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(h/c) hair colour
(e/c) eye colour



Gasping helpless for air, (Y/N) opened her eyes filled with panic and horror, as she swiftly sat up, while leaning against the worn down white wall.

Feeling quite exhausted, she looked around with tired, glossy eyes.
It seemed all safe and normal, but she felt oddly uncomfortable and cold.
Touching the bedsheets, she realized how wet they were, probably from her body, as she sweated through her terrible nightmares.

Lifting up the covers, she stepped onto the cold, wooden pavement, that shimmered in the moonlight.
Feeling the coldness radiating off the floor, she put on some fuzzy black socks, warming up her freezing toes.
Strolling down the hall, she passed some old paintings, but one particular one always caught her eyesight.

Stopping infront of the immense painting, she leaned in to exame it up more closely.
She wasn't the most artistic person, but by the looks of it, she assumed that it was drawn with acrylic paint.
Stretching her hand out, she touched the dark wooden frame, finding the feeling relaxing as she could feel any kind of texture.

Lifting her gaze up again, she began to silently exame the piece of art.
On the canvas was drawn a rather big man, with scruffy long brown beard, that seemed itchy, deep green eyes mixed with just little dots of yellow and brown making it really realistic.

The man wore a black hat, a little bit crooked on top of his head, and a brown jacket made out of wool.
It was decorated with black stitches and flower designs, in all colours you could imagen.
The man was in a rather stiff position, as he was drawn with his arms down, stiff shoulders and all around tensed atmosphere.

In the background you could see a little river, on each side a bunch of trees and bushes that hid deliscious little cranberries behind their branches.

The sun shone strongly, reflecting it's beams in the moving water of the river, illuminating it's swimming creatures inside.

Diplayed on the top left corner of the painting, there was a big old branch, seemingly pale without it's green, fresh leafs.

Sitting in the middle with ease was a mysterious black crow. It's head was directed to the side, but stared right at the observer of the painting.
The beams of sunlight reflected beautiful on the eyes, making them illuminate their dark iris.

It's long, black wings that glimmered in the beams of sunlight, were proudly spread, creating a wonderful glimmer on it's feathers.

The way it stared directly into ones soul was like, the painter of this masterpiece wanted to make a statement with it's expression.

For (Y/N), the painting was one of a kind. Not only the technique of the painting itself was a masterpiece, but the message behind it was a mystery for itself.

Nothing would indicate the proof.
Everyone had their own imagination and understanding to the view of different types of things.

Maybe that was the goal the painter had set himself, to accept everyones different opinions on things.
To analize things from different perspectives.

Is this the answer to why he hasn't said to anyone the meaning behind it?
Why there was no answer?
It could be.

Seemingly distracted for a long time, (Y/N) finally snapped out of her daydreaming episode and made her way to the bathroom once again.

Opening the door, the doors handle squeaked under the pressure.
Yawning, she took off her mostly wet and smelly shirt.
Smelling at it, she let out a disgusted gag, tossing it in the corner.

Getting her previous worn t-shirt that was now dry, as she had hung it up to dry some days ago.

Putting it on, she now felt more comfortable in her own clothes, snuggling the soft, silky fabric.
Rubbing her eyes with both of her hands, she struggled to stay awake.

"F*ck", she grumbled as she hit her prescious little toe on a corner, making it turn red while it began to throb painfully, a sensation of discomfort shooting through her veins.

Hurrying to bed before passing out on the cold pavement, she landed in her bed, covered herself up and shut her eyes, as she was thrown into dreamland once again.


Still evolped in her deep slumber, (Y/N) finally got the deserved rest, after the circumstances she was in the previous day.

As for today, a wild storm raged outside of her comforting little apartment.

From the sky fell thousands of big raindrops, hitting everything that wasn't under some kind of shelter.

Strong blows of wind devestated everything that came in the way.
Trees were ripped out of the soil, leaving their roots dangling from their original place.
Some even crashed into cars or houses, destroying them in the process.

As the massive storm didn't seem to stop, but in the contrary, increased, the previous sound asleep (Y/N) began to slowly wake up.

Groaning, she felt a sharp pain in her head, beginning to throb painfully for the (h/c) girl. Deciding against getting up with such pain, she let herself fall on her soft pillow once again.

Softly breathing, she closed her tired eyes, hoping to fall asleep once again.
Listening to the noises outside, she felt relaxed.

The wind blowing against her window, hitting it every so often in the process.
The rain that dropped onto various objects, always producing another tone.
The rustling of leafs, that swayed wild in the wind.
The branches screeching as they were bent in ways never meant to be, breaking some from the action.

The throbbing in her head vanished as quickly as it came.
Slowly getting out of bed again, she made her way to the bathroom.
On her way, she grabbed a plastic cup and her red toothbrush.

By the white sink she began to steadily brush her teeth, making a grimace on how old her toothbrush already was.
Maybe 7 months old.
Could be more than that.

Shrugging her shoulders, she filled the little plastic cup with water, rinsing out her mouth.
Taking a towel from behind her, she dryed herself off.
Not caring about brushing her disheveled hair, she strolled down the hallway in the kitchen, where she planned to make her breakfast.

Standing infront of the with deliscious food filled cupboard, she couldn't really decide on what to eat.
Looking through all sorts of items, one particular one caught her eye.

Little gold brown buns, filled with all different kinds of flavoured chocolate.
Drooling at the heavenly sight, she quickly took them out and placed her tresure onto the old fashioned table.

It was a pack of 6 buns, each one filled with another type of chocolate cream.
Not wanting to devour them all at once, (Y/N) took two of the little buns out of the packet.
Closing it again, she placed it in its original place.

Taking a seat on the table, she examed one of them, looking for any kind of mold.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Not seeing anything suspiscious, she took a large bite out of one.
Moaning at the sweet heavenly taste, she leaned back in her chair.

It's been a while since she had such deliscious food in her greedy mouth.
Good items, are hard to find.

Finishing the two of them, (Y/N) laid satisfait on her bed.
She wouldn't possible go out there.
Having her stock of food filled, she had nothing to worry about.

It didn't seem like the storm would stop, so the (h/c) teen couldn't care less.
Not wanting to lay like an old sack filled with potatoes, she got once again on her feet.

Hearing some screams outside, (Y/N) turned around where the window was.
Swiftly hopping to it, she let my gaze wander outside.

Seeing some figured right outside on the streets, she raised suspiscious my eyebrow.
"What the hell are they doing?..", (Y/N) wondered out loud, confused at the scene before her eyes.

Staring at them, she saw how they searched something, maybe a shelter from the storm that terrorized the outide world.

One of them seemed to scream at one other girl.
She had blonde long wavy hair, and wet pink clothes that clunged to her body.
Having enough of the drama, (Y/N) laid back down on my warm bed.

Closing my eyes, the stressed out teen tried to relax, but with the never ending screams outside, it was nearly impossible to even close one eye.
Deciding on being productive, she began to polish and clean her equipment.

Taking out her favourite pocket knife, she began to clean it with water.
Beginning to see her own reflection on the scratched blade, she put it back in her pocket.

Continuing the process on servere other weapons.
Too focused in her cleaning, she didn't notice how fast the time flew by, as slowly the dawn broke in.

Through the tiny broken window shone the last beams of sunlight for today, reflecting the warm colours all around her now cozy warm room.

Finally noticing the perishing sun outside her window, she placed her things at their belonging spot.
Placing the last item, a old washed out rug, on the bathroom sink, she sighed.

Placing her hands on the edge of the dirty white sink, she leaned against it, letting out another long sight.
Drifting her gaze up at the half broken down mirror, she stared at her hideous crooked reflection.

Letting her gaze shift to her (e/c) eyes, she saw a pool of mixed emotions.
Her cold, predator like gaze made multiple shivers go down her spine.
Her (e/c) eyes seemed like a façade, hiding it's weaknesses inside, not daring to let anyone see it's actual vunerability.

The longer she held her stare, the more she became uncomfortable.
Her eyes, telling every word she can't scream.
Every emotion she doesn't want to feel.
Every story she wanted to tell.

"Did I really become this....this heartless?", she asked selfconscious to herself, holding her gaze towards her own eyes.
Some people say, the eyes of a person is the entrance to their soul.
The eyes are the most expressional part of the body.
By the looks of them, the rumor's right.


So, I'm thinking about uploading every second day, because the process of making them, adding details and correcting them multiple times over for any kind of typo is really taking a long time.

I hope you can understand, but don't worry, the next chapter will come soon enough ma mates \(>.●)/


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