Fifty One

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Sorry for the delay (on this book and all my other books) Updates will be slow for a while, I'm currently in the process of applying to Universities, but I should know if I get accepted by Feb so if all goes well then updates will pick up then !

Anyways, this update is longer than usual.

So enjoy !

Oh and this book is nearing its end:( but I am thinking about writing a prequel🤔and maybe a sequel


Stick to my cover.

Stick to my cover.

I faked shock. "Adopted?"


"Way to break it to her gently," Jasper muttered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The people you thought were your parents, the ones who died when you were younger. They weren't," Richard said.

"Yes, I know what being adopted means. How the hell do you know that's true?" I snapped.

"We just do," Richard said firmly. "And we know who your birth parents are."

This spiked my interest. This actually shocked me. "W-what?"

"We know who you real parents are."

"I..." I gasped. "The blood. You took my blood to test for DNA." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed deeply. "You found a match."

"We did."

That meant that my biological parents were alive. My real life was getting intertwined with my cover and shit was about to get confusing.

Rob had always told me that my biological parents were dead. I didn't understand why he would lie. I couldn't really remember the 'bad situation' Rob had saved me from, but he didn't like talking about it so I never got to ask.

"I-I need to go," I blurted and stood up. "I need to go, now."


I looked to Jasper. "Please just take me the hell home."

"Okay, let's go," Jasper nodded.


"Not now, Dad," Jasper snapped. "Let her get her head around this."

"I'll be in touch, Daisy," Richard said and I was out of his office before he had the chance to say anything else.



"Daisy! Get down here now!"

"Daisy, fucksake! Where the hell have you been!"

I ignored Blake and Eli and went straight upstairs to the bathroom. I ripped open the cabinet and searched for a pair of tweezers. As soon as I grabbed them I faced the mirror and opened my mouth.

"What are you doing, princess?" Eli called and stopped by the door. "Daisy-"

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood!" I snapped and pushed the tweezers into my mouth and grabbed the bug that was lodged into one of my back teeth. With a sharp tug I pulled it out, wincing when I did.

I held the bug in my hand and glanced at Eli in the mirror. "Ow, shit!" I gasped.


"Fuck," I groaned. "I think I just chipped a tooth. I hit my mouth on the sink." I spat into the sink and turned the tap on, dropping the bug down the plug hole.

"You didn't hit your mouth," Eli said.

"No, but if Jasper or anyone listen back, they'll assume that me hitting my mouth dislodged the bug and they'll think I spat it out," I said. "And now I'm bug free."

"Where the hell have you been, princess?" Eli snapped. "You disappeared after the party."

"I was at the other Agency," I said. "And guess what?" I faked enthusiasm. "I'm now an assassin!"

"You're in?" Eli asked.

"I am," I sighed.

"That's good," Eli nodded.

"Even better than finding out my biological parents are alive?"

"What?" Eli gasped. "How the hell do you know that?"

"They took my blood for a DNA test. They know who my real parents are."

"They're alive?"

"Apparently," I muttered. "I can't believe this. I need some time alone."

"Wait," Eli said and grabbed my wrist. "You need to see something first."

"Eli, now isn't the time-"

"Blake needs you downstairs," Eli said sternly and I sighed and let Eli pull me downstairs and into the soundproof room that was used to discuss the mission. "She's bug free, we can talk."

Blake was leaning over a laptop with a frown on his face.

"Did you know about this?" Blake asked as I walked up to him.


Blake pointed to the laptop and I looked at the map that was on the screen. "Care to explain?"

"Explain what?" I sighed.

"You should show up on this map. Because of the tracker in your wrist," Blake said and raised his eyebrow at me.

"Ah," I said and rubbed my wrist. "Maybe it's just not loaded."

"I got Jack to check everything out for me. Everything's working fine. Apart from the fact that your tracker is disabled."

"Disabled? I wonder why that's happened," I said innocently.

"Cut the shit, how long have you known your tracker has been disabled, princess?" Eli asked and I glanced at him.

"Since they first took me that night. They disabled it," I said.

Eli raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't run?"

"I did," I said.

"Then why are you still here?" Blake asked. "What stopped you?"

"Jasper stopped me," I said. "They were watching me, keeping an eye on me. Making sure I didn't run."

Blake pursed his lips. "I'll get Jack to prepare another tracker-"

"You will do no such thing," I snapped.

"It's going to become mandatory for agents to have one, you might as well get it over and done with-"

"You try and I will gauge your eyeballs out with a teaspoon," I growled and turned on my heel.

"Daisy, shouldn't you tell Blake what you just told me-"

"No, Eli, I shouldn't," I called as I walked out of the room and made my way upstairs. I slammed the door to my room behind me and lifted my tshirt above my head and chucked it on the ground.

My head was spinning. I didn't know what was going on. I contemplated calling Rob, but I needed time to figure things out for myself before I involved him.

I sighed in frustration when I reached for the clip of my bra and couldn't get it undone.

"Princess?" Eli called and I paused when I heard my door open. "Oh, I'll come back-"

"Eli," I said softly, not turning around to face him. "Give me a hand." I waited for a few seconds and I then felt Eli's hands by mine and he easily unhooked the clip. "Thanks," I breathed.

"Are you going to tell Blake what you found out?" Eli asked lowly, his hands still grazing my back.

"No, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't either," I said. "Pass us that jumper." Eli grabbed the soft jumper that was on my bed and when it was in my hands I dropped my bra and pulled the jumper over my head. "I need some time to process this."

"What happened?" Eli asked and sat down on my bed. I kicked my shoes off and sat down next to him. "Start at the beginning. When you disappeared from the party."

"I left early, I was bored. So I came back and got changed, that's when Jasper arrived. I went to the Agency with them, they left me waiting for bloody ages, until they told me what I was doing there," I said. "They told me about them, and told me they wanted me to join."

"What did you say?"

"It's just like our Agency, Eli, I didn't really have a choice," I said. "Jasper then took me to a training room. We fought."

"Did he beat you?" Eli asked.

"Only you, Blake and Adam have ever beaten me," I said stiffly. "He didn't beat me. We drew. He's good."

Eli scoffed. "And then?"

"Then Jasper took me to see his dad. That's when Richard told me I was adopted, thinking that Daisy Kellerman didn't know, when in real life I know I'm adopted, with thought to be dead parents." I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "Eli... my parents are alive."

"Are they positive that it's your parents?"

"Apparently our DNA was a match," I murmured. "I don't see why they would lie."

"Are you going to speak to Rob?" Eli asked.



I looked at Eli curiously. "We both have family trouble and I don't trust him," Eli shrugged.

"You really think he had something to do with your parents murder?" I asked quietly.

Eli nodded stiffly. "Although I don't think my parents were as innocent as I thought either."

"What do you mean?"

"Doesn't matter," Eli said dismissively. "We're talking about you, princess."

"No, we always talk about me. I'm fed up of me," I said.

"I don't care, you're more important," Eli said and I couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"I never thought I would've heard those words leave for lips," I admitted and Eli smirked.

"I never thought I'd willingly be talking to such a bitch," he said and I raised an eyebrow.



"Still an ass."

"Still a bitch."

"At least I admit it."

"Don't," Eli said suddenly. "You're not. Well you are, but you have your reasons."

I glanced at Eli. "Enough of me. What do you mean about your parents?"

Eli sighed and ran his fingers through his blond hair. "They were different. They never told me about their job, but they both disappeared randomly and when they came back they acted like they had never gone. They were always secretive, it was like there was one big joke I wasn't in on. I know I was only young, but I remember them, really well," Eli said.

"You think they..."

Eli nodded. "They also had a shitload of weapons stashed under their bed."

"They worked for the Agency," I guessed.

"That's my guess," Eli said.

"Shit. Why can't we be normal," I muttered and rubbed my eyes. 

"Where's the fun in that," Eli said dryly.

I scoffed. "I don't even think I'd know how to be normal," I admitted.

"I don't think any of us do," Eli agreed and I yawned. "Get some sleep, princess, you look knackered."

"It's too early to sleep," I said.

"So, you've been away all day."

"I can't sleep. I don't want too," I said.

"Why?" Eli asked and then nodded. "Nightmares?" He guessed.

"I'm scared to sleep in case I get one," I said quietly.

"I'll stay," Eli said. "I don't sleep much either, I know how it feels."

"We have a lot more in common than you would think," I said with a chuckle.

"Shut your damn eyes and get some rest," Eli said with a chuckle and shoved my shoulder gently. "I'll wake you when dinner is ready."

I caught Eli's hand and looked into his eyes. "Wake me immediately if I get a nightmare."

"Always will, princess," he said and I held my breath when he leaned closer to move. His face inches from mine. "Now lie down or I'll make you."

I raised an eyebrow. "No you wouldn't." I squeaked in surprise when Eli grabbed my waist and pushed me backwards. My head hit my soft pillows and Eli placed his hands on either side of me, holding himself above me.

"I'm not going anywhere," Eli said lowly. "So sleep."

"You're a little distracting at the moment," I said and gently pushed Eli away from me. He smirked slightly and jumped up, moving to the end of the bed.

"Don't snore, princess."

"Bugger off, I don't snore."

"I have to disagree," Eli shrugged and took out his phone.

"I do not!" I argued.

"Whatever you say," Eli said and smiled.

"Shut up and let me sleep," I grumbled and Eli chuckled.

"Sleep well, princess."

"Hopefully," I murmured and closed my eyes.


"Up you get, princess," Eli said and I groaned when he poked my shoulder.

"I'm sleeping."

"No, you're talking which means you're awake," Eli said. "So get up. We're all having a meeting before dinner."

"Go without me."

"We both may not want to be here, but while we are we gotta stick to this mission," Eli said and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off my bed.

"I never agreed to that," I said.

"Well, since you're pretty central in this mission you've got to go," Eli said and I swore under my breath when he dragged me out of my room.

"If Blake starts on me I'm kicking him in the head and then leaving," I warned. "If Kent starts I'm just gonna kill him."

Eli smirked and shook his head, but I felt his hold tighten on my hand.

Everyone was in the room when we entered and I noticed how Blake looked at me with a frown and then to Eli and mines hands. "Whats everyone staring at?" I snapped and pulled away from Eli and went and sat next to Beth who smirked and raised her eyebrows. "Shut your big ass mouth," I muttered and she giggled.

"Why is she here? Hasn't she got like a bomb implanted in her that goes off even we talk about the mission?" Emma called and pointed one of her annoying red nails at me.

I blinked a few times and looked at Blake. "Is she fucking serious?"

Blake hid his smirk and shook his head. "She was bugged, Emma. Now she's not."

"Should've been a bomb."

"Oh you little ratbag," I scowled.

"Daisy!" Beth squeaked and wrapped her arms around me when I lunged forward.

"Oh we've missed you, Dais," Mason chuckled. "It's not the same without your anger issues."

I looked at Mason with narrowed eyes. "Can't say I can agree."

"Love you," he smiled.

"Right, guys, listen up," Eli called, but he was stopped when the door opened and Dante shuffled in looking like death warmed up.

"Jheeze, I forgot about him," Jack said.

"I thought he was dead," Carter said.

"Funny," Dante croaked and rubbed his eyes. "Is it alright if I join? I'm feeling helpless just moping around in my room."

"What do you think you're going to achieve moping around here?" I asked.

"Take a seat," Blake nodded and I rolled my eyes.

"Right, so a lot has happened since we last spoke," Eli said. "We have one of us definitely in the Agency and others have been approached and offered. I think it is now very clear who the agents are, and we don't need to go around naming them, but we do need to discuss those who have been approached by agents."

"Noah," Blake said. "Have they said anything else?"

"They've offered me a job. Haven't said what. They want to show me tomorrow after school," Noah said.

"Good, do it. Be reserved when you find out the truth, but let yourself be persuaded," Blake said. "Penny?"

"She got asked?" I said. "Wow, good going girl, considering you never talk."

"Shut up, Dais," Blake said and he slowly worked his way round the people who had been asked to do a "mysterious" job by the agents of the other Agency.

So far it was me, Noah, Penny, Jack, Mason, Tom and Kent.

"This is where it gets tricky," Blake said. "You don't want to look to eager, but you need to get in deep enough to start digging up dirt. Just be cautious and tell us everything that happens."

"Sir yes sir," Mason said.

"If it gets too dangerous then don't try and be a hero, get out," Eli added. "We don't want any stupid casualties."

"Thanks for the concern," Tom said sarcastically and Eli chuckled slightly.

"Any questions?" Blake asked.

I raised my hand. "What if we don't find anything?"

"We will."

"But if we don't. I've been to that Agency, they seem just like us, actually one step better, besides the whole kidnapping and bloodtaking part. They were going to send me to prison for killing one of their agents, Rob would've just killed me if the tables were turned. We need to find information on their targets, find out who it is they're killing. Apparently they're innocent people, but we need to be sure."

This had caught Blake's interest. "Are you accusing Rob of lying?"

"All I'm saying is that he may not be right about this agency."

"I thought you weren't interested in this mission, and now you're coming out with all this?"

"Bloody hell, Blake, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just pointing something out," I said and rolled my eyes.

"They don't seem bad," Carter piped up. "They seem friendly."

I scoffed. "I wouldn't say friendly," I muttered, thinking of my initial treatment by them. "All I'm saying is check them out. Make sure we get all the facts before we bring them down."

"We?" Kent spoke up. "You're the one who's not been here, you're the one who couldn't care less about this mission."

"Kent I couldn't care less about you so shut the hell up," I snapped.

"Just because she's right don't get jealous," Beth said and rolled her eyes.


"That's what I said," Beth nodded.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch-"

"Hey!" Tom said sharply. "Watch your mouth."

"You're the one who cheated on her maybe you should watch yours," Kent sneered.

"Can I shut his?" I called and stood up, stepping in Kent's direction.

"Chill out," Blake said loudly.

"No, keep going, this is entertaining," Mason grinned.

"Fuck off, Mason," I said.

"Daisy, sit down," Blake said. "Kent, shut the fuck up. I'm getting sick of you."

"So? You can't do anything," Kent shrugged.

"We can get you kicked off the mission," Eli said causally and shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't looking at Kent, he was looking at me.

"You can't do shit."

"Actually, he can," Blake said. "Eli and I are in charge, if we want you gone you go."

"So keep the fuck out of our way," Eli said. "And maybe you'll be here tomorrow."

"Oh, another guy she's managed to get her claws into," Kent muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"He means you're a slut," Emma said. "Honey," she turned to Eli, "you can do better."

"There's nothing going on between me and Eli!" I snapped and glared at Emma. "And do you even know how to close your fucking legs?"

"How dare you!" Emma gasped.

"I don't think she does know how to close them," Hampson said lowly and smiled slightly at me. I knew there was a reason why I saved his life.

"Oh my god, thank god," Carter gasped. "I thought you had forgotten how to talk, man." Hampson gave Carter a look and he grinned sheepishly.

"Are we done?" I called loudly and stood up. "Good, great, I'm going."


"Goodbye!" I yelled and walked out of the room.

"Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!"

I looked up when Lily came running towards me, she was wearing a cute yellow dress and white shoes.

"Hey, kid," I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Can you take me to Zac?" She asked. "Harriet hasn't got time to walk me over herself."

"Who's Harriet?" I asked.

"She owns this house," Lily said.

"Oh, her," I said remembering the woman who owned the orphanage. "Sorry, Lily, I don't think I can-"

"Please!" Lily pleaded, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

I pursed my lips and sighed. "Fine, go tell Harriet I'll take you."

"Thank you!" Lily grinned and bounced off.

"I'll be outside!" I called and went and sat on the porch. I reached behind a flower pot and pulled out my secret stash of tobacco, paper and filter tips. I took my time rolling myself a cigarette and I was just licking the paper when Lily exited the house.

"What's that?" She asked curiously, looking at the half made cigarette in my hand.

"Something bad and naughty," I said and rolled it between my fingers.

"Then why do you have it?"

"Because I'm bad and naughty," I said and tucked the cigarette behind my ear and stood up. "Let's go, squirt."

I tensed slightly when Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the road, but relaxed and smiled when she looked both ways and then crossed.

"Go on, knock," I said when we reached Jasper's house. Lily grinned and knocked on the door and I waited in boredom, crossing my arms over my chest.

Kyle opened the door and he smiled at Lily. "Hey, Lils, Zac's in the kitchen with Sammy. Go in." Lily  turned and waved

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