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"Has there been a court hearing already?" I heard Aaron ask Matías as they were all talking amongst themselves.

All of the younger brothers were just sitting there on their phone's as the others interrogated an overwhelmed Matías.

I was still leaning against the arm of the sofa, nearly falling asleep.

"Er, yeah, a little one." He answered, and that made me look up.

What?? I didn't know about this?

"Seriously??" Chance tsked and looked irritated.

"Nothing happened, no matter how hard we tried we couldn't get much done without his mother there, but next time if she still doesn't turn up we'll carry on without her, and she won't, so I guess that's bad for you." Matías smirked and I frowned.

"Can't Riley just say, like, fuck off, and everything be sorted?" Nate butted in with a frown and Chance sighed.


"Well he must have some say in it right??"

"As a minor...not really."

"WHAT?! It's his life!" Nate protested making me shift uncomfortably.

"Well according to the law, he has no idea what the fuck's best for him." Chester commented and I smirked.

"It's not just the law that says that..." I remarked subconsciously then smiled sheepishly when I realised everyone had heard.

"I bet the judge is biased as well..." Chance commented and Matías smiled.

"Oh she's a very nice lady, listened to our side of the story with great interest!" He replied making me roll my eyes.

"Why exactly? Why are you doing this? Just leave us alone, sheesh." Alex grumbled and I looked over to him to see him crossing his arms moodily.

Wow, angry Alex, what a rare sight.

"Hey, it wasn't my choice,  whatever Charlie wants." He explained making me pull my tongue out and cringe.

"How romantic." Luca deadpanned with a flat expression as Alex smirked at me.

Matías was then interrupted by Zac suddenly chuckling really loudly, making him frown at him.

"S-Sorry, nothing, carry on." He eventually brushed him off, and that seemed to irritate him a lot.

These guys seem really good at emotional manipulation to be honest.

"Well that's enough of this. I need my sleep." Matías decided and almost left the room before freezing.

"Oh, and about eating arrangements, there are a few... rules." He started and I bit my lip.

Uh oh.

"This is where he tells us they're all religiously vegan or something." Nate commented casually making me chuckle anxiously and rub the back of my neck as Alex started snickering and chuckling.

Matías just smiled at them, making the room erupt into an array of different reactions.

"KILL ME." Nate begged as he rubbed his hands down his face making me start chuckling.

"Seriously??" Aaron asked, strangely enough with a highly interested expression accompanied with a smile.

"Here we go..." Chester sighed and I titled my head in confusion.

"I'm surprised you didn't already know, I mean why didn't you ask why Riley was?" He said making me wince as everyone turned to look at me.

"He is???" Zac questioned.

"Er...ha...I prefer the word 'plant based'..." I explained awkwardly before biting my lip.

"Well that explains everything!" Luca exclaimed with an irritated expression.

"Sounds like you don't have family dinners often..." Matías said in a kind of judging tone making me sigh.

True, everyone eats at different times...such a disconnected family.

"WOW Riley are you trying to conform to every gay stereotype or something?" Hunter chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Alex you're acting like you're not surprised." Chance pointed out and I looked to Alex, who was just sitting there with his arms crossed.

"He already knew." I spoke for him when he remained silent.

What's up with him?

"Wow okay well you children can chat all you want, it appears that's something you don't do often. What my point was in the first place is that no animal products in the house, alright!" Matías snapped with a tired huff.

"Yeah sure,  it's not like we eat much unhealthy shit with Aaron doing the shopping anyway." Zac grumbled and Aaron gave him a look.

"It's better for the planet and animals!" He protested and I frowned.

Sounds like a vegan himself to be honest...


"Are you vegan?" I asked Aaron and everyone rolled their eyes.

"HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW?! He goes on about it all the frickin time! Oh the poor planet! Oh the poor animals!! Oh the satanic CHOLESTEROL!" Nate complained passionately and Aaron glared at him.

"I do not! I've basically never said anything about it!" He retorted and Hunter snorted at him.

I had no idea...

I can't believe I didn't notice...

"So you're a hippie." I accidently commented out loud and Alex snickered.

I mean...at least it's something I can relate to him with right? Knowing the struggle?

"Why didn't you tell me Aaron was vegan?" I asked Alex curiously and he held an uncomfortable expression.

"Er..." He mumbled and Nate rolled his eyes.

"Probably thought that it'd make you attracted to him or something." Nate commented and Alex scoffed while Aaron frowned with a blush.

"I did not!" Alex glared at Nate sharply, receiving an equally aggressive one in return.

What is wrong with these two lately?

"Enough you two!" Chance snapped and Matías sighed.

"Wow...lively bunch..." He grumbled making me bite my lip.

Charlie's going to kick them out if they keep on fighting and bickering like this.

"I'm going, Riley will make sure everything is shut off and locked for the night." Matías apparently decided by himself and walked off, making me frown.

I hardly know anything about where doors even are in this house...surely the staff locked most of them.

He just meant turning off the lights right?

Yeah I'm probably thinking too much into this...

"You alright?" Alex asked when I just continued to frown and I smiled at him.

"I'm fine." I reassured and was relieved to notice everyone semi-peacefully talking amongst themselves again.

I sighed and leaned on the sofa arm again, so tired.

The others didn't look tired in the slightest however, apart from Alex, who's eyes were unusually wide at the moment. Probably trying to keep himself awake.

I closed my eyes for a bit as everyone talked and Alex just sat on his phone.

"Have you contacted Andrew again?" I heard Luca ask after a few minutes.

"Yes, I'll text him the details later." Chance replied.

"We need to get her to come over here, why is she being so stubborn?" Chester complained, I'm guessing he was talking about my mother.

"She seriously isn't making things any easier, doesn't she realize there is a high chance she could lose?" Aaron complained.

"She probably thinks she still has paternal rights, only a few years ago a mother would win every custody battle." Chance explained before sighing.

"Surely she's still the better choice as parent?" Luca asked curiously.

"Well, she doesn't seem to have much evidence suggesting that, she's definitely given hints to having quite a risky past. As well as being a workaholic, both her and Andrew. They may also think of our family as being too big as well. And we must consider Andrews not so clean background too."

"His father has probably prepared better as well, I mean its not like this was a spontaneous decision. And they both appear to work from home... "

Knowing him, it could really be a spontaneous decision. He probably just thought, hey, I want Riley back! And that's it. What he wants he gets. 

I sound like the family pet...

"If Andrew just knew Riley, he'd probably care enough to try fight back as well." Aaron commented and I heard Chance sigh.

"It's not that simple, it's not like they can beat each other using bribery, they're both pretty wealthy."

"It would be simpler if Riley was in another country, the different laws would help right?" Luca asked and I couldn't tell who gave an amused smirk, but they did.

"Well that's not the case though, is it? We've got to deal with what we've got." Chance replied and someone sighed.

"Why is he even here anyway?" Aaron grumbled and I couldn't be bothered to answer.

"Maybe its because of him fighting with Chance and everyone else bothering him as well?" Chester stated and Alex smirked.

"I wish, he's forgiven you all already." Alex commented and I frowned.

"Then why is he here then?"



"AWAKE." I stated in irritation without opening my eyes and they fell silent.


"...We should all just go to bed, don't want to get too jet-lagged." Luca suggested and Alex sighed next to me.

"Yes please!" He chirped and I opened my eyes.

"I'm comfy now." I said and Alex pouted at me before picking up a pillow.

He then proceeded to hit me with it making me tsk before grabbing it from him and hitting back.

"Lose again!" I stated after he tried to protect himself and he laughed.

"Come on guys." Nate insisted as everyone stood up, making Alex pull his tongue out at him.

They glared at each other as they walked out making me roll my eyes.

I sighed before looking over the room and turning the light off as everyone left.

Alex pouted at me through the open door between our rooms when I walked in, making me smirk.

"Watch out for things that go bump in the night!" I teased him and he whined.

"Why this." He said as he disappeared back through the door and I sighed.

I closed both of the doors before sitting on my bed and flopping back on it.

Tomorrow is going to be...interesting.

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