Chapter 20

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Daniel POV


I jumped up and grabbed Ethan's arm, pulling him back down into his seat which took all my strength.

"What're you doing?" I whispered to him nervously. He turned to me and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just gonna have a little chat..." He drifted off and stood back up. I saw some people start to watch him as he walked over to Mason's table. Sarah looked at him then glanced at me from the table next to Mason's and I shrank back in my seat.

Ethan POV

I didn't know what I was gonna do to him when I got there, but I'd make sure he wouldn't forget it.

Don't scare Daniel. I tried telling myself, but then I remembered what was carved on his back and my pace quickened.

"Excuse me." I said, seeing Mason's body stiffen and he slowly turned around. He didn't say anything, just looked at me.

"What do you want?" A bitchy, but familiar voice said to me. I looked over and saw the red haired girl who'd gone with Mason to the hospital glaring at me. I stared at her for about five seconds, then ignored her when she broke eye contact, turning back to Mason. He seemed to have regained his composure after that brat had spoken.

"Did you hear me?" I asked. He smirked and stood up, facing me.

"Is there something you need?" He said, trying to act tough in front of his friends. I smiled back.

"How about we take this conversation somewhere more private?" I said. His smirk faltered for a second, but he recovered quickly.

"I think I'm fine here."

I laughed.

Daniel POV

That was not the good kind of laugh. It was the dangerous kind that sent chills down your spine and made you look for somewhere to run.

Oh my god I have to stop this. Ethan's gonna kill him.

Ethan took a step closer to Mason and I quickly stood up, walking quickly to him. Nobody saw me because everyone's attention was on Ethan and Mason.

I grabbed Ethan's arm and he turned around glaring, until he saw it was me and his expression softened.

"Don't do this, Ethan. It was a while ago, let's just have lunch..." I said quietly, so Mason wasn't able to hear.

Ethan looked extremely conflicted and I tugged his arm towards our table and I relaxed as he started walking with me back to the table. Mason was truly an idiot though.

"Fags." He muttered.

I felt the arm I was pulling tear out of my grip and I saw Ethan punch Mason so hard that Mason fell to the ground, clutching his face.


Ethan didn't even look satisfied. I grabbed his jacket and tried pulling him back again as noise and commotion started to fill the cafeteria.

Ethan could get in serious trouble for this. He didn't even go to the school!

"Ethan— come on!" I said and he gave one last glare to Mason, who was still on the ground and followed me out of the cafeteria. I rushed to my locker and turned to face him.

"Dammit Ethan you could get in so much trouble for that!" I said, glaring at him while trying to catch my breath.

"Worth it." He said, smiling at my reaction. This angered me more.

"No it wasn't Ethan— you don't go here it's not like a regular fight between the students—"

"Daniel. He hurt you. He's lucky he got off that easy." I stared at him, saying nothing.

"In fact I'm still considering going back there and finishing him off—" I grabbed his shoulders.

"What the hell does 'finishing him off' mean?!"

"Don't worry Daniel, I'm not gonna kill him, just teach him a lesson—"

"No— you're not gonna do anything to him— you gotta get out of this school right now before some teacher sees you or Mason calls the cops or something—"

Ethan snorted at that.

"You think he's gonna call the cops in front of all his friends? And I'm seriously not afraid of a teacher..." He smiled.

I didn't know what to say. What was Ethan afraid of? I dropped my hands from his shoulders.

"You're not going back." I said seriously and Ethan's smile widened. My heart sped up as he brought a hand up to my chin and gently pushed me back against the lockers with his other hand. I felt frozen as he slowly lowered his head. Was I also leaning forward?

"Mr. Layman!"

Both Ethan and I jumped apart, startled as we heard Mrs. Cook's voice echo through the hall. I let out a breath I'd been holding and started walking away from her, with Ethan following.

"Daniel don't avoid me— I won't make you talk to a counselor if you tell me why you don't need one." She said loudly after me. I died a little inside when I realized that Ethan definitely heard that and was probably questioning why I needed a counselor. I quickly spun around.

"Seriously, Mrs. Cook, I don't need one. Thanks for your concern." I started walking away again when she grabbed my arm, making me turn around again. I could feel Ethan glaring at her from the corner of my eyes.

"I have the principal waiting in my room so we can talk about this." She said. My heart sunk. Why'd she involve him? Do they seriously think I'm suicidal? I nodded and started following her quietly to the room, with Ethan by my side. If I didn't agree to talking to the principle, I'd be in real trouble.

She stopped at the door and looked at Ethan.

"I'd rather this be a private conversation with Mr. Layman. You can wait here if you wish."

"I don't think s—"

"Ethan, just wait for me by your car. I don't want you getting into trouble." I whispered to him. Today was not going my way, I didn't wanna take any more chances.

He gave me a nod, glared at Mrs. Cook and slowly started walking away.

I followed Mrs. Cook into the room and avoided the principal's eyes. I didn't realize there was another person there until she spoke up.

"Oh thank god Daniel you're okay I haven't seen you in days! I was worried sick!" I heard her voice covered in fake worry as she hurried over to me, giving me a tight hug.

"Mom?!" I said confused.

Too many people here...

"Please sit, Mr. Layman we need to discuss your mental state." The principal, Mr. Meyers, said.

What? Did I kill someone I don't know about or something?

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"We both know what I'm talking about. A few weeks ago you jumped off of a bridge and you're very lucky to be alive. But we need to get you help for your suicidal thoughts."

The room got very hot suddenly.

"I'm not suicidal."

Both Mrs. Cook and Mr. Meyers looked down, as if they knew that's what I'd say, and my mom gave an exaggerated sob. I glanced at her and saw a glint of anger in her eyes before they were covered by her hands as she covered her fake cries.

"I'm not suicidal." I said again and I stood up, beginning to walk to the door and trying to ignore how disrespectful I was being towards the principle.

"Mr. Layman. Please sit down. We haven't finished our discussion." Mr. Meyers said to me like he was talking to his six year old son. I stopped walking, but didn't sit down. Instead I leaned against the wall of the classroom, trying to keep control of my breathing.

"Mrs. Cook and I have agreed that you should at least see the school counselor, if not someone more professional to help you. Your mother has agreed to this, so you will begin sessions next Monday." Is this supposed to calm me down?

"Really guys, I don't need to see—"

"Daniel! You will see the counselor and that's final. I want you to be better so we can go back to doing things together again like we used to." She said the second part in her most convincing caring voice. I cringed when I saw that Mrs. Cook and Mr. Meyers were buying her act. Boy, was I gonna hear it when I got home.

Then just don't go home.

My breathing became easier as I realized that Ethan was still out in the parking lot, waiting for me. I looked around the room one more time, then quickly opened the door and sprinted down the hallway as fast as I could with my brace, hearing three voices yelling at me to come back. I shoved the front doors open and saw Ethan leaning against his beat up car with a cigarette. He pushed off it when he saw me running.

"Daniel what the hell?!—"

"Quick— drive before they see us in this car go!—" I panted, throwing myself in the car. He quickly got in and started it, speeding out of the parking lot. I looked and saw that nobody had opened the school doors yet- they hadn't seen the car.

Thank god for Ethan. Speaking of—

"You gotta tell me what's happening man." He said, a hint of a smile on his face.

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