Twenty eight

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Kade P.O.V.

Sometimes I feel like Isobel was put on this earth for the sole purpose of making my blood boil. With what exactly you may ask? Lust, annoyance, excitement and utter frustration, are some of the feelings I could describe.

Why is she always so chatty and lovely and flirtatious with everyone? Right in front of me?! Like c'mon, just this morning she was freaking teasing me with her stupid voluptuous ass right up against my poor Kade jr. That little minx.

She makes me hot and bothered all at once.

We placed our orders of food before Sophie's father rose from his seat to give a short speech. He clinked his glass of white wine with a spoon and cleared his throat, catching our attention.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to my beautiful daughter, Sophie's and her wonderful partner, Oliver's rehearsal dinner."

We all grinned, giving him a short round of applause.

"First off, I would like to congratulate the couple on their wonderful union and wish them well on their upcoming journey of marriage. Soph, you've grown up to be a strong, kind-hearted young lady and I'm so proud to be your father. And Oliver, we have watched you grow up too, becoming the great man you are today to our beautiful girl. Thankyou for always taking care of her and treating her like she deserves. We trust that you will continue to uphold this standard and more for the rest of your lives. Marriage can be difficult, there will be tough, enduring times, but there will also be moments of pure joy. Always take care of each other and support each other during those times. Life is short, so forgive and love one another. Congratulations once again! And to our family and friends, my wife Cassandra and I would like to thank you sincerely for your contribution to the ceremony." Mr. Herman smiled, raising his glass in a toast. "Cheers!"

I raised mine and clinked it with Bel's and those surrounding the table as we took a sip from the drink.

Ollie and Soph stood up to hug Mr. Herman and thanked him for his toast.

"Richie, would you like to give a toast now?" He turned towards Ollie's dad. He nodded quickly taking his place as Mr. Herman took a seat.

"I'd like to keep this short and sweet so we can dig in to the delicious food soon." He chuckled, causing us to laugh softly in agreement. "I'd like to reiterate what Charles said before- marriage can be difficult and it is a very blessed sanctity. Be good to one another and fight for one another. We believe in you and we are here to support you both. I have high hopes tomorrow will go well and we will all have a great day. My wife Liu and I would also like to thank you all here tonight for your involvement in the big day." He lifted his drink in the air. "Congratulations to the happy couple, and let's get this show on the road tomorrow!"

Our dishes came out, their mouth-watering aroma filling the air. Bels got her marinara pasta as I got the sautéed prawns with seasoned green vegetables. We also received some fresh oysters to share.

I watched as Bel squeezed a fresh wedged lemon, drowning the shellfish in the citrus juice. She brought it to her mouth tipping it in and swallowed it with a lick of her lips. How does she make that look sexy? She repeated the actions, taking another shell and sucked softly, emptying the contents into her mouth.

I averted my gaze as I picked up the prawns with my fork, popping the morsel of cream flesh into my mouth in deep thought. What kind of game is Bel playing? One minute she's kissing me like I'm the oxygen she needs to breathe, then she pushes me away, then she's vulnerable and invites me in, then she's teasing me. This woman is a rubix cube full of mystery.

We finished off dinner, not dragging it on too late due to everyone needing their rest for tomorrow night.

Oliver and Sophie embraced each other with excited heart-warming smiles as they kissed each other goodnight for the final time before meeting at the altar tomorrow. Fuck it's all happening soon.

I turned towards Bel who was also watching on with a small, soft smile on her radiant face. "Do I get a kiss goodnight?" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Why, do you need one to get to sleep tonight?"

"Mm, I could say the same for you. How can you live without my cuddles?" I questioned, tugging her forward to me.

She placed her hands over my chest, before pressing a kiss on my cheek. God, whenever she does that I think I go weak at the knees. "I'll live. Good night Kade, I'll see you tomorrow you clinger."

"Oh, we're going there now huh?" I pulled back, giving her an amused smirk. "We both know who the stage-five clinger is between us."

She snorted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Only in my sleep!! You can easily be replaced with any other warm body."

I scowled. "I don't think so Bels. Your bed better be empty tonight."

She let out a deep sigh, not bothering to argue, but instead muttered something under her breath. "Whitley, you are one piece of work."

"Thanks," I grinned smugly, hearing it anyway. "I know I'm a masterpiece. I mean look at me." I gestured down towards my body.

"I didn't mean it like that," she flicked my forehead.

"Ow." I said sarcastically, rubbing the affected area. "Baby you're mean."

"Whatever, good night!" She called, spinning on her heel as she waltzed off towards Sophie and her car.

I grabbed her wrist, spinning her back to me before pressing one last kiss on her forehead. "Good night Bels."

She bit her lip, eyes twinkling with amusement at the gesture. I grinned, satisfied with the reaction, before releasing her. I stepped backwards, throwing a cheeky wave before making my way to Oliver's car.

With a little swagger in my steps I slid into the passenger seat, ready to go.

"Done with your flirt-fest?" Oliver quirked a brow as he started the engine with a rumble.

"Yup," I nodded, chuckling lightly. "I got what I wanted."

Ollie chortled, shaking his head as he pulled away towards the hotel.

The cool air of the air conditioning hit me as instantly as I stepped into the nice, spacious hotel room.

"Big day man," I sighed, taking off my shoes, jacket, belt, and untucking my shirt to sit back on the lounge.

"Yeah," he nodded, slowly undressing as well to get comfortable and sat next to me. "Tomorrow aswell."

"Definitely," I said, leaning against the backrest.

"You got the rings?"

"I got the package secure." I said, giving him a salute.

"Thanks man." He smiled, patting me on the back. "Wouldn't have anyone else standing up there beside me."

I grinned, wrapping my arm around his neck as I pulled him in to rub my knuckles on top of his head playfully. "You betcha dude. I am the best."

He unlocked himself easily from my grip, giving me a playful shove back. "Please don't let me regret my choice when it comes to the speeches tomorrow," he chuckled.

"Hey hey hey. Have some trust. I'm only gonna roast ya just a tad." I sniggered.

"Just remember one day I'll repay the favour." He said, eyeing me carefully.

I chortled, causing us both to laugh. We both know he's way too nice to get back at me like that. There's no way he could reach my level of savagery. Although I probably won't go too hard tomorrow, he deserves a nice day.

"I'm gonna head off to bed now," he smiled, giving me one last pat on the shoulder as he stood up, making his way towards the bedroom.

"Alright, rest up for tomorrow!"

"Oh and Kade?" He stopped, turning back around.


"If you really like Is, I think you should go for it seriously this time. She's been back in your life for a short while, but it's made a big difference," he smiled softly. "I can see how much you truly do like her, perhaps even much more than like, even if you might not see it yourself. Those feelings are real, man. She makes you happy."

"Thanks, Ollie." I nodded, taking in his words. They resonated with me, affirming what I felt deep inside but wasn't acknowledging. Ollie was completely right. I mean I knew I liked her, I just wasn't sure on what kind of level. I guess my feelings weren't as superficial as I thought them to be.

I sighed, pulling out the sofa bed and set it up with pillows before stripping off my dress shirt. I hopped in the shower quickly, refreshing myself before I went to sleep. With an arm tucked under my head, I gazed at the ceiling, thinking about what tomorrow might bring. These last two weeks have already been surprising to say the least. I closed my eyes as my subconscious mind filled with thoughts of one, bold, vivacious woman.


Isobel P.O.V.

Sophie and I let out several high-pitched squeals as we held hands and jumped up and down, running around in a circle in the hotel room lounge. My best friend is getting fucking married tomorrow. Shittttt. It was really hitting me right now.

"Oh my god!" She squealed.

"Oh my god!" I squealed right back.

This repeated itself several more times until we were completely puffed, out of breath, collapsing on the couch together.

"Let's calm down now," I chuckled, through inhaling many deep calming lungfuls of air.

"Yeah," she chuckled breathily. "Eeepppp!" She let out another excited giggle. "Okay I'm sorry, that was the last one."

I giggled, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "How about we have a cup of tea, do a face mask and then hit the snooze button?"

"Okay, it's a plan," she nodded eagerly, getting up to get changed and ready for bed. I did the same as I slid off my earrings, and washed off my makeup before changing into comfortable pyjamas. We tucked ourselves into bed, each with a cup of tea to relax.

"So..." Sophie whispered over to me, "I noticed you and Kade before whilst I was waiting for you... you guys looked really close."

"Yeah," I replied softly. "I don't know what's going on, Soph."

"Well, tell me how you feel?" She smiled encouragingly, hoping to get it off my chest. Here we were, the night before her wedding day talking about me. She was always so selfless.

"I mean, of course I'm attracted to him. Like ugh there's just something between us."

"Always has been." She added in understanding.

"Yeah," I nodded. "So ahhhh- okay. We have kissed a few times ever since we've met again here."

She smirked knowingly. "I'm not surprised."

I playfully shoved her before continuing. "I just don't know what it all means. Like it's probably all just going to stop when I go back to New York anyway..."

"Mmm..." she replied, her eyes with a distant look as she thought it over. "Well the reason I haven't said too much about it is because I think it's important you guys sort out whatever this is between yourselves. It's your personal business at the end of the day. I know things happened back in high school, but we've all grown up now, and I know you've grown and moved on. Although things seemed the same with your interaction at first," she laughed, reminiscing my melodramatic moments on the first day back in Newport with Kade, "You're both older now and you have more life experience, options and power over your future choices. So who knows?"

"Wow does getting married make you all wise and super mature now or something?" I teased. "You may have a future in counselling."

She giggled. "Just speaking my honest truth. Plus even if nothing happens and you guys can just be friends again, that would be nice. I know both Ollie and I have really missed having you both around at the same time. These past few weeks have been really nice."

"Awwwww," I tackled her into a hug. "Aren't you just the sweetest."

We burst into giggles.

"Whatever you choose to do with Kade, I'll support you," she smiled, giving me a squeeze.

"Thanks Soph. And I think I agree... it has been nice spending time all together like we used to, regardless of our relationship status."

"That's good to hear, Is."

I yawned, turning over to switch off the bedside lamp. "How about we get some beauty rest now?"

She nodded, turning off her side as well. "Night!"

"Sleep tight!"

I pulled the covers tightly to me, thinking about what she said. I guess I've got nothing to lose if I brought down my walls to let him in- I hope. We could remain in contact after everything, I think. Subconsciously, I did miss having him in my life all these years.

1 day left.

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