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"Humphreys, I don't want to study anymore. Who the fuck cares about limits and derivatives and math?!"

"Munchkin, it's finals. You have to study."

"If I see the word 'lim' ever again, I will literally die."

"Hey, don't say that, honey. Come here; I'll help you study."

"But don't you have to study for your finals, too?"

"I just have biology tomorrow. Easy. Now come to bed and I'll quiz you. We'll play a game."

"Okay. How does it work?"

"Every answer you get right, you get a kiss."

"I like this game already."

"Every 3 consecutive correct answers, I take one article of clothing off. And for every 5 consecutive correct answers, I do anything you want. A lap dance, head, anything."

"Fuck. Why didn't we play this before? Okay let's play—"

"But for every 3 mistakes you make, we don't have sex for a night. So 6 mistakes means 2 nights of no sex. The mistakes don't have to be consecutive, but they accumulate. Deal?"

"That's not fair!"

"So no game then? Have fun reading, my love."

"Wait! Fuck. Every 5 mistakes. Not 3. Please?"

"No, baby. No sex every 3 mistakes. Deal?"

"Fuck. Fine. Let's do this shit."

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