35 | D R E S S E D

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"One Mr sparkles two Mr sparkles three Mr sparkles...." Bailee groaned at Garcia's way of calming her down.

"Pennie, it's not working" Bailee states. flops down dramatically on her bed. The rest of the team were in the living room in conversation with one another waiting for Bailee to show them her outfit.

"My little hacker I'm sorry I thought it would work since Mr. Sparkles would away calm my nerves," Garcia says looking through Bailee's closet and trying to pick her a suitable outfit. "We definitely need to get you out shopping more often B." She adds.

Bailee shakes her head "Nope. No. and no" She lifts her head to look at Penelope "Last time we went out shopping, you told me we were going to get special addition lollipops and where did we end up?"

Garcia holds her hands up in defence "Me and Kevin like to experiment we needed new toys and technically I didn't lie about the lollipops". 

Bailee rolls her eyes "First ew I don't need to know any more information about what you and Kevin do in your personal time. Second, those were not lollipops Pennie."

Garica was about to respond when there was a knock on the bedroom door. When Bailee calls out 'come in'. Prentiss and JJ enters her room shutting the door behind them.

"Bailee? You're not even dressed yet? Isn't he picking you up at seven?" Prentiss questions.

"Yup. It's not my fault Garcia apparently can't find anything that she can approve off" Bailee huffs.

"Good thing. We came prepared" JJ softly says sitting down on the edge of bailee bed with Prentiss.


JJ pulls the bag from behind her back and holds it out for her. Bailee looks at JJ and Prentiss then back at the bag that is now in her hands.

"For me?" Bailee questions.

"Yeah. Open it" Prentiss says, Bailee opens the bag and is stunned at what she found.

In the living room with the rest of the team. Aaron was sitting down on the sofa his knee unconsciously bouncing up and down. He was a bunch of nervous; he had just gotten his daughter back and they were in a good place. Most of it was his fault, his actions caused this. But he didn't know if it was his overprotectiveness of being a father coming out or his profiling side, just a tiny part of him had a bad feeling about this guy. He tried to push the feeling out of his mind and hope that he was wrong as he wished that daughter would have some good luck for once and that this guy would treat her as she deserves.

Rossi who had been observing him from the kitchen island walks over to Aaron as the other members of the team were still talking to each other, Sitting down on the sofa next to him Rossi sighs "I can feel your thoughts from the kitchen".

"You think this is a bad idea?" Rossi adds watching curiously as Aaron's expression changes.

"She has been through so much. I just want one thing to work out for her "Aaron explains staring at his beer bottle.

"But?" Rossi states.

"But I also can't help the tiny part of me, feeling like he's bad news. I don't want to control her and what she's allowed to do. We've just gotten to a place where she's not glaring at me anymore".

Rossi narrows his eyes "You still haven't told her?"

"Dave," Aaron warns taking a sip from his beer.

Rossi shakes his head "No. Don't Dave me. You've had plenty of time to tell her the truth."

"I know you, Aaron. If the team didn't hear the conversation that day. You would have never said anything."

"I cannot let Hailey who died because of me, and my actions take the whole blame" Aaron confesses.

"Secrets always come out Aaron. That is the whole reason Bailee found out the truth in the first place. Just tell her before another serial killer comes and tells her this time". Rossi states. There was no reply as Aaron knew Dave was right.

Their conversation had paused when Penelope entered the living room with a bright smile on her face. "Guys...Here is my little hacker...Bailee kind of Hotchner". Aaron was shocked when he heard Garcia say his last name. But that shock increased when he saw his daughter enter the room. Bailee never cared for her appearance maybe it was due to the crazy times she would get called in for a case. But for tonight she decided to dress up. 

Bailee had her brown hair half up in a bun and half down. She didn't have much makeup but some extras such as black eyeliner and mascara with a little blush and lip gloss. She wore a black V-neck top with a grey leather jacket with some ripped black jeans and some combat boots. Bailee was so thankful for the clothes that the girls has gotten her. She was about to cry at how much they cared for her, it still seems strange when Penelope hugged her from time to time.

Seeing everyone stare at her she touches her face "What? Is this too much? Should I change?"

"No," The team says in unison.

"Can you guys stop looking at me like that?" Bailee fiddles with her hands.

"You look beautiful Bailee" Rossi states.

"Thank you" Bailee mumbles getting shy. When there was a knock at the front door Bailee's eye widen.

"Oh...my...He's here....Fuck....freck...fudge"

Aaron walks up to her and puts his hands on her shoulders "You'll be fine. I promise and it's true what Dave said you look amazing" Kissing her forehead he continues "Everything will be fine. Just take a breath"

Doing what Aaron told her to do, she walks to the front door but before she could open the door. Derek was pulling up behind him. "Hold on there Mini baby girl"


"You should have expected this Bailee" Reid chuckles at her reaction.

"Shush Genius boy!"

Bailee had no time to react before Derek opened the front door. "Hello?"

"Um Hi, sir I'm looking for Bailee." Donovan's voice causes Bailee to freeze and give Aaron a panicked look. Who in response gives her a reassuring smile. 

"Bailee? Sure come on in. She's in the living room" Derek states walking into the said room with the boy.

Bailee turns around to see Donovan was wearing the same outfit apart from his jeans were light blue instead of black.

"Aww you guys are twining," Garcia says making Bailee goes red.

Donovan let out a quiet chuckle "She definitely wears the outfit better than me".

"You got balls kid" Rossi states with his eyebrows raised.

Derek coughs getting the attention of the guy. The boy. Who is taking his little sister on a date. Her first date. "So, Mr. Young"

"Yes?" Donovan straightens his back giving Bailee a smile to calm her down and then looking back at Derek.

"I don't care if this embarrasses you Bailee, but I have to do my job as your brother. Donovan, what are your intentions with Bailee?" Derek narrows his eyes at the little shift in Donovan's body language.

"I want to get to know her better and see where things go. I understand that you are just protecting her which I respect completely. We both bonded over our time in foster care and I'm glad that she finally has people that care for her." Donovan explains walking over to Bailee and holding her hand. Bailee freaked out a little and look at Aaron who mouthed 'You're choice'. Nodding her head she laces her fingers with his looking up at him and giving him a smile.

"Even her smile makes you crumbles" He adds.

"True" Reid states.

"She has everyone wrapped around her finger" Derek teases winking at her which Bailee sticks her tongue out at him.

"Where are you taking her?" Aaron questions, his bad feeling slowly increasing.

"Bailee talked about not liking big crowds I thought instead of a restaurant we could go get ice cream and walk along the beach." Donovan looks down at Bailee silently asking if that was all right. Seeing her eye light up he was proud of his idea.

"Be back here for eleven" Derek states looking at Donovan.

"Got it. Back for Eleven" The guy says making Bailee roll her eyes which Derek catches.

"Hey! Mini baby girl, don't you roll those eyes at me we are all waiting for you to get in."


"Of course." The team all nod in agreement. Bailee gives the whole team a hug before walking over to Aaron "Thank you for being here" She mumbles against his chest.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Enjoy tonight. If you start to hate the date. Call me and I will use the Sirens" Aaron whispers in her ear.

"I will" Pulling away from Aaron she looks at Donovan "You ready?"

"If you are"

"Let's go," Bailee says walking out of the apartment her fingers laced with Donovan's.


Ooopiess Hotchypooh has another secret.....

Do you think he will tell her this time?

This chapter was split into two btw.
Next part will be what happens on the date.

Sooo hopefully tomorrow I will be able to do another double update.

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