The Plan

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Circus Baby's POV

Tears keep on falling from my face. He's gone. Gone forever. Why did this happen? Everything went by so fast that my mind cant process on what just happened. However, I cant think of anything else except him.

Soon, I decided to turn and face Ennard. He was staring at me with a smug look on his face. It took me every strength I have to resist the urge to slap it off. (A/N: Same here girl). I stood up and began to speak.

"Why? Why did you do this?" I asked, still sobbing. "I did all of this for you Baby. You deserve better than him. Now we can be together with no one in our way"

I cant believe it. Why is he acting this way? "What do you mean you did all of this?" I asked once more.

Ennard's POV

I smiled. "Well, as you can see my dear" I said as I held her hand. She pushed it away though but I dont mind. "I guess you deserve to know the truth then" I said still looking at her.

"This was a long time ago. When I first met you, I developed feelings for you. However, you had feelings for Ft Freddy. I grew jealous and I cant stand seeing you close with one another. So I made up a plan.

While all of you were sleeping, I messed with everyone's memory chips so that all of you can forget about him and that you will stay away from him. I was also the one who hid and tortured Ft Freddy in the breaker room. That idiot deserved it. He shouldn't have messed with me and you.

However, the plan failed and you were able to find him, help him, and fall for him again. So I went to plan B and made him think you were cheating on him so that you will be mine forever. You should thank me Circus Baby. I did all of this just for you.

Circus Baby's POV

I was too shocked to move. Who knew Ennard could be so cruel? "If you think that I would be yours because you did all of this for me, then you're wrong Ennard. You cant force me to love you. That's not how it works!" I cried. I was mad at him. How could he mess with my life?!

He was silent for a moment but then his eyes turned red. I stepped back. Oh no. If an animatronic's eyes turned red then its not going to be good. He grabbed my arm and started to drag me somewhere. "Let go of me Ennard! Where are we going?!" I shouted.

He didnt answer. He just opened a door and pushed me inside. I looked around the room. Uh oh, this cant be. I was in front of the scooper and I saw Ennard behind the glass window. This is going too far! "Ennard? What do you think you're doing?!" I asked.

He just stared at me with a blank expression. "You didnt understand all that I have been through for you. Now, I have decided."

If I cant have you, then no one will...

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