A Pepsi for the Birthday Boy

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I think Rey was still remembering what happened at the steakhouse more than he should for his own good. Whenever we would walk in the hallways, our hands brushing against each other, and a person looks at us weird, I feel him tense slightly. He never pushes me away or says anything, but I know he's still hearing the nasty words repeat in his head. 

I knew what it was like, it happened to me not too late after I came out. It is shocking. And kind of scaring. You never forget your first bad experiences. I can still feel the shaky feeling I did nearly four years ago when I remember it. But I also know that it will happen again as long as he's dating a man in public, and sadly he's going to have to learn to push it away and keep living however you want.

Luckily, Rey had his birthday bash to keep his mind off it. The Dyke's decided to let their kids have the house and throw a little party for their birthday, so they booked a hotel in the city that Rey works. The twins and I forced Rey to take Friday night off so he could stay home for the 1/3 part of the party dedicated to him.

I'd already greeted Reagan and Riley at their lockers with a party horn, balloons and streamers all over their lockers with an evil smile. And then I started singing happy birthday so everyone else in the hallway joined in spite of not actually knowing what was going on which made it even funnier. Reagan looked mad and Riley's face was as pink as a peach. 

I shift on my feet and bite my lip when I see Rey coming down the hallway with Marvin blabbering on about something. But Rey sees me and doesn't take his eyes off me. I bite my smile back and Marvin keeps talking.

"Oh," About five feet from me, Marvin finally realizes I'm at Rey's locker looking kind of suspiciously, "Hi Barkley."

Marvin and I have actually been getting along better as of late, sometimes when Rey doesn't have to sleep for work, Marvin goes over and I occasionally join them in video games or Mcdonald's runs. I'm just really glad that Rey is getting a friend back.

I tilt my head and give him a quick nod, "Hello Marvin. Sorry to interrupt whatever you were rambling about, I just want to give Rey a quick present to Rey before class."

Marvin just rolls his eyes, "I'll catch at the second period, lover boy," and walks away. I'll have to thank him for that later.

I smile and press a hasty kiss to his lips because I just can't help it anymore, and then take a step back, "Ok. So I'll give you your actual presents later. But I was getting the twins Starbucks and I didn't know if you would want Starbucks so I grabbed this."

And then I present him with a bottle of Pepsi and a small bottle of barbeque sauce. His eyes widen at the sight of them and I bite my lip again so I don't squeal or something.

His eyes flick to mine, his lip twitching up and I can't hold back I giggle anymore. 

"Thanks, Barkley. Best present I think I'll get this year," He takes the Pepsi from my hand, "But I actually have an obligation when it comes to Pepsi."

I raise my eyebrows and pretend to be surprised, "Oh, really? I had no idea."

"Yeah," His lips twitch again and he leans in. He presses his lips to mine slowly, savoring the contact before pulling back again, "Thanks."

I shake my head, my cheeks flushed, "Uh, you know, I totally forgot but I actually can't just give you this sauce. Yeah, its some rule some weirdo made up that you can't have barbeque sauce without kissing. I mean, I don't make the rules-"

He cuts me off with another kiss. His lips smile against mine and someone coughs behind us. We pull apart, both of us partially blushing at the feeling of being caught. 

Braden blushes and looks like he feels bad for break us up, "Um, I'm really sorry. Happy birthday, Rey. But, uh, I need to get a book out of Barkley's locker and i...um...well I forgot his combination."

Rey just shakes his head and I laugh. I give Rey one last quick kiss and go back to my locker with Braden.


"I honestly can't believe your parents are, like, actually people. Just letting their three teenagers throw a party while they're out of town is wacko to me. My parents barely leave me alone with just Sheppard when they go to the store," I toss a bag of wavy chips into the cart.

"I know. I think it's because we had to swear to have a large family party since we're turning eighteen. They know how much we hate family parties," Reagan leans on the cart as she pushes it up the aisle.

"Ugh, I hate that I'm jealous."

Reagan smirks and turns down the soda aisle, "It's because my life is ten times better than yours."

"Mhhm," I roll my eyes and help stack soda on the bottom of the cart, "Anyway, when is Jaiden showing up? He's coming early to help, right? Because if your boyfriend doesn't help, then I think -as Rey's boyfriend- I don't have to help."

"Well," Reagan pushes the cart towards the candy aisle for just us, "You're also my best friend, which means you have to do everything for me. And, as Rey's boyfriend, you have to cater to his every need and mine."

I narrow my eyes at her and throw sour gummy worms in the pile of trash that is our shopping cart, "What? That made no sense. When is Jaiden coming over?"

"Um, I think I told him to come over at eight."

My eyes widen and I check the time on my phone, "Reagan, it's 7:30?"

Reagan shrugs and aims the cart for the checkout stands, "Yeah. We'll meet him at home and pray Riley and Rey haven't been sitting on their ass the entire time we've been out."

"Oh, Rey is for sure. Riley is most likely, and I'd bet twenty bucks Marvin convinced them to play some video game instead of getting the drinks," I give her a pointed look so she knows what I mean, but Jance, our checker, doesn't.

Reagan blows out a breath, "Yeah, I know. Marvin hasn't matured since the last time he was friends with Rey."

I grin and help bag all of the food and drinks. Jance, an old soul in an old body, barely even glances at me like we haven't worked together for half a year.

"Bye Jance," I wave goodbye and she doesn't respond, but begins to check the next person in line. Reagan laughs and I smile, "I think she's my favorite."

"Rey has competition, apparently," Reagan and I shiver as soon as we get outside.

"But don't tell him. I don't want to hurt his feelings on his birthday."

Reagan makes me load all the stuff in the trunk, claiming something about not ruining her birthday manicure. Which is stupid, because I also have said manicure because it was my gift to Reagan and Riley so we all went together.

"Ugh," I slide into passengers seat, "I think I broke my birthday manicure loading bags into the trunk."

Reagan rolls her eyes and drives us home, Jaiden's and Marvin's cars parked on the street outside. I shot Reagan a look and she shrugs, getting out and grabbing a few bags thank god.

I grab the rest, shut the trunk and walk through the Dyke's front door to see everyone excluding Reagan and Riley on the couch watching the t.v. as Marvin and Rey shooting each other on some video game.

"Happy birthday, Rey. I'm your loving boyfriend slash slave tonight. Gummy worm?" I toss a bag of different candies on Marvin's lap.

I know he won't give me some cheeky response because Marvin and Jaiden are in the room, but he does pause the game and take two bags from my overfilled arms.

"That's the birthday boy I love," I peek a kiss on his cheek and take the rest of the bag to the kitchen and see Riley and Reagan sorting things out. Marvin must have arrived with the alcohol because there are a few bottles on the counter already.

"You all did a lovely job with the house while Barkley and I drove around like maniacs trying to get everything before approximately thirty some people come in an hour or less," Reagan frowns, her eyebrows low on her face.

"Relax. We put socks on all the bedroom door handles so no one will canoodle in our beds," Riley opens a bag of Doritos and pops one in her mouth.

Rey nods and I roll my eyes, "Smart."

Rey's cheek twitches, "I was only going to do it on my door, to be honest."

Riley throws her hands in the air, "Did you hear that? Our own brother. Our womb mate tried to sabotage us and our rooms!"

I snicker, and wrap an arm around Rey's waist, "Calm down Riley. No one's going to do it in a room that looks like it belongs to an eight-year-old."

Riley narrows her eyes and points a finger at me, "Watch it. Your talking to one of the host that will willingly kick you out."

Reagan snorts and interjects in the conversation, "And the other two hosts will willingly invite her back in."

Riley's about to say something when the doorbell rings and we go back out to the living room before she can finish her sentence. Kendra and Heidi bounce in with giddy smiles and a bunch of red solo cups.

"Happy birthday, Triplets!" Heidi and Kendra hug the twins but just give Rey a smile. I laugh and take the cups.

"Its weird," Marvin is still on the couch, "Coming to your 18th birthday party. The last one was your 15th and your mom got you a cake that was one-third blue and the rest was pink. Everyone asked if the blue part was Reagan's section."

Everyone laughs and Rey grumbles under his breath. I kiss him on the cheek and he flicks Marvin on the back of the head.

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