• old face •

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"Here's your coffee, love."

Tooru swung himself in the driver seat in his Jeep Wrangler, handing you your usual double shot french roast latte from your favorite coffee shop. The mixture of sweet milk and warm coffee filled the air in his vehicle while he turned on the ignition to start heading way to Hajime's house. By muttering a simply 'thank you', your lips touched the scorching latte through the sippy hole.

Your decision to stay in the car was a good one. After hopping out of Tooru's penthouse, it was a struggle to walk normally due to your long night and sparing morning with the man. Thankfully, he saved you the embarrassment from walking like a crab in public and he's been sweet to you ever since.

He's been apologetic. His pride immediately went away after seeing how much you were in pain and handicapped, it made him feel guilty. By paying for his sins, he vowed to carry you wherever you needed to go and retrieve whatever belonging you needed. This is where chivalry comes into play and you were eating it up.

Later, after picking up proper pants and tennis shoes from your apartment, you and Tooru stopped at Hajime's house on the hillside of Tokyo. A decent-sized modern Japanese-styled house that is not too small or grand for a one-person household. A red Camaro with a black hood parked on the gray pavement in front of a garage.

The dark haired male revealed in his sports attire as an obvious Champion emblem sewn on the left side of his gray hoodie, swinging the front door open after the brunette gave several knocks on the brown wood. Hajime was about to address a normal 'welcome' but he only stared at you then to his childhood friend in a studying manner like he was up to no good.

"You two look...," he paused with a wondering brow raised, "refreshed."

If he would've guessed, you two probably flown to Cancun by the way your skins were glowing underneath early noon light- polished in avocado oil and wrapped in seaweed.

Tooru just gave a taunting laugh and sauntered inside after lifting you in his arms. How rude of him, acting as if he got married and treated Hajime's house as his suite. "Do we? Oh, Iwa-chan, you're so vigilant that it's almost creepy."

If you weren't in his arms, Hajime wouldn't hesitate to flip him upside down.

"Where's my little boy?" The brunette called after sitting you down on the black leathered couch. Then out came the smaller version of himself running. The pitter-patter of his feet stomped against the hardware floor to where you and Tooru were in the living room.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Tetsu shouted with a gleaming grin, and then screamed in a glee when his dad scooped him up and tossed him in the air as they spun around in helicopters.

"There he is! I miss you~! Did you miss us?" the singing tone in his voice goes unnoticed and you watched in delight at the two cackling towards each other. A father and son moment, you can't believe both of them are yours.

"Nice necklace," Hajime approached with a cup in a saucer plate in his hand and placed it on the glass table in front of you. He glanced at the shining silver under your neck that is begging to be complimented.

"Thanks," you nodded and hooked your finger at the clay cup to take a mini sip. "Tooru bought it."

"I know," he chuckled, swerving his head to watch the tall Oikawa play with his son and Hine on the floor. "The bastard called me when he was at the store and he couldn't decide for thirty minutes. I knew whatever he gets, you'll be happy with it."

"How did you guess?" you laughed along. "I'm not used to being spoiled like this."

"He's not used to spoiling others either," he added. That simple information surprised you. "I really thought he gotten complete stupid when he told me he was going to treat you out. Poopykaea was stingy with money before."

"Is that so..." you hummed but in a satisfaction as a faint smile traveled to your lips while you stared at Tooru who grinned ear to ear at Tetsu, showing him of a drawing of dinosaurs and aliens fighting each other to the death.

Every word that Hajime shared made you fall in love with Tooru even more. It's like he wanted you to know how special you are to them.

"Go show it to Mommy," you heard the setter advise to Tetsu. "Be careful. She's a little hurt."

"Hurt?" Tetsu's brown eyes widened dramatically and gaped his mouth at you in worry. "Nooo! Mommy! Feel better!"

He then ran to where you are and climbed onto the black leather couch just so he can sit next to you.

"Where does it hurt? Where?!" the boy panicked and you tried not to laugh at his troubled state.

"Erm, just my legs but I'm okay, sweetie."

"Here, here," he then threw a pillow onto your lap and rubbed the suede material in hopes it will heal you. "It should help."

Although it did nothing to help soothe the soreness on your thighs, you still found his nurturing method cute. You smiled warmly at him and pulled his head close to you, kissing at the top of his head as an reward. "Thank you, baby. I feel so much better."

His cheeks grew pink at your sweet gesture and grinned widely at you with teeth before plopping himself down, curling against your hip so he can show you the drawings he made during his sleepover.

"I drew us!" his little finger pointed at the stiff paper covered in colorful wax. Of course, like every kid's drawing, it was sloppy but you can tell that the three figures represent you and the two Oikawas.

Over the green line across the paper was Tetsu in the middle with his brown hair scratched over his head as Tooru, with similar features, is on the right side of the paper holding his hand. You were drawn on the left side holding his other hand and wearing your chef coat. He even added a chef hat on top of your head.

The image made you want to squeal.

"Tetsu~!" you managed to squeal with a beaming grin on your lips and your arm flew around his head to give him a suffocating hug. "Can I keep it?"

"Yeah! I drew it for you!" he was just as happy as you are, seeing that you were overly ecstatic at his kiddy picture.

The moment was too touching that even Tooru became addictive to the scene as a heartwarming smile stuck on his lips. His hands cradle his head underneath while being mesmerized at the sight of you interacting so beautifully with his son. His hooded eyes read love as a blissful sigh escaped from his lips when Hajime joined him on the dining table by pulling out a chair.

"She's sooo...," but Tooru couldn't finish as a squirming giggle erupted in his throat just the mere thought of you and squeezed his eyes shut. He never thought he could ever have this - a woman for him and his son to love. He had it all.

With narrowed eyes, as much as Hajime wanted to scold him for being so dumbstruck, he was quite happy for him.

So he uttered a chuckle and slapped at his back to get divert his attention from you to him.

"Iwa-Chan, are you going to keep hitting me in front of my family?!" Tooru screeched with a hand at his shoulder. That was another discovery Hajime made. The word 'family' slipped out of his mouth without even knowing it, as if he was so used to saying it already.

"By the way, what do you want to talk about?"

Instead of lecturing his friend, Iwaizumi tweaked a grin. The topic he wanted to discuss is no longer a concern to him and just shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

Quirking a brow, Tooru didn't pester since it felt like nothing and aimed back his attention on you on the couch.

"Ready to have lunch?" his hands propped on the headrest of the couch behind you after sauntering from his chair.

"Can we have ramen, Daddy?" Tetsu's eyes begged at him along with Hine who perked his ears up at the warm food.

The other small boy riled up on the couch with him. "Yeah, yeah. Ramen!"

"You heard them," Hajime called from the kitchen to put away the empty cups from the dining room and joined the rest of the party in his living room. "Hine, go put on proper pants before we go."

The kid nodded and ran off with Hajime to his room to switch his pajama sweats to linen trousers. Tooru rested his chin over your head to watch his son shuffle the rest of his drawings to you which contained more stick figures of all of you together either eating together or holding hands.

But one caught your eye. A tall brown headed man is cooking in the kitchen while you sat at table with a distorted fork in your three-finger hand. It wasn't his dad in the picture, but it was Tetsu but older.

"Is that you, Tetsu?" you pointed at the drawing before he could shuffle it at the back of the stack.

The toddler jolted at your observant eyes and side-glanced you timidly. Somehow, it seemed like to you that he didn't want you to see that one in particular and you wondered why.

He quickly hid it behind his back as a rosy blush colored his face. "Y-You're not supposed to see it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" trying to sound guilty, your hands flew to your eyes to not peek at it even though you already seen it to his dismay. Tetsu gave no reply and pouted while handing the rest of his drawing to Tooru who snickered at the scene.

"Do you need help, darling?" the brunette fixated his stare at your standing form stretching off the couch with your hands placed at your lower back.

"Ah, I'll help Mommy!" the small child suggested and quickly climbed down the cushion to help you stand tall by gripping around your calf.

His small strength did nothing but the thought of his action uplifted your soul.

"Here, hold my hand so Mommy doesn't fall," Tetsu's clamping hand tried to reach yours. "I'll catch you!"

Tittering, you allowed him to assist you like a boy scout he is trying to walk a grandma across the street. With any kid, you would feel insulted but with him, you'd let him do whatever he wants even if he treats you like an old lady.


Lunch was short and eventful since Tetsu wasn't the only kid being surrounded by adults. Hine, at least, made him feel included and fun by throwing mixing condiments with their cold fries. Unlike the smaller Oikawa, Hine is a bit more fussy and it's the first to see Hajime scold the living hell out of him in the middle of the fast food restaurant.

Unfortunately, Tooru had work later on to do a private class with a few selective high school players in Tokyo, so you departed ways with Hajime and his baby nephew.

Checking his watch, Oikawa situated himself in his sport attire when the three of you arrived at his penthouse to collect the rest of his volleyball equipment.

"Got everything you need?" you asked while helping him fit into his windbreaker.

His hands straightened the flaps of the jacket before he leaned down to give you a parting kiss and hoisted the duffle on to his shoulder.

"Yes, sweetie," his eye winked at you which made your heart flutter like the first time he winked at you. "I'll be back before dinner."

"Buh-bye, Daddy!" the boy screeched by your feet to wave his dad farewell. Then he saluted with a flat hand touching his forehead. "I'll take care of Mommy!"

The man giggled and knelt on one knee to rub at the top of his head. "You're the man of the house, Tetsu. I'll be back before you know it," then his eyes gazed at you after standing to his full height. "I'll text you if anything comes up."

You nodded and gave him one last kiss before he exited through the front door. His footsteps slowed, walking backwards while waving at you with a smug face, then tripping over a neighbor's potted plant by their door step as the dirt tipped over a bit in the process.

Tooru is never a clumsy man, only around your presence or when he's trying to be confident. He needs practice on that.

You turned back to Tetsu after closing the door behind you. Now it's just you and the youngster. Your lovely time with his dad came to a stop, and reality resumed which you didn't mind.

You honestly missed him while he was away for his sleepover.

"Let's play some video games before we cook dinner," but your eye caught something at the white lounge chair while you passed through the living room to follow Tetsu to his room. After informing him that you'll catch up to him, you investigated and studied at the item on the chair by lifting it in your hand.

You sighed. "He forgot it."


"Damn it, damn it... Where is it?"

In the middle of instructing, Tooru took a short break to find his right knee compressor in his black duffle bag near the bench. Specs of sweat dripped from his forehead out of fatigue after showing a couple of first years how to swing a serve and the landmarks of it.

He swore he left it in his bag before he left. Perhaps, he was so drawn by today that he lost practice in his routine.

Tooru drew his phone out to text you about his lost compressor if he had left it at home with you but a whistle from the gym's supervisor called from the entryway.

"Oikawa," the old geezer with gray motioned his hand in the air. "Seems like your wife is here."

By the mention of the cute name, the image of you clouded his mind and dropped his bag on the floor to meet you outside. A towel draped from his shoulders to wipe the excess sweat from his face, hopeful that his skin isn't shiny or reeked in an unpleasant odor.

He even made sure that his hair fixated at the right place. So silly of him, it will just get messy again after he sees you.

By pushing the doors open, Tooru felt like making a dramatic entrance to blow your mind away, considering it will be the first time you get to see him in mid workout.

"Just in time, sweetie, I was looking for it-" but his grin faltered when he didn't see your familiar form leaning against the wall of the gym. Instead, his eyes met unfamiliar ones - or to say, an old pair of eyes he once knew.

The glimmer of the gym's lights reflected on deep gray pools and short black hair. A small smile twitched sadly upon her face by seeing Tooru's grown appearance after five years of no communication.

"Were you expecting someone else?"



Posted: 06-11-21


Next week; it will be a double upload due to my hectic schedule and you guys deserve more chapters weekly.

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