Ch.4 Hate that I love you

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Allison just rejected my confession and the worst part is that she doesn't want me near her.

I thought she's everyone's girlfriend? Then why did she reject me? My mind is screaming in hurt.

I'm leaning my face on the window frame while staring blankly into space, looking gloomy. I feel like I have invisible tears continuously flowing down my face right now.

"Salty why are you so gloomy today?" Missy asked anxiously, which caused Rosa and the others to look at me as well.

"Oh my God I know this!" she exclaimed afterwards when I didn't respond.

"What is it?" Rosa asked curiously. 

"Salty are you rejected? Poor you" she said sadly while tapping my back gently to comfort me.

You don't have to say it out loud Missy! I yelled mentally while gazing at her.

They're all worried, except the person that broke my heart. She's busy checking her newly painted nails.

How cold.

"Tell us the name of that idiot and we will avenge you! How can he reject you?" Rosa exclaimed in anger. 

I didn't respond again, there's no use on telling them because they can't question Allison, no one does. 

"Ali, Salty was rejected!" Missy called her. 

That's when she only paid attention to me, plastering her concerned look.

So fake!

"That's sad to hear, well it's his loss because he rejected the most awesome girl here in this school" She paused to reach for my right hand.

"But don't you worry, because I will introduce you to other boys" she pressed it gently before releasing it afterwards. 

Oh you're such a good actress! I wish everyone can see your true color. How can she say that when she clearly knows that I'm not into boys.

"You're so kind Allison" Rosa said before turning her attention back to mine.

"Allison will help you move on, so don't be sad okay?" I nodded to make them dismiss the topic already.

I glanced at Allison once again, she's looking at me with her annoying smirk. I know that she's laughing evilly at me mentally. 

It's my first heartbreak and I don't think that I can easily move on from that. I really regret that I confessed to her and that I enrolled in this school.  

I frowned when she stood up and headed to the opposite window from where I am. She released a heavy sigh afterwards, as if she have a big problem. If there's one thing that's constant with her, it's the sadness that I don't think anyone notices.

I know that she wants me to stay away and not talk to her, but I want to know why her attitude is  different when it comes to me. I'll try my best to do what what she wants because I like her so much, even if she's the killer eyed girl that I first met or the angel that I fell in love with.

Lunch break came fast and I'm still gloomy. I'm the first one to get out of the classroom because I want to be alone. My mind is preoccupied with thoughts of her as I head to the washroom to wash my face to freshen up.

I'm about to wipe my face with the tissue when Allison suddenly appeared and pinned me to the wall, she grabbed the tissue that I'm holding and threw it to the floor afterwards.  She's glaring at me and she looked like she's going to eat me alive any minute. 

"Don't make face and don't look gloomy when I'm around, understood?" she said sternly. 

I was about to respond when Missy and Rosa suddenly entered the lavatory, we're still in our awkward position but Allison doesn't seem to care as we both look at them.

"Allison, are you having a fight with Salt?" Rosa inquired frowning.

Yes! Yes Missy help me, she's hurting me. I cried in help mentally. 

That's when she loosened her grasp on my hands and plastered her fake smile again. I know it's fake but she still looked good on it.

"Of course not, I'm just teaching her the moves, in case she find the right one" she explained politely, like she can't kill a single fly. 


She returned her attention to me afterwards, her gaze is telling me to back her up but I ignored her and pretended that I didn't get what she meant.

No way!

"Oh yeah, of course you're helping her, as expected of you" Rosa corrected herself.

"You're very fortunate Salt because Allison is so concerned with you" she added chuckling.

Unfortunate is the right word for me. I didn't respond and made a face instead. Allison released a soft laugh before leaning closer to me to whisper something.

"Are you trying to ruin my reputation here?! Don't make me do things that will make your life miserable. If I were you, smile and pretend that I am comforting you, now smile" she threatened.

She's really evil. I faked a smile as she moved away and pretended that she whispered something funny.

"Your joke is so funny" I said chuckling before slapping her shoulder gently.

I'm sure I look stupid right now.

"Yeah Rosa you're right, Al is a big help for me. I'm so touched when she told me that there're lots of boys out there who will not laugh at me when I confess and will accept me for who I am" I added emphasizing every word without removing my gaze with Allison.  

If I can't beat her might as well join her, I will give her the dose of her own medicine. She pretended that she's also touched by what I said and gave me a tight hug afterwards. 

"Don't call me Al, we're not close" she whispered angrily. I'm sure that we both look like an idiot right now. 

"Are you sure you're not fighting?" Missy asked suspiciously.

"Of course" we replied in unison. Her other hand still on my back which caused my body to tense up. 

Since she wants me to pretend that we're close when everyone's around, an idea came up to my mind. I hugged her back immediately, she's surprised by my sudden gesture but she pretended that she's happy about it.

"Aww! look at these two Missy, they're like best friends already. Anyway, let's go and eat" Rosa said giggling. Missy just nodded before getting out of the washroom to follow Rosa.

Best friends? Duh.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed in hurt when Allison slapped my hands off from her waist.

"Why did you do that?!" I blurted out while massaging my hands.

"Don't you dare hug me again! I told you to stay away from me and don't talk to me pervert!" she yelled angrily while pointing to my face.

"You're the one who followed me here to threaten me, and pretended to be sweet afterwards whenever there's someone around so don't point your finger at me!" I said angrily, she's starting to get on my nerves and she already crossed the line. 

Yes I confessed to her but that doesn't mean that she can do anything that she wants to me.

"I can point you whenever I want because this is my school! I own this place! You're just my fucking scholar so I have every rights, and if you don't like it then get the hell out of here and go back to your mom" she yelled at me. 

I froze in my position when she mentioned my mom, I can't disappoint her. As much as I want to leave her school I can't because it's too late now to enroll in public schools.

She's really different when there's no one around and it's the first time I heard her curse. It doesn't fit her angelic image, she looked like a devil to me right now. 

I sighed in surrender because she's right, I'm her scholar. I leaned my body to the wall while observing her.

"My school, my rules" she added before heading to the sink to wash her hands.

"So what do you want me to do? Aside from not getting near you?" She smirked at me in victory while drying her hands with the tissue.

"Answer me when I speak to you, pretend that we're okay when there's people around and don't fall in love with me" she said before walking out of the washroom.

I slapped the wall in so much frustration. I already lost my appetite to eat because I don't want to share a table with her, she's so vexing.  

"I'm just gonna go back to the classroom" I mumbled and about to open the door when I heard a knock.

"Aren't you going to eat? You're in my circle of friends now and as much as I don't want to eat with you I can't, because they will ask me if you don't come to eat with us" she said as if I'm a real pain the ass. 

"I don't want to eat with you either" I said simply, not caring if she heard me or not.

I opened the door and frowned when I saw her leaning on the wall while waiting for me.

"I can walk to the canteen alone, you don't have to pretend and wait because there's no one around" I said coldly.  

She didn't respond, she just smiled at me sweetly before intertwining her right hand on mine.

"Let's go eat"

What's wrong with the world? 

A while ago she's like a devil, now she's acting like an angel again. Her mood swings are so confusing. I want to pull my hand away from her grasp but my body is betraying me.

Stupid! don't be fooled! My mind reminded me. 

Her hand is so soft and my hand is literally sinking on hers. I can see the envy on every student's eyes that we passed by, I'm sure I'm the only one aside from Missy and Luna that can hold her like this.  

Please God don't change her mood again. I prayed mentally.

I groaned when we finally reached the entrance of the canteen, I don't want our moment to end yet. I pouted when she released my hand.

"Do you want to eat with me?" She asked while caressing my cheek. Her hand against my skin feels like heaven. 

"Yes, of course" I replied sweetly. 

It's like I triggered something again in her that I shouldn't. Her expression immediately changed upon hearing my response. 

"Of course you like it, who wouldn't? Everyone wants it" She said smirking before entering the canteen, leaving me dumbfounded.

Now I'm sure that she heard what I said earlier inside the lavatory, she just want me to eat my words to make me look like a fool.

"Stupid!" I slapped my forehead in annoyance. I just want to go back to the classroom but it's already too late because Missy already saw me.

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