Day 3 - Black Out

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That day I was woken again by my mother's annoying voice. I opened my eyes and got up. It was still hard for me to accept the reality that I was autistic. It meant that the feeling I had was not what I thought it was. So I tried to push it away. But I still felt terrible. After going to the wardrobe and getting my clothes out, I went into the kitchen where my mother was waiting with a breakfast she had made for me. Sitting on a wooden chair, which was quite uncomfortable, I ate my breakfast and went to school. As I walked out the door, I had the same strange feeling as the day before. At that moment I did not know why. Of course, I did not know that it was melancholy because I would not see my parents again. How could I know that this world would change completely in a few hours? That the world would be different when I returned home today. Little did I know that this would be our last dinner together. All the quarrels we had now would become completely unimportant in the next few days. On my way to school, I ran into that strange boy again and sighed. Was I doomed to see him every day? Or was it a curse? I asked him what he wanted and he said he just wanted to say hello. This day was off to a bad start and I did not want it to get any worse. But if I thought about it like that, then every day had a bad start. So I asked the strange boy what he wanted from me. He said he had just come to see how I was getting on with my life. When I asked him about the things I had found out yesterday, he put his finger to his mouth and said that everyone had their secrets. I was annoyed.

After waiting with bated breath in front of the large school building, I entered the school and walked through the huge entrance hall as usual. A few students looked at me. Even though I was used to it because of the way I dressed, it still made me nervous. When I saw the group of students, I shivered. For some reason, I did not like people staring at my clothes. It always made me feel awful. I hurried past them and heard them giggling as I walked silently down the corridor. Were they laughing at me? Somehow their giggling voices made me feel awful. That was why I suddenly became nervous. Just beyond the corridor in the new yellow school building was my round classroom. I always thought it was pretty cool to be taught in a room like that. After opening the door, I entered the classroom and sat down on an uncomfortable wooden chair. But the form looked quite new. After sitting down, I waited for the teacher to come in. When the lesson started, I listened quietly to the teacher as usual and worked hard as usual. The next class was Chemistry and Biology, which was on the second floor. From this floor you could see the whole entrance hall. The walls were plastered with other students' projects. I looked at them with interest. They were quite good. I used to read them in the breaks when I was bored. Then our teacher came and unlocked the door and the lesson began.

I have left the classroom of my school, we had Maths, English and some other subjects today. Hey Andy, hey Alex, I said hello to the two friends I visited yesterday. I asked them if they would like to meet me this weekend. They said they would check the calendar and try to find a suitable date. Then I went to my bench to eat my lunch. While I was eating my lunch, Jacob and Caleb arrived. I quickly put down my lunch box and stood up. I confronted them, but they did not listen to me. They just kicked me down and sat on the bench. When I recovered and stood up, they just laughed at me. While they were beating me up as usual, I wished I was a strong man who could defend himself. Suddenly I felt every cell in my body vibrate. It was a completely new sensation. A feeling I had never experienced before. That was when the strange other boy came and saved me a third time. The strange new feeling He pulled Jacob and Caleb away from the bench and motioned for me to sit down on the bench, which I did. Then he shielded me with his body and protected me from their blows. The boy said he had saved me because he believed in me, and he knocked Jacob and Caleb out with a few quick punches. I was so grateful that I could not speak for a few seconds. Caleb and his sidekick Jacob ran off. I blushed as I thanked him for saving me three times in a row. He was getting nervous too. It was somehow refreshing to see that this boy had human feelings. The boy told me not to waste my gifts fighting them.

When the lunch break was over, I walked across the floor and back into the classroom. For the second half of the school day, I listened quietly to the teacher. As soon as the last lesson was over, I walked out of the school and through the front door. I had originally planned to go back to the supermarket, but when I saw the school library, I walked towards it, and when I was about to go in to study, I thought I could go to the supermarket and buy myself a beer to refresh my soul before going to the library. So I went to the supermarket and went in. Just like the other day, there was a group of girls in there. Luckily, they were already paying for their purchases. I was very careful and hid behind a shelf so they would not see me. So I waited for them to finish and left the supermarket. When they had gone, I bought my beer and left the supermarket too. Outside the supermarket I drank the can of beer and threw it away. As usual, the strange boy caught it. This time he was wearing his mask again. I wondered if it was a coincidence. "Are you following me?" I asked the boy. He seemed quite shocked that I would accuse him of stalking. "No. What do you think of me? I thought you trusted me." The boy said. "So it's really just a coincidence that we run into each other so often every day." I tried to reassure him. "Well, yeah. Probably." When the Black Raven said this, I shrugged. "What does that mean?" I asked him, and he said he liked me and wanted to protect me.

So I drank another can while I studied for school and did my maths homework.

After that, I don't know how long I was studying, it was 4.30pm, and that's when something happened, something that changed my whole life forever. I was about to call my dad on my smartphone. I had it in my hand when suddenly a video appeared. On the screen I saw a boy wearing the creepy mask of a white rabbit. "Hello, I am the White Rabbit Warrior. Today is the day of punishment where you will all get what you deserve," he said. He said, and the video ended. After the video I was frozen. My whole body was shaking because I had never seen anything like it in my life. It felt terrible. When it was over, I saw a flash of light illuminating the rainy world outside. That was when I felt time stop. I was frozen in time for a while. It wasn't clear how long it was, but the world around me hadn't changed dramatically. Still, there was a sense of unease.

The next moment, when I could move my body again, I waited for the light to come back on, but nothing happened. Everything remained black. I felt my way through the darkness with my fingers until I found a bookshelf. With the help of the bookshelves I felt my way through the darkness until I found the light switch. I turned it on and waited, but nothing happened. Then I started groping my way out of the library. Suddenly some books fell at my feet. One of them was called MOT. A Scientific Revolution by Leon Miller. The other was a book of true crime stories. And on the cover was the Black Raven. I thought they might come in handy if I ever wanted to know more about the Black Raven. The boy who helped me must have been Leon Miller. Did this Leon have a crush on me? I decided to grab them and take them with me. With the two books under my arm, I walked on.

Björn and Benni had been researching like crazy last night. This morning Benni had found something. A lead he was determined to follow. He had found out that although the Black Raven had officially appeared a year ago, there had been similar cases in previous years. Only that the victims had been partially or completely eaten. The trail had led him to several missing children who seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth. So now he had gone to their school to investigate. He interviewed the parents of the missing children and their former classmates. In the process, he came across something that upset him. Among the missing children was a person who did not fit the profile of the Black Raven at all. Who was not the perpetrator, but the victim. The person was male in name and appearance, with red hair. He was eleven years old when he disappeared. "I have found a suspect. "I have found a suspect who has been missing for four years. His name is..." he began. But then the screen of his smartphone went black. At the same time, a snowstorm began. He went to his car and tried to drive to the person's house. But the car would not start. So he had to walk. Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, he saw two black wings gliding down. Something was heading straight for him. He fired, but the creature with the sharp black claws dodged all his bullets. Benni ran for his life, but it was no use. Suddenly he felt razor sharp claws digging into his body.

I had been looking for a way out for 10 minutes. Now I tried to call someone - nothing happened. Suddenly I saw the strange dogs outside the window. There was a boy behind them. He had two white pigtails and glasses under which I saw dead eyes. They were cold and deserted. A mask covered most of his face and he held a scythe in his hand. His black clothes, which swallowed the light, suggested that he was the Grim Reaper himself. The boy's skin was bleached, so bleached that I thought he was dead.

While I was waiting, I heard a strange sound. Something like claws scraping against glass. Because it was combined with a dull thud, like someone's head banging against the window, it made me shiver. Then suddenly there was a strange smell in the air. It was something I had never smelled before. In the darkness of the library, I suddenly heard footsteps on the creaking floorboards. I shivered. Someone or something was coming towards me.

I kept staring at my phone. Finally something happened. The logo of the phone company appeared. When the applications appeared, I saw that I had no internet connection. How could that be? What was happening? I had to do something. I had to call my dad to come and get me out of this nightmare. Luckily I had my dad's number and the numbers of my friends. Of course I could have called my mum, but our relationship was not that good and my dad had the car. So I called him, but nobody answered for a while. When he did answer, he said he was still at the office and that the internet had gone down ten minutes ago. My dad said there had been a power cut 30 minutes ago, so the computers were down and everyone in the office had to use their mobile phones. He said all the trains had stopped. I asked my dad if he could come and get me from the library, but he said he did not know how long this situation would last or if he would be able to get home.

So I started to look around, but everything was pitch black. As I looked into the darkness, I heard the scratching of claws and I shivered. Then I saw scratches on the window. When I saw that, I got goose bumps. Now I knew. Something was out there, and it was both wild and completely inhuman. And what about the White Rabbit warrior? Was he behind all this? Suddenly I saw him, and now I knew the smell. It was the smell of blood. His blood-stained paws left red stains on the wooden walls of the library. He was almost swallowed by the darkness of the library. He was after me. I went around the corner and saw him go by. As I hid there, I felt the wooden bookshelf press against my back. It was silent. I was trapped in the library. There was no escape. I thought I was finished. He passed me without seeing me, and then I breathed. The White Rabbit warrior stopped and looked back. Suddenly, one of the two books I had been carrying through the library slipped out of my hands and fell to the floor.  The White Rabbit Warrior retreated again, but then he gave up and walked out, and I was safe at last. I was pretty sure that all of this must have been a terrible nightmare, and I tried to wake up, but I couldn't. Which meant it was probably not a nightmare, but the terrible reality. Little did I know at the time that there would come a time when I would wish it had all been a bad dream, because the reality would be even more horrible.

I had waited 55 minutes when it occurred to me that the only way to escape was to find a door. I had to find a door. Suddenly I realised that my watch was also black. I had to get home. I had to find the rest of my family, I thought. I groped my way through the darkness with my bare hands, using the bookshelves for support. But then, after I had been walking for a while, I heard something... help! I groped towards the cries for help and saw someone.

"Can I help you?" I asked, perhaps she could tell me what it was, "Yes!" she said, "you can tell me how to get this door open!" she added. She used her torch to illuminate the area in front of us. There was a door. We tried to open it, but it was locked. "We need to find a key." I said. As we searched for the key, I suddenly felt watched. I felt a heavy breath on the back of my neck. But when I turned around, nothing was there. We were trapped in the library with no way out. Panic set in as we realised the seriousness of the situation. Lucy began to cry and I tried to comfort her, assuring her that we would find a way out. As we searched for another exit, we heard more sounds coming from different corners of the library. Whispers echoed through the darkness, growing louder and more intense. The atmosphere became increasingly eerie, and it felt as if we were being watched by unseen eyes. Suddenly the lights flickered on, blinding us for a moment. As our eyes adjusted, we found ourselves surrounded by a group of hooded figures, all wearing masks resembling different animals. They stood in a circle around us, their presence both intimidating and mystifying. One of the figures stepped forward, a tall man wearing a falcon mask.

We hesitated, but realised we had no choice. We accepted the Guardian's challenge, determined to find a way back to our families and the familiar world we knew. With his guidance, we began our search, carefully examining book after book, hoping to find the elusive key. Each encounter brought us closer to understanding the true nature of this enigmatic realm. We solved riddles, deciphered cryptic puzzles and unlocked ancient secrets within the pages of the books.

Suddenly, after Lucy and I had found the key, I heard someone calling my name. At first I thought it was my dad, angry at me for not being home yet. We were going to see the psychologist today and I didn't want to be dragged there against my will. But I couldn't change my parents. When the calls got louder, I realised it was Alex. We opened the door and Alex was standing outside. "Alice, Lucy, have you seen Andy?" Alex asked us. We replied that we hadn't seen him for almost two hours. He asked if we had any idea where Andy might be and we suggested that we look in the classrooms. When we couldn't find him in the classrooms and it started to rain outside, we were about to give up. But then Alex had an idea where Andy might be. "If I remember correctly, he wanted to practice in the gym. Maybe he couldn't get out because of the blackout. He said. "That's a good idea. Let's check the gym." I said. We got to the gym. It was pitch black. The three of us were stumbling around in the dark. Suddenly I heard Andy. He was shouting. We shouted back. Lucy shone a torch into the room. In the circle of light we saw Andy. "Thank you, I'm so glad you found me." Andy said. When we were back outside, Andy asked me if there was anything he could do for me as a reward. "Yes. Can you tell me what time it is?" I replied, "I want to go home to my parents, you know?" I added. Fortunately, Andy had another watch. It was analogue.

I have a question for you... Do you know what's going on? I asked. No, he said, but it is not good. I told him I was going back to the library to get the other book. When I found it, I went out again. It started to rain. As I did not know the way and did not want to get lost, I called my father. In theory, I could have found my way home by myself, but because I was lazy and had no umbrella, I decided to call my dad instead. When I took my phone out of my pocket I saw that it wouldn't last long because it was down to 75%. I had to be careful. But I had to call my mum and dad. After finding out that my mum was OK, I called my dad. He was off work and wanted me to wait. I asked Andy if he had an umbrella because I had forgotten mine and so we waited under his umbrella for my dad to come. When he finally came, we rushed into the car and sat in the back. As we drove home, I looked out the window and saw him. A dark creature with long black feathered wings. He looked like some kind of dark angel. There was chaos on the roads - all the traffic lights were dark and there had been many car accidents. That was why so many people were running across the streets. Among them I saw him again. It was the person who was called the Black Raven. This was the person I had met so many times in the past few days. After driving Andy home, my father and I soon arrived at our house. The two of us entered. But as we entered, I felt it, a dark and deadly silence, something was wrong... I did not know what it was, but my father noticed it at once. He said mother was missing. My father said it was because the trains had been cancelled. I went into the living room and looked at the clock. It was dinner time, so where is she? I went into the kitchen - nothing. I went to the bedroom - no one there either. I went back into the living room and waited for a while. I had a bad feeling.

I have been waiting for 20 minutes. Still no sign of her... I was getting hungry - maybe there was something to eat in the kitchen.

When I had waited for an hour and finally found something to eat - a slice of bread - I picked it up and ate it - with some butter and jelly. Then I tried to turn on the television, but nothing happened, so I waited a while. The TV was still off and my mother was still missing, where is she? Then my father came and said that he had called her and that our suggestion was right. My mother was stuck in the shopping centre because the trains had been cancelled. Dad suggested that I wait at home while he went to get my mother from the mall. I asked if I could go with him, but he said it was too dangerous for someone like me to go out so late in such dark times.

I went to my room and tried to turn on the PC but nothing happened, I waited for a while and then went back into the living room. I sat in the room. Then I had an idea - I could read a book - I took a book off the shelf and read it - still hoping my parents would come through the front door. I looked at the one book I had somehow smuggled out of the library. I had never heard of Leon Miller, but the book looked interesting. I read the cover of the book. In a few years the world will be revolutionised by Leon Miller's new scientific development. The young genius has developed a new organ that can contain the DNA of any animal. By implanting it into the human body, people can enhance their abilities. Do you want to be as strong as a gorilla, fly like a bird or have other breathtaking abilities? This book will tell you how to unlock your full potential. Now I looked at the other book. The guy on the cover really looked like the Black Raven. On the cover I read that it was a book about the Swedish vigilante now known as

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