Thirteen | What I Like About You

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I awoke the next morning to see sunlight streaming in through my white shutters. For a moment I panicked, thinking I was late to school, but then I remembered it was Saturday.

Last nights events came rushing back to me and I groaned in frustration. I wrapped myself tighter in my thick comforter and buried my face in the pillow, trying to go back to sleep and forget about everything.

After a few minutes of attempting sleep to no avail, I threw my blankets aside and got up.

I walked out into the hall, finding it empty. Tyler must still be asleep. I got into the shower, sighing in contentment when the hot water hit my back. After washing my hair and scrubbing myself for longer than what was probably necessary with yummy lemon body wash, I turned the shower off and wrapped my body tightly in a towel.

After making sure the hallway was still empty, I dashed back to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I changed into a pair of faded skinny jeans and a fitted black top, sitting at my desk and opening up my laptop.

I requested to Skype with Alyssa and waited until she accepted. I smiled once she appeared on my screen. She had her cherry red hair up in a messy bun, glasses on, and a stained white shirt, yet she still looked perfect.

She grinned, showing off her shiny, white teeth and waved. "Lauren! Oh my god, I've missed you so much!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm. "I've missed you too, Lyss." I really did. Over her shoulder, I could make out the carefully-taped collage of 80's music posters covering her bedroom walls, and I was hit with a wave of sadness. If I was still there, we'd probably be sprawled out across her bed with mass amounts of junk food--not talking through a screen.

"So what's been going on, especially with a certain somebody?" She asked, her flirty tone successfully tearing me from my inner pity party.

I laughed, and began to fill her in on everything that had happened, from getting stuck on the highway with him all the way up to last night.

"No way, Trent and your parents are in Hawaii right now?!"

I nodded, a bitter frown coming to my lips. "I know. It's not fair."

"That's actually really fucked up, to be honest." Her face was scrunched up in obvious disapproval. "I've always been bothered by your mom and her sometimes...questionable parenting choices. No offense!" She quickly tacked on to the end of her sentence. 

A rueful smile twisted my lips. "No, It's okay. I agree with you, especially right now." She must've sensed my mood turning for the worse, so she quickly redirected the subject.

"But hey, at least you get to stay alone with him," she waggled her eyebrows and started making kiss noises.

I threw my head back with a groan, though I was unable to contain my smile at her antics. "Alyssa, you're insane. Absolutely insane."

Just as she was cackling with laughter at my response, my bedroom door creaked open behind me. I turned around to see a very shirtless Tyler standing in my doorway.

"Oh my god, is that him?!" Alyssa shrieked-loudly-so there was no possible way he hadn't heard her.

"Alyssa, shut up!" I yelled, slamming my laptop shut. She was probably pissed at me for disconnecting without warning, but she would just have to get over it.

Tyler smirked. "Talking about me?"

I glared. "Only bad things, I assure you."

I saw surprise flash through his chocolate eyes, but just as soon, it disappeared. "Anyway, your mom just called and said she wants you to call her back as soon as possible."

I sighed, and tried to keep my eyes on his face...not his marvelous abs.

"Okay, can you go now?"

He rolled his eyes and shut my door, leaving me alone.

I sat and covered my burning, red cheeks with my hands. God, that was more embarrassing than pissing my pants at school in second grade.


I reluctantly went downstairs. I know what you're thinking: I go downstairs to see that Tyler has cooked a huge breakfast just for me, and wants to show me that he cares!

I passed the living room and he was sitting in front of the TV, stuffing his face with cereal, not even giving me a glance.

I grabbed a bagel from the kitchen and went to sit on the couch, Tyler only a few inches away from me.

He gave my body a quick once-over and nodded his head in approval. I gave a very unladylike snort; subtle, very subtle.

After finishing up my bagel, my phone buzzed. I wiped my hands on my jeans, before opening up my new text from Carly.

Hey, wanna meet me and Lily at the mall?

I groaned loudly. God I hate the mall. There's nothing worse than a crowded building full of inconsiderate people, who don't watch where they're fucking going. I swear, the only thing the mall is good for is The food court.

I debated my options before texting her back.

Sure, but only If we get food!

Lol okay! Meet us at The food court at noon.

I looked up at the clock. It was 11:32. I'd have to leave now.

See you then.

As I stood up, Tyler looked at me. "I take it you need a ride?"

"I got it," I snapped.

"Because you have a car, right?" He asked sarcastically.

"Shit," I muttered.

He smirked at me and stood up. He was wearing a white v-neck, with a black leather jacket over it, and nicely fitting black jeans.

I swear, I almost swooned looking at him. Ew that was so girly, forget I said that.

I met his eyes again, a faint blush traveling over my cheeks.

He chuckled and turned the TV off. I watched him as he walked over to the entry table in the hall and grabbed his car keys from the bowl, before he leaned in to check his reflection in the oval mirror. He quickly ran a hand through his hair and down the edge of his jaw. Some might consider it vain, but I found the move oddly sexy. Not that I would ever tell him that.

He straightened and moved to walk out the front door, and I shook myself out of it. I grabbed my purse and followed him out the door, locking it behind me. Though it was February, it was warm here, so I didn't quite need a jacket.

I slid into the leather passenger seat, loving the feel of it.

"Are you rich or something, and I just don't know about it? Because this car is too perfect."

"No," he answered flatly.

"No?" I waited for him to elaborate.

He stiffened beside me, anger swelling in his eyes, "No I'm not, and I don't want to talk about it."


This was the first time I'd ever heard him actually pissed off. He was normally either amused or indifferent. I decided not to push the subject any further.

An awkward silence filled the car as we drove there, but at least Tyler wasn't speeding like a maniac this time.

Hey, that reminds me... "How did you get your car back?"

"My friend Will and I bought some gas, then drove out there, filled it up, and I drove it home."

"Oh," I said feeling stupid.

We pulled up to the mall and I muttered a thanks.

"Just text me when you want to be picked up," he said.

"You'll pick me up?" I felt suspicious, why was he being so nice?

He nodded.

"But I don't have your number," I argued.

He grinned, "Yeah you do, I put it in your phone last night."

When did he take my phone!?

I whipped out my phone and went to the contacts; I immediately found what he put himself as.

"Seriously, Tyler, 'the sexiest guy to walk the earth'?"

He laughed, "The one and only, so text me when to pick you up."

"Whatever," I grumbled, and began walking towards the entrance; I would change his name to 'Satan's spawn' later.

It only took about 30 seconds for me to get frustrated and claustrophobic as a small, friendly but insistent Filipino woman began shoving makeup samples in my face, offering me a makeover.

I grit my teeth with an uneasy smile, waving my hand. "No thank you."

I all but ran away from her. Another part of the mall that stressed me out were the pushy sales people.

Once I reached the food court, my stomach started howling. I really didn't care that I had a bagel 40 minutes ago, I was gonna get some food.

I spotted Lily's blonde, almost white hair right away and I started to head to where she and Carly were sitting.

Carly's dark hair was pulled up into a perfect bun, which allowed her sharp cheekbones to be more emphasized.

I smiled when I reached them, but I didn't sit down. "Sorry I'm kinda late, but i'll be right back, gonna grab some food."

Lily nodded and, Carly, glancing up from her phone, said, "Cool, we'll be right here."


Two hours later, I decided the mall hasn't been that bad; I had bought two shirts from hot topic, and a new pair of earrings from Claire's.

I had texted Tyler to come and get me, and Lily, Carly and I were standing outside the front entrance of the mall.

"Too bad Audrey didn't come, I guess she's sick", Lily spoke up, with a sympathetic expression on her face.

Over the day, she was slowly coming out of her shy exterior, and started talking more and more.

I laughed as I heard a car honk off in the distance. "Yeah I'm gonna call her later and tell her everything she missed."

Carly and Lily had confused, shocked looks on their faces.

"Lauren, why is Tyler Morris parked here and staring at you?"

As I spun around to where she was looking, another honk sounded,and I realized it was Tyler.

"I'm coming, relax!" I yelled.

"What the hell is going on?" Carly hissed at me.

I looked at her with a panicked expression, "It's a really long story i'll tell you Monday. Well, gotta go. Bye!"

I gave them a another quick wave, before rushing to Tyler's idling car.

"Took you long enough."


"Probably because your short little legs couldn't walk fast enough."

I glared at him, "Shut up, Tyler! At least I'm not ten feet tall, like you!"

He smirked at me, "I'm 6'1, Smallfry."

"Look I realize I'm only five feet tall, but could you please just stop calling me that?"

"Hmm, because you said please... nope."

I stifled my shriek of frustration as we sped away.


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