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I sat in silence for a while before sighing for the 100th time today and standing up. I walked around the house for a bit, noting every body spotted around it but not approaching them.

I heard a dog's bark outside and stopped by the door. I looked around for anybody watching then sneaked out, nearly tripping up over Hunter who was sitting just outside of it.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed as I rebalanced myself and he turned to give me a look.

"You sneaking out again?" he asked and I shrugged before sitting next to him. "I won't go far" I said and he rolled his eyes before turning away and stroking Russell who was sat next to him.

"What's up?" I asked as I noted his blue demeanour.

"Stressed" he replied as he stroked Russell's head. The dog looked up at his master lovingly while panting, completely content just to sit there with him.

"Oh, anything I can do to help?" I asked and he snickered.

"Yes" he replied bluntly and I frowned. 

"Okay...what?" I asked and he just smiled without saying anything.

Alright then.....

"Don't you have someone else to bother" he muttered and I raised my brows.

"Bother? Hunter, do you mean that?" I asked, delaying my judgement for the time being.

"...No, I regret saying that already....sorry" he eventually piped up and I smiled at him sympathetically.

"You're not very good at being moody Hunter" I commented and he sighed.

"Actually, technically that would make me good at being moody, as I was acting very moody" he corrected matter-of-factly and I smirked.

"Good point" I said, and then it descended back into silence again.

"...Am I the cause of your stress?" I asked eventually, and he looked at the ground kind of guiltily.

"Maybe" he admitted and I sighed.

"Is it things that I've been doing?" I asked and he remained silent just staring the at the ground.

"Its not your fault" he muttered after a few minutes of awkward silence, and I bit my lip.

"Why are you out here anyway?" he asked and I smiled.

"I heard Russell barking and assumed you'd be out here" I explained, which was true, I was actually looking for Hunter.

"Why would you want to talk to me?" he questioned, making me sigh.

"Well, number one, you're nice. Number two, you're not that crazy. And number three, you're not a super strict asshole" I listed and he raised a brow.

"You're not going to tell me that you enjoy my company or anything?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"If I didn't enjoy your company, why would I have wanted to talk to you?" I reassured and he shrugged. 

"So you're telling me you enjoy the company of every single brother in this house?" he asked and I frowned. 

"Um, I guess so. Although Chance is often moody so I wouldn't go quite far as the word 'enjoy' with him" I admitted and he chuckled. 

"What about Zac? I've noticed him being really stressed recently" Hunter questioned curiously and I frowned. 

"Stressed? I haven't noticed...." I admitted and Hunter started stroking Russell again. 

"He doesn't show it around people, it's useful to observe others when they think no one's looking, you find out allot" He explained and I raised a brow at him. 

"And how much of your time do you spend stalking people then Hunter?" I asked and he chuckled.

"I don't stalk, I just observe for a few moments before announcing my presence" he said and I smirked. 

"Okay then" I chuckled and he elbowed me.

"I don't stalk people!" he persisted and I started laughing.

"Riley!" he warned but there was no way I was stopping now.

"Okay mr. stalker" I teased and he just scoffed at me.

"Whatever, you know I wouldn't be a stalker" he said and I raised my brows.

"Oh really? I hardly know you" I continued to tease and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh you make a habit of kissing strangers then do you?" he teased back and I bit my lip while smiling.

"I bet he would" a voice sounded just as I noticed Russell wagging his tail at someone behind us and I jumped.

We both spun our heads round to see Aaron glaring at me while leaning against the door frame.

"Well fuck you too then" I replied with a semi-offended, semi-amused smirk while Hunter buried his face into Russell's fur in embarrassment.

"Riley, get back inside NOW" he practically snarled and I gave Hunter, who had looked up at the loud shout, a 'well shit' expression before standing up.

I walked past Aaron as he glared at me sharply before stopping just inside.

"I trusted you not to be one of the idiots who fell for those types of tricks Hunter" I heard Aaron spit at Hunter and my eyes grew wide in surprise.

Woah, somebody is a bit sour. Ouch.

I couldn't hear Hunter's reply but just waited for Aaron to finish his lecture with my arms crossed.

"Tricks, huh?" I said when he turned around and he had a moment of 'oh shit' before plastering an angry look on his face.

"You deny it?" he asked and I scoffed.

"Fuck yes I deny it, who do you think you are, honey!?" I growled and he rolled his eyes as he walked past me.

"Language." was his stern reply and I clenched my fist before taking a breath an refraining from attacking him.

I looked back out the open door to see that Hunter had seemingly disappeared before jumping when Aaron grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

"Um, ow?!" I complained wondering what the fuck he was doing but he stopped when we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Not only have you completely disregarded the fact that I told you you were grounded, you've been fucking around with other people's feelings too!" he snapped loudly enough for most people in the house to hear and I took a step back.

Oh shit, just let everyone else come watch this why don't you, bring the fucking  popcorn!

I just crossed my arms and looked at him with a smile and one of my brows raised, that seemed to piss him off even more.

He's way too angry for me just stepping out of the house when I wasn't allowed to, something else is going on here.

"Do you even know what discipline is?! Fucking carry on like this and I'll show you!" he shouted and stepped forward, only for Luca to push him back.

"Woah, control yourself!" he snapped at him and I looked around the room noticing the attention Aaron's shouting had gathered.

Well shit.

"Riley, what the hell did you do now?" Luca asked in exasperation as Aaron glared at me from behind him and I gave him an innocent smile.

"No idea" I replied and Aaron scoffed.

"Riley, stop that" Luca warned sternly like he knew exactly what I was doing and I looked at the floor.

"Um, I was outside" I explained and Luca gave Aaron a look.

"He wasn't just outside!" Aaron defended himself then stopped and took a breath.

"Okay, I'm fine, I'm fine." he reassured with his eyes closed and Luca just looked seriously confused.

"I think, that somebody, is a bit jealous of something" Zac chimed in and patted Aaron's shoulder, only for him to harshly shake him off and glare at him.

Aaron then looked at someone next to me and I followed his gaze to see Hunter just staring at him with an unimpressed expression.

They gave each other looks for a few moments before Aaron sighed and looked away.

"Right everyone but Aaron, Riley and Hunter please just leave" Luca ordered and was met with a few scoffs.

"What no way, what have you two been doing?!" Nate exclaimed then glared at Hunter and his jaw dropped.

"Wait what?! We weren't doing anything! I was just talking with him outside and Aaron got unusually angry!" Hunter explained and everyone looked to Aaron.

"Looookie who's not as straight as we all thought" Alex's voice failed at whispering and Aaron glared at him.

I'll just stay silent during this...

"I'm not jealous, I just don't appreciate not being listened to" Aaron defended and this time it was Luca's turn to scoff. 

"Says the most mellow person in the family, you never got this angry at your brother's when they did worse things, control yourself Aaron, I expected better" he lectured and I raised a brow.

Wait, hold up, they think he's jealous, of what?!

"...Well that's one way to come out" Alex failed at whisper-commenting again and Aaron just looked away from everyone with a red face.




I opened my mouth to say something but Luca just clicked his finger at me and 'tsst'ed like he was scolding a dog.

Excuse me?!

Alex started chuckling as I closed my mouth with an unimpressed glare and I gave him a look.

I looked back to see Aaron glaring at me again and put my hands up in surrender, what did I do now?!

"You'll listen to Luca but you won't listen to me is that it?!" Aaron complained and I blushed.

"Let it go Aaron, you didn't raise him and he's not your child"  Luca suggested to him calmly.

"That would be incest" Alex commented again only to this time get wacked by Nate who was standing next to him.

Hunter poked me to get my attention then motioned for me to look to Zac, who I caught glaring at Luca then me before he flattened his expression and looked away awkwardly.

The fuck did he get annoyed for?

I looked back to Hunter and he gave me an 'I told you so' expression.

Everyone is angry at everyone, don't tell me I caused all of this?!

"Hunter please just step away from Riley  and stop making things worse" Luca ordered and Hunter frowned before stepping away from me.

What?! What did I do now!

"Aaron come with me please" Luca said before walking past me and grabbing my arm.

I was led and forced to sit down in the study room before the three of us were left in an awkward silence.

Aaron stood by the door, he was acting mature and accepting of the situation, but it was still awkward.

"Okay, it's time for us three at least,  to accept the fact that there is some attraction here" Luca broke the silence and made it even more awkward.

I cringed and looked at him incredulously only for him to roll his eyes and ignore me.

"Aaron, admit it. You're strict but never really too angry, yet you somehow exploded in a situation that was hardly even scold worthy. You were jealous, you aren't 100% straight, now get over it." Luca told him bluntly and I blinked in shock.

Aaron stayed silent and looked to the ground like he was seriously considering it.

Really??!! Please don't tell me it is actually the case here?!

This is impossible, literally impossible, how can I make that many people become attracted to me, six whole people!?

"Shit" Aaron seemingly eventually came to a conclusion and gave a distressed curse.

I held a worried expression on my face as Luca gave me a raised eyebrow look .


"Well, this is awkward" Aaron eventually commented and I smiled at him sympathetically.

"It's actually not Riley that's making me feel most uncomfortable it's you, why are you looking at me like that?" Aaron looked to Luca and he looked away from him awkwardly.

"Well, at least I know I'm not the only one who's been affected" he said with a frown and I scoffed before standing up.

"Which reminds me. Aaron, sweetie. If you seriously ever imply that I'm doing this on purpose, or tricking people like some kind of whore, again, you'll seriously regret it" I ranted as I approached him.

"Just because you are confused, and just because YOU feel like you are being tricked into this, doesn't mean that you are, it means you are some delusional twat, you got it?" I snapped and he blinked at me in shock for a few moments before collecting himself and glaring sternly at me.

"Riley, I have a responsibility to look after you, and when you go disobeying me so disrespectfully I'm bound to get stressed out now aren't I?" he retorted and I crossed my arms and looked away as I stepped back.

"Riley." Luca warned and I sighed.

"Sorry, you're too strict though, I'm not some kind of rabbit that has to stay in a cage" I complained and they both scoffed.

"You're not in a cage Riley, you're in a house, and if you start breaking the rules of the house then you're going to make things dangerous. You've proved you can't be trusted outside multiple times, and you've disobeyed us extremely multiple times. You're grounded, everyone get's grounded sometimes, not just you, so deal with it" Aaron lectured and I winced.

"Okay" I said and Luca sighed while Aaron glared again.

"You're not taking this seriously enough Riley, have you ever even been disciplined once in your life? God, what the hell else can we do!? We've already grounded you, already taken your phone!" Aaron huffed in exasperation and started walking around the room while Luca just gave me his worried stare again.

"Where's Chance?!" Aaron eventually turned around and asked, making me bite my lip.

"He's at work, otherwise he'd be here don't you think" Luca reminded him and Aaron sighed again.

"Aaron, why don't you just go relax or something, calming down a bit would be something I advise you do" Luca suggested and Aaron stared at him in challenge.

"And you think I'd believe you're the best person to be left alone with Riley why?" he asked and I rolled my eyes with a scoff.

"Here's a idea, why don't I just go to my room, alone, and sit there, alone. Then I won't get into any trouble? Okay?" I said as I walked past them and disappeared out the door before any of them could say anything.

I walked passed Nate on the stairs and gave him an awkward looking smile because I was in the middle of intensely furrowing my eyebrows before reaching my room and slamming the door shut.

I sighed before sitting on my bed and logging into my pc.

Erin, please just kill me, I can't take this anymore, they're all crazy

I typed into the facebook messenger before collapsing back on my bed and huffing.


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