to miss it.”

“You can make phone calls outside you know.” Layla explained slowly like she was talking to a slow child.

Kamla rolled her eyes but she had a smile on her face, “I’m aware, video call and I want to show her something that’s why, I’ll join another time, you guys do go out every day.”

“Oh, alright.” Layla looked around the room only then noticing Khadijah’s absence, “Where’s she?” Kamla looked at the direction of the bathroom and she nodded understanding, she was also dressed in pjs.

“Where is it you’re going this time?”

“We actually mostly decide in the car.” Kamla turned to Layla giving her her full attention.

“I don’t understand, you just drag your cousin around town and then just pick where to go in the middle of the road?” Layla nodded looking at her and her eyes widened, she was looking at her like she grew two heads, “Wow.” She muttered still looking surprised.

After a few minutes she asked again, “Doesn’t he go to work? Is he not tired?”

“Of course he gets tired at times but that’s like stress relief.”

“But I still don’t get why he’ll just be taking you out, doesn’t he have a girlfriend or wife of fiancée or something like that?”

Layla’s laugh made her drop the tray she was holding, maybe she ate too much and she was just over thinking, or maybe Maryam has gotten to her, she always had a theory for everything.

“Hamma Fahad is more single than squidward, you know spongebob right?” when she nodded Layla continued like she was explaining a complicated maths problem, “we all know no one is going to love him right?” Kamla nodded again not really getting where Layla was headed, oh well she’ll just pretend to understand. “At least he is able to love, hamma Fahad isn’t capable of loving someone.”

“He is selfish?! I don’t understand.” She realized she couldn’t pretend to understand.

“No not that, he loved someone and honestly she ruined him for other girls.”

“Heartbreak?” Layla shook her head no but didn’t elaborate, “He’s never getting married then, I low key want to meet him and see how he thinks.”

“Then come with today and meet him.” Layla said the same time her phone rang, Khadijah held an oynx bogata purse and her phone in one hand, she was wearing a flared out grey gown with balloon sleeves, a oynx colored veil adorned her head covering her plaited hair.

“He’s outside.” Khadijah nodded then asked if Kamla was sure she would be fine alone.

“Let me throw on an abaya then, give me five minutes.” The rest of the sentence was said outside of the room. She was ready in record time, five minutes like she said, she walked in clad in a plain black abaya, the veil on her head though she wore a turban cap inside.

Farhan shook his head at Fahad who was sure they would be out in a second, it was the seventy eight seconds since they arrived ten minutes before.

“Let me guess, another second?” Fahad nodded eyeing the man who had a smug smile.

“I let you drive, you should cut me some slack.”

“Well, I apologize for not being very appreciative for your great sacrifice Mr. Barkindo.” Sarcasm dripped from his voice and he highlighted it with an eye roll, the eye roll looked so familiar but he couldn’t tell who it was that rolled their eyes like that, first they’ll sort of look upwards before the eye turns, he almost screamed in joy when he saw the gate being opened. The three ladies walked out, he almost didn’t hear what Farhan said, Khadijah was smiling at something the girl beside her was saying, she looked like her eldest sister but it wasn’t her, he didn’t think much of it and turned to his companion.

“Where is it I’m taking you to and who is the fair girl?” seeing the chance for payback, he smirked before replying.

“That’s Layla, your cousin?” he feigned checking the time on his breitling wristwatch missing the murderous look Farhan was giving him.

“You know who I’m tal-“

“Hey big bro,” Layla interrupted opening the passenger door, she stopped when she saw him sitting, she crouched a bit and a large smile overtook her features, “Ya Farhan, I haven’t seen you since forever.” She basically screamed.

“You haven’t been staying.”

“This will be so much fun.” She moved back and opened the back door and motioned for Kamla to go in first. “Ya Farhan, this is my best friend and Kamla her cousin, she’s a darling.”

He nodded and turned to Khadijah with a knowing smile, she positively beamed seeing him, “I know her I am her hero you can ask her.”

Layla looked between the two before screeching, they all shook their heads already used to her antics.

They had to stop Layla from destroying all their eardrums with all her screaming, when she finally quieted down, Fahad who insisted he got to decide who to ask where they can go because he needed to be compensated for having to sit uselessly in the car and give up the wheel to Farhan, who retorted with he was older, it sprouted an argument that died the second Layla called them both old.

At the end, he asked Kamla to pick and since she didn’t know anywhere she chose to just drive around.

“Don’t tell mammy but I know this place that sell real awesome street food.” Farhan might be in his mid thirties but he was certainly scared of his mother.

“I thought you ate street food once and got food poisoning?” Layla asked looking up at him.

“Yes, exactly why you shouldn’t tell her.” She shrugged her attention on her phone and the video she was trying to shoot for her instagram that she honestly kept forgetting about.

Farhan parked the car outside a shop because Layla wanted to get chocolates, she was craving she said.

She dragged Kamla with her and Farhan followed with because the street was too quiet for his liking also he parked on the other side of the street, leaving only Fahad and Khadijah in the car. She was quietly staring out the window, lost in thought.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Fahad’s voice pulled her from her reverie, she blinked her eyes a few times before she focused on him, he turned in a way that he could see her from the front seat without craning his neck, he looked like he was compressing himself in the car.

“I’m just woolgathering.” She shook her head and smiled a bit, just the sides of her lips lifting barely.

“Care to share?” He handed her a pack of skittles, he has noticed how she was always taking them.

“It’s nothing really.” She thanked him and accepted the pack, she could never say not to skittles, it was probably the one thing you can kill her with.

He nodded picking up his phone that was vibrating, he’d forgotten to remove it from silent after his meeting got cancelled, he met up with Farhan who was close by. They argued about whose car to pick and when Fahad won he had to let the loser drive, he regretted that win.

“Yes, neena,” He said when he put the phone to his ear, Khadijah saw his body go rigid and stayed still in alert.

“Okay, calm down Aneesah and do exactly as I say okay.” She could hear something that sounded like sobbing from the other side and her heartbeat picked up.

He ran his hands though his head trying to calm his sister down “Hamma, she’s not breathing, what should I do?”

Aneesah managed to say through sobs, Fahad tried to calm her down but she was getting hysterical, he could hear his heartbeat in his ear, beads of perspiration were staring to form on his forehead, he looked at the door Farhan and Layla disappeared into, no sign of them, Aneesah’s increasing sobs made him turn back to his phone.

“Neena listen to me, I can’t get to you right now, is anyone there with you?” she said yes and he told her to hand the phone to the person, talking to her was futile.

“Hamma, it’s huda, she ate something I think but-“-Raina started, he could hear the panic in her voice.

“Raina, get a glass of warm water and make her gargle it, call ummi I’ll be there in a few minutes.” When he heard her tell someone in the background to get them water he added, “Isn’t there anyone else at home?” she replied with no, with the wedding a week away, they were all out busy with preparations.

“Don’t hang up okay, tell me how she’s doing.” He moved to the driver’s seat and motioned for Khadijah to call, she didn’t understand what he wanted her to do but she called Layla nevertheless and told them they were leaving, she got that part at least since he was already driving.

He kept talking to Raina and telling her what to do. They arrived in the Aliero manor not up to ten minutes later and he jumped out of the car, she was slower but she followed close behind, by the time she reached mamie’s part of the house, she saw him kneeling near a much smaller body that she deduced was his younger sister.

“She didn’t respond after we gave her the water.” Raina said looking shaken up, he only nodded the proceeded to do chest compressions, he tried CPR and after a few minutes she jerked up with a cough, Khadijah didn’t realize she was holding her breath until then.

He pulled her into a hug before moving back and checking her pulse, when he was satisfied he stood back and staggered on his step when Aneesah tackled him in a hug, she still had tears streaming down her face.

“It’s okay neena, she’ll be fine.” She nodded still not letting him go he had to wrench her arms from his body and put a little bit of distance between them, he put his hand under her chin and made her look up at him, “I need to take her to the hospital, Layla will be here with Farhan, will you be fine here alone?” his voice was soft, just a little above a whisper.

Aneesah frantically shook her head and held onto his hands like her life depended on it, “I want to come with.” Her voice was shaking, he pulled her into another hug and turned to Huda whose chest was rising and falling slowly barely noticeable.

“I can stay here and wait for the others-“-Khadijah stopped when she Layla walked in, Farhan close behind, Kamla was the last to enter.

“What happened?” she asked holding Huda’s frail arms.

“She ate something she’s allergic to, I’m taking her to the hospital, you can stay here with the others but she needs a doctor, I have her medication in the car but I can’t give her anything right now.” He was surprised at how calm he was because his insides were in turmoil.

They made arrangements, most of which he didn’t know what was being said, they got Aneesah to calm down and Layla took her to her room to lay down, Raina and Rahma who were also shaken up but not as much as Aneesah followed, Kamla left to help Layla while Farhan waited for them downstairs in case anything came up, Khadijah agreed to go to the hospital with Fahad though she didn’t think she’d be much help, Layla couldn’t go with them because when Aneesah agreed to let her brother go, the only person she’d agreed to go to was Layla.

The drive to the hospital was silent. Khadijah sat in the back with Huda who still wasn’t fully conscious saying each and every prayer that came to her mind. She looked down at the girl on her lap and her chest felt heavy, ya Allah please let her be fine.

She looked up at Fahad whose attention was on the road, he’d turn every once in a while and ask if she was showing signs of seizure, she replied with no, he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital a few minutes later and rushed to the back.
Fahad took a limp Huda in his arms and rushed to the hospital doors, they were already waiting with a stretcher he explained what happened to the best of his abilities and they rushed her to the ER.

Khadijah sat quietly in the waiting room when he returned and sat beside her, his head in his hands, he looked like he aged ten years with his shoulders slouched, she wanted to say something but didn’t know where to start so she stayed quiet and instead played with her fingers.

His phone rang breaking the terse silence, he groaned before answering the call, her attention was half on him and the other, she didn’t know where it was but she was sure she was seeing his motions even though she couldn’t bring herself to understand what he was saying.

After a futile attempt of trying to understand what he was saying she gave up and looked around the empty waiting room, it wasn’t very bright thankfully the smell of disinfectants was strong in the air she wondered if it was friendly for asthmatic patients. Her mind drifted to all the times she had visited the hospital, she’d never quite liked that smell.

“Khadijah?” she looked up at Fahad who’s browsed were creased in concern.


“Do you want anything? We’ve been here for long?” his voice was soft, she wondered what he was thinking just then.

“No, I’m fine.” She mustered up a small smile, he nodded and turned, she hadn’t notice when he got off the phone.

Fahad rested his head against the uncomfortable waiting chairs, praying Huda would be fine. He couldn’t explain what he was feeling but he was feeling something and it annoyed him.

He didn’t know why Aneesah had called his mother, who was already on her way and they were making plans to fly Huda out to go and see her doctor. He had forgotten when last she had an attack. He was trying his best to stay one place and not go around pacing like a mad person even though that was what he really wanted to do.

He kept seeing images of her lying there, the difference between that was the fact that instead of her shallow breathing, she was still and her face was deathly pale. It felt all too familiar and that scared him the most.

“Has this happened before?” he heard Khadijah ask, she looked genuinely worried it warmed his heart.

“Yes.” He said then added after a breath, “She has this rare nut allergy since when she was three, anything related to nuts makes her sick.” He stopped and took in a shaky breath, his eyes were clouded and his voice sounded strange, not that she knew him well enough but it didn’t sound like him, it was almost as if he was in a daze, “I was babysitting her when she took a nut bar Adnan had left to go and get her milk, I didn’t notice at first when she started hyperventilating, we were arguing about something with Shaheed, it was when Adnan returned and tried to feed her that he saw she wasn’t moving. She was very active even as a baby, she couldn’t stay still for the life of her.” He shook his head with a melancholic smile.

“We were all teenagers then and thought the smartest thing to do was shake her, I mean that’s what you do when someone wasn’t breathing right, try to force air into his lungs.” Khadijah nodded even though she knew it wasn’t a question, “I don’t remember calling our parents or 911 but somehow I did, Shaheed suggested water and we sort of sprinkled some but she still wasn’t moving, thankfully they weren’t far, they went over for dinner at the Aliero’s, I was too panicked to leave the room, ummi forced water down her throat and then she started coughing, when they were sure she was breathing, they took her to the hospital and ran tests before they figured what happened.” He let out a tired sigh and ran his hands through his hair. “Anaphylaxis they said, it clogs her airways and causes swelling in the throat that stops her breathing.” Khadijah’s heart skipped a beat understanding what he meant without him having to say it, what does lack of breathing does to a human, she didn’t even want to think of the repercussion.

“That was the first time though, it has never been that bad because her diet is strictly nut free.” She nodded understanding, seeing how talking made him seem

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