Chapter Fourteen

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"I'll raise up, unafraid."


RUBY WATCHED THE Griever carefully. A nightmare come to life, it was part animal, part machine. She couldn't believe she created something so awful. It looked like a gian slug, barely any fur and glimmering with a thick coat of slime. It pulsed with every breath. It looked like a mutated science experiment. The Griever rolled its way over. Metal spikes inches out of its skin and it curled in on itself before rolling forwards, then they would disappear back into it with a disgusting squelch. Several mechanical arms stuck out of its body. Some had lights, others had horrifying needles, and one had a three fingered claw that opened and closed.

When it was still, the creature moaned like it was in pain.

Ruby could smell its burning flesh. A tear rolled down her cheek. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you for this. How could her mind think something so disgusting up?

She prayed to God or whoever was up there that it wouldn't notice them. Then she came to a sinking revelation. The beetle blade had looked directly at them. It had probably sent the creature this way. And Minho, who was still running on the ground. Where was he? Was he okay? No time for that. Ruby watched the monster continue on, studying it.

There was a hitch in one of its arms. It moved slower than the rest because it ticked, something strange about its mechanism. A malfunction? A manufacturing error? Doubtful. Then it was a design flaw? Ruby didn't have room for flaws. Which meant she did it on purpose.

"The easiest way to kill one, should it ever go rogue, would be to get as close to this arm as possible, and drive it through the flesh there. Angle down towards the heart."

So she did give it a weakness. While Ruby was having this epiphany, the Griever had reached the door. Its spikes escaped and it rolled right up to them.
No one moved. The Griever shone its lights all over, as if searching. Then everything went dark. There was no sound. It was like the creature was playing some cruel joke on them. You can trust me, I won't hurt you! Ruby's breath shuddered. She tried her best to control it. Resting her head against the wall, silent tears leaked down her cheeks. Minho was right. They were as good as dead here. Dead. Dead. Dead. Suddenly the Griever came back to life, whirring and clicking like it did. And then it began to climb the wall below them.

DECEMBER 13, 2019
no one:
y'all: i know you fuckin lyin.
don't judge me, i'm just following jdash's lead.
i think all my inspiration is coming from the
fact that i found one of the books in my collection
and i'm reading it as i write.

in case you're wondering: it's better the second time.

i hope i find the rest of the books soon.

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