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IT'S ALMOST 8AM in Hawaii by the time we reach the resort. The Ashfords own like this whole family villa, which no doubt cost a shit load. I don't know why, but I feel really good. I slept comfortably on the journey, for at least 2 and a half hours. And I spoke with Parker. Like, really spoke to him. I've learnt more about him in 2 hours than I have in the 4 years we've gone to school together. It's like a barrier he had up between us just crumbled, and he let me in. I liked it so much more that I'd ever like to admit.

The journey from the airport to the resort wasn't that long, and there were people waiting at the entrance to bring our luggage inside. The time difference is strange, I feel much more awake that I should considering it's not even eight yet.

Sluggishly, I push the door of my room open, and my jaw almost physically drops.

"Ho-ly shit." I breathe, dropping my backpack at my feet as I walk further in.

The breeze is warm outside. I notice a couple more doors to the left of me when I step out, which must mean that each bedroom leads out into the back yard. It's beautiful.

The door knocks, bringing my attention back inside. I pull the door open and a short man looks back at me.

"Miss Elena?" he asks.

"Just Elena." I offer him a smile, but he doesn't look amused.

He reaches to the side, pulling a trolley with a couple suitcases and duffle bags on it. I notice mine at the front. Picking it up, he places it at my feet, before taking his trolley and walking away. I press my lips together, pulling my suitcase into the room and closing the door.

Margot said we'd meet at 9 for breakfast, so that leaves me an hour to take a shower, change out of these clothes and maybe even get some unpacking done.

I turn the water to cold as I step in, moving under and letting it run through my hair to my feet. After a couple seconds I turn it back to warm, washing my body and hair after. Once I'm dressed in these little levi shorts and a white vest top, I tie my wet hair up in to a ponytail, letting it drip down my back.

About half an hour, I've finished unpacking the most part of my suitcase while leaving some of the less important things in there. There's a gentle knock on the door.

"It's open!" I call as I zip up my bag.

The door cracks open, James poking his head around it.

"Hi." I smile, a little breathless.

"Hey." he smiles back. "Breakfast is ready."

"Okay, I'll be just a sec."

He closes the door behind him. I pull on some white socks, followed by my Birkenstocks and a white fitted t-shirt over my vest. There's a medium loud bustle in the kitchen as I turn the corner, everyone helping themselves to food from the several dishes on the island.

Mrs Ashford is sat at the table, reading a book, her glasses perched on her nose. The boys are in the kitchen, James and Neki messing around, Parker helping Jackson put food on his plate. Subconsciously, my eyes linger on him. On his black fitted shirt that hugs his biceps, his black joggers that are slightly sagged, revealing the waist band of his boxers, his damp curls falling over his forehead.

He suddenly looks up, as if he can feel my eyes on him. His mouth forms a smile as he gestures me over with his head.

"Do you want me to make you a plate?" he runs a hand through his hair.

"It's fine. I'll do it." I go to reach for a plate but he takes my wrist in his hand.

"Let me do it." he says, placing my hand at my side.

I nudge him with my shoulder. "I've got it."

As I go to reach for the plate again, he pulls me back by the waist, spinning us so that I'm facing the other way. I laugh, trying to release myself from his grip.

"Parker," I laugh. "I'll do it." As I struggle to get away from him, I notice something. He must notice too, because his grip loosens.

Everyone is watching us. James, Neki and even Margot all have hints of smiles on their faces. Jackson is eating an apple slice, looking uninterested.

I clear my throat as I realise his hands are still on me, suddenly aware of the warmth radiating through the thin material of my shirt.

Picking up a plate, I glance back at Parker. He gives me a look that I can't even understand, before turning and returning to his seat beside his brother.

Once I get my fruit, I walk over to the table, taking a seat beside Neki, opposite Parker. I glance up at him just as he looks at me, so our eyes meet. Shit.

I quickly look back down. I still can't focus on the conversation going on around me, and I accidentally look up again. Just as I do, Parker looks up too. I smile, and the corners of his mouth turn up. He shakes his head as he looks back down at his plate. I know this because I can't take my eyes off his face. It's so perfect. The way his eyes crease at the corners, the freckles littered across his entire face. He's gorgeous.

In fear of being caught for the third time, I look back down at my fruit, pushing it around with my fork.

"We're going to go out for a little while, so you kids be good, okay?"

I realise Margot is speaking and I finally begin to tune back in.

"Play a game, go for a swim, just stay out of trouble." she points a finger at each of us. "Elena is in charge."

With that, she kisses Jack and Parker on the forehead, waving a goodbye before disappearing from the kitchen just as Mr Ashford appears near the front door. They leave together.

My eyes move to Parker as he watches them. I notice his jaw tense and it makes my chest hurt.

"Okay," I push my seat back, standing up. "Games, any suggestions?"

"Truth or str-"

I shoot Neki a disapproving look and he stops, pressing his lips together. Jackson raises his hand slightly and I nod at him.

"Can we play hide and seek?" he asks quietly.

Neki groans and I nudge his shoulder.

"Yes Jack, we'll play hide and seek. Who wants to seek?" I raise my brows.

"Me and Jay will seek. The rest of you hide." James nods.

"How long do we have?" Neki pushes his chair back a little, at the same time as Parker does. It's as if they're both ready to sprint at any moment.

"Sixty seconds starting..." James looks down at his watch. "Now!"

I watch as Parker and Neki move at lightning speed, Neki's chair falling back and slamming against the floor. He slips as he tries to catch up with Parker, catching himself on his hands as they turn the corner.

"You should go too Elena."

I look back at Jackson, then my eyes widen. Oh shit.

Practically sprinting, I make my way out of the dining area and up the stairs. I have no idea where to hide. We haven't even been here that long and I didn't really look around earlier. My room isn't an option since thats the most obvious place.

Just as I'm about to give up and admit defeat, I'm dragged into a room. My scream is muffled by the hand pressed firmly over my mouth. The curtains have been drawn and the room is dark.

"Shhh, I've got you." they whisper, their breath tickling my neck.

My heart pounds in my chest as I grip the forearm of the hand thats holding me, the other arm wrapped around my waist. The only thing stopping me from struggling is the familiar scent of his aftershave.

I let out a breath as he releases me.

Turning around, I look up at Parker as he looks back at me.

"You know you could've taken a different approach to that?" I whisper.

"Oh yeah? Like what." I see him smile despite the dark.

"One that wouldn't have given me a heart attack." I go to shove him playfully.

He grabs my wrist. "What would be the fun in that?"

I'm about to reply when I hear voices down the hall. Parker presses his finger to his lips as he leads me further into the room. He drops my hand as we reach a bookshelf and pulls it forward with ease, revealing an open doorway behind.

"Are you guys a family of spies or something?" I narrow my eyes as I follow him inside.

"Nah. My dad's just a dick and wanted his own little office where he could work undisturbed." he pulls bookshelf back towards us. "Even on holidays."

The light flicks on, revealing a lone desk and chair with a computer on it, a couple shelves filled with books, a mini fridge and a sofa seat.

I walk over to the desk, pulling myself up on to it. Parker sits on the other side on the arm of the chair.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while.

His eyes don't leave mine once he's done speaking. He studies my face, the intensity in his gaze making me want to squirm, but I hold his eye contact.

The door is pulled open and I jump, closing my eyes as I bring my hand to my heart.

James pokes his head in, Jack beside him.

"You couldn't have picked a more obvious place Ash." James presses his lips together in disappointment.

"What? How?" Parker frowns, standing up from the chair.

James turns to me. "We literally always wanted to hid in here as kids, but we were never strong enough to pull it open."

I smile at the idea of them playing this when they were little.

"Have you found Blaine?" Parker huffs.

Jackson nods his head.

"Whatever, as long as I beat him." he walks past them.

James turns back to me, a knowing smile on his face. I roll my eyes, walking past them too as we leave the safe room.

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