Chapter - 17

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Just a quick FYI before you read... The video on the side is once again my bestfriend Nikki Saint. Please check it out!!! It's her own orginal song and its really good and fits into the story!! :)


Did you guys seee!! Over 1000 Fans! o_O Honestly, My eyes are bulged out of my head right now. Thats CRAZYYY! (Now if only all 1000 of my fans commented and voted!) Lmfao!!

But always I'm not going to ramble on forever this time but...Well. I'm OVERLY, OVERLY exicted about this Chapter. You guys HAVE to vote and Comment! like Have too! :P hahah (But I guess I can't force you.)

Before you guys go on to read this, I'd like to say one thing.

Anyone who likes fantasy stories. YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT IMMORTAL DESTINY!!. Honestly, its here on Wattpadd, go search it after you read this chapter of course.

Heres the link to the authors profile:

Awsome, Awsome Story!!


Thank you ALLL for the support. I'm glad you all like my story, really thank you!

Soo here it is.. Chapter 17 (LOVE this chapter personally)



Chapter 17

The sound of his voice instantly stopped the tears from forming in my eyes, any thoughts that were once circulating through my mind had vanished. The moment I looked up and peered into his warm brown eyes the world around me disappeared. Even with his right eye completely bruised black he was still gorgeous. I barely even acknowledged the sudden rapid thumping in my chest.

I roamed my eyes over every inch of his perfectly sculpted body. I had been waiting, wishing to see him all night but it wasn't until that exact moment did I realize how much I needed him, how much I craved to be securely wrapped in his masculine embrace. It felt like my head was getting light as if maybe I was going to pass out, that's when I realized I had been holding my breath - I let it go.

I watched Damen as he knelt down beside me. His arm reached out as he cupped my face in his hand. The second his skin touched mine, my whole body exploded with goose bumps as a shiver ran down my spine. Using his thumb he gently wiped away the left over tears from my cheek as I reached up and pressed my hand against his.

His other arm snaked around my neck and at first he hesitated for a brief moment before pulling me closer. I could feel his warm breath against my lips and it smelt of sweet strawberries with a hint of spearmint. The alcohol that was now circulating through my veins dismissed any past anger I had toward him because at that moment all I wanted was to press my lips against his and taste that sweet intoxicating smell that was radiating inside my brain and attacking my senses.

I removed my hand from his as I coiled it underneath his arm and grasped on to his back before pulling him closer to me. Our lips were now so close I could feel his lightly brush against mine which instantly forced my lips to begin to tingle. My body began to heat up with anticipation - it felt like hours before our lips finally met although it was merely seconds. It started with light butterfly kisses, our mouths moved in sync with each other.

Time seemed to stop as the world around me had been forgotten. It was just me and Damen at that moment and that was all I cared about. The house could have been on fire and I would barely have even acknowledged it. The sounds of cars driving and party-goers laughing, drunken yelling and boats honking and all other sounds that normally filled the night air of McLennan had all disappeared from existence.

The only sound that seemed to reach my ears were our individual heartbeats pounding against our chests and our heavy breathing as the kiss began to deepen. As Damen pressed his lips harder against mine, pleasure exploded inside me. The tingles that had begun in my lips expanded throughout my entire body. The last couple days I had built up so much resentment toward Damen and self-loathing for being so weak. Not once though could I deny myself what I truly wanted, which was this.

I hated Damen after everything he had done to me and deep down there was an unreleased anger toward him but no matter how much I tried to unleash it there was something else fighting against the anger, something stronger. It was something I vaguely recognized from movies I'd watched and books I've read except it was a feeling I was completely new to. There was no other explanation as I just then realized I had truly fallen completely in love with Damen.

Damen's hand began drawing light circles on the back of my neck which automatically made me shutter with sheer pleasure. My arm joined my other one around his waist as I pulled him harder against me leaving no space between us. We fit together perfectly, like we were specifically made to fit into each other's arms.

Even though, I could still hear a faint voice in the depths of my mind, yelling at me to pull away. That this was not safe and I was only setting myself up for more pain, more hurt and more misery. Nice self-talk going on inside my head, I had to ignore the senile bitch and go with the pleasure principle instead!

Damen pulled away for only an instant and yet that instant felt to me like an eternity. He lowered his head as he began nibbling on my ear sending me into pure ecstasy. The pleasurable tickling he was doing on my ear over powered the voice in my head and silenced her. Stupid cow she's getting in the way of my happiness! I could feel my hands clenching onto his back and could faintly hear my moans of pleasure though my mind had become nothing more than a cloudy haze as I sat knelt in the grass enjoying every electrifying touch from Damen.

"Wait..." Damen pulled away breathing heavily, "We need to talk first..."

"Hmmm?" I sat there in a daze barely even realizing he was talking. I didn't want to talk but instead wanted to just feel his body heat against mine and I didn't want the addictive feel good sensations to stop.

"Stasee," He whispered as his breathing was beginning to even out. He hesitated, debating on whether or not to finish his thought. I really didn't care - I just wished he would stop talking so we could get back to what we were doing. "I need to know, what has gotten into you today? I need to know if this is a permanent thing."

"What do you mean?" I spoke softly. I was still too distracted by wanting him and his pleasurable heat.

"The new clothes? New attitude? Flirting with Derrek and coming to this party?" His eyes were full of disappointment, "This isn't you Stasee, you're not like these people, you're better than this, than them."

The absence of his touch cleared my head as the dreamy haze disappeared and I was finally able to make sense of what he was saying. I can't exactly explain why but his accusation of actually 'knowing me' made me angry as my eyes changed from loving to furious in an instant. I know I might have been overreacting but the fact that both Damen and Trent continued to act as if me coming to this 'party' was like God hanging out in Hell was infuriating! I was a teenager like everyone else and even though most of my sixteen years were completely isolated, I no longer wanted it to be like that. I wanted to be like a normal teenage girl!

I quickly stood to my feet which released me from Damen's embrace, leaving me feeling alone and incomplete. Every part of my body ached and craved for his touch but somehow I managed to hold myself together and keep my composure.

"This..." I waved my hands up and down my body, "isn't me? How would you know what is or isn't me, Damen? You barely even know me!"

"Barely even know you?!" Damen asked in disbelief. "We sat on the cliff for eight hours Stasee and did nothing but talk. If anything I know you better than anyone else."

I couldn't deny the fact that he was completely right, which only made me that much angrier. A guy I knew for barely even a week knew more about me than my own parents did. We hung out for one night and I had trusted him with my whole life story. He betrayed me the next morning and as I stood there looking down at him knelt in the grass those feelings of betrayal from that afternoon came rushing back.

"I don't care!" I yelled immaturely, "Just leave me alone, Damen!"

Damen got up to his feet as he tried to reach out to me, instantly I backed away from him knowing the second he touched me all would be forgotten. "Stasee, what can I do to prove to you I won't ever hurt you again? I'm begging for your forgiveness."

His voice was full of sincerity as he looked down at me with his soft brown eyes that were lightly shimmering with unshed tears. I could see the wetness that glazed over his eyes except the tears never seemed to fall as he tried to keep himself together. My heart began to shatter into pieces as I watched Damen beg me - I had never seen him look so exposed and vulnerable.

I had to look away.

"I'm sorry Damen but I just can't trust you." The words that left my lips seemed to break my heart more than anything I could ever imagine.

I turned around and began running back toward the house leaving my heart and soul behind with Damen. Only minutes ago I was running away from the house, now all I wanted was to be back inside where I could drown my misery away. I could feel Damen's eyes on my back as I opened the glass door but I never looked back.

I made my way to the kitchen while having to maneuver over many passed-out bodies on my way through the living room. The party had calmed down a bit but I could still hear people in the dining room and there was a lot of noise upstairs. The living room was full of passed out bodies of people while the kitchen was completely empty.

I walked into the kitchen and without hesitation headed straight for the fridge full of alcohol. Okay, so "Full" was a bit of an exaggeration I thought as I opened the door up, there was barely anything left. I scanned every inch of the shelves while thinking...Beer, eww no. Wine, not happening. More beer...more wine, vodka? Eww someone back washed in it.

I was about to just give up when my eyes finally fell on one last bottle in the bottom of the fridge. The bottle was clear with a yellowy liquid inside; the label had a picture of an eagle, the words across read "Tequila - Tres Sombreros".

I'll honestly admit I had no idea what it was but the word Tequila sounded kind of pretty so I decided to give it a try. I pulled the bottle out of the fridge and kicked the door shut with the side of my foot. I walked over to the marble counter and hopped up on top of it. I twisted the cap off as a strong smell soared out of the bottle forcing me to cough.

I tried to ignore the smell as I held my head up and brought the bottle up to my lips before tilting it back. The liquid poured out of the bottle and into my mouth, the whole way down my throat it burned like someone had set the inside of me on fire. I continued to swallow it down anyways, it burned but the pain was nothing compare to the emotional agony and distress I wanted to numb.

"Whoa, holy shit!"

Suddenly the half empty bottle was being ripped out of my hands as I began fiercely coughing, which soon turned into gagging. I could feel my stomach rumbling fighting hard against the alcohol inside my stomach. I kept trying to swallow my spit forcing everything to stay down. It took a couple seconds but soon enough my stomach began to settle as I looked up to see Derrek staring at me wide-eyed.

"What?" I snapped.

"You were just chugging that fucking Tequila like it was water!"

"Whatever, what's the big deal."

"It's fucking Tequila, are you trying to get alcohol poisoning."

"Whaz' it to you!?" My voice began to change, oddly enough I was almost slurring.

"Well, if you die in my house from drinking my booze I'd probably get into a lot of shit." He said smugly before looking at me with a devilish grin on his face.

"Well...Sorr-ray!" I blurted out unintentionally. The alcohol had begun circulating through my body and I began feeling more empowered and confident. I attempted to hop off the counter not realizing how uncoordinated I was as I stumbled over, bumped into Derrek and then fell flat on my butt.

"Smooth move." Derrek took a small swig from the Tequila bottle.

I reached my arms up towards him, "Well, mister-mister, aren't ya' gonna' help me up!" Even as drunk as I was I knew how slurred and unattractive my words were and yet I couldn't stop myself.

Derrek rolled his eyes at me before bending down, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up with little effort. "I had to pick you up twice in one night. I think I deserve a reward." He joked.

Apparently "my drunken" self couldn't tell the difference between a joke and a statement as I said mockingly, "Oh, my Hero. How oh, how will I ever repay you!"

Regretfully I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him toward me as our lips connected. It was awful, I'm not saying he was a horrible kisser or anything but there was no spark, no tingles, there was nothing but the taste of cigars and beer which instantly triggered the wrong button in my stomach. My stomach began to rumble fiercely as my throat began to open up readying itself.

I pushed Derrek hard in the chest as he stumbled back and fell to the floor. My hand instantly cupped onto my mouth as I made a quick run for it without looking back. I ran through the dining room, then the foyer and up the stairs. I finally found a bathroom inside one of the bedrooms. The second I made it to the toilet and removed my hand from my mouth all of today's supper along with the alcohol spewed from my mouth.

I stayed in the bathroom for what seemed like forever vomiting until there was nothing left. When I was finally done I got up off the floor and wiped my mouth off immediately regretting not bringing my tooth brush. I shut the bathroom light off and walked back into the bedroom, which was now pitch black. I didn't remember the light being off before, but then again I had more important things on my mind.

The door was open a sliver where I could see the light from the hallway, I tried to use it as a guideline to get out of the bedroom. I was halfway across the room when the door suddenly slammed shut, which triggered me to jump in fear. The sound of the door locking increased my heart rate and I could feel my blood rushing in my ears.

"Hello?!" I called out, "Who's there?!"

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