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~George POV~

I was crying for the few hours.

It was all I can do.

I had lost the person I loved.

And I was kidnapped.

I just want to die at this point.

What did I do to make this bad lucky become a-pound us.

That's when I hear the doors open.

"Hey Georgie"

I saw The masked man and Sapnap as he called him.

I didn't say nothing

"I have come back with your food"

Still nothing.

"Talk George, say something at lease."

He said more force full but I still didn't have the strength to say something.

Not after what I seen.

He just sighed and smashed the plate.


He said yelling this time.

I still said nothing.

I looked at him with a blank stare.

"Why won't you talk..."

He said grabbing my face this time.

"Please talk for me, my love..."


"Talk damnit GEORGE"

"Fine if you don't want to talk then I'll just hunt down all your friends and family and make you watch as I kill them slowly just like your girlfriend"


He started walking out the room with Sapnap.

I quickly blurted out.


He spun his head around to look at me.

"Say that one more time..."

"No please..."

"What a good boy~"

I wanted to throw up at that point.

~Dream's POV~

Worked out well.

I started heading to George and Sapnap just decided to leave us.

"Now let me put some ground rules ok."

I said getting onto his level.

"Call me Dream"

He just stared.

"Rule one don't try to leave cause in the end your just going to get me mad when I find you"

"Rule two do everything I say."

"Rule three if I let you upstairs do not get out of my sight"

"Got that?"

He said nothing.

"I said got that"

Getting out my knife but he just gave a nod when he saw it.

"Good" I said as I patted his head.

Now I got to get him more food.

As I walked upstairs I saw Nick getting chips.


"Yea why not"

I just sighed and got another plate.

I placed chicken along with Mac and cheese on it.

And headed back down stairs.

As I headed towards George and sat next him he moved away a bit.

"I can get myself."

George started.

"I know you can, but I want to feed you on your first day to your new home!"

He just looked shocked.


"Don't start yelling now George"

"SHUT UP, This is not my home and YOU KNOW IT!"


That got his attention quick as he calmed down.


As I started to feed him the food.

He just accepted it.

He looks so pretty.

~George POV~

He looks so ugly.

I'm just realizing that.

Why does he even wear that ugly mask.


I just accepted the food he was giving me because I need energy to get out of here.

And I wasn't going to let him find me.

Like how is he going to find me when I'm in town.

Once he was finished "feeding me" he had left.

I was still frozen in fear but not as much this time.

At lease enough to plan out my escape.

Although i never planned a escape before.

But it was worth a try.

Next time Dream comes in I'll kick him where the sun don't shine.

Then run out of the room lock the door.

And get out of the house and run as far away as I can from this house.

Doesn't sound to hard.

Now first I wait.

~Sapnap POV~

"Hey Clay want to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure why not"


"Wait which movie though?"

"I don't know"

"Fine then im choosing"

"Ok fine"

Clay decided to watch venom out of all things.

But I didn't complain cause I didn't have a better movie to chose anyways.

~Couple hours later~

After the movie was finished we both decided to go to bed.

But Clay wanted to check on George before he heads to bed which I didn't mind.

"Night Clay!"

"Night Nick"

As I headed to my room getting ready for a good night sleep.

~George POV~

As I heard the open.

I knew it was my time to strike.

"Hey George I came to say goodnight"


He said walking closer to me.

As I stood up a bit but not enough for him to see clearly through the dark room.

And as he got a bit closer to me.

And closer.

Just where I want him.

That's when I strikes and kicked him where the shine don't shine.

He instead fell to the ground holding his crouch.

As I ran out the door.

I tried to lock all of them but there were to many.

So I just locked one and ran out the front door.

As I got outside it was all covered in trees expect a rode.

It was good enough for me.

Not even a day in the house and I'm free already.

That was to easy.

As I ran down the rode heading to town.

But that's when I saw a car pull up.

A black van.

This is some kind of joke.

I turned heading into the woods and down that way knowing they have to stop the car.

But they just drove a few feet up and got out.

A guy with a purple jacket and a green swirl came out first.

Then someone with a blue beanie came out next.

Hell no.

They got out and started chasing me.

My legs were starting to give up on me.

I decided to try and climb a tree it was my only option.

I ran to a tree I could climb.

I started climbing but that's when I felt someone grab onto my ankle.

And pushed me down.

While holding me to the ground.

"Why hello there!"

I heard the guy with the jacket say.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Well if I do that then Dream's going to get really mad at me so I think not"


He just sighed and yelled someone's name.

"Quackity get the rope please honey"


That's when I heard the guy so called Quackity walk over to us.

No no NO!!!

"STOP PLEASE" I started crying.

"Sorry George bosses orders not ours"

As they tied my arms together and legs.

One of men had started carrying me to the black van.

I could help but cry my pain away.

I was going back to the house.



That took a bit longer than I though.

But hey-

I did it 😭🙌

I hoped you guys enjoy this chapter!

And have a wonder day/noon/night!

"I couldn't help but see you replace me slowly."

-Dreamie (707)

Words 1173

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