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Outsiders imagine for khavey12 . I hope you enjoy it :)

Tell me what you thought because I wrote this in thirty minutes after a surge of inspiration.

Also, I want to start writing a fan fiction for either Peter Parker, Loki, or Steve Rogers, But I have no idea if I should, please help.
Tell me if I should and who I should make it about.
Y/n: your name
Y/f: your friend

The gunshots tore through the ally. You heard them before you could process them, the sound of a gun firing faded into the background as you focused on the one thing that mattered. Dallas. You had to get to Dallas. You had too.

Sodapop skidded the car to a quick and flawless stop, just as impatient to get to his best friend as you were to get to your fiancé.

He wasn't really your fiancé, you just started calling each other that because he promised that as soon as he could, he would marry you. He always said he would make you truly his so no once could snatch you up from under him, even though that was practically impossible. The two of you were inseparable. When he ran into the fire, you ran with him.

You and Sodapop got out of the car, the both of you frantically searching for Dallas. You saw a body laying in front of the grocery store, groaning and clutching their side. You were too far to tell who it was, but you prayed, that it wasn't Dallas. Not your Dallas.

With your breath shaking as hard as your body, you walked closer and closer to the body. The features of the person became clearer, his leather jacket, blue jeans, stained old white shirt told you all you needed to know.

Dallas laid in front of the grocery store, clutching his side where blood was gushing out of him. He had his eyes closed, a look of pain and of peace expressed in his features.

A sob racked through your body, increasing in quantity and volume with every step you took.

"No no no no. Nonononononononono NO." You approached Dallas's body, kneeling onto the ground, lifting his torso onto your lap, taking your hand and shaking his face to wake him up.

"Dallas? Dallas baby please? Don't leave. Please don't leave. You promised me you wouldn't leave. Don't go." You said through your tears with your voice breaking further with every word.

"Come on now, princess," said Dallas in a raspy voice, opening up his eyes lazily, "you know I don't break my promises." He smirked.

"Dallas now is not the time. You're dying. Please don't die, D. Hang on okay? Please hang on, the ambulance will be here soon. Hold on for me baby. Just hold on. Don't let go, okay?" You reached for his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Y/n..." he said weakly, "I- I love you. I-if something h-happens to m-me, I want you to m-move on. Find someone who makes you h-happy. P-please. Tell sodapop to take care of the boys, especially Johnny. Tell them they gave me a home and without them I'd be lost. Without them I wouldn't have you." His words grew more strained with each breath he took.

"Listen you idiot. If you die now I will kick your ass do you understand me?" You said, "please? D. Please don't go. I need you here."

"Y-you dont." He protested.

You sobbed into his chest, "b-but i love you."

"And you'll love again." He said, gasping loudly, taking his last breath before his eyes closed and his grip on your hand went loose.

Sodapop stood behind the two of you, not wanting to intrude on the moment, tears leaking out of his eyes.

You sobbed into Dallas's chest for at least another half hour. You stayed there, holding your dead love, sobbing into his chest, cursing at the world for being a bitch.

A while later, Sodapop knelt next to you, gently peeling Dallas away from you, and engulfing you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, letting you sob into his chest, and you letting him cry into your neck, the both of you there for each other.

Little did you know, what hurt Sodapop the most was the fact that the woman he loved was mourning and there was nothing he could do to help.

He rocked the two of you back and forth, rubbing your back until an hour later, when your sobs quieted due to your throat giving out. He took the hair tie around your wrist and put your hair up and away from your face in a messy high ponytail.

"Come on y/n. Let's get you home." He said hoarsely, scooping you into his arms bridal style and carrying you to his car.

*time skip brought to you by Peter Parker in Infinity War because I just saw that and now I can't stop crying*

It had been a year. A year and three months since Dallas Winston died in your arms. A year and three months since your heart broke to the point of no return, where you thought you'd never recover.

Sodapop proved you wrong.

For a year and three months Sodapop was there. Sodapop was there for every teardrop, every angry tantrum, every breakdown, and every rare laugh or occasional smile.

You never realized how beautiful his eyes were, or how contagious his crooked smile was, but when you did, it felt taboo. He was your best friend. He was there when the love of your life died and now you're developing feelings for him. Well of course you are, he held you in his arms, let you ruin his favorite t-shirt with mascara stained tears, he gave you a home, a person who would always, without fail, be there for you. And I mean, have you seen those cheekbones?

You took a deep breath. Today was the day. The day you would finally admit to him how you felt. You adjusted your top to show a little more cleavage and walked into his house.

You saw Darry and y/f, sitting at the couch, sucking each other's faces off. You chuckled, "hey lovebirds".

"H-hey y/n." Said y/f, pulling away from Darry.

"Go away y/n. We're busy." Said Darry, attaching his lips to the crook of y/f 's neck.

Your chuckled and shook your head. Waving to y/f you left, walking into Sodapops room. On arrival, you saw him hunched over his dresser, shirtless and in a pair of low hung sweatpants. All you could think was "woah" .

"Hey Sodapop." You smiled.

"Y/n." He said, smiling at the sound of your voice and looking up from the dresser.

You went and sat on the corner of the bed, "I was hoping I could talk to you about something?"

"Y/n, you can talk to me about anything." He said smiling. Still shirtless, he walked over and sat next to you on the bed, with your knees touching.

You looked down at your hands, which were in your lap, fiddling with your fingernails. "Ilikeyou." You blurted out.

"Hmm?" Sodapop said, not sure of what you said.

"I, uh, I like you..."

"Like, you like like me?"

"I like like you. A lot." You said, looking up from your fingernails to his face, trying to read his features.

He looked into your eyes deeply, "y/n... I love you."

You looked into his eyes, the very same eyes that shed tears in front of you a year and three months ago, and now, those very same eyes were shining brighter than the North Star.

You smiled in relief, happiness, comfort, and euphoria, and his smile mimicked your own.

He placed a hand on the side of your neck, cupping your jaw, and carefully brought his lips down to yours, cherishing your first kiss as if it would be one of  the best experiences either of you would ever feel. And it was.

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