A Normal Day in The Reich

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"Now students. Can anyone tell me why the government of the United States was faulty?" 

Mr. Schmidt turned to the class only to see a single hand rise into the air. Everyone else simply sat in their desks looking as if they were zombies just raised from the grave. "Alexandra has been answering every question I've asked you all without fault. I'm not giving her a personal lesson in governments. Is anyone else going to answer?"

The class of midwestern Wisconsinite students simply sat there looking between the teacher and the only student raising her hand. Me. Alexandra Harren. Otherwise simply known as Alex by my friends and family. Just a simple brown haired, brown eyed girl from a small town in what was previously Wisconsin of the United States.

Sighing Mr. Schmidt turned to me while I simply rested my chin in my palm," Please answer the question since the rest of your classmates seem unwilling to answer like good citizens of the Reich, Alexandra."

Dropping my hand I responded,"They had an improper balance of power and allowed too many races and nationalities into the nation in order to become a 'melting pot'. In comparison the Reich has many leaders one 'step' lower than the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to supervise. Limiting the races in the nation to Aryan or those of European descent keeps a strict system that leaves no room for chaos between the cultures of those different races in which the United States allowed to assimilate into their culture."

"Correct. As always you gave the basic answer along with the extra details needed to explain. Now if only the rest of you would sit straight and pay attention so you can answer like good citizens of the Reich. Especially those of you who are Aryan, unlike Ms.Harren."

Being the ideal citizen to the Reich. That's what I was most often complemented on. Simply how knowledgable and obedient, I was towards the Fuhrer, the Reich, and anything related to such subjects. But the only fault that existed in the minds of others was, of course, my appearance. Rather than being the strongly sought for Aryan; tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, I was simply tall with brown hair and brown eyes. It was my bane. Not only am I not Aryan, but I'm also American which sets me even lower on the scale of racial power and authority, in the Reich. The only way to get a good position in life is to know how to survive. And that survival involves obedience and standing out as different from the rest. To prove that you are, as a matter of fact, ideal physically and mentally. In all reality, I despised the German control. The Nazi regime made me sick to my stomach at how they discriminated everything to the keep the areas it controlled as pure as possible. Sometimes I just wish the Allies would have won World War 2 and not the Axis Powers. But that's obviously not how it happened and now we all have to live with the consequences.

The bell then rang for the end of the school day. Immediately, everyone shot up from the seats like bullets fired from a firearm. Well, everyone except me who sat awaiting orders from Mr.Schmidt granting us permission to leave. 

"Everyone sit. No one leaves or prepares to leave until I say you can, you all should know this by now!" Mr.Schmidt scolded before glancing towards me adding,"I suggest you follow Ms. Harren's example and wait in your seat with you supplies untouched."

The class grumbled whilst slowly returning to their seats. There was no doubt that there were glares and mumbles regarding the "teacher's pet".

Once everyone was seated Mr. Schmidt sighed saying,"Now tomorrow we have special guests visiting the school from New York. They are some of the top SS officers coming to not only observe your behavior as citizens of the Reich, but answer any questions you may have in regards to how you may improve that behavior. I will also add that Obergruppenfuhrer Smith, the head of the SS of the Greater Nazi Reich if you need to be reminded, will be here as well. Now all of you are dismissed."

There was practically a stampede of high school seniors. By the time everyone was out the classroom, I was just finishing zipping my backpack up. Quickly, I threw my backpack over my shoulders and grabbed my red plastic water bottle. As I proceeded to start walking out of the classroom I was stopped by Mr. Schmidt.

"Alexandra. Can you stay for a few minutes?"

Leaning on one of the desks nearest the door I replied,"Of course. Is something the matter?"

"No. But I thought it would be good to inform you that the SS officers will be specifically observing your behavior more than your classmates."

Concerned I enquired,"Pardon me for asking. But why is that? I haven't done anything wrong, have I?"

"Not at all. Obersturmfuhrer Weissman has observed that you are the supreme version of the ideal citizen of the Reich. In regards to your morals and thinking processes, of course. He sent word to Obergruppenfuhrer Smith at the SS Headquarters in New York and the Obergruppenfuhrer sent word that he wishes to see you for himself."

"Is there anything special I need to do while they're here?"

"Not beyond being your usual self."

I sighed softly replying,"Alright. Thank you, Mr. Schmidt."

"No problem. Now go head on home."

I simply smiled and nodded leaving the classroom.


I was at my locker grabbing my lunch when suddenly my best friend, Skylar, came with her boyfriend, Caleb who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"So how was class today, Alex?" Skylar asked.

"Ah!" I jumped startled as Skylar pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Having a deep thought session?" Skylar inquired smirking.

I closed my locker smiling awkwardly,"Ya, kind of."

"Sorry. Hey, Caleb you can head outside. I'll meet you in a bit so we can walk home."

"Ok, boo." Caleb leaned down pecking Skylar on the cheek, his black mess of hair going everywhere. 

After Caleb left, I leaned against my locker sighing as Skylar mimicked me as she leaned against the locker to the left of mine. Her thick blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and her crossed arms. She looked up at me with her greenish-blue eyes. "So whatcha thinking about?"

Smirking I looked down at her as I replied,"I'll give you three guesses."

Hopping up from her position and moving in front of me with a dramatic thinking face she went,"Hmm. Is it about a boy?"

"Not necessarily. At least not in the normal 'boy' way."

"Ok, so not a crush. How about. Wait, is it in regards to stuff going on tomorrow?"

"As a matter of fact, it is."

"So you were thinking about the officers from New York."

Sighing I replied,"Yep. Congratulations."

Confused Skylar responded,"Out of everyone, you would be the last person I would expect to get worked up about the officers."

"Well, apparently Obergruppenfuhrer Smith and his officers are here to primarily observe me. Weissman apparently noticed that I was a supreme example of the ideal citizen of the Reich. So he sent word to the Obergruppenfuhrer."

"Wait, so you're basically going to be stalked by SS officers from New York all day tomorrow."

"That's one way to put it."

"Do you know why?"

"No. All that Mr. Schmidt said was that they were observing to see if I truly am the supreme example that Weissman sent word about."

"Hey, don't get too worked up. I'll be here all day for you," Skylar said placing her hand on my shoulder and smiling reassuringly.

I smiled back,"Thanks. I can always count on you. Anyways we should probably go before they kick us out of the school. Besides Caleb is probably wondering what happened to you."

Laughing Skylar replied,"True. Are you walking home?"

"That's the plan. But I'd rather go alone so I can be in my own thoughts."

"Of course. See you tomorrow."

"See ya."


I wasn't really able to sleep well that night. No matter how hard I tried, thoughts of why the officers were coming to specifically observe me filled my head. Did they suspect me of something? Were they going to take me away to a special program? Did they intend on taking me to Berlin? I didn't know. And that scared me worse than if Mr. Schmidt had just told me why they were observing me. 

Eventually I gave up attempting to sleep in my own room, so I got up and moved into the extra bedroom where my mother slept. Slowly, I opened the door whispered loudly enough to wake up my mom,"Can I sleep with you?"

Groggily my mom replied,"Ya."

Carefully approached the foot of the bed with my arms outstretched in front of me. I crawled across the bed and under the covers assuming a fetal position on my left side, facing away from my mom.

"Bad dream or just restless?" My mom asked.



I was finally able to fall asleep through all of my paranoia. At precisely 3 A.M. All thanks to the helping comfort of my mom being in the same bed to protect me.


First, the squeaking sound of the wooden door opening. Second, the bright light blinding me from inside my room. Third, the beautiful voice of my mother, Theresa Harren, rousing me from my restless sleep in the precious words of,"Time to get up."

I stretched groaning as I slowly sat up blinking my eyes quickly to adjust them to the newly generated light in the room. Then, I tossed the blankets off of me and headed to the bathroom to do my business before getting dressed. I made myself some buttered toast and filled myself a glass of milk before seating myself next to my Beagle, Branch, on the couch in the back family room. 

All was calm in my head until realization hit. Today was the day. The day that Obergruppenfuhrer Smith and his best officers from New York would observe my every move throughout the school day. To figure out whether I was the supreme example of the German citizen that Weissman told them about. 

Fear filled my heart, soul, and body as the memories from the day before filled my head. My pace at which I consumed my buttered toast slowed down immensely. Memories from the day before filled my head. Sighing I said quietly to myself,"You just have to act like yourself. Be the normal citizen to the Reich that you are practically every day of the year. Just like Mr. Schmidt said. Nothing too bad will happen. Right?"

I was unsure of practically everything. My mom then called from the front of the house,"Time to get ready to go!"

Managing to pull myself out of my thoughts I replied,"Ok!"

Proceeding to get up, I walked to the front of my house I put my tennis shoes on my feet. I had a long sleeve red sweater top and black and white plaid skirt. My long brown hair cascaded down my shoulders in it's natural waves. As I put my homework from the night before in their proper folders and then into my bag my parents noticed I was tense.

"Alex, is something wrong?" My mom asked.

"Obergruppenfuhrer Smith and some of his top officers are visiting from New York to observe the students at school."

I didn't bother specifying the fact that they were there specifically for me. As much as it scared me, I knew they would be in an all out panic.

"Alright." My dad, Randy, replied.

"Well, have fun at school," my mom said hugging and kissing me goodbye. 

"I will,"I said hugging my dad.

"Love you," my parents said in unison as I left after petting Branch and heading out the door.

"Love you too," I replied closing the door.

I knew my parents knew I didn't tell them everything about the goings on at school for the day, but I knew that eventually they might find out. For now I had to endure the upcoming school day. Sighing, I took my first steps towards the school and away from my house.

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