Chapter 49 - He had all the right words.

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A/N: I have an Instagram now, completely Wattpad related :) It's @WattpadAlpacalypse  and I'll be posting updates, sneakpeaks, Q&A's and much more on there :D

Erin looked into the mirror one last time. She still loved the dress so much. She had put her hair into soft curls and put a bit of makeup on, but not too much. She felt beautiful.

"Can you zip me up?" Beatrice asked, who walked into the room. Beatrice was not a girly girl at all, but she did decide to go for a dress. She debated on coming in a suit, but deep down, she too wanted to feel like a princess for the night.

"Girl, you look so stunning", Erin said as she zipped up Beatrice's orangy-nude dress.

"I could say the same about you. My bisexual self is aroused", she joked, pulling her best friend into a hug.

"We're going to have a blast, right?" she said and Erin nodded. They were going to.

Erin had felt a whole lot better these past days. She felt like a void in her heart had been filled. It had been filled with hope.

"Come on, there are two red-headed snacks waiting for us", Beatrice grinned and grabbed Erin's hand. It was almost eight, so it was time to find their dates.

The common room was packed with students, all looking either nervous or excited. It was so weird to see everyone in gowns and suits, but Erin loved it.

"Ladies, ladies, it should be a crime to look that stunning", Anthony shouted as they walked down the stairs.

"I know, right?" Beatrice laughed as they joined their friends.

"You don't look too bad yourself", Erin said, readjusting his crooked bow tie.

"Yeah, I bet you regret turning me down now", he smirked and winked at her. The group walked down to the Great Hall, ready for one hell of a night.

"There they are!' Beatrice said and pulled Erin down the stairs. Her eyes caught those of George as he smiled brightly at her. He looked very smart in his tuxedo.

"Don't you look dashing", she said as they joined them. George had trouble finding words, as he was completely mesmerized by Erin. The dress she wore fitted her perfectly and she looked stunning in general. He had come to terms with the fact that she was off the market and he'd find someone like that for himself one day, but he couldn't deny the fact that he thought she looked like an actual goddess.

"You look beautiful tonight, darling", he said and extended his arm, which Erin gladly took. They walked into the Great Hall and admired the scenery. The entire hall was transformed into a Winter Wonderland.

"You want a drink?" George asked as they had found an empty spot to stand in.

"Sure, thank you."

George grabbed Fred's arm and dragged him over to the table with punch.

"George looks handsome, don't you think?" Beatrice asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Erin knew what she was suggesting.

"Yeah, he does", she simply said, not wanting to get into it. She had pushed away all of those thoughts for the past two weeks, as it only complicated things. She didn't want to think about the decision. She had to choose between Oliver and George and even though she had already chosen, she still had to talk to him about it and she didn't want to lose him. George had become a very important person to her and she knew that choosing for Oliver meant losing part of the connection they had and she wasn't ready for that. She understood that he preferred not to be around her and Oliver much, but she was afraid of that. As selfish as it was, she wanted the both of them, Oliver as her boyfriend and George as her friend, but she understood that that could be difficult for George.

"There you go, ladies", Fred said and handed them a glass of punch. Soon, music started playing and the Triwizard Champions opened the dance floor.

"Is that Hermione with Krum?" George asked, surprised, sharing looks with his brother. Erin barely knew Hermione, but she looked stunning.

"I thought she was dating your brother", Beatrice frowned, looking at the pair.

"Ron?" Fred asked. "Not yet. They're both too oblivious, but they will one day."

"Anyway", George interrupted, extending his hand. "Can I have this dance?" He bowed dramatically as Erin accepted his offer and gently guided her towards the dancefloor.

George was a surprisingly okay dancer, as he gently twirled Erin around. He constantly told her little jokes, causing her to have an incredible time.

"What do we rate Madame Maxime's dress?" Erin grinned. They had spent the last ten minutes judging everyone's outfit, rating them from zero to ten.

"Oh, a solid nine. No doubt about that", George joked, causing Erin to laugh.

"Yeah? Didn't know you were into that, Georgie", she grinned.

"What about Dumbledore? Isn't he your type?"

"Dumbledore is at least three hundred years old. No, thank you." George smiled down at her, really happy she still wanted to hang out with him even though Oliver and her had made up. He wasn't the biggest fan of him, but she still wanted him around. Maybe they could just stay friends through all of this. He'd like that.

"What are you staring at?" she asked, gently swaying to the music.

"Just thinking", he mumbled.

"About Madame Maxime?" Erin grinned, causing George to laugh. The music slowed down and Erin wanted to lay her head on his chest, but she didn't want to give off the wrong idea. She had told George about Oliver visiting her, but she hadn't explicitly told him about them pretty much being back together. She just wanted to delay losing a friend as long as possible.

"Now you're thinking", George stated. "You look worried, what's up?" he asked. Erin took a deep breath and debated whether to tell him now or at the end of the night. In the end, it was best to just be honest, right?

"I feel like I have a choice to make", she said.

The problem was that she had already made her choice, she was just afraid of telling him. She had so many doubts, but there was one thing she knew for sure: Oliver was and always would be the one for her. That didn't mean she couldn't feel attracted to another person, that clearly had been the case, but if she had to decide, she'd choose Oliver over and over again. If she had met George before Oliver, maybe things would have been different but that wasn't the case. They were equally as amazing, but George would always score second place, doesn't matter how wonderful he was, and he didn't deserve that. He deserved a girl whose heart didn't belong to someone else. She had to tell him that.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Erin took a shaky breath, looking down at her feet.

"Between you and Oliver", she said, not daring to look up. The seconds went by so excruciatingly slow and she wanted to die, right there in that spot.

"Erin, you and I both know that it's not a choice", he said, gently pushing her chin up so she had to look him in the eyes. "And I'm not going to let you choose, because there is none. It's not one or the other."

Erin didn't quite know what to say, but she didn't have to say anything at all. He had all the right words.

"Your heart belongs to Oliver and I know that, I can see that. I know that I told you I had feelings for you and maybe I still do, but that doesn't mean that we can't be friends. I don't hang out with you because I think you might choose me over him. I don't want you to think that's a choice, because it's not. You and Oliver belong together and I'd never do anything to come in between that. I hang out with you because I care about you and I like you as a friend. When he acts like an asshole, I'm not there to take his place, I'm there to support you as a friend. You and him are endgame and I'll find someone myself one day, but please don't think I would only be around you as a potential boyfriend."

It was quiet for a long time as Erin was lost for words. This was a response she had not expected and it completely baffled her. He was so perfect she herself even wondered why Oliver still managed to win her heart over him.

"You're so epic", she whispered and pulled him into a tight hug. In that moment she knew that George was a friend she had to cherish at all costs. After Beatrice, he was probably the most genuine friend she had.

"I know, but you can't deny that we would have been an epic couple", he grinned.

"Most definitely", she smiled, pulling him close again. This was so much different from the outcome she had expected and now she wished she had talked to him about this sooner. Overall, it just made her very, very happy.

"Oh, look at that!" Erin said and spun George around. At the other end of the hall, her little brother was dancing with Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff girl in his year.

He looked happy, which warmed Erin's heart. She also felt a little bad, as she hadn't even asked him if he had a date or not. She really had been a terrible sister lately. She'd talk to him tomorrow. She didn't want to interrupt his date.

The music picked up, so George dragged her towards Fred and Beatrice who were already on the dancefloor.

"I haven't had this much fun in a while!" Beatrice shouted at her over the music. Erin smiled and hugged her best friend before completely ignoring all decency and letting the music take control.

They danced for hours, until they were physically drained. Erin had gotten rid of her heels a good while ago, but her feet still ached terribly.

"Shall I bring you to your dorm, M'lady?" George asked dramatically as he took a chair next to her.

"Yes please, I am ready to sleep for hours", she yawned. The Hogwarts Express would leave in the morning, so she hadn't that much time to sleep, but she'd make use of all remaining ones. She'd see Oliver again tomorrow.

"Come on", George said and extended his hand. Erin let him pull her up, grabbed her heels and headed out. Beatrice and Fred we're still going strong, as they got along super well. Erin admired their willpower, but her feet could not take it anymore. They walked to the dungeons in a comfortable silence, until they reached her common room entrance.

"Well, I had a spectacular night, Georgie. Thank you so much." She pulled him into a hug. She really appreciated him and she wanted him to know that. The way he handled the situation was something she could never do. He was honestly one in a million.

"It was my pleasure, darling. I'll see you around. Enjoy your break and happy Christmas", he smiled.

"Happy Christmas, George." She waved at him until he turned around the corner. She really had had an amazing night.

She was about to turn around as two other figures walked towards their common room and she recognised one of them as her little brother, Benjamin.

"Here you go, sleep well", he heard him say.

"Happy Christmas, Benjamin, thank you for tonight", Hannah Abbott said and gave Benjamin a little kiss on the cheek. Erin had to keep in her squeals so she wouldn't interrupt the moment.

"Uh- thanks, uhm- ... You too", Benjamin stammered and although it was too dark to see, Erin knew he was blushing. Hannah turned around and before Benjamin could walk out, Erin ran after him.

"Benji Evans, did I see that correctly?" she said and Benjamin turned around surprised. Erin was a little shocked when Benjamin's look turned into an annoyed frown.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, my common room is down here. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time." It was quiet for a while, but Benjamin still looked annoyed. Erin had no idea what was up.

"Yeah, seems like coincidence is the only reason you'll talk to me." Benjamin crossed his arms. Erin couldn't help but look at him endearingly. He looked so cute in a tuxedo. Why had she never asked him about it? She just now realised that she hadn't exchanged more than five sentences in the past four months and she hadn't even noticed it.

"I'm sorry Benji. I know I've been distant", she sighed.

"Distant? Distant?! You didn't talk to me at all. Did you even know I had a date?" Erin looked down. No she didn't.

"No, I'm sorry. I've been a terrible sister lately. Is there something you want to talk about?"

"No, thank you. If there is, I'll talk to the people who actually know me", he said. He had grown quite a bit in the past few months and his voice had gotten lower. Erin had missed that.

"Come on Benji, that's not fair. You didn't talk to me either."

"Yeah and you are supposed to be my big sister", he spat. He was right. She was supposed to look after him, especially after her father's death. She had promised her mother that. Why had she been so oblivious to his needs?

"Please don't cry, Benji. You know I hate it when you cry", Erin said as she noticed the tears in his eyes. He was really upset about this. Erin cursed herself for not thinking about her brother once in four months. She put her hand on his shoulder, but he just pushed it away.

"This is the last year we'll get to be in the same school. The last year in a really long time that we'll get to see each other often. But all you think about is your stupid boyfriend! Ever since you started dating him, you don't care about me anymore!"

"That's not true Benji, of course I care about you."

"No you don't! If you did, you would ask me how I'm doing or how my grades are. Big sisters are supposed to do that."

Erin didn't know what to say. She didn't have any excuses or explanations. He was completely right.

"Let me guess, he's coming for the holidays as well? So you can ignore mum and me and spend those two weeks with him as well?"

"No, Benji, of course I'll spend it-"

"Well, he's coming, isn't he?" Erin took a shaky breath. She had trouble keeping the tears in check as they threatened to spill. She had hurt him and that broke her heart.

"Yes, it's the only time I get to see him", she whispered. Benjamin didn't respond. He just looked outside, clenching his jaw.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" she asked, after a while, her voice small.

"Yeah", he scoffed. "Just stay away from me. It's best I get used to it since next year I'll be all alone anyway!" With those words, Benjamin stormed off and there was nothing Erin could do.

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