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"Riley" I heard Chester's voice bring me out of sleep, and woke up to find him leaning over my back as I lay on my front and giving a hint of a smile. 

"What?" I asked and closed my eyes again while cringing, feeling the pain and soreness coming back to me. 

He chuckled then started trailing kisses up my neck, making my jump from the coldness.

"Hmrgh" I complained and tried to push him away, causing him to start laughing in amusement. 

"Come on, you don't want to get caught with me now do you" he warned and I managed to open my eyes and huff. 

It was still dark, but light was most definitely arriving, meaning it was early morning? 

Yup I better get out of here. 

"What time is it?" I asked as he seemingly stared at my eyes, making me slightly uncomfortable.

I mean why do people do that it's unnerving. 

"5" he said and my eyes widened. These crazy people are normally up at 5!!

"Calm down, I'm pretty sure they'll be too tired to be up this early today, but you may want to keep an eye out for Chance" he reassured passively as he rested his head on his arm which was resting across my waist.

"You might want to try get rid of the strong smell of sex in here, otherwise me avoiding them will only half cover it up" I said as I sat up more and forced Chester to move. 

"No one goes in my room" he stated and I gave him a look.

"That's what you like to think" I said as I managed to muster the effort to step out of the bed and ignored Chester watching me as I went on the hunt for my briefs and at least my t shirt. 

"You know you have a birthmark right between your thighs" he suddenly stated and I scoffed before throwing his jeans that I'd picked up at him. 

I am well aware of that thank you very much. 

I slipped on my briefs and t-shirt before standing still and listening for movement outside. 

I jumped when Chester wrapped his arms around me and was about to tell him to leave me alone and go shower when he interrupted me with 'you may want to cover up that mark' and licking the side of my neck.

I made a face of horror before taking a swing at him, but missed as he'd already started his quick escape into his en suite. 

"Shithead" I snapped in a whisper, too paranoid about someone being around to make a loud noise. 

I rubbed my neck with a frown before finding my jeans and phone and silently opening the door. 

All clear. 

My heart beating was the only thing making a loud noise as I sneaked through the hallway, biting my lip in anxiety.

Oh man if I get caught I don't even want to know what'll happen. 

Thank you Thunder for tiring them out, although I do hope you are okay.

I managed to get to just outside my door, freezing when I heard a door open downstairs. Chance! 

I tried to open my door quietly but just ended up ramming it when I heard him walking up the stairs.

It's like a horror movie!!

"Riley?" I heard and cursed running and throwing my jeans on my bed then panicking and just standing there. 

Um..! Ah!

He walked through the door that I was an idiot to leave open and I just smiled at him sheepishly.

He looked very tired, but still looked me up and down then around like he was trying to figure out what I was doing. 

Please do not come any closer.

"You haven't gone on a strange morning walk again have you? As I recall Luca told me you're not to go outside." he said and I sighed. 

Ah yes, thank you that time I went outside, knew that was for a reason! Okay maybe life doesn't work like that but still. 

"Uh...sorry" I replied then worried I had just ruined my chance for a second as he narrowed his eyes.

He frowned at me then took a step closer, to which I responded by taking a step back, making him even more suspicious. 

"Um, need to take a shower sorry" I said awkwardly and hastily, but was beaten to the door with him standing in front of me and slamming it shut.

I cringed as his frown grew even more intense.

"Yes..you do need a shower" he stated in a scarily calm tone, implying that he had smelt what I really did not want him to smell.

Ah shit.

I took a step back and looked around the room, anything but looking at him.

He sighed and I bit my lip, just hoping he'd let it go and walk away.

"Well whoever it was better know what they're getting themselves into" he said and I looked up at him to see him give me a look as he turned away. 

I just stood there after he'd slammed the door and worried to myself.

I think it is unmistakable that he knows, but will he act on it?

I just hope he won't tell anyone, but he doesn't know who it is so he won't be able to right? 

Agh I don't know! 

I sighed before just deciding to take a shower and leave the worrying until later.


After my shower I just decided to wear my slightly baggy black jeans and black boots with my thick blue and white hoodie on, mainly for the reason they are just comfortable, and of course I was feeling very relaxed and passive now.

And sore.

I quietly descended the stairs before anyone else had finished getting ready, in the hope I didn't have to deal with hyperactivity and loudness.

"Riley, can you come here please" I heard Chance's voice as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs and groaned before hesitantly walking into his office door way and leaning on it. 

"I'm pretty sure my brothers need a break from you, don't you think?" he said with a patronizing smile and I gave him a timid and guilty smile in return.

"So, you're going to have to come with me and Chester on my trip to Seattle tomorrow" he said and my eyes widened.

You what?!

"But I have school" I stated and he raised a brow.

"You don't seem to get much done at school at the moment, apart from fighting. But yes I may have to think about that" he said and I internally groaned. 

Dude, seriously?!

"Of course I am going to have to get someone to come along and look after you. Make sure you keep away from trouble....and Chester" he said then narrowed his eyes at me, like he was looking for a reaction.

He suspects it was Chester, great. 

"I know, Aaron, he'll be perfect for that job, will definitely help you get on with school work to, and his exams just finished so he's free" Chance suddenly perked up and smiled at me.

Aaron? But I hardly know Aaron, and he acts like the parent of the household, he will make me get on with schoolwork. 

Oh great, just great.

"Oh don't pout Riley you brought this on yourself" Chance said as he got up and walked passed me. I gave a sharp sigh before turning round and walking into the kitchen, avoiding the scene of Chance talking to Aaron. 

Aaron looked over to me and smirked and I raised a brow at him. 

"I'm sensing tension, what's going on here?" Alex suddenly asked looking between us three with narrowed eyes. 

"Nothing exciting I can tell you that" I replied and he just shrugged before carrying on sucking on a lollipop. Sweets again! How does he do that?

Chance isn't telling him anything bad is he...

I continued to watch them in the corner of my eye as they talked, then Aaron got out of his seat and walked over to me. 

"Sounds fun, I'm sure we'll get on with lots of work while we're there too!" he teased and I groaned before putting my head on my crossed arms resting on the table.

Fun times are ahead. Not. 


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