17| Glitch

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Chapter 17: Glitch (Clara's POV)

It was now the next morning and it was my third period, a free period. So, I was sitting in the library, trying to get ahead on some history work. 

Apparently, the next topic we'll be covering is Darkling. Whatever that is. Actually, I'm here to find out. 

I went upstairs where I found Callum last time I was in here. I learned that upstairs has better books. I grabbed two books on Darklings and then sat in that same spot. I know that everyone in Ilea thinks people used to have powers here and that's why we learn about them. But I don't have any idea, not a clue, about what a darkling is. 

"What'cha doin?" I looked up as Atticus walked over and then settled in a spot beside me. 

"Hi, Atticus," I smiled. 

"Hey, what's up?" He peered into the book. "Darklings? You're studying them?" 

"I'm trying to get ahead on the syllabus since I missed so much of the last topic. What are you doing here?" 

"I'm just riding out the free period." I nodded and then started reading. 

"You know, they're like a glitch in the system." 

"What?" I laughed. 

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Even then. Um, saying that people in Ilea have powers, darklings are the weird ones. It's not meant to be that way. You're supposed to have one, maybe two powers. Not all of them." 

"All of them?" I blinked in surprise. 

"Yup. They're a glitch in the system of the supernatural." 

"And is that your saying or someone else's?" 

"How does it matter?" 

"Well, I don't think they're a glitch in the system." 

"No?" He lifted a brow at me. 

"No, I think they're the... pleasant surprise." 

"What are you doing?" We both looked up where Callum stood. 

"Hey," I grinned. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Studying for history," I answered. 

"I mean what are you doing with him?" 

"I just came to say hello," Atticus said while standing up. "Don't you worry. I won't steal her too," he chuckled before walking past him. 

Callum looked at me the whole time. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him? He's—" 

"Bad news, I know," I nodded. "But so many people say that about you too. That doesn't mean it's true." 

"People say that about me without knowing me. I know him and I am telling you, it's best to stay away from him." 

"But he's so nice to me," I mumbled. 

"Everyone here acts nice, doesn't mean everyone is," he said pointedly, taking the book out of my hands. "What are you reading about?" 

"The next topic of the syllabus. Darklings. Did you know they have every power?" I took the book back, flipping through the pages. 

"Why are you looking into darklings right now? The topic starts next month," he cleared his throat. 

"I'm trying to get ahead on the syllabus to make up for the fact that I missed the beginning of it." 

He eyed me for a minute and I could feel his gaze on the side of my face even as I started reading. "You want to know about darklings?" 

"Yeah," I said without looking at him. 

"I can tell you everything there is to know." 

I looked at him, "What?" 

"I know more than anybody in this whole school about darklings." 

"How?" I asked slowly. 

"I studied them in freshman and sophomore year." 

"Oh, was it in your syllabus?" 

"Something like that," he chuckled. "What do you want to know?" 

"Are they made or born?" 

"Born," he replied. "People try becoming a darkling. They think it's better to have all the powers." 

"Isn't it?" 

"That depends on how you look at it. Yes, it's easier with a lot of powers. They can control pretty much anything. And they can never really be hurt. But learning that control can drive you crazy." 

I watched him carefully for a minute, narrowing my eyes slightly. "Are they real?" 

He blinked in realization. "Are the others?" he replied, smirking. 

"Maybe they were and now none of them exist. Maybe they've been wiped out, maybe they just faded out of existence, I don't know," I shrugged. "How did people try becoming a darkling?" 

"People used to think they could try a bunch of spells, make a bunch of potions, drink a bunch of medicines, cut your hand and use your blood, pull out a hair and use that, all kinds of crazy shit," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "It never worked. Some people died trying. But it just doesn't happen. You're either born a darkling, or you're not." 

"Are they immortal?" 

"No, but they're unbeatable. The only thing that can really kill them is old age. And well, disease." 

"What if someone stabs them?" 

"Nothing," he scoffed. "They heal." 

"What if they have poison?" 

"They might feel like they're dying. It'll hurt like shit. But they'll throw up and get it out of their system." 

"What if they fall from the top of a building?" I questioned. 

He shook his head. "A darkling can break every single bone in their body and then recover in a few months. The worse the injury, the slower the healing process. But they heal anyway." 

I stared at him, extremely shocked. "You know everything," I laughed. "How do they control their powers?" 

"They don't, that's what nobody understands." 

I frowned in confusion. 

He chuckled, "Their emotions control their powers. That's why it's difficult for darklings to learn control. To have control, they have to control their emotions. And that's nearly impossible, don't you think? That's why a lot of darklings in history just... shut down. They leave all their emotions behind, put them aside. Act like they don't feel anything. Then they can channel each power logically. With emotion, there's less logic. Most darklings choose logic over emotions. And the ones who have both? Their entire life is a challenge," he scoffed. 

"You don't think emotions can be controlled?" 

"I think if we control emotions too much, we snap. Our emotions go all over the fucking place and then we can't recover from that. If we can't, then how can a darkling when they've got so much to handle? If you always control emotions, one day you lose control over all of them." 

"So, what do you think a darkling should do?" I asked, lifting a brow. 

"I think when they can't control their emotions, they should distance themselves, let it all out, bring chaos, create havoc. Be the disasters that they are. They should do whatever they need to do in order to get it out of their system. And then once they are a little more stable, they can come back." 

I leaned my head back against the wall, sighing. "I wish they were real. I would love to know one." 

He chuckled, looking at me. 

"What?" I smiled, looking at him. 

He laughed a little louder and then let out a breath, his hand resting on his stomach. "You're one of a kind." 

"Because I want to know a darkling?" 

"Something like that," he nodded. "Now come on, we have French next." He took the book from my hands and put it back on the shelf, holding his hand out for me to take. 

I grabbed it and pulled myself up, nearly tripping over my own feet, realizing that they were numb and all I could feel were pins and needles. "Ow, pins, needles, ouch!" 

He grabbed my arm, steadying me. "Wiggle your toes, shake your feet, and get walking," he laughed, holding my hand. 

I did as he said and then slowly started walking, ignoring the sensation until it faded. Then I realized that even though I was walking normally now, his hand was still locked with mine. "I can walk," I said, holding up our hands. 

"So?" He lifted a brow at me sharply. 

I chuckled, pulling my hand out of his. "I've been here one week, Callum." 

"It's better than Scott from English who you only spoke to twice," he scoffed. 

I laughed, smacking his arm. "Don't be mean. Scott is nice. He's a good guy." 

"I thought you liked the bad guys better, no?" 

"Yeah, but I don't know you yet," I said, raising my brows at him. 

"There's plenty of time for that," he smirked, holding the door open for me. 

I stepped through and took my seat and he settled in his seat behind me. "Hey, Callum." I spun in my seat to look at him. 


"You're good at French, right?" 

"No," he shook his head. 

"Don't lie, on my first day, Mr. Robert was going to ask you to help me." 

"What do you want from me?" he chuckled. 

"I need help with French. I have to catch up on the syllabus, if I don't then I'll stay clueless in class like I am. And then you'll have to tell me the answers every time he calls on me," I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Please?" 

He looked at me for a minute before sighing in defeat. "Okay. After classes today, we can start from the first chapter, okay?" 

"Thank you," I grinned.






Chapter 17

I did so well in my practice math tests omggggg

I'm like dumb so that's huge for me lmao

next chapter: difference  

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