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AN: Hello children!!! I'm guessing that if you are now reading this, you have read my other 1D fanfic and I just would like to remind you that this is NOT a sequel to my story "One Direction". Also I obiously don't have a cover, and I want one :) I want Harry to be on the cover or all five of them, whichevers easier and I NEED IT ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if any of you make covers that would be much appreciated! So anyway this is a new idea and I'm hoping you like it! :)

Weird copyright you'll skip over:

All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs, and Patents act of 1988.  This includes all chapters prologues/epilogues and associated content.  Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes of infringement of copyright.  Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

All character (except for One Direction), places, companies, and events portrayed in this work are fictitious.  Any similarity to real persons (once again, besides One Direction), living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author (

...scary right

© 2012 @ninjaspatuchula15


I surveyed myself in the mirror. My hair was bleach blonde, almost back to its original color after being dyed black when I moved to Washington from Cheshire. My blue eyes were outlined lightly by black eyeliner, but not too dark and I had on white eyeshadow. I smoothed down my blonde curls and turned around in front of the mirror. I was wearing a black cropped graphic tee that said "AWKWARD" and a tank underneath it along with some black short shorts. Pretty good for a concert and the black and white this was cool. The perfect outfit for the end of May. What was I worrying about? I knew him and I have nothing to prove to an old friend. I made sure my backstage pass, ticket, plane ticket, and passport were all in my purse and I told my mum goodbye just as my taxi pulled into my driveway.

"Have fun," said my mum waving to me as I ran out into the pouring rain using my purse to block me from getting wet. I climbed into the taxi.

"Seatle airport, right?" asked the driver who had a strong American accent.

"Yes," I replied. I could tell the driver was surprised by my British accent, but he didn't say anything. Just then, my phone rang.

"Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?" I asked

"Okay, that just sounds wierd with a British accent, Kat," laughed my best friend, Elle.

"Well, it's fun!" I said.

"Okay, so I still can't believe you're leaving me to go to England AGAIN! You're going to have to take me eventually!" she said.

"This time is different, I'm going to a One Direction concert and then meeting the band," I said, "only one pass,"

"You aren't even that big of a fan!" complained Elle.

"Yeah, cuz they're all full of themselves, but there good, and I'll get to talk to Harry," I said.

"You're obsessed!" she laughed.

"No! I just haven't seen him in person for 5 years and I miss being friends with him!" I said.

"I know!" she said, "I know all about your awesome past life in Cheshire before you moved to Seattle!"

"Oh, I gotta go, I'm almost to the airport," I told her.

"Kaykay," she said, "Bye Kat, I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too!" I said, "Bye!" I hung up the phone and paid the cab driver. Thank goodness the free VIP pass also included a plane ticket, because if I had to pay for my own it would come right out of my college fund. That would mean I wouldn't be going next year as planned.

After passion through security, a long wait, and an even longer plane ride I finally arrived in London. Being back home in England brought up so many memories.


"But Kaaaaaaaatt," complained Harry.

"No Harry, I'm not going to break up with Izzi for you. That's just wierd and awkward," I said.

"But you did so well at coming up with stuff to make Alice think I was no good and she deserved better than me," he complained.

"I didn't make it up!" I said, "You are no good, and she does deserve better,"

Harry rolled his eyes. Harry was one of those lucky boys who's awkward thirteens and fourteens weren't really all that awkward so he got all the girls.

"It's true!" I said, "she deserves much better than a thirteen year old player with lots of hair,".

"You're just jealous," said Harry running a hand through his brown hair.

"Just tell Izzi that she should break up with me!" said Harry. Yep, here I was again dealing with my best guy friend, Harry Styles', girl problems.

"No way! She's completely obsessed with you!" I said, "maybe if you were'nt..."

"So hot?" asked Harry.

I laughed, "Jesse McCartney is hot, you're just...just Harry," I laughed, "now just go break up with up with izzu yourself, but be nice about it, and say stuff like 'it's not you, it's me,' that will make here feel better," I said.

"What would I do without you?" smiled Harry, giving me a hug.

"Have at least seven girlfriends," I laughed, "Now go!" I practicly shoved him from my house to Izzi's house three doors down.

Five minuites later I heard a pounding at the door, "KAT KAT! You've got to let me in, Izzi's gonna kill me!" yelled Harry from outside. I let him in cracking up.

"Maybe I should've just done it for you," I laughed.

"No freaking duh!" said Harry.

"You want to watch a movie?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said jumping onto the couch.

"Lets watch Harry Potter," I said.

"Not agaiiiin," he complained. I put the disc in the dvd player and plopped down next to him. To tell you the truth, Harry got really into the movie and started leaning forward. When Hagird whispered 'you're a wizard Harry,' I leaned down next to him.

"You're a wizard Harry," I whispered into his ear and he screamed like a little girl.

"If only Izzi had seen that Mr. Player," I laughed.

'Not cool!" he said tickling me.



"We're here," said the limo driver, "I'll take your things to the hotel and you can go to the dressing room and meet the boys," he said, "Good luck,"

"Thanks," I smiled, getting out of the limo. I walked in and someone approached me.

"Hello, you must be Kat," he said, "My name Is Tom, I'll get the boys out here to come meet you,"

"Cool," I smiled.

"BOYS! KAT IS HERE!" he yelled.

"WHO?" yelled a muffled voice.


"OH," yelled the voice back, "IS SHE HOT?"

"JUST COME OUT AND SEE," he yelled, "They'll be right here,".

I saw all five boys running out into the hallway and approaching me.

"She is hot!" said Louis, "you could've just told me."

I saw Harry, wow he's so much older it's so great to see him.

'Hi, it's Kat right? I'm Harry," he said, 'Nice to meet you,"


AN: so this is kinda just a preview, i hope you like it cuz i do :) so feedback...comment and vote :D plus who likes little harry as the cover? i have yet to edit the pic and stuff, but still feel free to make me a cover if you want..i kinda want a younger harry to be on it

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