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Third person's pov ::

Harold's age : 15

Helen walked out of the store room, she couldn't believe that she fell in love with such a disgusting man, the fact that he was her husband filled her with abhorrence. She was here to get him and his love back but now she felt nothing but revulsion towards him.

"HELEN!!!!" A voice boomed and Helen flinched, coming out of her stupor state.
"Where were you? I've been searching for you?" The young man glared.
"Don wants to see you right now in an instant." The man stated before guiding her towards the Don's cabin.

The man turned the door knob and let Helen in before closing the door behind her. Intense rage, pure hatred and a deep scowl of disgust etched her face as she came face to face with Marcel. Both eyes glaring at each other.

"What are you doing here??!" Marcel roared but Helen stood there without flinching, still glaring at him. Marcel marched forward towards her and grabbed her elbows harshly.
"I've said to not come here and--" he was cut off as..

Helen pushed him away from her with all her might.
"DON'T touch me!!!!" She roared with intense rage, her chest heaving up and down.
"I was here to get you back to me and to my son but now I don't want you near me nor near my son. You and your place..." she looked around with malice filled face.
"...disgust me Marcel."

"Do not raise your voice at me Helen." Marcel glared at her menacingly.

"I will!!" Helen challenged.
"You have no rights on me as I am no more your wife." Helen gritted.

In haste, she opened the file which she has been holding on. With fast strides she strode towards the table and placed the file on top of it before taking a pen from the pen holder. Taking a deep breath, she signed on the papers.

"DONE!!!" She exclaimed.

Marcel's glaring eyes switched from her towards the file which was on the table.
"Good for me that you are no more my wife." He grunted.

"You've changed in a bad way, what if some day someone will pass Harold those lethal drugs to consume and ruin him, what will you do? What if we had a girl, would you even traffic her to another country for money.,huh?!!" She asked as tears filled her eyes.

There was no reply from Marcel as he just stood there, glaring down at Helen.

"You and your roguish family has destroyed many lives Marcel.... but now not anymore." She took a step forward.
"I am going to ruin you." She hissed.
"You've shown the worst of you and now it my turn to show the worst of me."

"HELEN!!!" He roared.

And in return Helen chuckled humorlessly.

"I can't believe that I fell in love with such a devil like you." She grimaced.

"You better watch your mouth Helen!!" He clenched his fist in anger.

"Or what??!!" She rolled her eyes.

"You are standing in my domain, Helen. You better watch it."

"Yes....your domain." Helen scoffed bitterly.
"And the downfall of your domain is my mission and I, Helen Kingston will make sure about that." She hissed.

She marched towards the door but before turning the knob she spun around to face Marcel.,
"I will destroy you Marcel Dèlacourt."


"How was your trip, mom." Harold asked Helen as she has returned from Italy that evening.

Helen smiled,
"It was good!"
"where is Daria?" She asked.

"An emergency came up to her so she left yesterday night." Harold responded.

"What emergency?" Helen asked with furrowed brows as Harold shrugged.
"So you were alone last night?" Helen asked incredulously.

"I'm grown up mom." Harold groaned.

"But for me you're still my little baby." In return Harold rolled his eyes.

"Can we order something mom, I'm hungry." Harold said.

"Sure!! Even I'm in no mood to cook."

Harold got up from the couch and pulled his phone out.
"Can I order a pizza??"

"Eat something healthy king."


"Okay." Helen sighed.

He dialed and within a minute they picked up his call.
"A medium size peri peri pizza."

"Sure sir, to where??" The man on the phone asked.

Harold gave him the address details.

"Sure sir, your delivery will reach in half an hour and what's your full name sir??"

"Harold Dèlacourt. " Harold responded.

Helen's whole demeanor changed as still the Dèlacourt name was attached to Harold. She didn't have the nerve to tell Harold about the divorce thing and about his very own father's deeds.

"What happened mom??" Harold's voice brought her out of her trance.

She shook her head.
"" She stuttered.

"Mom!!" Harold called her with a sweet smile on his face.
"I wrote a song!!" He exclaimed with joy.

"Song??" Helen smiled.

" first song, which is dedicated to you because you're my inspiration and I admire you alot." Helen's eyes welled up on hearing her son's words.
"I'll just get my guitar." He said and sprinted towards his room and within a minute he was back with his guitar.

He sat across Helen and softly brushed his fingers across the strings of his guitar.

"Can some tell me where I stand,,

Have I chosen the right path,.."

His fingers rubbed against the strings softly and taking a deep breath, he resumed his song.

"Should I embark on this journey of mine?
I fear my ambitions will be destroyed one day.."

The song made Helen feel something.

"Fortitude your fears and let your wings spread apart..
Fly up until you reach the place where you've been aiming."

"Let the havoc in you unleash,
Be a raging fire and spread everywhere."

Harold's song was interrupted as the bell rang loudly.

"Might be the pizza man." He kept his guitar aside and walked upto to the door.

And Helen was lost in her own world, she was all ready to set fire not only on Marcel's domain but to every kingdom who does crimes.

"Mom??!!" Harold stood there with a box of pizza.
"Why are you so....lost??" Harold raised a brow.

" you saying something??" She asked with smile.

"Yes... how was my song?" Harold kept the box on the table.

"It was beautiful, I can't believe that my king is so talented." She said and in return Harold chuckled in ecstasy.

The sight of her son being happy stopped her from telling him the truth. She didn't want to see him sad at any cost, she only had him in her life and she would treasure him and never let the sorrow be on his side.

After the trip Noel's every word has been fueling her up to take action against such crimes.

'I've promised Noel....and I will make sure that I keep my promise upto her.'


Are you all enjoying third person's pov??
I want to end this third person's pov as soon as possible because I want you all to meet Naomi again.

Are you all missing Naomi Nolan??
Well, I am missing her alot.

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