CHAPTER 9:The Angel's of Misery

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Solem Zekiah Du'Tritz POV

"Solem..." She whispered again. This time I reached out to her hand and Immediately hugged her with eyes swelling with tears.

"Mom..." I murmured.

"You did great, baby. You've grown up really brave and tough, I'm proud of you." She gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back.

If this is a hallucination, it felt surreal. And I'm slowly convincing myself to believe in this.

"Are you really real? Mom?" I asked her once again.

"Yes, Solem. I'm here. Infront of you." She replied which made me cry more. I hugged her again tightly. But as I then realize again that my real my mom was already dead years ago. I looked my palm, noticing the ring was there but I couldn't see the ink trails I have on my arm. I breathe in, trying to start feeling the presence of my ring. As soon as I felt it being one with me, I started to ask.

'How can I get out of this?' I asked the ring.

'Do what you wouldn't do in real life.

The Angel disguises according to your greatest weakness turning things to be your misery.

The stronger your will to get out of it, you can.

The weaker you as you give in to the curse, you'll forever be imprisoned there'

"I'm sorry Mom. But we both know your already dead and just a painful memory to me." I said, making the disguising black angel frown. I slowly walked to her place, held her hand then let the fire consume her.

"W-what are you doing! NOOOOOOOO!" it shouted while it slowly comes back to its true form.

"I now know what you are." I hissed. As my surrounding comes back to normal I quickly grabbed my sword and slashed it. Unfortunately, the black angel quickly dodged and flew away.

"Alexiese?" I shouted. The domes are still in screams of horror. I looked for him around the base and saw him with the other guardians standing outside with black angels on their backs whispering incoherent words. I stopped and hid. Little by little I quickly hid from one place to another near them. I grabbed my sword who's now silently hanging on my side.

"This should work or I'm going back into their curse again." I murmured, preparing myself to charge forward.

In 1,2,3... I run and charged forward, sword on my hand, and attacked the nearest Black angel.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I shouted as my swords clash against the black angel's sword. I slashed and dodge, slash and dodge. But I noticed nothing was happening to it, it actually isn't being injured by my sword. I looked to it with rage. Then to my sword, "Stop pitying yourself." I whispered.

This is the first time I ever felt useless. Powerless.

But still I continue to charge forward and attack, trying my very luck to get my fellow guardians out of their curses. But after my fifth attack, one of the black angels caught my throat.

"Give up already. You're just a mere human. You can't ever kill us." She said.

"Ahck—NO! i-I won't!" I shouted while she lifts me off the ground holding my neck. My sword fell on the ground. I was in my last breath when Arian appeared.

"Concentrate and center yourself to draw out your power. This is the perfect moment to do it, Solem." She said.

I breathe in and out, calming myself. I closed my eyes and continue to seek and feel the power of being a guardian. And then...

I finally found it.

"HAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I shouted. As the fire started to draw out of me. My mark and tattoo's lit up, and the surge of power pumps strongly into my veins.

The black angel who's grabbing my neck was engulfed by the flames coming out from me, and because of that it let go of my throat freeing me. It tried to kill the flame that continues to consume her, but nothing happens until she's already into ashes. I held my sword back again, wield up my power with it and charges forward my other enemies. The other's flew to retreat, the other's stayed and tried to fight. At the end, five of the black angels became ashes on the ground.

"aack—aack—what... what happened?" Alexiese asked the moment they all had been freed from the black angels' curses.

"What were... those?" Lexxus asked while breathing hard.


We then realized the whole dome is still in cries and screams.

"Quick. We still have more to face." I said. My body is still in fire, even my sword is now in flames. "Discharge your powers now, it would be a great help." I suggested.

"I... I think the swords... the swords Simon gave us could also help." Johann said while breathing hard, still kneeling on the ground. "The materials Peter used is more preferably to be actually used and to be blended with our abilities.

"Let's get going. They're currently causing too much disaster here" I said and we eventually get moving. We started with dome 1, the nearest to the central dome. We battled all Black angels we see on the way, while the other guardians tried to evacuate the citizens to central dome.

"<Sir, citizens are coming up in your way from the tunnels. Please make sure they'll be safe there in the Central dome evacuation village.>" –Alexiese communicates with Commander Brick through an open line.

"<I can't make sure of that, Warrior Alexiese. We are also getting rid of some of these annoying black angels here.>" –Commander Brick replied.

"STOP!" I shouted. "What the heck is that?" I grimaced as I look to the thing blocking our way to the tunnel to Dome 2.

"What is that?!" the other guardians exclaimed.

"Is that a bunch of Banshee's?" Johann asked.

"Banshee? Really?" I asked. Dumbfounded.

"And they actually exist?!" Kylie shouted. Also dumbfounded.

"And their shout is—Sh*t!" Johann was interrupted because the Banshee's already started screaming. And their scream was deadly. I almost felt my ears bleeding. And it was the most ridiculous 7 minutes of my life. Until the ground shakes, making the banshees flew away.

"They're gone..." I said, grasping my ear. Yeah, it was definitely bleeding right now. Looking at my hand with blood from my ears, I then looked after my other guardian friends. "Is everyone alright?" I asked. They all nodded though their ears were also bleeding.

"Luckily we still can hear." Johann chuckled, as if something is really amusing him.

"Thanks to me." A voice suddenly interrupts our conversation. "Your welcome." She added.

I looked around and saw a woman in white scattered dress standing near us. She was stained with dirt and blood, as if she had gone through a lot before we saw her here. Being attentive, I fired up again while pointing my sword to her direction.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to make her feel we aren't comfortable with her presence.

"Is that how you say thank you?" she asked back. And when she smiled, she revealed her black wings. Her eyes turning into gold. As soon as we saw her black feathered wings, we realized she's a black angel. We armed ourselves, ready to attack her when Johann walks toward her.

"Johann! What are you doing?!" Ethan shouted. Johann stopped walking halfway, but extends his arms toward the woman with admiration.

"JOHANN!" Liam shouted to draw his attention back to us. Alexiese runs to him to grab him back towards us, but Johann didn't give in.

"What the hell, Johann! Come on! She might attack us!" Alexiese exclaimed.

"Y-You..." Johann stutters. "Are you for real?" he asks the woman. The woman only smiled.

"Johann!" The other guardians shouted as he runs toward the black angel.

"She's no harm, Guardians. She's a Nephilim. A good one." He stated as he walks around the Woman with admiration. The woman on the other hand, hides her wings back now although her eyes still stays as glimmering gold.

"I'm an ally, Guardians. By the way, I'm Amethyst. And yes, I'm a Nephilim. Half-angel, Half-demon." She stated which made me bewildered. My fire starts to fade as I turn back to my normal mode.

"For real?" I asked, fully astonished now.

"Yup. You want proof?" she asks. "Except for the wings and my eyes?" when I nodded, she picks up Johann's sword that startled us. We armed ourselves again to prepare for an attack from her.

"Hey! Put that down!" Alexiese shouted.

"Chill. I ain't gonna attack you. Will you just calm down?" she said, eventually she sliced her arm using Johann's sword and black liquid came dropping down from where she cuts herself. "Only Nephilim's and Demons have black bloods. Just in case you don't know. While Angel's have golden eyes and golden bloods. They're high class creatures after all." She explained.

"Then—sh*t." I exclaimed as the ground shakes again due to an explosion into one of the domes.

"We need to get going. We need to get rid of the black angels fast." She said.

"Wait—You need weapons." Johann said. The Nephilim named Amethyst only shrugged and smiled.

"I don't need one." She said as she was surrounded with black aura while she summons a celestial sword from the air, and with her golden eyes on she quickly ran towards the tunnel to dome 2.

"That's pretty cool." Jacob said as he ran pass me. I ran then after the others.

"SOLEM! DODGE!!" Lewis shouted, I quickly did and he slashed the black angel charging from my back. "That was close." He said.

"Thank you." I replied before going back into battling the other black angel's left. Then the ground shakes again as Amethyst slams the ground hard with her black sword, knocking the other angels and giving us enough opportunity to get rid of them.

"HAAH!" I shouted as I slashed my sword towards another. It dodged and tried to grab me, but my flames engulf him fully. Surprised, he tried to kill the flames but failed and got burnt into ashes in the end.

After clearing dome 2, we quickly come to dome 3 to do the same. The Palace Guards called reinforcements especially with the archers. And when we are in the midst of clearing dome 5(skipping dome 4 because it's currently on lockdown), Simon and Peter helped us through. We had a little talk about Amethyst and how could we get rid of the creatures we are fighting now and eventually fought together. On dome 6, only 2 black angels were left causing havoc, which we easily get rid of so we go on until we are in dome 10.

"SWORDS DOWN! DON'T MOVE!" The Palace Head Guard shouted the moment we entered the gate of Dome 10. "YOU'VE BEEN ACCUSED FOR TREACHERY AND A COMMAND IS RELEASED FROM THE PALACE TO ARREST YOU!" he added.

"Oh wow! Now we're being accused. I've been tired and exhausted for defending this city and they'll release an order to arrest us?! Just wow." Gabrielle sarcastically exclaimed. I looked around and saw that were being surrounded now by archers aiming at us.

"SWORDS ON FLOOR PLEASE GUARDIANS!" Commander Brick appeared.

"Commander?!" we blurted shockingly.

"What the hell..." Lexxus whispered. "We've got nothing against the Palace. What's this?!"

"They're arresting you all because of the two of us." Peter said.

"It's the time to face Alexandrov." Simon stated as the two of them walk towards Commander Brick who's leading the guards. "Let's end this come on. Let the guardians free and were coming with you."

"Sorry Prophet, were ordered to bring them also for judicial processes towards their treachery to the King's orders." The Commander said. On the other hand, the other guards now walking towards us, surrounding us armed with their long spears and shields. We didn't move a muscle, and let them do what they are tasked to do right now. They confiscated our swords and started to put chains to us.

"We will not do anything until we already faced the King." I commanded them. The others grimaced, the others stayed silent until the palace guards finished putting chains to us then brought us to the Castle.

While walking back to the Palace of the King with chains on both hands and feet, Amethyst called me out.

"Are we getting imprisoned?" she whispered.

"Certainly." I simply answered.

As soon as we arrived at the Castle, we were brought to a jail. But the jail seems specially reserved for us; it has specifically almost all we need to have like the ones we have in our barracks. The only difference was it has bars and locks.

"So Alpha, what are we gonna do next? The King now turns his back against us." Bryan asked.

"And add the fact that they didn't brought with us Peter and Simon. We couldn't ask them anything right now." Aaron added.

"Excuse us, I'll just talk privately with Alexiese." Johann interfered, making my brows raised.

"Okay? They never became close, almost everytime they threw each other arguments and they never agreed with each other but Alexiese seems agreeing to the fact that they will be talking privately now? That's new." I thought. "Wish they weren't gonna kill or blame each other because were here now."

"Are we just gonna wait here?" Ethan asked.

"We can't escape here though. They put something with the bars." Amethyst said while observing the bars using her golden eyes. Eventually, she raised her arms and summoned her sword, slashed it against the bars that cause some shaking of the ground. But still, the bars seem not damaged at all.

"So were really locked up here?" Liam exclaimed. "Lucky us this place seems elegant for a prisoner. We have beds, we have small kitchen with food, we have sofa's, and we even have comfort rooms!" he added while pointing his finger to each of what he mentions.

"Maybe this is all temporary." I whispered, and as if on cue, Alexiese and Johann appeared from the comfort room. (Yeap, there is where they actually talked privately. Seems a bit weird but Nevermind.)

"We can't escape here." Johann said upon sitting in one of the beds.

"Yeah we know, Amethyst had just said to us a while ago." Ian said.

"Oh. Yeah?" Johann replied, seems a bit surprised that we already knew. "Oh. Yeah she was a Nephilim, right. I forgot sorry." He realized.

"So on the other hand, may I ask you Amethyst. Specifically, Nephilim's are actually half human and half angel right?" Kylie asked Amethyst who were still trying to find a way for us to escape in this prison cell.

"Yeah. Actually I'm half Human, ¼ angel and ¼ demon. My mom's a Nephilim too, while my father was half demon. That's makes me a hybrid Nephilim and demon." She explained.

"How did you find out about it?" I asked, adding to the current conversation about her.

"Hmm." She murmured while thinking. "I am actually living with my mother. She's a third rank Archangel in the heaven, so she taught me how to summon my wings and my sword. However, the Highest council decided to ditch me when they found out that my father was a half-demon."

"Where's your mother right now then?" It's Kylie now who asked.

"I have no idea actually. It was only me who were thrown from the skies right?" Amethyst replied. "And oh, sorry that I destroyed one of your domes when I landed." She added.

"It was you?!" Kylie shouted, "We all thought it's a meteorite that landed!"

"I actually looked like one and felt like one though. If you only experienced being thrown up from that high." She chuckled. "You would never imagine how it felt. I can't even spread my wings with the force." She was almost laughing when we heard footsteps approaching.

"Looks like the guards." I said. Everyone became silent until the guards arrived.

"Alexiese and Johann, you're coming with us." One of the guards said. "Put this chains on both your hands and feet first." And the two silently obliged. Soon, the guards left with Alexiese and Johann.

"I wish those two had some plan atleast." Ethan commented, while the other's stayed silent.

"Times ticking. We actually have little left before everyone arrives." Amethyst said out of the blue, making us frown.

"What are you talking about?"

"My mother left me a mission before I was thrown out of heaven." She replied. "I almost forgot about it." She added. "Fourth apocalypse is on its way. The higher council decided to free the prisoners of heaven and ditch them all here in the soils of earth, to cleanse it."

"WHAT?!" we shouted in chorus, everyone in shock. "What do you meant with the word 'cleanse'? I asked.

"It simply means clearing the last humanity. It was a parole for the angels who commit sins and was imprisoned in heaven, therefore they will do everything just to get back to their positions. The high council even made a deal with Seth to emerge his minions in the cleansing to stop their upcoming war happening in the very soil of this planet. Which, I am certain the Demon King will gleefully obliged. After all he loves causing destruction to human kind since then." She sighed. "You should've been all preparing right now. I am not certain for when they will all come, but I am certain that it will be days from when I arrived, or worst later or tomorrow. We never knew."

With what she said, I looked away. This thing had been bugging my dreams for a quiet sometime, and I never had shared it with the other guardians. I was so busy with everything happening here, I always got distracted for all the secret this city has, and for the obligations given to me in rush. Who can even get prepared right? I glanced to the other guardians, all of us were seemed to be forced to be one. All we wish was to be with our families, have a peaceful life inside the domes until our very last breath.

Isn't that 'cleansing' the way to finally put an end to our misery here? Does it still matter to survive? We will still all die right? So what's the essence of fighting?

Were all mere humans, yes we possess supernatural powers right now given to us, but is that enough to fight what is nearly approaching?

My thoughts popped when Amethyst spread her wings that brightens up too much, causing my hands to automatically cover my eyes. She again summoned her sword and said, "You all need to get out of here, Guardians. The moment I pour on my last grace on breaking this Bars, find the other guardians, tell the Prophet about my message and prepare. I won't be able to fight for long again after this, and I will be needing a lot of time to regenerate my full grace so it's all in you guardians." She said before summoning a

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