The Darkest Hour

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Taehyung was falling in and out of consciousness, but he could still feel every punch and kick. His ribs hurt too much to even breathe and he was coughing out blood, but they still didn't stop. He just prayed that his Kookie was saved before he dies. Kai was just watching Taehyung getting beaten up with a bored expression.

"You know what, this is getting boring. You are not even fighting back. It's like hitting a mannequin. What's the fun in that? I can't believe i left a 7* meal for this. Don't worry, I will end your suffering soon, so that I can go back to my meal." Kai said, fishing out a knife from his pocket. He walked towards a limp Taehyung, held up from both sides by two men, before roughly pulling his hair. He smirked, looking at the half dead man in front of him, before plunging the knife deep in his stomach with a sickening smile.

Taehyung felt the knife enter him, coughing out more blood. He felt the hold on his hands loosen as he stumbled and fell to the floor. He smiled thinking about his Kookie, while he slowly closed his eyes, welcoming the much needed slumber. The last thing he heard before he closed his eyes was his name being yelled and he knew his Kookie was safe.

Kai turned around hearing the sudden yell and was shocked to see an angry Namjoon and Suga there. He immediately yelled at his men to take care of them, while he tried running away from there, but halted at his steps as a sharp pain pierced through his leg and he fell to the floor clutching his leg. Yes, Namjoon had shot him, never was he this thankful for always keeping a gun in his car. No sooner had the gunshot sounded, than the men attacked them all at once.

Namjoon started shooting whoever came close to them, while Suga kept fighting with his bare hands. Somewhere along the way, Suga got hold of a rod that one of the men was carrying and started beating them up with it. Namjoon killed 4 of them, while Suga beat up 3. There were still 5 men left standing, but the remaining men didn't want to come forward in case they got shot. They didn't get paid enough to risk their lives and looks like the one who paid them was already on the floor screaming with pain. They looked at each other then at the two men standing in front of them ready to kill them at the slightest movement and decided to turn around and run out of the building saving themselves.

The moment the men ran away, Joon and Suga ran towards Taehyung. They were afraid to even touch him, fearing they would make his condition worse. Namjoon checked for his breathing and found he was still breathing, though barely. He signaled Suga to bring the car around while he tied his shirt around the stab wound tightly to cut off the blood loss. He turned his attention to a screaming Kai on the floor and walked towards him.

Kai kept backing away in fear seeing Namjoon coming towards him. Namjoon went closer to him before stepping on his wound making Kai scream in agony.

"Don't worry, I am not going to kill you. That honor belongs to Taehyung. Till then you can wait in fear thinking about your death." Namjoon said, before hitting him on the head with a rod, making him unconscious. He left Kai there, before calling his men to come to the location to secure him. He immediately picked up Taehyung in his arms and rushed out and laid Taehyung on the backseat before getting in himself, while Suga stepped on the accelerator.

"Faster Suga, he is losing his pulse." Namjoon said, holding Taehyung's hand. Suga increased the speed if that was even possible.

They both had tears in their eyes. Both were feeling incredibly guilty. They reached the hospital in no time and the hospital staff was already waiting with a stretcher since Namjoon had called ahead. Taehyung was placed on the stretcher and immediately taken inside the operation theater, while Namjoon and Suga followed behind.

Namjoon was staring at his hands which were covered in Taehyung's blood and he couldn't help but to feel angry. If anything happened to Taehyung, he won't be able to live with himself. Suga understood what his friend was thinking about, since he was feeling the same. He was even more worried about his other friends, especially Jungkook and Jimin. He didn't know how they were going to explain to others what happened. But he didn't have to wait longer to find that out, since he heard a familiar voice calling him. He turned towards the voice only to find his friends coming towards them.

"Suga, Joon, oh my God, what are you guys doing here and is that blood on your hands and body Joon? Who's blood is it? Are you hurt somewhere?" Jin asked, panicking while Namjoon and Suga looked down feeling guilty.

"Why are you not saying anything Suga? Where is Tae? Didn't he come with you?" It was Jimin who asked the question now. For some reason Jimin had a bad feeling in his stomach.

"Answer the damn question guys. Tell us what happened and where is Tae?" This time it was Hobi who lost his patience.

Suga didn't say anything, but just pointed towards the door in front of them. They looked behind to see what Suga was pointing at, only to find a door with OT written on top with a red light on. The friends were even more confused. Why was Suga pointing to the operation theater? Who's in there?

"What does it mean guys? Please say something, you are scaring us with your silence." Jin said, not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

Namjoon, who had been looking down all this while lifted his head and looked at his boyfriend. And that one look was enough for Jin to know what happened. Jin immediately hugged his boyfriend, not caring about all the blood on his body, both crying in each other's arms. Jimin slowly moved his feet towards the OT, placing his hands on the door. Suga, who was observing his boyfriend, went near him and placed his hands on his shoulders and that one touch was enough for Jimin to finally break down.

"Suga, my Tae, how, what happened? Jimin asked, sobbing.

Namjoon and Suga made Jin and Jimin sit down on the chairs before taking a deep breath and explaining what happened at the warehouse, how they had found Taehyung lying in a pool of blood and how they got out of there.

"It's all our fault, if only we had found Kookie earlier and informed you, then you'd have reached on time before that bastard could lay a finger on him and he wouldn't be fighting for his life right now." Jin said, feeling guilty that he couldn't do anything to help his friends.

"No Jin, you guys did everything right. This is nobody's fault but Kai's and he'll pay for everything. Taehyung himself will make him pay. I am sure of it. He is a fighter. He won't give up so easily." Namjoon said, comforting his boyfriend.

But, what were you guys doing at this hospital? And where is Jungkook?" Suga asked, after realizing that Jungkook was not with them and they didn't inform them about Taehyung, then how come they were here already.

"Jungkook is here in this hospital." Jimin said, before going on to explain everything that happened and how they decided to follow Mr. Jeon. Suga and Namjoon were shocked after hearing that Jungkook was also admitted here.

"Is he alright? Did you guys see him?" Namjoon asked, getting worried.

"No, there are Mr. Jeon's men guarding the door. He's in ICU, that's all we know. We didn't want to leave before making sure he was alright, so we stuck around." Hobi said, answering the question.

After that the friends fell silent, each with their own thoughts, just waiting and praying for their friends to be alright and for this nightmare to finally end. It's been 2 hours since the operation started. They were all hungry and tired, both mentally and physically, but none of them wanted to move from there. Finally, Hobi decided to get some drinks for everyone since they would need to conserve every bit of energy for whatever lay ahead.

"How's my son, doctor?" Mr. Jeon asked the physician.

"Your son doesn't have any major injuries, Mr. Jeon. He has a sprained ankle and a cut on his forehead. He also has abrasions and some deep cuts on both his hands and legs from being tied up. We treated all his injuries and given him injection, so he would sleep for some time. I'll come by again once he wakes up." the physician explained. Mr. Jeon thanked him for his services before the doctor walked away.

Hobi who was on his way back with the drinks heard the conversation between Mr. Jeon and the doctor and he thanked God, that at least Jungkook was okay. He immediately walked away to convey the good news to others and as expected they were happy hearing that Jungkook was okay, but their happiness didn't last long when the red light on the OT door suddenly changed to green.

Soon the doctor walked outside the door and all of them immediately ran to him, all asking him questions at the same time.

"Guys, guys please calm down and ask one at a time. Are you guys related to the boy inside?" The doctor asked.

"Yes doctor, we are his friends and he is his cousin. How is he, doctor? Please tell us he is alright." Namjoon said, pointing towards Jimin.

"Well it's a good thing you brought him here on time, if you were a little late then we wouldn't have been able to save him. He has multiple wounds on his body including a stab wound. It looks like he was beaten up brutally. He has 3 broken ribs and a bruised kidney. He also lost a lot of blood and it was really touch and go for a while there, but luckily the knife didn't penetrate any major organs, although the wound is pretty deep. He is out of danger for now, but he has a long road ahead of him before he can fully recover. He might have to stay here for at least 2 weeks. We will be shifting him to ICU soon and one of you can meet him. He should regain consciousness in about 2 hours."

Everyone released the breath they were holding. Jimin hugged the doctor and started crying once again. They all thanked the doctor and hugged each other.

Hobi gave them all some drinks and forcefully made them drink it. They didn't have much to do now other than to wait. They were busy talking amongst themselves when Jimin's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and started panicking.

"What happened Jimin, why are you not attending the call? Who is it?" Suga asked, looking at Jimin who was staring at the phone screen.

"It's dad. I don't know what to tell him. Taehyung was supposed to go to the office after college today. Maybe he's calling me about that. What should I say?"

"Tell him the truth Jimin, he'll find out anyway when Taehyung won't show up to the office for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Besides, he deserves to know." Suga said, hugging Jimin.

"You're right, I should tell him. Ok I'll call him." Jimin walked away from the group to call his father in private.

"Should we check on Jungkook now? The doctor said he should wake up soon, right?" Jin asked.

"Yeah we should try at least, but don't get your hopes up. I have a feeling that Mr. Jeon might not allow us to meet him." Namjoon said, agreeing with his boyfriend.

Namjoon and Jin left to see Jungkook, while Suga and Hobi stayed behind. They reached the VIP ward to find the guards standing outside Jungkook's room, but no Mr. Jeon in sight. Jin thought for some time before walking away with a confused Namjoon following behind.

"Jinie, why did you leave? Are we not going to meet him?"

"We are Joon, but not like this. Those guards are not going to let us in if we walk in like this." Jin said, pointing towards all the blood stains on Namjoon.

"Then what should we do? It's not like I am carrying around spare clothes with me."

"Leave that to me. You go and wash your hands and face first, while I arrange some clothes for us." Jin said, shooing Namjoon away.

Namjoon walked away feeling even more confused as to why they both needed clothes when it was only him who needed it. He went inside a washroom and started washing away all the blood on his hands and body as much as he could. He needed a bath, but that had to wait. Namjoon was done washing himself when the door to the washroom opened and Jin came inside wearing a surgical gown and cap. Jin handed him the clothes which was a lab overcoat. Namjoon looked at Jin like he had grown two heads.

"Why are you looking at me like that and wear the coat fast before someone comes in." Jin chided his boyfriend.

"Can I at least ask why we are dressing up like this? And where did you even get these? Wait, forget the last question, I don't even want to know."

"You don't need to know anything, just follow my lead alright." Jin and Namjoon wore their masks and left the washroom.

They walked up to Jungkook's room and try to go inside without minding the guards, but no sooner had Jฤซn's hands touched the doorknob, the guards stopped them.

"Wait, you are not allowed to go inside." said the guard who stopped them.

"What do you mean by we can't go inside? We were asked by the patient's physician to run some tests on him. We also have to give him medicines. Are you telling us that we shouldn't treat our patient?" Jin said, faking anger.

The guards looked at each other not knowing whether they should let them in or not since they had strict orders from their boss to not let anyone in. Jin saw the confusion on their faces and tried once again.

"It's alright if we can't go in, but then you'll have to explain to his father why his son was not treated. I am sure his father didn't ask you to keep the doctors out, now did he?" Namjoon was trying to suppress his smile under the mask after seeing his boyfriend's acting. When he asked him to wear the lab coat, this wasn't what he expected. But was he complaining? God No.

The guards finally relented after realizing that their boss had told them to keep the strangers out, not the doctors who are treating his son. Jin and Namjoon quickly went inside before the guards changed their mind. Jin rushed to Jungkook's bed and looked him all over, Namjoon doing the same.

"He has become so pale in just a day Joonie. Look at his hands and legs. That must be so painful. That bastard. How could he do something like this to our Kookie? He is too innocent for this world Joonie. He has already been through so much, what will happen when he learns about Tae?" Jin said, tearing up.

"It's all over now baby, they both are safe and that's what we should concentrate on, not on the past and we are all here for Kookie. We won't let him break. We have to be strong for both of them."

"You are right Joonie, we should be strong for them." Jin sat down on the chair next to the bed taking Jungkook's hand in his. He kept caressing his face, praying for him to wake up soon and whether it was because of his prayers or because of him touching Jungkook's face, Jin didn't know, but Jungkook started moving and whimpering in his sleep.

Jin immediately caressed his head, telling soothing words in his ears. Jungkook was dreaming that he was with Kai. He could feel Kai coming towards him, and touching him, but this touch didn't make him feel disgusted, instead it made him feel safe. He could see Kai was saying something to him, but he couldn't make out the words. He strained his ears to hear what was being said. He could hear Kai asking him to wake up, but he wasn't sleeping, so why was he asking him to wake up? He could now hear Kai's voice close to his ears, but it didn't sound like Kai, instead it sounded like Jin hyung. 'Why am I hearing Jin hyung's voice? Has he come to save me?' he thought.

"Open your eyes Kookie, please open your eyes." Jungkook again heard his hyung saying.

Jungkook decided to close his eyes and open them once again, but this time it was difficult for him to open his eyes. He could see a bright light hitting his eyes and he squinted against it, trying to clear his vision. Once his vision was cleared, he saw Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung standing next to him.

"". Jungkook tried to talk but his words came out slurred.

"Don't try to talk Kookie here, drink this water first." Jin said, helping Jungkook to drink water. The water felt so good against his dry throat, he gulped it down in seconds. Jin wiped his mouth and helped him to sit up, while Namjoon adjusted his bed.

"How are you feeling now Kookie? Are you in any pain?" Namjoon asked, to which Jungkook just shook his head no.

"We were so worried Kookie, thank God you're alright." Jin said, hugging the younger carefully. Jungkook hugged Jin back tightly afraid that this must all be a dream. Jin and Namjoon were so focused on comforting the younger that they didn't hear the door being opened and someone coming in.


๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œHello guys, another chapter is done. Thank you to everyone who read and voted on the previous chapters. I really appreciate it. Please keep supporting me, so I can come to you with more content. Once again thank you and love you all๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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