Chapter 26

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"Can we go now?" I yawn.

"I told you that you should have gone home with Jacob," Hank says as grading papers at his desk.

"I don't wanna" I rest my head on the student's desk, in the classroom. "My head hurts"

"Your fault for falling off a treadmill" he retorts.

Firstly it was an exercise bike, and secondly, it wasn't my fault. This cold compress isn't working anymore.

"It was a bike" I correct. "Maybe I should get another cold compress from the nurse"

"Emma will you stop talking please" he begs.

"But I'm bored" I explain.

I'm literally stuck in a classroom with only Hank and no form of entertainment. My phone died ten minutes ago, this situation is my idea of hell.

"Your a senior" he points out "surely you have homework"

"I guess" I look down at my finger tips, that I tap against the desk.

"So maybe you should do it" he strongly suggests in an aggressive tone.

I can't be bothered right now. I'll do homework when I get home.

"Nah I'm good" I yawn once again. " what is chu doing?"

"The same thing that I was doing thirty seconds ago" Hank keeps his eyes glued to the sheets of papers that sat in front of him "grading papers"

Okay this place is dead. Surely the hallways are more entertaining then Hank. While I'm walking I might go to the nurse, if she's still there.

"Oh" I lift my head up "I'm gonna go for a walk"

"Good," Hank cheers monotoned "maybe I'll get some peace and quiet"

With that, I exit the classroom and begin to walk through the empty halls. I yawn. It's so quiet. Suddenly I hear a noise, okay I def spoke too soon. I follow the voices that lead me to detention.

"We're missing practice-" a familiar voice cries.

"I don't care" Miss James glares at the guy "now sit down and shut up or you can spend tomorrow in the principal's office"

"Old hag who was probably good looking in her youth but now looks a lot like Christopher Columbus, and is nasty towards her students cause she hasn't been laid since Clinton was in office" Tommy mutters.

"What was that Orton?" She raises her voice.

"Nothing ma'am" he takes a seat back down.

With my eyes, I search detention to not only find Tommy, but Elijah, Kyle, and Thomas also. They were all spread out across the room, sitting beside students that I had never seen before. I thought Thomas took the bus home?

"Nice try," Kyle says sarcastically.

"What did I say about talking Johnson!" Miss James scolds.

"Sorry" he rolls his eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me Mr Johnson" she orders "you're not here to socialize, you're here to think about what you've done so I suggest that you-"

"Nice try?" Thomas yells "At least he tried you dick!

"Fitzgerald!" She screams.

"He was being a-" Thomas starts.

"Do not talk back to me Fitzgerald?" she says in a hostile tone.

"Miss-" Elijah starts.

"Yes, Levitt? Do you have something to add?" She aggressively glares at Elijah.

"No ma'am" he sighs.

"Good" she leans back into her chair "god I can't wait till early retirement"

Jesus. What's going on? How did they all end up in detention?

"Get out of my way" someone orders from beside me.

"Oh sorry..." I take a step back before looking to my side to see Willow. "Hey it's you, don't tell me that you've got detention too?"

"Fine I won't," she says casually as pushing past me to enter the room.

Okay I'm taking that as a yes.

"Uh, O'Donnell, its about time" Miss James starts "well?"

"Well, what?" Willow takes a seat towards the back, nowhere near the rest of our friends.

"You left to go to the bathroom fifteen minutes ago"

"So?" Willow raises a brow.

"So what took so long?" Miss James cries.

"I don't know" willow rolls her eyes.

"You don't know?"

"Yeah" she folds her arms and shoots the teacher an aggressive look "I don't know"

"Well you better figure it out or else you can spend tomorrow with the principal"

"Miss that threat is so two minutes ago," Tommy says to her.

I furrowed my brows before walking down the hallway. How did all my friends get into detention? Well besides Laura who's at home.

"I'm so confused" I admit as entering the classroom, and taking a seat in the front row. "They're all in detention"

"Who?" Hank looks down at his papers.

"My friends, they're all in there" I explain "Ely, Tommy, willow, Kyle, even Jacob!"

Calling Thomas Jacob feels so weird to me, but I'm at school so I have to.

"Jacob is in there?" He shoots his head up "as in your twin brother?"

"Yes," I cry as throwing my hands in the air.

"What did he do?" Hank folds his arms.

"I have no idea" I roll my eyes.

That's the point my trying to make. Why the hell are they all there?

"I'll talk to him later" he sighs before glancing down at the papers.

Or you can talk to him now. You can literally call detention and ask.

"Wait you have teacher privileges" I point out "you can call and find out"

"No" he shakes his head.

"What do you mean no?" I place my hands on my hips.

"As in no" he repeats.

"But-" I start to object.

"Emma please" he begs "I just want to grade these papers"


"No buts" he raises his voice.

I sigh. I can't settle my mind. What the hell are they doing in detention? What did they do? How is Hank not curious about this?

"Aren't you even the slightest bit curious?" I ask.

"Emma" he looks up and glares at me "every second day that kid would be sitting in either detention or the principal's office...I don't know what he's done, nor do I will you please sit still and shut up so I can grade these papers?"

I pause for a moment "Fine" I fold my arms.


"Why were you in detention?" I immediately ask as approaching Thomas, who sat on his bed, in his bedroom.

"What?" He looks up and acknowledges my existence.

"I saw all of you in detention like two hours ago" I fold my arms "So care to share?"

Thomas shake his head violently "Don't worry about it" he looks down at his cell phone.

Worried? Sweetie I'm more curious then I am concerned to be quite honest.

"I'm not worried, I'm curious" I admit "you were all in there....even Ely who is such a goodie goodie and I couldn't help but notice that you guys were sitting apart-"

"There was a misunderstanding that's all" he interrupts.

That sounds like bull. Since when do we keep secrets? I thought we had a pact.

"You and I don't keep secrets from one another" I soften my voice.

"Leave it alone" he begs.

How can I? This whole thing is sus as hell.

"No I won't" I shake my head slowly.

"Please" he begs.

"No" I argue.

Thomas rolls his eyes "Fine" he sighs "let's just say that one of your friends had a very uncool moment"

What does that even mean?

"What do you mean? Which one?" I ask.

"Does it matter!" He snaps.

Okay now he's mad, and to be honest I don't care. If some thing is wrong then I need to fix it.

"Maybe I can-" I suggest.

"What help? What are you going to do? Tell them stories about your screwed up friend named Isla?" Thomas exclaims.

The story I told Willow. He knows, but how? Unless she said something to him, but that doesn't make sense. Why would Willow tell Thomas?

I feel tears surfacing.

My heart skips a beat in fear. "How did you know about that?"

Thomas shakes his head "Leave this alone, alright? There's nothing that you can do"

I sigh. "Fine" I struggle to say as exiting his room, before wiping away a tear.

I hate being yelled at. Especially by Thomas. I always have.

"What did he do?" Liam folded his arms.

"Nothing" I wiped away my tears with my fingertips.

"Isla" he clenched his jaw.

"Nothing" I sighed "he's just cruel, that's all"

"What did he say to you, huh?"

I shake my head as entering my bedroom.

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