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"We're not leaving this place and if we do, I'll either stay or she'll follow along, but knowing her, I'll stay here."


Edward Cullen breathed unevenly in his home as he searched Daniella's thoughts, the ones filled with the realization that the Cullens are, in fact, something else. Her main idea being that they were vampires and as he sat down in the wooden chair by the window, her confirmation about him and his family blossomed. "Shit," he cursed, folding his arms over his chest. "Carlisle!" He called and in seconds the doctor was by his side, snapping a book closed as he looked at the mind reader in concern. "When the hell did you have a journal put into the library?"

Carlisle furrowed his brows in confusion. "I never placed anything into a library before, Edward. Why? Is something wrong?" Carlisle listened as Edward sighed heavily, running a hand through his bronze locks. "Does this have to with Daniella?"

"It does," he nodded before heaving himself out of his seat. "She knows, I read her thoughts. Her mind has the idea that we are, in fact, vampires. She's a damn detective and a good one at that." A soft chuckle full of worry and sarcasm escaped Edward's lips. "What do we do, Carlisle? She knows, so, do we leave? I brought up the idea and well, the family wasn't supportive."

Carlisle placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "That's because Miss. Morgan is Emmett's mate and they are destined to be by each other's side. Leaving isn't the answer, telling the... truth is." Almost like a father explaining an important message to his son, they both shared a knowing look and Edward's lips let a sigh escape. "We'll talk to Dani, but now, we have more important things to figure out." Edward gave him a questionable look, silently asking him to make his message more clear. "There's a newborn who is feeding on humans and I would like to visit with him, see if he'll follow our ways."

Hearing this made Edward nod towards the head of the coven. "Is Daniella safe around him? I saw him having an eye for her-"

"Yeah, and I'm not too happy about it." Emmett suddenly barged into the room, his features hardened as he stood by his adoptive father and brother. "Alice believes that she's his blood singer, so he needs to be far away from her. Yet they were together today and I couldn't do anything about it." The feeling of protecting her was always there since he met the girl, but now it was spiraling out of control with the idea that she was near a newborn and now with the possibility of her being his blood singer, it made his body light up into a ferocious fire. All he wanted was to do was grab her, pull her into his arms and turn his back onto the terrifying bits that the world held. Emmett always knew the world was horrifying, and he always wanted to run away from it, but sadly he had to face it head-on. Now Daniella was by his side and he wanted her to be away from the danger and be safe near the prettier bits. It was his dream: to keep those he cared and loved for, safe.

A smile of some sort was grown on Carlisle's features, patting Emmett on his shoulder, he gave him a curt nod. "We all know how serious you are about protecting her and if you like, my idea, stay close by her home and make sure nothing happens, Well, it sounds creepy, but try to be close with her, Emmett, you're destined to be." Edward sighed, he knew by the connection of Daniella Morgan and Emmett Cullen that they would have to stay, but he feared for the girl. She would despise them, right? Yet, when he dived in her mind, he still saw some fear, but then there was a wonder. There existed a world out there that she had never heard of, one filled with vampires and unknown to her, many more beings.

"I'll start by tonight. I'll stay by her home, probably in that tree, and watch and make sure no one dangerous lay a finger on her." Emmett grumbled, breathing heavily as he stared outside. "I'm not letting her get hurt, she doesn't deserve it." Sighing, the brunette escaped the depths of his home, muttering about how he's going over to her home right away.

"He's going to tell her himself," Edward realized.

"Maybe it's for the best for him to tell her." Carlisle grinned at the vampire before wandering off into the depths of his office, leaving Edward to himself. Thoughts echoed in his mind as he read Emmett, a frown being sketched on his face as he realized it was going to happen. Emmett would really tell Daniella Morgan the truth and he hoped she would understand and come to terms with who they were. They were, in fact, a dangerous being.


The Cullen found himself standing in Daniella's bedroom, looking among the photos on her wall while he listened to the shower run. He planned not to stay too long in the room in fear of spooking the girl, he would stand outside her apartment complex, waiting for the right moment to knock on her window and hopefully, she would allow him in once again. It was creepy, he knew for how he was just in her room, alone to himself. He could do a million things in the small space, but he contributed to just looking at her past and the way she worked. There were office supplies and notes scattered among her desk, all related to the thing he really was. There was a pile of clothes that she needed to put away by her dresser, there were random things that formed the girl she was. She could be messy, but in her mind, it was organized. Emmett admired the small things in her life, like how almost every time he saw her, she was sporting a rather obscure and colorful item on her body. It would either be one of her heart patterned sweaters or her zebra-striped socks, it was unique.

When he heard the shower turn off, he quickly shot a glance out the door before escaping the room through the window, just as Daniella entered with a pink towel wrapped around her body and a green one wrapped around her hair. From where he was, he could smell the fruity scent of her shampoo and as she released her towel, her curls cascading by her neck and back, that smell intensified. He confirmed right then and there that it had to be one of his favorite smells.

He waited patiently for the girl to dress, the sounds of her drawers opening and her humming echoed in his ears and when he had a feeling she was done, he jumped gracefully and latched onto the branches of her tree, stealing a peek inside. Her back was to him as she tugged her slippers on her boots while a size-way-too-big t-shirt rested on her frame and when he knocked softly on the door, her head jerked upwards and her blue eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, hey Emmett." She smiled shyly as she let the boy in, rubbing her arms after she closed her window.

"I gotta explain something to you, Dani." He suddenly blurted and from the way his tone of voice showed a sense of anxiousness and worry, she took a seat on her bed, patting the space next to her. "There's something serious we have to discuss." His body was seated next to her and she watched as his throat showed how he swallowed thickly. "Gosh, I don't really know how to tell you it all when you already know."

"Know what, Emmett?" Deep down, Daniella had a feeling, a feeling that he might finally be telling his secret. The secret should knows and knows why it was hidden; the world wasn't prepared for immortals, specifically vampires. "I think I know, but-"

"Yeah, you know." He cut her off, giving an apologetic smile before gesturing to her desk. "I saw it all and well, you're one good damn detective, Miss. Morgan." An awkward silence fell in the room as Daniella let his words work in her head, the gears in her brain realizing what he meant. "How do you feel? Scared? Petrified?"

"No," she shook her head, pouting and her eyebrows slowly knitted together. "I'm scared o-or petrified, well kind of. The idea of you being vampires will spook anyone, Emmett and so I am, b-but then I'm also in awe and so many more emotions. It's hard to describe, actually." His stress was cleared when she let out a chuckle. "I was at the library yesterday with a friend, maybe? Who knows about Raven, anyhow, I discovered thing after thing and I guess I may be a detective afterall." Taking a small walk to her desk, she pulled out pieces of paper and a few books and dumped them into the hands of the vampires. "I thank these in my research. A-And I also wanna apologize, I feel like invaded on your guys' privacy and all..."

However, his reaction was something the blond didn't expect, he shook his head. "No, no, don't be. There's no need to apologize, besides, we had a feeling it would happen sometimes soon." Seeing her confused for a moment, he clarified. "Yeah, the whole family is vampires and we're different, little lady. We don't suck human blood, no, we feed off of animal's blood. It's why we have such a different eye color from any ordinary person."


"Really," he smirked. It was a beautiful sight in his eyes as she grew more interested and that's how the pair found themselves discussing his life. Question after question came from her lips as the two laid on her bed, blankets covering their bodies as he explained how he did things with his different life. He explained when he changed, though when she asked about the others, he told her that the family would likely tell her on their own. She could only take so much. Nevertheless, Daniella enjoyed his company and the things she learned from him and as the clock read, "2:38" she knew they had to take a break.

Playing with her nails, she looked up to her friend who laid on his side, starring at with adoration. But she couldn't she it. "Remember, Emmett, I don't hate who you are and your family. Honestly, it adds to your guys' personality and how I see you will never change, well, unless you do something mean."

Hearing this made him shake his head. "It's really impossible to mean to you, I mean, you're sweet. There's no reason to be mean or anything to you." The mortal next to him rolled her eyes as she listened to him. She could be something drastically different when the time came, but she would agree, she was sweet and it seemed like she was that most of the time. She was that way around him alot, too. Maybe it was his affect on her - she wouldn't know at the end of the day.

But she didn't mind, he already made her heart flutter sometimes with the way he would stare at her or the way he would use a gentle touch on her arm when they talked. It was the small things that two did that made them feel connected in a way that they couldn't describe, but in the end, they both knew they enjoyed it all.


A/N: I literally had the hardest time writing this chapter and I'm not too sure about it. I mean, it's fine, but I really didn't know how to write what I wanted to write (do you get that feeling sometimes?). Anyhow, the next chapter will hopefully be better!!

Edits and fixes will be done later on.

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