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(y/n)'s POV

"Bakugou...." Aizawa-sensei said and tied his bindings to the guy in front of me.

"Aizawa-sensei..." He said as he struggled getting out of the bindings.

"I don't want any violent actions in my class. Let go of her arm right now." Aizawa exclaimed. All of the students stared at us.

"Tch..." He let go of me. When he let go, the students gasped as they saw the burn on my arm.

"(l/n), go to the nurse's office now." Aizawa-sensei told me. I nodded and went on my way.

Katsuki's POV

'Tch... That girl pisses me a lot.' Aizawa-sensei set me free and walked closer to me.

"Don't ever do that again Bakugou." And with that sensei left and continued guarding the students as they perform the activity.

'tch... But... Why isn't that girl gonna participate?' I looked at the direction she went and sighed.

"Uhmm, Kacchan.." I turned around and saw Deku.

"Oi! What do you want huh?!" I glared at him.

"Uhhmm, there's a burn at your arm, I thought that you haven't noticed it yet so I approached you to tell you that." He pointed at the burn and observed it.

"It really looks like the burn that girl had." He's referring to (l/n).

"Now that you mentioned it, it's also at the exact same place." I added with a hint of confusion and curiosity.

"Kacchan, you must go to the nurse's office for this to be healed." He said.

"Tch... I'll go to Aizawa-sensei first now fuck off and mind your own fucking business!" I fastly walked to Aizawa-sensei and he turned his head when he noticed me.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"What exactly is (l/n)'s quirk? Why isn't she participating in the activity?" He sighed.

"You shouldn't mind other people and focus on yourself." He looked back to the other students who were still doing the activity.

"Sensei, why shouldn't I ask that if I got the exact same burn (l/n) had?" I showed him the burn and his eyes widened.

"Go to the nurse's office immediately." He ordered.

"But sensei..."

"No buts you must hurry go now!" I did as what he said and hurried to the nurse's office.

'What exactly are you (l/n)?'

(y/n)'s POV

I just stayed at the place for a little while since I don't need any medications or something to heal me. I have high self regeneration. I stood up from the bed I was sitting on and got out. I heard footsteps coming my way so I quickly hid behind the wall of the other end of the hallway. 'Oh, it's just Bakugou' I stood there until it was clearer for me to see his physical appearance. 'Dang it. The wound he just gave me now reflected to his body and worse.' I sighed quietly so that he won't hear me. He went in the clinic. I quickly but quietly walked to the way he was from and that is to the grounds to see Aizawa-sensei.

~Time skip brought to you by Ash's handsomeness~

"Hey, Aizawa-sensei." I called out to him as I was making my way.

"What is it?" He asked facing me.

"I'm not feeling well, can I go home now?" I looked away. We stood there for a couple of seconds.

"Sure, but first go to the principal's office to call Ash. You need someone to fetch you." And with that he looked back and I started my journey to the principal's office.

~Time skip brought to you by Aizawa-sensei~

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Ash questioned as the Ferrari started.

"Nothing. I wanna talk to you about something. I wanna talk about it at home." I answered looking outside.

"Sure." He started to drive and we made it at home after a couple of minutes.

I sat on a couch at the living room and waited for Ash's return. I heard the doorknob clicking and footsteps. He sat down next to me and lifted my chin up to meet his ocean blue eyes.

"What is it?" He asked with a calm voice.

"Why did you did it?"  "Did what?"  "You clearly and absolutely know what I mean." I squinted my eyes. He sighed and let go of my chin as he faced forward.

"He hurt you."  "You don't have to do that, he's just a kid."  "And so are you." He quickly hugged me and I hugged him back after a couple of seconds.

"Don't do that again ok?" I asked as I stroke his black-colored hair. "Ok..." He said tightening the hug.

"You won't do it again to good people understand?"  "I understand..." I smiled faintly.

"And promise me to not use your quirk unless I tell you to do so." He stiffened a bit but loosened after.

"No promises..." I clung on him and closed my eyes which are blinded from the sun rays radiating from the tall windows. When I opened them, darkness covered the whole place and the only source of light is the moon.

"We should sleep now Ash." I whispered. He hummed as an agreement. I let go and tried to stand up but when I'm almost to standing up, I stumbled face first, I can't move any parts of my body. I can only hear Ash's voice fainting by the second as well as my eyesight blurrying until darkness fell upon me.

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