First Date or Worst Date? You Tell Me

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*Hazel's Pov*

"I still don't know why you're doing this. It just feels so wrong." Violet said as she sat on my bed with Julia, Anikah, and Honey.

"Yeah. He doesn't really seem like the guy for you." Ivy said as she slowly looked through my closet for an outfit I could wear. Usually, she'd be excited to help me dress up, but she looked disappointed this time.

I rolled my eyes as I put on some makeup. They were just upset that I was having my first date with Caleb and not Asher.

I was for the most part going for a warm look. For my eyes, I put on mascara, a bit of eyeliner, and gold eye-shadow. I put on a rose-colored lipstick and light blush.

"I think Caleb's nice and all, but you always seemed to have more chemistry with Asher. I've noticed you guys haven't been talking lately. What's up?" Honey asked from her spot on the bed, curiously.

I couldn't tell them about the kiss and I definitely couldn't tell them about how he regretted it. That was such an embarrassing first kiss story. I had to come up with a quick lie. "We, um, got into a little bit of an argument."

"About what?" Anikah asked, with surprise in her eyes. I looked over to the girls and saw them all staring back at me, expectantly.

Shoot. What could I say that wouldn't make them mad at Asher but would also worthy of an argument. "He threw one of my books away....." I lied. Truth be told, if he actually did that, he'd be getting a way more horrible fate than an argument with me.

"Wait. Which book?" Anikah asked.

"Um...The Blood of Olympus," I quickly conjured up.

"How have you not chopped his head off yet??? That's from your favorite book series!" Honey said in shock. I thought the exact same thing.

"Must be true love." Ivy teased from her spot in my closet.

" Yeah, right." I mumbled.

Ivy pulled out a black skater skirt and a red velvet off-the-shoulder long-sleeved shirt. "Hmm... Try these on with your black pantyhose and black ankle-boot heels." She pulled out the boots and pantyhose and handed them to me. I went into the bathroom to change.

I walked out and Ivy beamed. "You look amazing in that!" She ran up and adjusted the way I tucked in the shirt. I was just glad she wasn't pestering me about going on a date with Caleb and not Asher.

"Now we just gotta do your hair." Ivy said, inspecting me. "Well I think a messy yet fancy bun would match your outfit, plus it suits your facial features and personality very well." She pushed me into the vanity chair and brushed my hair. Then she put it up. To finish it off, she pulled out some hairs to frame my face and curled them.

She spun my chair around to face the girls and asked them what they thought of her "masterpiece".

"She looks great!" Anikah said.

"Yeah, you're so good at this, Ivy!" Honey added.

The girls all started complimenting Ivy for her work and me for letting her fix me up to look nice.

I looked at the digital clock beside my bed and saw that it was 5:25 and Caleb was going to be here in a few minutes to pick me up. I looked over at the girls. "It's almost time. Just a few minutes. Are there any touch-ups I need? Any advice?"

"Don't let it go to awkward silence. Try to keep up a conversation." Ivy said.

"Don't go on your phone during the date." Violet said.

"Don't chew with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth." Anikah said.

"Talk about your interests but don't take up all time. Let him talk, too." Julia said.

"Try to be your best self. You're an amazing person. Be kind like you are. Be funny like you are. Be smart like you are. Be weird like you are. Be creative like you are. Just be you." Honey said. The girls all nodded to agree with Honey's advice.

"Aw, thanks!! That's so sweet! I'll try my best to follow your guys's advice." I heard a knock from downstairs. "Oh, I gotta go! He's here!" Before I ran downstairs, Ivy sprayed a quick spritz of perfume on me and I was off like a shot.

I opened the door to see Caleb waiting outside. He lifted his head and greeted me. "Hey, Hazel." He smiled.

"Hey, Caleb! Man, I can't wait. This is gonna be so fun!" I beamed. I couldn't help but be excited for my first date ever.

He laughed and put his arm out for me. "Shall we go?" I linked my arm with his and we walked to his car parked right in front of my house. He opened passenger door for me and we both got in the car.

He turned on the radio and stopped it at a radio talk show station. A man started speaking about the weather and current events. It was basically the news with no visuals. Let me tell you, I was bored to death. "Hey, um, Caleb? Can we play some music?"

He looked over at me and smiled. "Why would you want to listen to music? It's so interesting hearing what the radio talk shows have to say. Words speak louder than music in all honesty." He listened intently to the man speaking.

I slouched a bit in my seat. He could've been into anything. Country, hip pop, pop, R&B, rock, indie, anything!! But no..... It had to be talk show radio. I was so bored by the time we got to the diner, but happy that I didn't have to live through more of that. Also, did you know that there was a car crash on Winston Avenue 42? Nobody got hurt, but that was crazy! The man talked about it on the radio.

We walked into the diner and sat at a booth in the corner. Oh wait, it was the same booth as last time when the girls brought me to Sunset Sally's Diner. Caleb and I sat opposite of each other. While we waited for a waiter to bring us some menus, I tried to make a conversation.

"So, how have you been doing in school?" I asked, trying to start a topic.

He waved his hand in dismissal with a weird smile. "I don't want to talk about school on a date." I tried to start more conversation and topics but he debunked them all, so we sat in awkward silence.

I guess he got very bored because he took out his phone and started using it. I watched him as he texted people. I tried talking to him to get him off his phone.

"Hey, Caleb. The waiter's going to be coming soon. Maybe you should put that away." I quietly suggested.

He scoffed and put his phone in his pocket.

"What do you think you're gonna get to eat?" I asked.

"We'll see when the waiter gets here and gives us our menus. Why are they taking so long?" Caleb said impatiently.

Could this date get any worse?

"Hazel?" I heard a voice above me say. Wait. I recognized that voice. Hold on. Who worked at Sunset Sally's Diner from 3:30 to 6:45 as a waiter? I thought.

I looked up to see Asher Grey looking down at me. Oh no. "Heyyyy, Asher....." I drawled out awkwardly and waved.

"What are you doing here with Caleb?" He asked, looking at him with a death glare.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes when I was ready. "Caleb and I are on a date."

I was expecting something more, but it wasn't too bad. Asher just stood there motionless. "What?" he asked sharply in a low, dangerous voice.

"He asked me on a date yesterday in the library. I said yes, and I'm very excited because this is my first date ever." I smiled at both of the boys in front of me to try and lighten the mood.

Asher's squinted as he looked at me. "Let me get this straight. This is your first date ever and you're wasting it on him?"

"Hey, at least I had the guts to ask her. You haven't!" Caleb argued.

"Of course he hasn't asked me out. He doesn't like me. But that's okay because I'm here with you, Caleb. Aren't I?" I smiled at him reassuringly.

Caleb smiled back. "Yeah, you're right." He looked up at Asher mocking smirk.

*Asher's Pov*

I couldn't take looking at them any longer. I placed their menus harshly on the table and hurried off to the back room.

Man, if you would've seen Hazel. She looked so beautiful with her cute hair, her little skirt, her glowing face...

It was her first date and she was with Caleb. My arch enemy. Was she trying to make me mad?

Well, two could play at that game. I knew who I was asking out Monday morning...

*Hazel's Pov*

The date ended and Caleb had broken all the five rules the girls told me to follow. He left us in awkward silence even when I tried to make conversation. He went on his phone and payed no attention to his date. He chewed with his mouth open and talked while eating. Once he finally started talking, he only talked about himself and didn't let me talk at all. And lastly, he wasn't himself. At least not the him I knew. I knew him to be kind and helpful and caring. But this time, he wasn't.

I can't say I was sad that the date was over once he dropped me off at my house. I went up to my room to change into my pajamas and relived the events of my horrible first date as I went to sleep. I didn't even stay up binge-watching on Netflix! I was too devastated about my first date.

Asher was right, it was wasted. I drifted off to sleep not too long after. I couldn't wait until Monday morning when Caleb would be back to normal and my friends could help me get over the date. And Asher wouldn't be of my concern...

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I took so long for this chapter. There was stuff at home and stress from school, but it's all good now. It's winter break now, so hopefully I can write more. Also, there's big drama coming up... I wonder who Asher's gonna ask out. Nah I'm kidding. I know but you guys don't. Hehe. I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter. I hope you liked this chapter! Please keep reading and vote! I love y'all! Bye my lovelies!!! <3 <3 <3

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