Chapter Sixty-five

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This chapter is dedicated to xapekshax for all the support on each of my chapters. All your votes mean the world. Thank you!!!


I wake up to silent whispers. I stir, groggily opening my eyes, and I see the twins.

"You woke her up!" Dean hisses through gritted teeth.

"No, you did!" Zach hisses back.

I frown, and I sit up, my vision slowly clearing. My jaw hangs open when I see the state of my room. The roof is lined with pastel pink and clear balloons with silver confetti on the inside. Fairy lights are twinkling around me, draped around light pink Peonies and Baby's Breath that is arranged around the room. And a silver number 18 balloon is hanging right above my full-sized mirror.

"Happy birthday," Zach says, with a guilty smile, holding a party hat.

"We weren't supposed to come in here, but Zach wanted to see!" Dean says, staring daggers at his brother. "Happy birthday, Jess." He says, turning to me with lingering irritation.

"Who did this?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"Liam and mom," Zach tells me. "Liam brought the stuff in the middle of the night. And we weren't supposed to be up, but..." He shrugs. "They said we couldn't help because we would make too much noise."

Was I dead? How come I didn't hear a peep? I am not that much of a heavy sleeper, so this has completely taken me by surprise. It's like I fell asleep in one place and woke up somewhere completely different.

I glance around the room once more, entranced by the whimsical feel. I feel like a fairy between the twinkling lights and dazzling flowers. I can't believe Liam did this!

"Well," Dean glares at Zach. "I'll go tell them she is awake."

Zach follows his brother out, and I jump out of bed to examine the room. I find a folded paper on my vanity, and I open it.


Happiest birthday, baby. I am the happiest I've ever been because of you. You are like a midsummer day, beautiful and full of warmth. You saved me from myself when I didn't know I needed saving, and for that, you will forever have a special place in my heart. I hope you know the world is so much brighter because you are in it.

Yours truly,


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date:

William Shakespeare

I read it once more, and tears spring to my eyes. Just then, the door opens, and Liam walks in carrying a breakfast tray full of food and treats.

"Good morning, birthday girl." He says, settling the tray on the bed and walking up to me.

"I can't believe you did all this." I gesture around the room. "And I loved the letter, and breakfast in bed," I look over at the tray with a smile. "This is amazing."

He holds my face in his hands and kisses me slowly, reverently, savoring the moment.

"You are amazing. And I didn't do it alone, your mom helped."

The door swings open, and mom rushes in. Liam and I instinctively step away from each other as she beams at me.

"My little girl, finally 18." She says, immediately tearing up. "Feels like just yesterday I was changing your diapers."

"Oh my God, Mom!" I groan, utterly embarrassed.

This is her go-to line every time we reach a milestone.

Liam chuckles as she gives me a hug and wishes me a happy birthday.


I take a quick shower, and I make sure to thoroughly enjoy my breakfast before changing into my school attires. Esmée calls to wish me a happy birthday and doesn't give me a chance to interrogate her about the Duke she is dating as she pesters me on about PSA.

"You said you've always dreamed of going to school in France." She accuses. "You could move in with Alex or me. You won't even have to worry about housing."

"Oscar knows all the Photography teachers and most of the Gallery owners here. There will be a lot more opportunities."

"We could take a train to Italy or London for a long weekend."

All these things sounded really enticing. But I already made up my mind. Especially since Liam told me he is planning to apply to culinary schools in New York. Moving halfway across the world when I could be living right next to him and Steff is just not ideal. She finally decided to let it go when I told her we already put a deposit on an apartment in New York and that I can't get out of the lease.

Then Oscar called to wish me a happy birthday and said the trip to Colmar he promised would be my birthday gift whenever I decide to visit France. But I don't think Liam is going to like the idea.

When I finally go downstairs, there is a beautiful chocolate cake waiting for me on the kitchen counter, and mom is lighting the birthday candles.

"Mom made that," Dean tells me proudly.

She is excellent at baking, so I have no doubt it'll be delicious. But I am way too stuffed for it right now.

"I thought you might like to make a wish before you head to school. Liam tells me he is taking you out to dinner afterward." She says.

I smile, nodding.

Liam places a party hat on my head, and they all gather around hooting and hollering as I make a wish and blow out the candles, making me feel like I'm 8 years old again.

"Aren't you gonna cut the cake?" Zach looks at me expectantly.

"You are not having cake now, Zachary Grayson! Go eat your fruits." Mom scolds. "I'll save this for later." She says, picking the cake up and heading to the refrigerator.

"We should go," I say, glancing at my watch.

"Have a wonderful day, sweetie." Mom gives me a hug before heading upstairs to fetch her keys, and I sneak in a piece of cake for the twins to take to school.


When we get to school, our friends greet me with hugs and birthday wishes. Instead of our usual debates, everyone tells funny stories about their birthdays.

Steff embarrasses me by telling every freshman and sophomore we come across to wish me a happy birthday. And Jayden jokingly offers to give me a piggyback ride to class, which earns him a glare from Liam.

As we head inside, I tell Steff about how my room was decorated and Liam bringing me breakfast in bed.

"Aww, Liam is officially my dream man," She says, dreamily.

I chuckle.

"Don't let Ryan hear you say that."

She rolls her eyes as I open my locker.

A folded paper tumbles out, and I pick it up after grabbing my books.


You saw beyond my ugly past and who I once was. You saw beyond my flaws and made me see the world in a new light. Even though I am far from perfect, I would never purposely hurt or upset you. Always remember that.

I will never let go of you. And I ask that you don't ever let go of me.

Eternally yours,


Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

Ever thine

Ever mine

Ever ours

Ludwig van Beethoven

"It's from Liam," I tell Steff, putting the folded paper in my backpack with a grin.

"I knew that the moment you opened it. Your face said it all. I want to know what it says."

"Just a little note and a snippet from a love letter," I say, coyly.

Steff shakes her head in bemusment.

"Liam is such a Shakespearean lover." She chuckles. "Ryan will run away if I ask him to send a long text, let alone write a love letter." She says, making me laugh.

The day goes pleasantly except for when my dad calls to tell me he will be sending me a gift card, and Elliot trying to hug me while wishing me a happy birthday.

Liam and I text each other all throughout English, grinning like loons. When the bell rings, I gather my books and hurry to the door, following my friends, but Mrs. Ronin calls after me.

My heart jumps as I turn around to face her, wondering what I could have possibly done now.

Then the most astonishing thing happens. Her icy blue eyes fix me with a sharp gaze before she hands me a folded paper.

"I believe this belongs to you." She says curtly.

I take it from her hand with genuine surprise.

"You should advise Liam to major in English." She says, turning her focus back on the papers on her desk.

I nod even though she can't see me, and I make my way out.

"And Jessica." She calls just as I reach the door. "Happy Birthday."

I look at her incredulously before muttering thank you and closing the door behind me. I have no idea how Liam managed this. I mean, I knew he was her favorite student, but I still can't believe he asked her to do this. I would probably die before I ask her to do anything.

I unfold the paper eagerly as soon as I step out of the classroom, and I grin from ear to ear as I read it.


I can never thank you enough for trusting me with your heart. It is because you taught me how to love that I am a much better person today. And I promise your heart will be kept safe as long as it is in my possession.

Love always,


I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)

I am never found without it

Anywhere I go you go, my dear;

And whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling

I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)

I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

E. E Cummings

I hold the paper to my chest for a few seconds before folding it carefully and putting it in my backpack.

I head to the parking lot, unable to wipe the grin from my face. I find Liam waiting for me in the car, and I encircle my arms around him, connecting our lips as soon as I step inside.

"I'm guessing you got the letter," Liam says when we pull apart.

"How did you ask her?"

"I just... did." He shrugs, starting the engine.

I look at him with admiration. It takes courage to ask Mrs. Ronin a question in class, let alone something like this.

"She has a thing for letters, so I'm sure she ate it up," I say, chuckling. "She reckons you should be an English major."

This makes Liam smile.


Nobody is there when we get home, and it takes me a solid hour to get ready for dinner. Since the air is starting to warm and the weather is no longer so gloomy, I wear a nude silk slip dress with black ankle strap heels and drape a coat in case it gets chilly later. I straighten my hair for a change and touch up my makeup.

Liam reserved a table at a cozy restaurant in the outskirts of town that has a mid-century feel to it. We've only been there once before, but we both loved it. When we step inside, I am both shocked and delighted to see a long table in the middle of the restaurant filled with our friends.

I turn to Liam with a mixture of joy and surprise.

"You didn't think I'd keep you all to myself on your birthday, did you?" He chuckles, placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the awaiting bunch.

Everyone wishes me a happy birthday, and gift bags line at my feet. Live music plays as we eat dinner, and we watch, gaping, as the girl sings in a silk-like voice.

"I want her at my wedding," Jane says, making Ryder stare at her incredulously.

"Maybe graduation, how about that?"

We all laugh as she shoves his arm.

"I didn't mean when I marry you."

"Oooh." The guys say in unison.

"Did I mention you look drop-dead gorgeous? Liam is going to be all over you tonight." Steff says so only I can hear her.

I grin.

"By the way, where is Ryan?" I ask.

"Said he had a headache." She shrugs.

It's probably best he chose not to come because I don't think Jeremy and him dining together is the best idea.

Once we are done eating, we get some dessert, and Dawson tells a story about the time he was dared to spend a night in the woods alone. I will never understand why people dare each other these kinds of things. Luckily, Red gives him an earful about it, so I don't have to say a word.

When the music stops, we turn to the small stage.

The girl smiles.

"Now, I'd like to invite someone onto the stage that I'm sure you'll all love. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Liam Disick."

My heart jolts as Liam squeezes my hand before getting up. Everyone at our table looks at him with surprise as he makes his way to the stage.

I watch frozen as a guy hands him a guitar, and the room goes completely silent.

His eyes lock with mine.

"This is for you."

He starts playing, and I squeeze Steff's hand, my heart aching in the best possible way as I hear him sing James Arthur's Say you won't let go for the first time.

"Shit! The boy can sing." I hear someone say, but I have no idea who.

Liam has one of the best voices I have ever heard, and I feel like I am in a trance as I watch him. Our eyes stay locked the entire time he is singing, and it feels like we are the only ones in the room.

"I love you, Jess. Happy Birthday." He says with a goofy smile when he is finished.

The quiet room erupts with applause as he hands the guitar back to the guy and makes his way towards me. I jump into his arms and connect our lips, not caring that everyone's eyes are on us.

He smiles into the kiss.

"That was so beautiful. You know you'll have to sing for me regularly from now on, right?" I tell him.

"I was afraid you might say that." He laughs.

"Have you ever..."

He shakes his head. "No. That was a first."

"I hate you! You made me cry." Steff says as Liam takes a seat.

Surely enough, every girl at the table is wiping their eyes.

"I didn't know you could sing," Jayden says in astonishment.

"Neither did I." Red shakes her head.

"Thanks a lot! Now we all have to learn how to sing." Ryder groans, and the mood shifts once again as we all laugh.


On our way to Liam's place, I can't stop staring at him. If I love this boy any more than I already do, I'm sure it will kill me.

"This is the best birthday I've ever had," I tell him when we get home. "Thank you so much, Liam. I love you."

"No more tears." He says as if sensing it. "You need to see your present."

I frown.

"There's more?"

He nods, leading me up to the bedroom.

We walk inside, and I spot a box on the bed along with a folded paper. I excitedly grab the letter, unfolding it.


You probably don't remember this, but in second grade, we stood next to each other in the class picture. I don't know what made me do it, but I cut our picture out and plastered it to my desk. Elliot saw it when he came over to our house with his mother and made fun of me for a whole month. One day, the lunch lady heard and asked for how long I had a crush on you. And I told her I couldn't remember when it started.

Maybe I knew on a cosmic level, even then, that you were meant to be mine. I love you now and always.

Yours sincerely,


I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.

I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;

so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,

so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,

so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Pablo Neruda

I remember the poem. He read it in English when we were broken up, and I remember how it made me feel. But it feels completely different now.

"In second grade, really?" I smile, looking up at him.

He nods, his cheeks tinted with the faintest shade of pink. I grab him by the hair, and I kiss the hell out of him. It takes all the willpower I have to pull away so I can unwrap my present.

I gasp when the box comes into view.

Canon EOS 7D Mark II.

I gape at it before turning to face Liam. I told him the story about how my dad broke the professional camera my aunt got me for Christmas when I got kicked out of the swim team. But I didn't think he would go and spend his money on this.

"I can't accept this," I tell him.

He chuckles. "You can, and you will. It's your birthday gift."

"Liam..." I start to shake my head, but he holds my face in his hands, looking into my eyes.

"Trust me, baby. I can afford it. You have given me more joy and love than I could have ever imagined. This is the least I can do. Just say, thank you."

I put the box aside.

I have a pretty good idea of how I want to say thank you. I step closer towards him, and I run my fingers up and down along the bulge in his pants, feeling it harden beneath my touch.

"Okay, then," I say, running my tongue along my lips. "Undress." 


Hello, loves. I know this was relatively a longer chapter but I didn't want to break it into two. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, please don't forget to like and comment.

We have only about ten or fewer chapters to go. Show your love for Liam and Jess :)

Much love,

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