2nd NIN POW! The Devil deal and the shocking deny.

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Morning 5 AM

As Haruki wake up, he felt something heavy on his chest. As he tilted his head up a little bit he saw Asuka on his chest sleeping peacefully. This actually not the first time this happened Asuka usually go into Haruki room just to sleep with him, she also make excuses such as: Having a nightmare or can't sleep in the dark alone. But in actuality, she just being very clingy to Haruki. However this doesn't bother Haruki, if she is happy then Haruki will be happy too.

Haruki slowly remove Asuka from his chest and carefully place her down. Then he looks at the clock.

Haruki: 5 A.M already? Well time to make breakfast.

Haruki got out to his room and go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.


Earth a planet that contains a lot of species from land to air and ocean but in it human are dominant species and remain like that until the appearance of the 3 factions: Devils, Angels and Fall Angels. Their existence and the War they created had caused harm to humanity.

Because of this the ninjas have swift their objectives from serving their Lords to protect humanity from the shadow.

Our story will begin with our protagonist and his household of Ninja defend Kouh from Stray Devils, Fallen Angels and dealing with the 3 faction that might want to use their power for their agenda.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Credit hyperjacob96 on YouTube for this amazing cover)

(As I watch the Eastern sky turn red before my eyes
I can feel my heartbeat grow. It won't stop pounding
As I walk the pathway blind, this shining light I find)

The scene show the each member of the Tengen siblings name and Rider Forms.

(Reveals the truth that I've been searching for)

Then it change to an area in the Underworld and we see Shinobi is facing a person cover in shadow. But something different he now have yellow armor piece on his left arm and the scarf are also yellow as well.

(No matter how much time has passed I keep on fighting
for a single wish that's burning deep inside my mind:
"Protect the ones who can't fight for themselves!")

We now have a good look about the battlefield fire everywhere. Shinobi and the shadow figure looks at each other intensely.

(And even if I stumble and even if I'm wounded

look into my eyes and you'll see that I will never withdraw!
My boiling blood tells me to rise again!)

The two now charge at each other giving punches, the shadow figure fists cover in fire while Shinobi fists cover in yellow electric energy. After a few punches and blocks they kick each other and stumble back a little.

(Let your thoughts open up like cherry blossom petals do!
Only then will the ideals you've held inside come into view!)

Shinobi do something kind of a ninja techniques summoning a yellow energy frog while the shadow figure gather up some fire summoning a bird cover in flame.

(Let your vows soar across the sky for all eternity!
Never fading as they dance gracefully!)

After they done summoning, they then charge at each other while the creature they summon do the same.

(This Shinobi path I take; it calls to me!)

An explosion accrue and show this book name and logo.

2nd NIN POW! The Devil deal and the shocking deny.

Time skip (Morning 6:30 A.M)

Haruki who is now making lunch for himself and his siblings. As Haruki putting the finishing touches he heard the sound of door opening signaling him that his siblings are awake.

Haruki turn his around and see all of his sisters are sitting on the table waiting for their breakfast.

Haruki: Morning sleepyhead.

Yoimiya: (tied) Morning Haruki.

Kirika: Morning-desu.

Katou: Morning.

Asuka: Morning Onii-chan.

Haruki then place the breakfast he made on the table each member has a place in front of them.

Haruki: Ta~da~ my special breakfast for today English Breakfast.

Everyone looks at their plate with spark and droll coming out of their mouth. They all span back to reality and prepare to eat.

Everyone except Haruki: Itadakimasu!

Everyone take a bites out of their breakfast. In just one bite their feel like it in heaven.

Yoimiya: As always Haruki cooking is the best.

Kirika: No kidding this is the best I ever had-desu.

Asuka: Onii-chan cooking is the best.

Katou: I have to agree with that. I think you should quit being Shinobi and become a househusband instead.

Haruki: (blush) Aww~ Don't say that, everyone can cook as long as you put effort into it.

Everyone nods as Haruki take his plate and put on the table to eat with everyone.

As everyone chatting and having breakfast, Katou noticed some small boxes on the kitchen counter.

Katou: Haruki did you prepare bento for us?

Haruki: Yep I prepare it for all of you.

Yoimiya: Haruki you don't need to that, just making breakfast for us is fine.

Haruki: I know but I want to make all you feel better since you all have to go though the trail just to fully become a Kamen Rider.

Katou: You really takes a lot of Ryoma huh?

Asuka: What can I say Ryoma is the best brother we have and seeing Onii-chan take responsibility during his absence is the best.

Kirika: Agree-desu.

Time skip

Everyone now has finish their breakfast, the sisters are wearing their ninja outfit while Haruki wear his Kouh Academy uniform.

Haruki: Be save alright.

Yoimiya: Don't worry about us we be fine.

Kirika: Yeah besides we only have a few days left before we finish our trial-desu.

Katou: Kirika is right we are going to finish our trial this month so don't worry.

Asuka: We will be fine Onii-chan.

Haruki: I hope so. Because tonight I will make dinner.

The sisters: We will.

With that the siblings departed and go their separate ways.

Jirai: They really are grown up.

Haruki: What can I say we human will always grow up and experience life itself.

Jirai: I see.

After a minute of walking, Jirai then talk.

Jirai : Partner, I think the devils will be onto us since you revealed yourself.

Haruki : True, but if they have a problem with me, I'll deal with them.

Haruki then sensed something behind him as he turned behind him only to see nothing.

Haruki: What was that.

Jirai : Partner look down in front of you.

Doing as instructed Jirai looks down to see a black cat looking up at him.

Haruki: Hello there little guy.

Haruki then petted the cat as it purred in delight. Haruki then picked up the cat and found out that it was female. Haruki then placed the cat down.

Haruki: Sorry I meant little girl.

He said as he petted the cat again and walked away.

Haruki : (Looking at the cat) See you later little cat, I got to get going.

Haruki then headed to school not knowing that the cat was following him.

Haruki had a long day a he had to deal with the boring lessons. Even though he excited to go back to school but he realized that this school basically teach him thing he already knew. Haruki also had to deal with the Pervert Trio as they were peeping on the kendo club as Haruki gave them a piece of his mind. Haruki was now in class ignoring a glaring Issei as he was drawing in his notebook.

(This is what he drew. What do you think?)

Haruki: Done! What do you think Jirai?

Jirai: It looks good your artistic skills is improving.

Haruki: Thanks for the comment.

Jirai: Your welcome. 😄

Girl: Look its Kiba!

Haruki looked to see a boy with blonde hair enter the classroom. This was Yuto Kiba or as people call him the Prince of Kuoh. Haruki had also been given the title of the Shadow of Kuoh due to his personality. For some reason Haruki found it kinda fitting for him. However Haruki glared at Kiba with caution, him being here means Rias must be onto him already.

Kiba: Is Issei Hyoudou and Haruki Tengen here?

Haruki and Issei raised their hands as Kiba walked over to them.

Kiba: (Smiling) Nice to meet you too. My Buchou told me to bring you two to her so can please follow me.

This made the class go quiet before it errupted in multiple shouts and screams. In the chaos Issei stood up and walked to Kiba in accepetance but then...

???: Not interested.

Everyone looked to see Haruki packing his stuff and began to walk away only to stop when Issei put a hand on his shoulder as Haruki turned to face him.

Issei: Are you really going to reject Rias' amazing oppai?!

Everyone had different looks at the pervert. The girls had disgusted faces while the boys had disturbed faces but the girls could see the perverted glint in their eyes.

Haruki having a stress mark on his head grab Issei arm and pin him down.

Haruki: Do I looks like a pervert to you?

Issei: (sacred) N-n-no.

Haruki: Good because if I ever heard you said that again I will beat you up.

Issei nods then Haruki let him go. This make all the girls in the class awe of how Haruki dealt with the biggest pervert in the school while all the boys scared of him.

Kiba: (Awkwardly laughs as he approaches Haruki and Issei) Anyway, Buchou told me to bring you both so please come.

Haruki didn't respond and just walking away.

Haruki: As I said before, not interested. I have no reason to meet with someone, especially someone who is too lazy to do things herself.

As Haruki continued to walk away Kiba stopped him.

Kiba: Please just come meet with my Buchou. It will be easier if you did.

Suddenly everyone felt a shiver down their spine as they felt that Kiba walked on a landmine that was about to be set of as Haruki turned to face Kiba with a menacing glare.


Is that a threat? Because it sounded to me that if I didn't do as you said, I would be facing a hard way. So tell me, what would you do if I said no?

While Haruki was glaring at Kiba everyone replayed Kiba's words and found out that his words were a threat aimed at Haruki. Kiba just quietly cursed himself for his words. He's now got himself in a difficult position, and its all because of his own actions. Haruki then turned and walked away but not before stopping at the door and said...

Haruki: I don't care if your Buchou wants to see me or not. So if she wants to see me, tell her to stand up and do it herself.

Haruki then left the room as everyone looked at Kiba who awkwardly laughs before walking to the ORC with Issei following him. When they arrived into the ORC they saw that Rias, Akeno and Koneko were waiting for them. However Rias noticed that someone was missing.

Rias: Kiba, where's Haruki? I thought I told you to bring him here with Hyoudou.

Kiba: (Nervously) Well...

Kiba then told everything that had happened and to be honest Rias wasn't pleased with the results she heard as Akeno chuckled.

Akeno: Ara~Ara~. It seems that our purple ninja doesn't like the idea of being controlled. Where this will lead I'm not sure.

Rias just glared at her best friend before turning to look at a nervous and confused Issei with a smirk because he didn't know Haruki is Shinobi. She wasn't gonna give up trying to get to Haruki.

Time skip

Haruki was now at the bench at Kuoh Academy as he sighed and listened to some music while eating the bento he prepare for himself which is just a box full of Takoyaki. He was finally in piece as he listened to his music and ate his Takoyakies only to be distured when he felt someone tapped his shoulder as he turned to see Koneko making him take of his headphones.

Haruki: (Smiling) Hello Koneko, what do you need?

Koneko: Sorry to disturb you but my Buchou wants to meet with you.

Haruki sighed at, but then got an idea as he stood up.

Haruki: Ok, take me to her.

Koneko nodded before leading Haruki to the ORC building as they both entered the room to see Rias, Akeno, Kiba and the stupid fucking pervert Iseei.

Issei: (Sees Haruki and turns to Rias) Hey, why is that jackass back?

Rias: I just wanted to see him. (Turns to Haruki) Hello Tengen-

Haruki: One. Don't call me Tengen, only my friends call me that. And two. Tell me why I'm here because I don't have time to meet with a lazy spoiled brat.

Issei: Hey! Don't-

Issei then backed away in fear when Haruki death stares at him.

Issei then hid behind a couch while shaking in fear.

Haruki then kept his eyes on Rias.

Haruki: So tell me why am I here?

Rias: Well, do you believe in the supernatrual?

Haruki: Just get to the point already.

Rias: Well, we're devils.

Wings then sprotted out of Rias and her peerage's back as Haruki gives them an unamused look.

Haruki: And?

Rias: I want you to be reincarnated as a devil and join my peerage and forever serve me.

Haruki: Deny

Rias was shocked to see that someone has refused her offer for the first time.

Rias: But you will not be treated as a slave. I treat my servants like family and if you do so you will rise up and get your own peerages.

Haruki : Why do you refer them as your servants then?

Rias did not answer that.

Haruki : While being a Devil has its pros it also has its cons. Devils are weak against holy weapons and light magic, low class devils are looked down upon with not rights, and if you were to become a devil you will have to serve someone for the rest of your life.

Nobody in the room said anything as Haruki continued.

Haruki: Why should I give up my freedom and my humanity for a few benefits. Heck, my dad offered me to have a normal life but I declined it and become what I am today. Then again he was the one who told me about the factions, including devils. He also told me the things devils did in the past and it disgusted me.

Rias: But I can't protect you if you don't join my peerage.

Haruki: (Gives Rias an unamused looks) I don't need nor want your protection. If the other factions have a problem with me I'll deal with them myself.

Issei: (Walks up to Haruki) Hey! You should consider youself lucky to be offered this!

Haruki: (Glares at Issei) And why did you became a devil Issei?

Issei: I became a devil so I can be harem king!

Haruki give an unamused face with a raging purple aura surrounding his body then punch Issei to the ground.

The devils in the room were scared shitless as Haruki purple aura turned off and looks at Issei with a menacing frown.

Haruki: That is a stupid reason. Do you think I got my powers for a sick joke? No, I got my powers so I can help and protect the innocent. (Then turns to Rias) So as I said before, I will not join your peerage. (Thought) if I do I will gut myself.

Rias then got an idea.

Rias: What about a bet? You against my peerage. If we win, you join my peerage.

Haruki: And if I win?

Rias didn't think about that as she tried to think of something but Haruki cut of train of thought.

Haruki: If I win, you will owe me a favor.

Rias: You're feeling cocky aren't you.

Haruki: Trust me, its the truth. I have learned a lot though my 7 years of training. So be prepared to lose.


Haruki was now in a arena wearing his ninja outfit as he stood in front of Rias and her peerage.

Rias: You know you can back out and join my peerage.

Haruki : Hell no. I'll show you what it means to be human.

Rias: Oh well. I tried to be nice. Issei, you're first.

Issei: Yes Buchou!

Issei charges to punch Haruki only for Haruki to side step at that and karate chopped Issei's neck which knocked him out cold.

Haruki: Too predictable.

Koneko: One hit?

Rias: Kiba you're next.

Kiba: Yes Buchou.

Kiba summons his sword and do a battle stand.

Haruki: Finally a challenge.

As Kiba about to charge at Haruki. Haruki raise his hand ✋ which make Kiba stop and confuse.

Haruki: But first I need to do this first.

Haruki take out a purple colored gourd out of his shirt.

Koneko: Is he seriously

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