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age for this chapter:15


"ugh i'm hungry" you whined as you stomped downstairs. you was only greeted my silence.

you went into the living room to see namjoon with headphones on.

"NAMJOONNN" you shouted and jumped onto the sofa to gain his attention, which you did.

"what?" namjoon said and removed his headphones.

"i'm hungryyy~" you replied.

"you know i can't cook". namjoon signed and gave you the ' i might burn the whole kitchen '  look, "plus jin said the kitchen is off limit until he comes home".

"where is everyone then" you wondered. you haven't seen your other brothers since breakfast.

"they've gone out and left me to look after you" namjoon said.

"oh, let's make ramen then. it's nice and easy to make." you said and skipped to the kitchen with namjoon following behind you.

namjoon went to make the ramen which he doesn't really know how too but he can try right?

wrong. by the time namjoon was "finished" there was still uncooked ramen chunks that was floating ontop of the coloured water in the bowl.

"yeah maybe not" you said and dumped it in the bin. namjoon sighed and plopped into the seat next to you.

"sandwich then?" namjoon suggested and went to grab the bread. you hummed and went to get your [insert your favourite jam or whateva].

it only took a few minutes until the sandwich was prepared. 

' yum ' you thought before taking a big bite out of it. after a few chews, you've noticed how there was a slight distaste to it. you spat it out quickly hoping that you never swallowed any before getting yourself a cup of water and downing it.

"what's wrong" namjoon said.

"tasted disgusting" you replied and went to check what's wrong with the bread.

turned out the bread was out of date for like a whole ass week. LETS PRETEND OUT OF DATE BREAD TASTES DISGUSTING.

oh no wonder.

"i think i can starve more for a few hours until they come home" you said and slowly made your way out the kitchen.

"have some snacks then" namjoon said and tossed you some of [insert your favourite snack] which you caught and grinned.

"thanks" you said and went back into your bedroom.

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