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A/N: So I was debating (and procrastinating when to do something on here) on whether if I should (want) make some sort of beginning before officially writing out the chapters while I wait for the votes to come in for Jackl----- I mean female Jason's official name throughout the rest of this book. So here's something that can be a mini chapter before the real stuff starts coming in.

(Y/N)'s POV

All I did....

Was take a shortcut...

To avoid getting my ass locked out of my house again.


Reason why? Well to put it short, I'm an introvert.

And my VERY friendly roommate although I still question why she chose me from everyone else yet likes to act as if she's my mother. If that isn't your usual school experience with almost ANY girl who finds joy hanging around you, (only this time you can live together) she would sometimes invite her girlfriend to our house for assistance in little sessions which she likes to call "Breaking his Shell". 

Anyways while trying not to look like the CGI images of real life Sonic, I stumbled across a forest with 2 pathways just a bit further from the usual route I'd take home. Not really caring besides how conveniently shorter they looked compared to the way I take, I just picked one and kept moving.

That's when I ran into something WAY MORE than what you would call unsettling...

But before I can even react I was then tackled by something......

???: Don' dare....move

Or someone...

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net