28 | S A F E

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Lately Bailee had been staying at Derek's more than her own apartment. After the shooting all she could think was that she would be sleeping in the same place she was nearly killed. She still had nightmares, So when she was back on the team and Derek offered her his spare room she agreed instantly. Bailee was happy she wouldn't have to be alone after cases. It also made it easier for Derek since he still took her to work in the mornings. But today the team wasn't going to the office, they were going straight to the crime scene meaning Derek had to call Anderson to come to pick her up. A smirk appeared on Bailee face at the thought.

"Hey. I know what the smirk means" Derek speaks up from behind her.

"I have no clue what you are talking about" Bailee acts innocent.

"So you weren't thinking of which songs you are going to sing when you get into the car?" Derek raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe" Bailee mutters.

"Anderson's gonna need all the luck in the world" Derek gives Bailee and hug "He's here, I''ll see you soon"

"Bye chocolate thunder" Bailee shouts getting into the black SUV. "Andy how ya doing bro"

Anderson nods to Derek and rolls his eyes at Bailee's comment "Anderson Bailee not Andy and I'm not you're bro"

Bailee gasps "it's the same thing and rude"

"Not really"

"Anyway.....you ready for my amazing singing....Andyyy"

"Oh boy" Anderson mutters.

"Don't be so sour...I could become famous in the future"

"I highly doubt that Bailee"

"That comment was unnecessary" Bailee huffs.

"I need a pay rise if I have to deal with you"

"Another rude comment"

"Would you look at that we are here" Anderson smirks at the shocked look on Bailees face.

"You...you...you did that on purpose!"

"I will be calling witch bitch back to cast a spell on you Andy" Bailee adds slamming his car door and walking to her lair where Garcia has already started working on her computer.

"You weren't allowed to sing?" Garcia asks.

Bailee shakes her head "Nope"

"Come to mine on Saturday, we can have a karaoke night"


"Duh girls night....no men allowed"

"Of course.... of course," The two hackers laugh as the phone rings.

"Hey guys, you're on speaker"

"Before Bailee arrived, we got a call from Virginia Supermax prison. One of the inmates there has received two envelopes in the last two days. The first envelope had clippings of the Newport News killings; the second envelope had media clippings of the Downey family. In the second envelope was a note saying 'look at what I've done"

"Glad I was late" Bailee mumbles.

"Both pieces of mail have been signed by 'An admirer."

"Who's the inmate?" JJ questions.

"That's the part that..."

"Karl Arnold" Bailee sees the photo of the man on her screen.

"The Fox?" JJ asks.

"He's back"

"I'm going to pretend to know whom you guys are on about" Bailee whispers, sucking on her lollipop.

"Thanks, guys," Derek says ending the phone call.

"I thought Derek was still monitoring you're limit with the lollipops" Garcia points to the one Bailee has in her mouth.

"What Derek doesn't know, can't hurt him" Bailee shrugs.

"You won't be saying that when he finds out. His consequences are worse than Hotch's lectures"

"Oh yeah?" Bailee didn't believe that something could top Hotch's old scolding lectures.

"uh huh"

"Tell me"

"He knows how much you love sleeping so. He will probably wake you up and make you go running with him."

"He wouldn't dare"

"Oh, B he really would, Most likely throw water on so you have to get out of bed, and you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep"

Bailee smirk and drops "Good thing there won't be any evidence since it will be in my stomach"

"Derek would have counted how many was left, B he already knows"

"Can I stay with you? Tonight?"


"Oh, come on!" Garcia throws up her arms in defence "I'm not getting involved with my Chocolate thunder and my little hackers' issues"

Bailee was about to comment when the office phone rang again. "Saved by the phone"


"We are trolling through the Williamses' emails, satellite phone calls, landline phone calls, family photos. Their life all of it." Garcia informs the team.

"What about the Downey's?" JJ asks.

"They're up next, and there's a ton to go through," Bailee explains.

"Fingerprints?" Rossi questions.

"Zip, there's nothing here"

"Sorry guys"

"Widen the search." Derek tells the two hackers.

"We already did. ViCAP combines every database in this country. We're as wide as we can go."

"All right, this air show is military. These fathers were all soldiers fighting a war on foreign soil. We know that none of these graves are a sign of remorse." Derek's voice comes through the phone.

"Wait a minute"

"Guys, look at these graves. What are they reminiscent of?" Reid questions.

"Mass graves," JJ answers.

"Exactly, which would indicate the Unsub experienced early pubescent three-dimensional mirror neurons which reflected an event like the one they're creating. I think this Unsub was born into conflict." Reid explains.

"But where was he born into conflict? When was the last time we saw anything like mass graves in the US?" Rossi asks.

"We haven't. Not in our lifetimes."

"Not within our borders. ViCAP is national, not international." Derek says.

"Garcia? Bailee? International databases?"

"Interpol is the biggest. If they did it, there in it." Garcia answers.

"Well, it's pretty obvious that he's done this before, but the question is where and why?" Derek states.

"Prentiss thinks the Unsub might be a woman." Derek informs the team.

"That's why we couldn't find a sexual motive." Rossi states.

"Wherever she's from her fathers is a military man."

"Pew Pew Pew, we got a hit" Bailee exclaims.

"Two hits"

"Three hits, three crimes scenes. Three different cities." Garcia explains.

"The first, in Zagreb, 1998 a woman and her eight-month-old baby are both killed."

"And then two years later, the same prints show up in Modena, Italy. Then 2007, London, England young couple both shot." Bailee finishes.

"You were right. She's killed before." An unfamiliar voice says.

"Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia," Reid states.

Is that significant?"

"Between 1991 and 95' they fought a bitter battle for independence."

"Serbian forces tried to ethnically cleanse over 40,000 Bosnian Muslims," Rossi says.

"And at some point, within the last two years, she moved to America" Derek states.

"She's on the run," JJ says.

"And ran right into a city filled with military families."

"The only mass graves reminiscent of the ones the unsubs created were found all over Bosnia after the war. But none of them rivalled that at Srebrenica."

"Dutch UN forces created a safe haven for refugees," Garcia says.

"Then in 1995 Bosnian Serb forces surrounded the town."

"A psychopath born in the middle of that conflict?" Rossi questions.

"That's very bad" Bailee mutters.

"She's exacting her life experiences onto the victims," Reid says.

"You think this woman was there?" the same unfamiliar voice asks.

"Well, think about it. Langley's filling up with Civilians and military vehicles, just like Srebrenica." Derek states.

"Can you determine her age?"

"Based on victimology, each of the girls is no older than 15."

"The Balkan War lasted between 93' and 95, so if the girls represents the Unsub, she's somewhere in her late 20s."

"Maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of high school," Bailee says out loud, then her eyes go wide at her computer screen. "Pennie look"

"They're all connected to the same site."

"Guys B found something," Garcia tells the team.

"All of these photos, every one of them, was uploaded to a user website called photo bug" Bailee explains.

"Photobug?" Rossi questions.

"Yeah, members can uploads photos, videos, email webcam chats. I use it all the time." JJ says.

"Every one of these families extensively used this site, for months, even years."

"All of these family photos were printed by photobug." Rossi says.

"Isn't it protected?"

"Not from the people who run it," Bailee says.

"They outsource work to people all over the country. So, we took your profile and hacked into their employee databases, came up with this list of potentials"

"One of which is a match that screams 'homicidal bitch'" Bailee comments.

"Her name is Miranda Dracar. She was an orphan born in Sarajevo in 1982. She was adopted by a family in Srebrenica." Garcia explains.

"Well done baby girl, mini baby girl" Derek ends the phone call. The two hackers slump back in their seats "That was intense"

"I need to meditate"

At the State prison where Hotch and Prentiss had been talking to Karl. Hotch and Prentiss walk into the integration room. "We're done," Hotch says, glad the difficult case was finished.

"So is he" Karl pulls out the note that says 'look at what I've done'

"It's quite brilliant, you know," Karl adds with a little grin.

"We will find whoever sent you that" Hotch states crossing his arms.

Karl shakes his head "No Agent Hotchner, I rather think he's already found you. And somebody else on your team too. Her name was Daisy right?"

"Daisy" Prentiss furrows her eyebrows.

Hotch goes through the files in his hand, looking over every piece of paper. He had a gut feeling and hated where his thoughts were going.

"Hotch?" Prentiss questions.

"I can't believe you can't see what he's doing." Karl laughs.

Prentiss looks between the two men "What's going on?"

"He's torturing him"

"Who" Prentiss demands.

"It's great to see you squirm, Agent Hotchner," Karl comments. Hotch grabs the diary and goes through the pages where he finds two folded pieces of paper. Unfolding the first paper revealing a newspaper article about him getting attacked in his own home. The image of him has been marked with a red marker with an Eye symbol drawn on it.

Unfolding the second paper was another article about Bailee getting shot in her apartment the same eye symbol drawn on in red marker. The only difference was that Bailee's name had been crossed out. 'Daisy' had been written over the top.

"Foyet" Prentiss whispers.

Karl laughs harder "He knew you'd come. Did you tell her yet? He's really curious"

Hotch walks out of the integration room with Prentiss following behind him. He speeds down the highway with his sirens on. He knew Prentiss was confused about what he was doing. But at this point, he really couldn't care. He had his mind focused on one person and one person only.

His daughter.

Arriving at the office, he runs through the crowd of other agents, being too impatient to wait for the elevator. He quickly changes directions and rushes up the stairs to the BAU floor. Open the door looking around he sees Bailee spinning in Derek's desk chair with a lollipop in her mouth. His body moved before he could think he had Bailee pulled in his armed, one hand on her head, the one on her back.

"Dai--Bailee" He whispers.

"Um, sir are you all, right? " Bailee was very confused about what just happened.

"No. Not really but don't worry. I know I have a lot to work towards before you forgive me and I completely understand that. But please right now don't hate me. Call me any nickname don't call me sir or Hotch Bailee"

"I've missed you Hotchywhore" Bailee mutters giving him a tight hug. She was still mad. Extremely mad. But he understood that this wasn't forgiveness. They both needed each other at this moment.

Hotch needed his daughter in his arms. Anyway, from the dangerous world and Bailee, she missed the only real father she had. His hugs made her forget everything, the only thing she knew was that she was safe.


Foyet is back......kinda....

Dad mode has been activated.

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