What a Pain

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A/N Enjoy the picture of Akito from Fruits Basket because I couldn't find another one- you're welcome.

"I..." you were about to give your answer when suddenly the door creaked open catching all of your attention.

Hisashi stood there with an unreadable expression on his face.

"(Y/n) I've been looking everywhere for you..." he said, running his fingers through his hair.

You stared at him with wide eyes. Did he hear you talk? Would he be mad-?

"Come on... it's getting late."

You instinctively stood up, completely forgetting that you were mad at him when you saw that look of worry on his face. You ran up to him and hugged him feeling him melt in your touch.

"Finally you hug me..." he whispered, wrapping his arms around you protectively.

He glared at the twins who sneered at him.

"Go make gaga eyes somewhere else!" Sparks yelled.

"Yeah and go murderously glare at someone else boss!" Bolts hissed.

Hisashis glare hardened but he didn't say anything thinking arguing with those two was pointless. Hisashi led you out of the room and back to his room.

Where you belonged.

Immediately he hugged you tightly in his arms. "I'm so sorry (Y/n)..." he muttered as he buried his head in your shoulder.

You pouted at yourself. You sucked at staying mad at people! Especially ones who were so nice to you half the time...

Hisashi had given you almost everything he had. His home, his food, his room, his protection and his love...

How could you stay mad?

He wrapped his arms tightly around you and fell back on the bed with you resting on top of him. He rolled to the side, taking you with him.

"(Y/n)...." he muttered, caressing your cheek. "I know I shouldn't... but I can't help but ask..." you froze as his lips got close to your ear and whispered "why were you talking to the twins?"

You blinked for a moment. Why did he seem upset about that? You looked at him, all coddled in his chest, and said "they're nice."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes. "They're nice to you..." he buried his head in your neck. "But they're far too cunning for you, love~."

You couldn't help but wrinkle your nose at this. You didn't say anything but your head danced with thoughts.

Hisashi wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him as he tangled his legs with yours. You gripped onto his shirt and buried your head into his chest. He was so warm...

One of his hands went up and soothingly brushed your hair with his fingers making you lean into him. "Let me take care of you (Y/n)...." he muttered. "That's all I want..."

You were silent, staring at nothing.

"You won't have to talk to anyone... and I'll keep you warm...and I'll never... let... you... go~." His voice caressed your ear.

Something about the way he said those words made a shiver run up your back. There was care in his voice but it was dripping with something else... something like... possession?

You looked up at him and saw a strange smile on his face. It was full of love and passion but with a darker twist to it.

You looked away.

"But... I like talking to other people..." you mumbled, thinking back to how nice Bruiser was to you and how the twins stood up for you like that.

You thought that perhaps Hisashi was wrong for thinking the way he did. That there really was other people who would be kind to you... just as he once was.

His fingers tightened their hold. "You shouldn't." He hissed. "They're nothing but filth wanting to take advantage of you. All of them... except me of course... because if I were...I wouldn't have stopped~."

Remembering the situation left a bitter taste in your mouth. You gave him a pout.

"I think you're wrong..." you mumbled.

He narrowed his eyes. "I see... well I won't argue with you but I won't agree either. Shall we stop this for the night?" He hummed.

You glanced away. As much as you were thinking of opposing him you assumed that it wasn't the best time to do so. He seemed tired and simply done with the world.

So you nodded.

He smiled. "Good."

Although he seemed happy... that wasn't the case. In fact... he was holding himself back more than ever. He wanted to yell at you and put you in your place but- you'd only defy him more if he did that.

He really didn't want you to hate or fear him... it was a pain really. You were so fragile and weak yet so bold as to say that you thought he was wrong.

He was never wrong.

He knew exactly what was best for you and his own members- his own "family" was tainting his only love.

They were going to pay for that.

When you had awoken from your slumber you immediately sat up. He was gone again! A big pout quickly crossed your face. He said he wouldn't do that again!!!

You quickly stood up and ran to the door to fling it open.

But it didn't budge.

You rose a brow. What the heck? You tugged at it but it didn't budge. Did he lock it!?

You glared at the door. It was clear that he didn't want you to escape the room... but a note could've been more effective than a locked door!

You pressed your back against the door, crossed your arms, and sunk to the floor. You were gonna wait here and when he got back you were gonna-... you were gonna...

You paused your thought for a moment. You were... gonna hit him!!

You nodded to yourself. It was a foolproof plan!

You did wonder though... what was Hisashi doing?

"Are you sure that is what you want to do sir?" Hacker asked as he made eye contact with the male, his face showing no emotion.

Hisashi glanced away. "It is simply an idea. Nothing more."

"You know they may rebel if you were to do that. Not to mention... I assume me and my sister would be out of this carnage. Correct?" His voice didn't waver as he spoke. The only thing it truly held was seriousness.

"I'm aware. However I could care less at this point." Hisashi said as he ran his fingers through his hair, the anxiety clear on his face.

"Perhaps you could take the two troublemakers out one at a time."

Hisashi rose a brow. "You're certainly keen on getting them killed."

Hacker nodded his head. "Of course. They have broken several rules haven't they? Not to mention... to tamper with your mistress..."

Hisashis face hardened. "She's not my mistress she's my future wife." He hissed.

Hacker rolled his eyes. "Whether you plan on toying with the girl or eloping it is none of my concern. My only concern is of my sister and I."

Hisashi narrowed his eyes. "I already admitted to your request. Do you question me?"

Hacker was quiet for a moment. "Well... you're not exactly known for your honesty."

Hisashi rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I assume (Y/n) has awake by now... We shall discuss this later." He said as he stood up to leave.

He made his way down the hall, making his way rather quickly as if he was nervous his lover would disappear if he were to wait to long. A silly thought...

However when he got their his fears were just that! The door was wide open.

"(Y/n)?" He called in a hopeful tone. "Don't toy around with me... I don't appreciate it." He mumbled, glancing around the room. He felt his anger slowly rise up. She has to be somewhere here... there was no way she could've been kidnapped again.

He wouldn't let it happen again.

"S-s-sparks p-p-please put m-m-me down!" You cried as you were currently being held in the arms of one of the twins like a princess.

The male gave you a sour grin. "Actually my dear, I'm Bolts~."

You bit your lip. "S-sorry... now please l-l-l-Let go." You muttered.

Bolts kicked his door open, surprising both you and his brother.

"Sure thing~." He purred and threw you on the bed. You yelped, not expecting the comforter to be so rough.

Sparks rolled his eyes. "Could you be any louder, brother?"

Bolts walked over and shut the door, slamming it with his back. "I could. But then it wouldn't be as fun, brother~."

Sparks let out a sigh and stood up, walking over to you and leaning over your shaken form. "What exactly do you plan on doing with her?" He questioned.

Bolts calmly took out a suitcase from under his bed with a grin on his face. "It's not what I'm going to do with her... it's what we're going to do."

Sparks rose a brow. "What's going on? What have you heard...?" He questioned, his voice laced with uneasy suspicious.

"Oh... just that he plans on slaughtering the entire gang tonight... he told Hacker so~."

Your eyes widened. He... plans on doing what? No- there was no way he would... right?

Sparks rolled his eyes. "Should've known that was coming. That damn sociopath probably gave boss the idea..."

Bolts shrugged as he walked over and opened a drawer, digging through its contents. "Well it's none of our concern because we have what he wants."

Sparks smirked. "What a clever idea." He looked over at you making you tense.

"W-w-why am I..." you trailed off, slowly the answer to your own question coming to you.

Bolts pulled out rope and and a wad of cloth. "If you don't struggle it'll be a lot better for you~."

You quickly stood up and tried to make a run for the door. Sparks quickly grabbed you and shoved you down on the bed with your face pressed in the covers and your arms firmly held behind your back.

You started thrashing around and crying out. Memories from the asylum flossed back to you... all the pain you've endured was coming back like a roaring wave.

You couldn't help but start whaling and balling like a child.

"Aww poor thing~..." Sparks cooed in your ear. "Don't worry we don't plan on harming you~."

You felt ropes wrapping around your feeble wrists making you scream louder.

"I've got her wrists, get her mouth before someone hears." Bolts mumbled as he struggled to bind her twisting form.

Sparks nodded and took the wad of cloth and roughly shoved it in your mouth making you choke. He took another piece and wrapped it around your head, securing your gag in place.

"There~. Nothing like a quiet woman to really calm the mood down." He mocked.

"I can get the bags if you can take her." Bolts said, as he stood back, making sure your wrists were firmly tied.

Sparks nodded and was about to pick you up when the door suddenly slammed open. They both jumped.


"Somehow I knew it was you two." Hisashi growled, clenching his fists. "And it only confirmed my suspicion when I heard her screaming."

They both glared at him.

"You May have caught us this time..."

"But when we come back you won't be so lucky!"

Hisashi narrowed his eyes. The bothers both abandoned their hostage and jumped out the window. Before Bolts jumped however he looked Hisashi straight in the eyes.

"Oh, and when we get their girl... because we will, maybe we'll fuck around with her a little bit too~. Just to piss you off boss~."

Hisashi clenched his fists. "Youll never get near her ever again."

The male smirked. "We'll see." And quickly slipped away as fast as he came.

Hisashi made his way over to you and picked up your shaken form. He lovingly buried his head your neck and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm so foolish... having people around is such a pain in the ass." He mumbled.

You squirmed. Why wasn't he untying you?

He glanced at you and gave you a sympathetic look. "I hope you won't be too mad at me my love... but I have something to do I can't have you getting in the way."

Your eyes widened. He was going to-?

A/N PT 2 Coming Soon~
I decided to post this short chapter until I could come up with how exactly I'm going to execute this~ sorry for the late update ❤️

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