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Jason's POV

Yesterday was pure perfection. I mean being with April is always perfect, all my troubles and worries fade away when I'm with her and I already miss her even though I know she's in the same house as me. I turn around on the bed to see the other side empty.

Thats weird, where's Dylan and where could he have gone so early in the morning?

I mind link April to try and wake her up:

"Baby. Wake up already. Dylan's not in the room  with me. Wanna cuddle?"

Nothing. I'm met with silence, its like the message didn't even reach her.

"April." I call out as I get out of bed starting to panic.

"April!" I call out once more heading towards the room she slept in.

I open the door to find Esmy sleeping soundly but I don't sight April. My pain increases, where is she? Could the person sending the threats have taken her?

"Esmy!" I shake her awake.

"Five more minutes," she says sleepily.

"Esmy!!" I shake her harder and she wakes up.

"Wha...What? Can't a girl sleep in?"

"Where's April?" I ask and I can't help but pace the room worried thinking about where she is.

"What do you mean? when I fell asleep she was right here. Maybe she went out for fresh air, Have you asked Dyl?" She asks seating up while rubbing her eyes.

"Dylan's gone too. When I woke up this morning he wasn't in bed and when I tried to mind link April, it didn't even seem to go through."

"Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and then call every ally we have and tell them the situation here and ask for their help." 

"All our allies? Isn't that a lot of alphas? Won't they see us as weak?" I ask confused at the fact that she wants to include other packs when we can handle this ourselves.

"Just trust me on this." She says with finality and gestures for me to leave the room.

I walk out of the room and close the door behind me.

"April? Can you hear me?" I try to mind link and nothing.

I start pacing again and that's when I notice it, A folded piece of paper on the dinner table that wasn't there before.

I rush to it, unfold it and it reads:

       Dear Jason,               

               By the time you read this, we will be gone. I am the spy who has been delivering the threats and I am so sorry but I had to do what I had to do to avoid losing the greatest thing that ever happened to me, my mate.

I know you're probably thinking that I kidnapped April but I didn't, she came with me willingly but as much as I love my mate I'm not sure in what he intends to do with April. 

I love her, she's my sister from another mother and I hate that it had to come to this: her or my mate but I couldn't choose and that's why I wrote this letter, to tell you where we're going.

She'll be at the Wesley Ranch, 30 miles from here.

Thanks for welcoming me into the pack and your family and I am truly sorry that I messed it up.



Aprils POV.

I hear the sound of a chair being dragged across the room and that causes me to wake up instantly. The curtains have been drawn and the sunlight pours out beautifully into the room.

"Good morning dearie." Says the man sitting next to the dresser mere inches from the door in a British accent. He looks like he's in his late thirties, perfect body shape, and has beautiful ginger brown hair that tempts one to run their fingers through them and beautiful blue eyes that reminds me of the ocean.

"Nathan?" I ask cause I mean who else could it be? 

"Clever girl." He says sinisterly. "You're a very difficult person to track April Sinclair"

"So are you going to tell me why you were hunting me down?" I ask directly 'cause I mean what's the point in beating around the bush?

"Freshen up and meet me for breakfast downstairs in five minutes. Don't take too long." He says and leaves. 

I notice a door and make my way towards it hoping its a bathroom, I open it and thank the goddess when I see the sink, the mirror, and the toilet seat opposite the sink.

I wash my face and look for lotion in the cabinets but sadly don't find any.

I leave and make my way downstairs not really paying attention to my surrounding 'cause I'm too eager and scared to know the truth about everything.

"This way." Directs a guard when I am about to step into another room, he leads me to the dining room and is surprisingly gentle with me.

Dylan and Nathan are already seated but have not started eating.

"We couldn't start without you." Dyl says.

"Stop reading my mind." I tell him and take a seat that's furthest from them.

Nathan claps his hands dramatically and people walk in with food: muffins, croissants, pancakes, french toast, and tea.

"We'll have a little bit of everything and so will she." They oblige and once they put a little of everything on our plates and pour us a cup of tea they leave.

I'm too hungry to pretend I don't want the food and so I dig in, we eat in comfortable silence and once I'm through I say :

"Thanks for breakfast but seriously, why am I here?"

"April Sinclair, do you like stories?" Nathan asks.

"Not really." I say remembering the last time I was told a story happened to be a story of my real parents abandoning me.

"Okay then, I'll go straight to the point... I am your uncle." I choke on air and start coughing, Dyl rushes to my side and gently hits my back a couple of times and the coughing fits stop.

Snow is surprisingly calm.

"I'm going to need more information." I say confused.

"I am the firstborn son in our family and your father was the second born, we were the only children in our family and we were quite close until our father chose your father over me."


"Scent me April."

" What?" I ask confused.

"Do it." He commands and so I do.

His scent is thick and intoxicating, one could literally choke on it. Not only can I smell the lemon in his scent, but I can also taste it too. It's both bitter and sweet but overall heavenly.

"You smell of lemons and now I'm craving a glass of lemonade, great!" I say sarcastically.

"Exactly. A normal werewolf can't scent me like that. April, You're royalty."

"You're joking right?" I ask in disbelief.

"I would never joke about this. It was my birthright to be next in line for the crown after my father but he chose your father instead. I felt so betrayed by my father because I mean how could he not see I was born and ready to be King? I felt more hurt by your father because he didn't even put up a fight, He just said yes to being King without caring about my feelings and the fact that I'd spent my whole life being groomed to be King and to wake up one day for that to be taken away and so I started plotting." He says with so much bitterness and I'm speechless because I'm trying to let it all sink in.

"Two months after you were born my father died and after the mourning period had passed, It was time for Matthew to take the throne and I couldn't let that happen. So, I bribed a few elders to my side and hired the best rogue assassins in the kingdom and planned the attack to be on his coronation night but as always things didn't go according to plan." He pauses as if remembering that night." Someone must have tipped them off because after he was coronated and people were dancing and celebrating they somehow slipped away with a few of their loyal guards. I sent my assassins after them and they were hunted for days until one day I was sent news of their death. They put up a good fight but were no match for my assassins, I asked if you were with them and they informed me you weren't and so I searched for you but many newborns had been born in the kingdom and I couldn't go around killing them because I was trying to get everyone to like me and accept my rule and so I waited. "

"Waited for what?" 

"Waited for you to come of age and start asking around, I wasn't sure you would but when you did I was beyond ecstatic because you are the only thing that stands in my way for you are the rightful Queen of the werewolves."


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry it's taken me this long, I have no excuse but I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks so much for 200k+ reads :) You guys are the best :)

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