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Right after 7th period finished I went to my 8th period class. I chose a seat in the last row. Then this girl sat next to me. She was alright looking I guess but she looked really fake with all that makeup she had on. She kept trying to talk to me but honestly I didn't want to. I tried my best to ignore her but I didn't want to come off as rude.
      Once the period ended I tried my best to get away from her but then she called after me. I pretended I didn't hear her but then she turned me around by my shoulder.

      Then she threw herself onto me while kissing me. Then I ran away but the thing that I didn't want to happen actually happened.
     She turned away and started walking away which I'm assuming to her house. I ran after her.
I was heading out my class when I saw the schools biggest whore (venessa), talking to Grayson. I had to admit, I did feel a bit jealous but I didn't really have any reason cause we did just meet this morning. But then she did something that really hurt. She kissed him and he didn't even do anything about it. I turned around and made my way to my house.

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