Chapter Four

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"They say life is a race, I knew
my problems would catch up
with me eventually."
—NF; Therapy Session


Alby had Ruby working in the garden. She didn't mind, it was peaceful. The boys were more accepting now that she had agreed to behave. She was out late that day, watching the Runners come back. Ruby wiped the sweat from her forehead after stabbing the shovel into the ground, grabbing her basket.

She got several hellos as she made her way through the Glade, basket in hand. With her messy curls pulled into an even messier braid, she was quite the sight to behold, dirty from a day of work. "Fry, I got more vegetables", she mumbled.

"You work really hard, Rue, take a break", the dark skinned boy frowned, taking the basket from her.

"Nothin else to do", Ruby shrugged. Besides, it felt like that's what she was supposed to be doing. Working. Maybe not here, but somewhere. So she would do what she could until she figured out where she belonged. "Anything else?"

"Ruby, I mean it, take a break", Frypan ordered.

Ruby huffed, but she did quit pestering him for more to do. She really wished there was a lake somewhere close by right about now. She had the faintest memory of swimming in the ocean, the salty waves lapping at her skin and easing her mind, taking away all her worries. She desperately needed that right about now. Perhaps she had loved swimming, whoever she was before.

For now though, she'd just settle for finding a way to get herself clean. She felt uncomfortable around almost everyone there still, except Leo and a young boy she'd met named Chuck.

While Ruby was undoing her messy braid, setting under a large tree, she was approached by Newt. She hadn't talked to him much. He was a tall and lanky boy with sandy colored hair who spoke with a thick, British accent. His small, brown eyes held kindness though, so she wasn't too worried. "Ruby, how are ya?"

"I'm good", Ruby responded hesitantly, full lips curving upwards into a small smile. "Be even better when the boys stop treating me like an artifact in a museum though."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about", the young Brit sighed, taking a seat next to her. She wondered if that were easy to do, with the slight limp he had. "We think it'd be better, at least for now, if you slept in the Homestead with us. Usually it's just me, Alby, and the Keepers, but given the circumstances... Well, Minho heard some of the guys talking earlier and... Reckon they'd like to get their hands on ya now that you've calmed down and all, hurt you..."

Ruby stifled a laugh, placing her hand on the boy's boney shoulder. "You don't have to explain, I can see how awkward this is for you. One of you still owes me a tour though, all I know is the garden."

For a second, a sly smile crossed Newt's face before he eased himself up. "I'll have Thomas do it, he's got nothin else to do now that he's back anyway and I've gotta talk to Alby."

Ruby's full lips turned down into a frown, but she nodded her head. "Gonna take a shower first then, my skin could use a good scrubbin." The two of them got to their feet, she gave the boy's thin shoulder a gentle squeeze. "See ya later!"

Ruby went on her way, feeling pretty disgusting at that moment.

*WARNING: the upcoming scene includes
sexual assault. please, do not trigger yourself.
be safe, lovebugs!*

The showers weren't anything to brag about, barely offering any privacy and nearly falling apart, but Ruby was thankful. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Ruby knew that she preferred bubble baths. Maybe it was because it was so similar to being in the ocean. At any rate, she pulled the makeshift curtain closed as she undressed.

At least the actual showers were nice. Silver and expansive looking. The warm stream of water burned her skin in a good way, taking off all her worries and melting them down the drain. Ruby sighed in contentment. For a moment she thought she heard footsteps, but thought of it as one of the boys coming in for a shower. Or maybe she was just crazy. The soap was almost as rough as a pumice stone, but that was just fine by her. After making sure she herself was clean, the dirt swirling down the drain at her feet, Ruby moved on to her hair. Maybe she should have cut it.

As Ruby reached for the knob, she suddenly became aware of a presence behind her. Freaky. She couldn't see anything behind that curtain, but it set her on edge. Just as Ruby turned back around, a calloused hand clamped down around her mouth. "Well now, look what I have here. Someone left the little kitten here all by herself." Ruby's heart rate picked up, beating rapidly in her chest.

The thought that she was about to be attacked didn't even cross her mind. It was the fact that this was a stranger pressing himself against her naked body, seeing her without her permission. Touching her. Ruby was embarrassed and terrified. She hadn't ever felt so weak. She hated it. She wanted to defend herself, but there was nowhere for her to go.

"Ruby? Are you in here? Newt said you've been in here for a real long time, so I came to check up on you." Thomas. It was Thomas.

"You make a sound and I'll kill you, you hear me?"

Ruby whimpered, and her attacker shook her in warning. His warm breath fanned the back of her neck, and the calloused hand that once roamed her body snaked around her neck. He squeezed, not in warning but harshly. She couldn't breathe. Ruby's heart was beating dangerously fast now, her chest hurting and her mind racing.


She couldn't take it anymore. This fear, this pain, this embarrassment. Ruby bit down harshly on the boy's hand, causing him to jerk it away. A piece of skin was left between her teeth, which Ruby quickly spat out in disgust. "Thomas!"

The boy in question immediately found her, jerking open the curtain. "The fuck are you doing?!" Thomas grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, but Ruby remained frozen. All she knew was that the two would probably fight. Hesitantly, Ruby grabbed her still dirty shirt and slid her underwear up her hips. She didn't even bother with her pants, she just squeezed past them and ran. "Ruby!"

But Ruby didn't stop running. Newt caught sight of her and went to catch up with Thomas, who was dragging the other boy out. "What's wrong with Ruby?"

Thomas looked furious, teeth clenched. "He attacked her. She wouldn't stay, can't blame her. I'm taking him to Alby. Can you please make sure she's alright? She barely knows where she's going, and she's probably terrified."

Newt was stunned and confused. One of the Gladers had gone so far as to attack someone? That wasn't ever how they operated. They were supposed to look after each other, not harm each other. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll go." On the search for the girl, he filled in Minho, who offered to help him look despite being tired.

They found the girl up in a tree, near the Deadheads. She looked like a deer caught in headlights, sniffling and trembling. Her eyes and cheeks, even her nose, were tinted red.

"Ruby", Newt started softly. "Do you wanna talk about it? We just wanna understand what happened."

"No", Ruby croaked out. "I never wanna talk about it. I feel like... some kind of object." She felt dirty. Like a Barbie doll that had been violated and tossed, something that had no control of what happened to it.

"That's okay." It was Minho who spoke this time. "We don't have to talk about it. We just want you to come back with us, okay?"


"What's going on here?", Gally asked as he joined the trio, raising a thick brow. He'd heard the commotion. He didn't particularly care, but he was nosey.

Newt sighed, gesturing upwards. "Ruby's climbed up a tree and won't come down. Sump'n happened. One of the boys..."

Gally pushed the two aside, looking up at the still shaken Ruby. His features softened. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he'd seen something like this before, or heard of it. He didn't know to who, but he knew that back then he was powerless. He was probably just a dumb kid. This time, he wasn't. "Hey, Ruby, it's Gally. I know we don't get along much, or at all, but I'm worried — Minho and Newt are worried too. We just wanna figure everything out, make sure you're safe. We won't let anyone hurt you again, but we can't help if you stay out here... Just come on down, and I promise I'll take real good care of ya. Just meet me halfway, okay?"

Ruby sniffled once more, wiping her eyes. She looked down at him and nodded, beginning her slow descent. When she was close enough, Gally helped her down into his arms. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, clutching onto his shirt. She didn't make a sound, but Gally could feel his shirt become damp with salty tears. "'S'alright, Ruby, I gotcha."

Minho and Newt stepped aside as Gally carried Ruby back to the Homestead. All eyes were on them. Word always did travel fast in the Glade. "Where's the slinthead that did this to her?"

No one said anything for a moment. "It was one of your builders", one of the Gladers offered up.

Gally nodded, turning to the other two boys. "Call a Gathering."

Later that night, all of the Keepers, plus Alby and Newt, had called a Gathering. Thomas was there, being the only witness. Ruby was tucked in the corner. The boy who had attacked her glared accusingly at her from the corner.

"Martin, did you or did you not attack Ruby in the showers?", Newt asked, his tone cold. This was the third time he'd had to ask. The first two had been met with silence. Silence and ignorance.

"Of course not!", the boy shouted. "She asked me. Look at her, she wants to act all innocent, teasin people, and then play dumb."

"That's not true", Ruby whispered. "I would never. I don't —"

"It's okay, Ruby", Alby said softly. "Thomas, what did you see?"

Thomas bristled, biting the inside of his cheek. "She called me. He had her around the neck. Ruby was — she was naked. He wasn't, but she looked terrified. Looks like she bit him, don't know why."

"He's a damned lie!", the boy shouted.

"You shut your filthy mouth, you rotten piece of klunk", Gally shot back.

"Ruby, is that true?", Winston asked. "Can you tell us your side?"

Ruby swallowed thickly. For a moment she just shook her head, before remembering Gally's promise. She didn't know what Gally had seen before, but she guessed it must have been brought back to the light, because he was all fired up on her behalf. He would protect her. "I was just taking a shower. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I swear! I heard someone come in, but I didn't think — he put his hand over my mouth. Then Thomas came in. He told me if I made a sound, he'd kill me. I got scared, so I bit him. Then Thomas got him, so I ran. I'm sorry!"

"You can't seriously believe her", Martin scoffed. "The girl's a damned liar — she's a bloody whore. She wanted it. Walkin round here, basically begging for it."

Alby slammed his fist on the table, shooting him a warning look. "I've heard enough. Throw him in the Slammer."

Gally scoffed. "Put him in the Glade."

"Gally, that's a bit harsh", an unnamed boy said immediately.

"A bit harsh?" Gally laughed bitterly. "He attacked her. Not to mention he knocked the shit out of Thomas. And you wanna just lock him up in the Slammer? For how long? You think that's a punishment?"


"No, look at her! Look at her face!", Gally shouted, gesturing towards Ruby. "You don't think she looks scared? Look at her fucking neck. And you think he's gonna, what, sit in the Slammer and learn his damned lesson?" The blonde turned to look at Ruby, who was staring at him with large doe eyes that held nothing but trust for him — a trust he never wanted broken. "Ruby, you feel safe with that monster walking around?"

All eyes remained on her. Her breath caught in her throat. The air seemed to feel stiff. However, she gave a definite answer, barely above a whisper. "No."

Alby swallowed thickly, looking almost sad. "All in favor?" There was an overwhelming amount of ayes.

"If I survive this—"

Gally looked sickeningly excited to say, "You won't."

That night, not long after, just before the doors shut, they forced Martin into the Maze with a long pole attacked to a collar. They threw a bag in after him. The Maze doors slowly inched shut with a sound of grinding stone. Ruby turned and hid her face in Gally's chest. "I've got you." The doors closed with a decisive bang.

NOVEMBER 22-23/DECEMBER 11, 2019
originally this chapter wasn't like this, but
this is important to ruby's development. it
is important to remember that ruby wasn't
raped, i didn't want to put a scene so heavy
in here because i didn't want to trigger
myself or anyone else. i'm sorry if this chapter
is upsetting to anyone or if you don't like
it, be safe lovebugs!

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