🎟 Nine 🎠

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There was so much tension in the room that when Hana's phone rang, it made her jump. She reached out to the table, lifting it and holding it to her ear.

"Hi, Tae,"

"Hana," Taehyung's voice sounded tense, "I'm on my way to yours. Something weird happened,"

"What is it?" she replied, suddenly worried, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'll talk to you when I get to yours. See you in a couple of minutes,"

"Ah, Tae-" Hana sighed when her friend hung up. She wanted to let him know before he got to her that she had company. She looked over at Jimin, who was sitting quietly on her sofa, just staring at the photograph that was still sat on her table, "Taehyung is coming over," She explained, "He said that something weird happened,"

Jimin nodded, "Do you want me to leave? I can come back later before it gets dark,"

"No," Hana said firmly, "No, we need to tell Taehyung the truth, and I'm not sure that I can resist the pull of the carousel,"

The second she said the word, she pictured the image in her head. The beautifully carved unicorns, the bright lights and the blur of the world around her as the ride began to move. She shook her head a little as the haunting, pretty music filled her mind, "I still want to go back,"

Before Jimin could say anything, there was a knock on Hana's door, and she stood up to go and answer it.

"Hana, the weirdest thing happened," Taehyung said, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it on the hook by the front door, "The guy from the fair-"

"Before you continue," She cut him off quickly, "I need to tell you something,"

Taehyung looked at her expectantly as she took a deep breath.

"Don't freak out," She said, leading him to the living room, "But Jimin is here,"

"Why the hell is he here?!" Her friend exclaimed, rushing past her, "Yoongi told you to stay away from him! Oh my God, he's so creepy, coming here when you're all alone!"

"She invited me," Jimin said, standing up from his position on the sofa, "And for a good reason,"

"Jesus Christ, Hana," Taehyung groaned, "What are you doing?!"

"Just sit down," She sighed, pushing at him. Taehyung grumbled, but moved to sit down, his narrow eyes trained on Jimin, "Tell me what happened,"

"Fine," He said, "But then you need to explain why he is here,"

Hana nodded and Jimin sat back down as Taehyung took a deep breath.

"The guy I've been sleeping with?" He started, "His name is Hoseok, he works at the fair. He came to mine really late last night, and he seemed really off. He was a bit more cheerful before. Anyway, once we were finished, he said that his boss wanted you to come back to the fair. He even had tickets for us in his pocket,"

Jimin sat up a little straighter, a frown appearing on his face.

"He scrunched up the tickets and told me to never let you set foot back on the fair. He said he was sick of the suffering and he didn't want you to go through it. I don't know what's going on, but I think that ringmaster, Jungkook, has something to do with it. He also told me not to let you touch the carousel,"

There was silence throughout the room as they let Taehyung's words sink in. After a moment, Jimin's voice cut through the air.

"It proves it," He said, "Your theory, that proves it,"

Taehyung looked confused, "What theory?"

"Jimin's girlfriend is one of the unicorns!" Hana exclaimed, skipping over all the important details that Taehyung would have needed to know to understand.

"Wait, first your girlfriend is a minor, now she's a goddamn unicorn?" Taehyung said, looking over at Jimin, "Jesus, dude, you have issues,"

"She's not a minor," Jimin snapped, "She was sixteen in that photograph, but she's the same age as me. And we think that Jungkook made her into one of the unicorns on the carousel,"

When Hana nodded Taehyung got to his feet, "This is fucking ridiculous, Hana," He cried, "Are you actually listening to him?! He was locked up in an insane asylum for five years! Even Yoongi told you to keep away from him!"

"It's a mental health hospital, not an insane asylum," Jimin snapped angrily at him, standing up, "And I was there for only one year. At least I don't judge others and give every one a chance. I have been looking into the disappearance of my girl for ten years, so you don't get to give me shit like that,"

"Okay, calm down," Hana also got to her feet to try and stand between the two angry men, "We need to talk, not argue," She turned to Taehyung, taking the picture from Jimin, "Don't you recognise her, Tae? Her name is Bee, she went missing ten years ago,"

Taehyung glanced at the photo, "Guess she looks familiar," He grunted, "But how does that even link to the unicorns?"

"Her eyes," Hana said, looking down once again at the smiling face in the picture, "Her grey eyes are exactly like the unicorn I rode,"

"Hm," Taehyung sighed, "Jungkook said its name was Beau, right? It's not the same,"

"I used to call her Beau," Jimin interjected, "And that unicorn wasn't there when we rode the carousel ten years ago,"

"So what?" Taehyung said, "Of course they're going to replace damaged parts on the ride,"

"Tae," Hana begged him, "The unicorns were warm to the touch, and they're so lifelike,"

"Good carpenter, obviously," Taehyung countered, "Hana, this is crazy,"

"Well," Jimin said, folding his arms across his chest, "There's only one way to find out. We go and see the carousel after dark,"

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