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Q U E S T I O N   T I M E

which brother do you think a should do a book for next?


Greece felt trapped, her arms were tied together and she fought against their hold she noticed her feet were as well. She scowled, what the hell?
What has Allegro taught her, search surroundings for anything for her to get an idea of where she was and how she could get the hell out. But looking around now, Greece could hardly see with the dimly lit light and the darkness of the room. But what she could make out was the pain she was feeling all over her body.

So as a last resort she yelled, "Help!" Her voice rang out in the darkness making an echo.
"Help!" She yelled again.
But to no avail, there wasn't an answer until she heard hinges of a door being swung open and she squinted in her eyes in the darkness to see who had entered but swallowed slowly when she recognized the face.
"Baby." The voice sounded sinister and Greece had never wanted to throw up so much in her life.

"I've been waiting for you." He smirked approaching her.
"Thought you could hide for long? Didn't ya? Thought you could get away?" He was chuckling.
"But you have to remember, I had you first. You're mine."
Greece shook her head fiercely, "I am not yours!" She spat venomously.

The man before her, looked cocky, "Is that what you think?"
"Then is just have to remind you then." He unclasped his belt from around his waist and fastened it like a whip and Greece suddenly fought against her restraints as he lifted it above her head.

"Allegro!" She screamed so loud she thought her throat would have gone sore.
All she saw was the look in his eye as he released it on her skin, before she sprang up on the bed. Her breathing ragged and a confused Alejandro staring at her by the door of Allegro's room. In that moment she wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in Allegro's arms but as Alejandro stared at her all she could do was burst into tears. She knew he must have felt awkward just standing there looking at her but Greece couldn't help it as she cried into her hands.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounded a little weary.
She forced herself to nod her head, "Do you- would you want— me to—" he stuttered and then Greece realized he was clueless at what to do in a situation like this.
But before she could attempt to speak, Allegro and Arturo burst through the door and Allegro stared menacingly at his brother.
"What the fuck are you doing in my room?"

He pointed an accusing finger at his brother, "And why the fuck is she crying?" Allegro demanded.
"You better not have laid a hand on her Alejandro, or I swear to god!"
"I didn't fucking touch her!" Alejandro spat out, "She screamed your name and I came to check it out." Alejandro was shaking his head as he exited the room slamming the door on his way out.
Greece sniffled, looking at Allegro who's anger seemed to be getting the best of him.

"It's fine. He did what he said." Greece whispered reaching out for him.
Allegro obliged and Arturo nodded when Allegro dismissed him.
"Mio amore, what happened?"
Greece snuggled into his chest and let it out while Allegro just soothingly ran his fingers through her hair.
"I had a bad dream."
When she told him about it and he hugged her close, Greece took comfort in being in his arms and closed her eyes.

"Was that something he did often?" Allegro asked suddenly.
Greece lifted her head and nodded which caused Allegro to grit his teeth.
"No one is ever going to lay a hand on you ever again!"
Greece only sighed as his soothing touch made her relax, "Are you tired?" He asked.
Greece shook her head, there was no way she was going back to sleep now.

"What would you like to do?"
Greece cuddled closer to him, "Cuddle." She whispered smiling.
A rich laugh escaped his throat and he nodded tightening his hold on her, "You don't get nightmares often do you?"
Greece shook her head, "No, I haven't been. I mean when I was still with him I'd get them more frequently but ever since I left I haven't really."

Allegro nodded and Greece reached up to trace his jaw, "You know you didn't have to yell at your brother like that."
Allegro scoffed, "What was I suppose to think, he hasn't been the warmest in welcoming you here."
Greece shrugged, "A sudden change doesn't suit everyone."
Allegro scoffed again as Greece continued, "I think he was genuinely worried."

Greece shrugged when Allegro looked down at her, "You really want his blessing don't you."
Greece looked away, it was the way she was, she wanted Allegro's family to like her and the fact that Alejandro seemed to hate her didn't sit well.
"He'll warm up to you. The fact that he even bothered to check on you says something."
"Hmph." Greece murmured.

They sat in silence and before long Allegro's phone began to vibrate and he placed the metal to his ear, "Sí, you found it?"
"Good." Allegro hung up and turned to her.
"My men followed the car and found it parked outside what seems to be where Kazer is hiding."


Q U E S T I O N    T I M E   (2)

Which brother is your favorite?

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