Chapter eleven

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Author's notes are now at the bottom of the chapters, by the suggestion of ingressuswrites.

"We suspect that some Nether forces escaped," Sarrettus said to the provisional master of the Sendaris clan, Melkor. "However, most of the attackers are dead."

Now in central Sendaria, Thalleous' wounds were being inspected as they gave their report.

"Enough about Eterden, captain." Melkor Sendaris was angry about what had happened two days prior, and it showed in his face. "I want to hear about the Voltaris. Where the Nether are they?"

"We don't know. Only two survived, the master, Ingressus, and a young one."

"Tygren," Thalleous added.

"Yes, the boy was named Tygren." Sarrettus groaned. "The Aggressium prime is still in our hands."

"And yet the other three belong to the most hostile being in Ardonia, making him the most dangerous."

"You are correct, Ky-Melkor." Sarrettus hung his shoulders, wishing for nothing more than justice to be dealt.

Melkor walked along the sunlit paths along with a few officers and medics, a contrast to their dark mood.

"I shall hold a conference with the other masters. We shall discuss what to do about this new threat. I leave it to your group to decide what to do with the prisoner."

Netherans didn't deserve names in Sendaria.

"Yes, Ky-Melkor."

"Leave me."

The group turned to head back to the medicinary home that was serving as Ghost Battalion's base of operations. As they walked in, they headed to Pridiral's room.

"Thalleous. You will handle Pridiral," a weary Sarrettus said. He turned around with his crew. A medic tried to stay with him, but was quickly shunned. Thalleous opened the door, then closed it. He sat down in front of Pridiral.

"Your shoulder. Why is it bandaged?"

"Because one of your brethren decided I didn't deserve it. If not for our medics, I'd be discharged from the Sendaria Militia for medical concerns."

"I'm very sorry to hear that," Pridiral said.

Thallous cocked his head to the side. "You are a very odd person, Netheran."

"I'd like to hear my name."

"Your name is synonymous with the evils you have committed."
"I have done nothing wrong. My people ravage this land, but I refused to do so. That's why I'm here."

"That's a lie." Thalleous grimaced. "You're a soldier of the Nether, you've done exactly what your people do."

"Do you think that I would have sacrificed my whole livelihood for you? Do you think that I care about one fortress? No!"

Pridiral smashed his hand on the table, standing up as he railed on. Thalleous flinched reflexively, the result of being a soldier for so long.

"I care about right and wrong, I care about repaying Tygren, and I care about my people! There are Netherans dying because of this foolhardy raid!"

"No more than they deserve. All receive justice, the Walls of Time prove that."

"My people are not all murderers! They've been misled by someone, and I want to find who that person is and stop them, regardless of what your god-forsaken relics say!"

Thalleous slowly raised his head to meet Pridiral's troubled eyes. "I found you in an uninhabited forest. How did you get from the Nether to here?"

Pridiral exhaled, trying to cool down from his rage. "After Tygren healed me, he showed me how he got to the Nether. He told me how to leave, he showed me one of the secret portals."

"And that portal led to...?" Thalleous inquired.

"Ontretheia," Pridiral said.

Thalleous' eyes widened in shock. "How long ago did he show you this portal?"

"About a year ago," Pridiral said.

Thalleous stood up, grunting from a twinge in his shoulder. "Thank you, netheran. I must go."

Pridiral did not respond. Thalleous ran out of the room to contact Sarrettus.

Author's Note: Hello, everyone! Sorry for the three-day gap, but we'll have to suffer through those for a while. I'm running out of chapters in reserve. From now on, if I expect a three-day gap or more in publishing, I'll let you all know beforehand.

I just finished responding to all the comments, and wow! You guys are a talkative bunch. I love your comments, suggestions, theories, all of it. Keep it coming, I love to talk with you all! @ingressuswrites even thought about making FANART!! WOW! Just the fact that you would consider doing that makes my heart swell with joy.

A great way to reach out to me for longer conversations is discord, Knight#1400. I kept it nice and simple for you all.

Well, I'm off to work on my next chapter. Expect chapter 12 on tuesday. If you don't get it by then, DM me because I probably screwed up publishing. (I'm incompetent with wattpad.)

God bless you all, and merry Christmas!


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