Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"If they tell my story, I am either going to
die on the battlefield in glory or rise up."


RUBY WAS TIRED. She would be the first to admit that. She'd been running for an hour. Even though she was used to it, something about the situation was weighing her down. She also picked Dimitri up every once in a while, not wanting him to get left behind.

Lots of the others were tired too. Many were out of breath. Leo was red in the face beside her.

Finally, they made it to the alley that would lead them to the Cliff. Minho slowed down, then stopped. He gestured for everyone to do the same. "What is it?", Ruby whispered, trying to see over the crowd. Leo shook his head, not having an answer for her either.

Ruby didn't need anyone to answer. After she'd asked the question it, she heard it herself. Griever sounds. The enemy had been lying in wait. "There's at least a dozen of them, maybe fifteen. They're just waiting on us", Minho said a bit louder for people to hear. Fear struck Ruby's heart.

"Well, we knew we'd have to fight", Newt said, stepping up.

Thomas was saying something, but Ruby couldn't focus on it. She was too busy panicking. Why were they just sitting there, waiting on them? Suddenly the sounds of a Griever echoed behind them. Several more came from in front of them. They were trapped. On both sides, hordes of Grievers watched them, waiting. There was nowhere to go. Maybe Gally was right.

Maybe there really was no way out.

"We shouldn't have come", Alby panicked.

"What else were we supposed to do, Alby?", Ruby asked over the noise. "Sit in there and wait for them to kill us all? Pick us off one by one? Face it, we were no better off out there then in here. Life is pain. It's not easy. It never has been, and it never will be. But you can't give up just because it's hard. If everyone gave up when things got hard, we'd never get anywhere!" Ruby swallowed thickly. "If one of us has to die then... If any of us have to die, don't let it be for nothing. Don't let any of them who got taken die for nothing. We're alive right now for a reason. I don't know what's out there, but it's gotta be better than this."

"Maybe I should..." Alby began walking, almost in a dreamlike state.

"Alby? Get back here!", Newt shouted. "Alby!" But it was too late. Alby had already run towards the Grievers that blocked the Cliff. Several of them attacked, tearing the boy to shreds. Newt was about to run out there, but Thomas grabbed him. "Let go!"

Ruby didn't know what Newt was feeling. How could she? How did one feel when watching your best friend get ripped apart? Two more joined in the massacre. Alby didn't even scream. It was like the creatures were feeding on him, taking everything.

But the worst part was that it was for nothing.

When they finished Alby off, the boy reduced to a puddle, the beasts moved back in on the rest of them.

With no other choice, they would have to fight their way through.

Ruby felt sick. Horribly, horribly sick.

They all charged forward, a group of screaming kids against monsters that couldn't wait to rip them apart.

Teresa was at her side, but only for the briefest of moments. She was holding her arms out towards Dimitri. "I'll take him."


"Ruby, I've got this. He's better off with me." Ruby hesitated. Eventually, she shoved Dimitri towards her.

Ruby turned and shoved her way into the fight. Sounds of war raged on around her. Blood curdling screams. Blood spilled on the pavement.

A boy she didn't know was caught in one of the Griever's clutches. Ruby ran forward and shoved her sword into its side. The monster screamed, but it did drop the boy. Something sliced her side, a deep gash. No time to worry about that. "Ruby!" That had been Leo's voice.

Leo's fingers dug into the ground, a Griever pulling him by his ankles. "Leo, I'm coming!" It was hard to shove her way through the blood bath around. Finally, she made it to her friend. Ruby raised her sword above her head and began attacking the beast's arms. It cried out in outrage, reaching for her too.

Her best just wasn't good enough. Ruby looked at the desperation in Leo's face, then back at the creature. Do it because of Martin. Do it because of Ava. Do it for Leo. Ruby took a running leap, diving onto the Griever's back. Several of its torture tools came her way, reaching for her. "Damn, I really didn't wanna die today", she muttered. Ruby struggled to stand, trying to avoid everything that grabbed at her. Raising her sword once again, she plunged it into the Griever's back. The thing seemed to scream, dropping a horrified Leo. Angry and in pain, the Griever began to shake. Ruby was sent flying, her sword still stuck.

Her body slammed into the wall behind her, leaving a slight dent. Ruby fell to the concert below with an oomph. She was so dizzy that she was seeing stars. Another Griever came towards her. With no weapon to defend herself and being too dizzy to stand, all she did was watch it. If she died, at least she'd helped a friend.

Ruby squeezed her eyes shut. She waited for pain that never came. Leo had shoved his spear as deeply into the Griever as he could, yellow oil leaking from the creature. He was breathing heavily before he turned to look at her. "We're even, right?"

Despite everything happening around her, Ruby began laughing. "Yeah, we're even."

Suddenly, everything around her stopped. The instruments of torture attached to the Griever's eased their way back in, their lights killed. For a moment it was quiet. "They did it!", Winston shouted.

Those who were left cheered. Ruby looked around. They had lost a lot. They all gathered around the Cliff, looking at each other. "Well... leaders first", Ruby said, looking at Minho.

"Of course I have to go first", he grumbled. He looked around at them. "See you on the other side." And then he jumped. Newt followed him. Then Frypan. Then Winston.

Ruby gestured for Leo to go before her. "Your lover awaits." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before jumping. When he made it, he and Minho shared a tight embrace. Once he disappeared, Ruby took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing, I guess." Stepping back, she took a running start and leaped.

Ruby barely landed on her feet, but she'd done it. Twenty-four. That's how many of them remained. They were all dirty and injured, but they were there. Thomas rushed to her side, cupping her cheeks, just looking at her. He seemed satisfied, because he took a step back. "The rest?", Thomas asked, looking hopeful and terrified all at once.

"Half of us... dead", Newt said, his voice weak and tired.

No one spoke for a moment. Mourning those they lost. The gravity of the situation had just hit them all. "You know what?" Minho pushed himself up off the wall. "Half of us might've died, but half of us shucking lived. And nobody got stung, just like Thomas thought. We've gotta get out of here."

Ruby wanted to mourn the twenty boys who had died, but how could she? She was so grateful to be alive then that she couldn't even focus on anything else. She went and hugged Dimitri, who cringed because she was covered in Griever blood. Still, he wrapped his thin arms around her.

They made their way down the dark hall. All their friends went first. Then Ruby. Then Thomas. She hated to admit it, but going down the slide filled her stomach with an almost childlike giddiness. She'd even squealed. Following the lead of the other remaining Gladers, Ruby whooped and hollered. It was the most normal she'd felt in a long time. Ruby squeaked as she flew out of the Thomas, knocking down Leo and Minho, who'd only just gotten back up. To add insult to injury, Thomas and Teresa fell on top of them too. Dimitri landed last, the cherry on top.

"Get off'a me, you shanks", Minho groaned. They wiggled and shoved until they untangled themselves. The ride must've made Thomas dizzy, because he threw up the moment they all separated.

Ruby pulled herself up and joined the group, taking in their surroundings. The place was huge, probably as big as the Glade itself had been. Expensive machinery was everywhere. There were several large, white pods as well. Across from them were tall glass doors. "Look!", someone shouted. It was bone chilling. Dark tinted windows stretched out everywhere, a man or woman behind each one.

The Creators.

They all began taking steps backwards. Ruby didn't know what was worse. Facing these people or the Grievers. She thought she would rather take her chances with the beasts. All of the Creators were dressed the same. White shirt, black jacket. They didn't speak, just watched them with blank expression.

"Who are those people?", Chuck whispered. It was so quiet that even that echoed.

"The Creators." Minho suddenly looked angry. "I'm gonna break your faces!", he shouted.

"What are we supposed to do?", Ruby asked. "Why are they just watching us like that?"

"They're probably revving the Grievers back up. They're probably—" Newt's panicked speech was interrupted by a beeping sound that echoed everywhere. Everyone seemed to look at Thomas for an answer, but he had none. The doors opened, causing the beeping to stop. Silence ensued once more.

Two people stepped out. One of them was a woman. She wore black pants and white button up with the WICKED logo on it. Her blonde hair was pulled up, her dark eyes blank. The other person was a boy, but his hood hid his face. Ruby was the first to speak. "Mom?" Her voice was whispered, no one should have heard it.

The woman seemed to look directly at her though. "Welcome back. Over two years, and so few dead. Amazing", she finally spoke.

"Excuse me?", Newt asked. He sounded as offended as the rest of them felt.

"Everything has gone according to plan, Mr. Newton. Though we did expect a few more of you to give up on the way." The way she spoke to them made anger flare up in Ruby's chest. Then she snatched off the boy's hood.

He looked up in surprise, tears streaming down his face. A collective gasp went over the group. It was Gally. But how...? "What's he doing here?!", Minho shouted.

"You're safe now", Ava continued, ignoring them. "Please, be at ease." Minho lashed out. Ava snapped at him, essentially calling him immature. "One day you'll all be grateful for what we did for you." She paused, looking at them. "There is, of course, one final Variable."

Gally was trembling. He looked like he was trying to speak. Ruby stepped forward, wanting to comfort him. Wanting to promise that he would be okay. "They... can control me... I don't—" Suddenly the boy began to choke, his eyes wide. He reached for his own throat, for what good it did. "I... have... to..."

And then he was still, but only for a moment. Faster than anyone could register, Gally had pulled out a knife. Everything seemed to slow down. Tears still streaming down his face, a whispered I'm sorry, Gally flung the knife. Someone screamed. She didn't know who. Suddenly, Chuck was diving in front of Thomas. The dagger hit home in Chuck's chest. It was Chuck who screamed this time, blood spreading rapidly from the wound.

Thomas began screaming. Ruby was still too shocked to move. All she could do was stare at Chuck's convulsing body. Blood tinged spit bubbled up out of his mouth, seemingly choking him. She turned and buried her face in Leo's neck.

Rage filled Thomas. He kept on Gally, taking out all his anger, all his pain. Both boys were shouting, but Ruby refused to look. She couldn't. She'd seen enough blood and anger for one day. Ruby's heart hurt for Thomas. He had loved Chuck, she knew that. And now he was just... gone.

Taken in some sick game.

It was Ruby's turn to scream now. "How could you?" At first it just barely a whisper, but she grew louder each time she said it. She was about to lunge for the woman, but Leo caught her around her waist. Somehow, she wasn't mad at Gally. She was mad at the woman before them. It was all her fault. They were puppets, and she pulled all the strings. "You murdering piece of shit! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you, you bitch!"

"Stop it, Ruby", Leo hissed.

"All things happen for a purpose." How could she be so calm? So careless? "You all must understand this." She looked pointedly at her daughter. "You most of all, Ruby."

"I hope you burn in the deepest parts of hell", Ruby spat. "He was a child!"

Before anyone could say anything more, shouting could be heard from the doors. Several men and women, soaking wet, burst inside. They were yelling and screaming, words that didn't make any sense at all. Two of them grabbed hold of Ava. One raised his gun and let his bullets rain. Just like that, she was dead.

Ruby was surprised to feel nothing. No sadness. No pain. No remorse. Anger still swirled around inside her. Another man approached them. He looked young but stressed. "We don't have time to explain. Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. Because it does."

"Go!", someone screamed.

Thomas was the first to run. The others hesitated, but went behind him. Ruby glanced back at where Chuck still rested. He deserved better than that. They ran for what felt like ages before they reached the outside. Rain poured down around them. They reached a large bus, dented and scratched up. "Get on!", the leader shouted. "Hurry!"

You didn't have to tell them twice. The Gladers pushed and shoved each other as they ran up the three steps, flinging themselves into seats. Ruby leaned against the window, Dimitri tucked into her side. She barely registered everything that had just happened. Thomas, looking terrified, fell into the seat in front of him.

Despite what had just happened, they smiled at each other. She took his hand over the seat, refusing to let go. The bus pulled off into the night.

Ruby didn't know how long they rode for. An hour? Two? It all seemed to blur by. She faded in and out of sleep, exhausted from the night's events. She woke up to one of their rescuers speaking. "It'll take a while before your memories back, if ever. We don't know what they did to you or how." The woman explained everything to them. What happened and why. Ruby couldn't wrap her head around it all.

After about two hours, they finally stopped. They were ushered off the bus into the rain. They were outside a large building. On the outside it didn't look like much, but once they made it upstairs it looked like the best place any of them had ever seen.

Bunk beds, real actual beds, lined the walls. There were dressers and tables and real curtains. It was full of color. Minho said what they were all thinking. "I've been shucked and gone to heaven." They were left with a small staff. As happy as they all wanted to feel, a darkness would always lurk inside. Memories of what they had been through would always taunt them.

Still, they could rest for now. They'd been given beds, clean clothes, even bathroom necessities. Once each Glader was clean, they were given pizza. Ruby was sure it was the best thing she'd ever tasted. She didn't even mind that her fingers were greasy, it was just nice to be full. Ruby devoured the cheesy dish like it was her last meal.

Eventually they were told it was time for bed, not that they were complaining. She and Teresa were shuffled away from the boys, forced to settle in elsewhere. At least they were together.

"Teresa?", Ruby whispered.


Ruby leaned over the bunk so she could look at the girl. "Do you think we're really safe here?"

Teresa looked up at her, nodded once. "I do. Now go to sleep."

Ruby pulled herself back up, falling against her pillow. She could only hope that Teresa was right. Peace washed over her like a calming blanket. They would just see what tomorrow brought them.


DECEMBER 15, 2019
and that's the end, guys! on the 28th of last November, i started this journey. i gave up on it several times. December 11th of this year, i saw it through to the end. i told myself that i would finish writing this book this week, and i did. 36 chapters. for days, this is the only book that I've touched. i've reread the first book cover to cover to finish this. thank you to everyone who's still here.

i know that there are many people who won't like Ruby and her story. that's okay. she's mine. i love her, and i love this book.

if you choose to, you may move on to book 2. happy reading.

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