Chapter 38

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"I can't believe you didn't tell me" I fold my arms as sitting in the passenger's seat in Hanks car.

"We agreed that we're not telling people" Thomas defends as sitting in the back seat.

"Tommy knew" I wave my arms up in annoyance.

"That's because Tommy and Willow are close" Thomas explains.

So we're not? Geez, that's offensive on many levels. Thomas and I don't keep secrets. Now he's dating someone whose encouraging him to keep secrets from me.

"Tell me that you two are casual" I beg. "You need to be casual"

We agreed that we would never date anyone because we may risk involving them in our screwed up lives. Thomas knows this better then anyone.

"Well we're not" he admits.

So he's in a serious relationship with Johnathan Banks daughter?

"I don't believe this" I cry "we had an agreement! We get involved with no one!" I scream. "We said that we weren't okay with creating a relationship based on lies"

"When are you going to wake up?" Thomas yells "Our whole lives are based on lies!"

I can't argue with that, but I can say that that is exactly why neither of us can be in relationships.

I shake my head violently "That's exactly why we can't let people in" I argue "it's not fair on them"

"No" he shakes his head "what's not fair is ending up alone"

"Well that's what we agreed when we signed the terms and conditions of our contract!" I exclaim.

"Screw the contract" Thomas cries.

"What's going on here?" Hank jumps into the driver's seat. Thomas and I both fall silent "Emma?"

"Nothing" I glare out the window.


"Paris was hell" I hear a voice state from behind me "so don't bring up Paris"

"No problem" I shut my locker door aggressively.

"What's wrong with you?" Laura questions.

Where do I even start?

"Willow and Jacob are an item" I say immediately as furrowing my brows.

"Shut up!" She screams with wide eyes. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! This is amazing!"

I blink in confusion "Say what?"

"This is unbelievable" she smiles "oh I'm so happy"

Why the hell is she so happy? This ain't a good thing.

"I'm glad that makes one of us" I roll my eyes.

Laura widens her eyes "Your not happy?"

I guess I have to pretend to be now, considering everybody else seems thrilled. If they ask me why I hate this I can't actually tell them the truth.

"No, I am" I fake a smile.

"But you just said-" she starts.

"I'm just a little confused," I shake my head.

"Hi" Kyle approaches us.

I look at him and furrowed my brows. Then it hits me like a tun of bricks.

I slept with Kyle. I almost forgot. I slept with Kyle.

"Have you heard the latest? Willow and Jacob are together" Laura tells him.

"Laura I need to talk to Emma alone," he immediately says.

"But-" she protests.

"Please" Kyle begs softly.

"Fine" she rolls her eyes as walking away.

No. Laura stay here. Crap.

"About what happened-" Kyle starts.

"Come on, let's not talk about that" I immediately say. "I mean can't we just pretend that it didn't happen?"


"I can't do that" he softens his gaze.

I blink "Why not?" I fold my arms.

There's a moment of silence as he thinks.

He then nods "Fine it didn't happen" he sighs.

"Good" with that I follow Laura down the hallway. "Laura wait up!" I call.

Now we can pretend it never ever happened.

"What did Kyle want?" Laura asks.

"He wanted me to put a good word in for a girl in my gym class" I lie.

"Really which one?" Laura raises a brow curiously.

"Sorry" I shrug with a smirk "sworn to secrecy"

I'm quick on my feet. That's what years in witness protection does.

"Yeah of course" she nods "so how was your new year?"

Bad. Very very bad.

"Fine" I nod slowly.

"Tommy told me that he doesn't even remember half of it" Laura laughs.

Gee I wonder why?

"That's because the guys in the kitchen started pouring us who knows what" I laugh.

I still want to know what the hell I was drinking.

"Wait, you were there?" Laura raises her brow in surprise. "But you hate house parties"

That true, but some times I don't mind.

"Not always" I tell her.

"Yes always" she laughs.

Okay so mostly always I hate parties.

"Well new years eve is an exception" I smirk. 

"Okay then" she smiles "so what's your new year resolution?"

"I didn't make one" i say immediately.

I never follow through with them anyway, so what's the point?

"Well mine is to have as much fun as possible....after all, this is everybody's last six months together" she admits.

After we all graduate we'll rarely see each other. It's a shame.

"Yeah I guess" I nod.

she grabs my arms as pointing a man who walked past us "look"

I look ahead to see a man in his late twenties. He has light hair and skin, green eyes. The man wears a dark blue polo top with black gym shorts and a whistle around his neck.

I remember her telling me about an amazingly hot gym teacher. Could this be him?

"Let me guess" I smirk "hot new gym teacher?"

"Isn't he precious" she swoons. "I give him a nine"

"A nine?" I raise a brow.

"Out of ten" she explains. "I mean he's not as hot as your dad but he comes pretty close"

"Eww" I cry as covering my ears with my hands.

We continue our journey down the hallway as the gym teacher walks in our direction.

"His name is Mr Gilbert, this is not his first teaching job...he previously had worked in Chicago but transferred here after applying for the job...his favourite colour is green and his favourite sport is baseball" Laura explains.

"Fascinating" I nod slowly.

"Good morning girls" The gym teacher greets with a smile as he walks past us.

Laura squeezes my arm "my ovaries just exploded"

"Are you sure that you're still a virgin?" I laugh as shaking my head.

"Wait you think I'm a virgin?" She laughs.

Hold up. What?

"Wait for your not?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Are you kidding?" Laura chuckles "that ship has sailed a long time ago....what made you think that I was?"

Uh Tommy literally was upset because he wants to take your virginity.

"Tommy said something that's all...obviously he had his facts wrong" I shake my head slowly 

"Obviously" she laughs "he's so funny"

He's so funny?

"What do you mean?" I raise a brow curiously.

"I mean he was my....well you know" she half smiles.

Hold up.

"Wait a sec" I stop in my tracks as narrowing my eyes "Tommy was your first?"

Why would Tommy tell me that she was a virgin if he took her virginity? This whole thing is twisted.

"Yeah, it was at one of my first high school parties...I knew Tommy was drunk but I assumed that he remembered" she says.

I guess he doesn't.

"Wow" we continue walking.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" She asks.

Because Tommy said YOU'RE A VIRGIN.

"No, I'm not, it's just....yeah Tommy doesn't remember" I shake my head.

"Well, that's a shame" she half-smiles "what about you?"

"What about me?" I ask.

"What's your first story?" She smiles.

Why does she assume that I'm not a virgin?

"Mine?" I widen my eyes. "Well uh I was fifteen and it was with my first boyfriend"

"Wow you started dating late" she laughs.

"I guess I wasn't interested in dating till I met Liam" I admit "anyway it was the night that he first told me that he loved me.....his mum walked out on him and his brother so they both had severe trust issues....when I heard those three little words I just knew...that I felt the exact same way, and I wanted him to be mine forever" I reminisce.

"That's so much more romantic than Tommy and I being drunk on a strangers bedroom floor" she laughs " what happened to him?"

"What?" I glare at her.

"What happened to the guy? You said that you two were in love..." she shrugs.

What happened to Liam? Suddenly my heart begins to ache.

"Well, he died" I furrowed my brows.

"Oh I'm sorry" she softens her voice in sadness.

"Don't be" I shrug "so you've slept with Tommy, and Willow has slept with Kyle....whose slept with Ely?" I change the subject fast.

"Elijah is me and Willow's best friend...neither of us would ever nail him" she laughs.

I nod as remembering the pact the boys made when I first moved here. I guess Kyle broke it.

"....remember on my first day how you made them swear not to make a move on me?" I start slowly. "Hypothetically what would happen if one of them did?"

"Well, it depends on the circumstances... But usually they give me something that they own, or I confiscate something they love such as Tommy's signed baseball glove, or I spread around some dangerous rumour that they have STDs...Or they just forever owe all depends"

"Okay then" I gulp.

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